2018 Archives
St. Elijah Parish in Aliquippa Observes Festive Sunday During Nativity Fast - 12/27/18
Assembly of Bishops releases study on the Geography of Orthodoxy in America - 12/12/18
Kursk-Root Icon of The Most Holy Theotokos Visits St. Nicholas Church in Elkins Park (Philadelphia) PA - 11/24/18
Kolo Sestara of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Elkins Park (Philadelphia) PA. Celebrate Their Krsna Slava - 11/24/18
Position of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the Church Crisis in Ukraine - 11/19/18
11th Annual Joint Orthodox Prayer Service for the United Nations Community - 11/17/18
Director of Christian Education Deacon Jovan Anicic PhD Speaks at McGinley-Rice Symposium - 11/12/18
Став Српске Православне Цркве о црквеној кризи у Украјини после најновијих одлука Цариградске Патријаршије - 11/12/18
Royal Couple and Lifeline New York Host Annual Benefit Luncheon at Liederkranz Foundation - 11/08/18
August 2018 Letter from Serbian Patriarch Irinej to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew - 11/08/18
“United Against Hate” - Religious Leaders in Solidarity with Pittsburgh - 11/03/18
Прослава 25-годишњице парохије и освећење новоподигнутог храма у Атланти - 11/01/18
Statement on the Recent Attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA - 10/31/18
Iveron Icon of Hawaii Visits St. Nicholas Church in Elkins Park (Philadelphia) PA - 10/15/18
American and Serbian Day in the North Port of Sarasota County of Florida - 09/20/18
Raising Kids With Religion Or Spirituality May Protect Their Mental Health: Study - 09/20/18
Statement of the Serbian Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America - 09/06/18
Fr. Ljubisa Brnjos celebrates ordination anniversary - St. Petka Church construction progresses - 08/20/18
St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church-School of Philadelphia Participates in 100th Anniversary Commemoration - 08/15/18
US Representative David McKinley Remembers 100th Anniversary of the Day the Serbian Flag Flew at the White House - 07/26/18
Света архијерејска Литургија у Бостону и почетак грчког 44. Црквенонародног сабора - 07/10/18
Registration for Events Related to the 100 Year Commemoration of "The Day the Serbian Flag Flew at the White House" Online - 07/03/18
The Centennial Anniversary of the “Day of Prayer for Serbia” in Washington - 07/01/18
Save the Date - The Day the Serbian Flag Flew at the White House - July 28th - 06/09/18
Monument to Venerable Seraphim of Sarov Dedicated at Novo-Diveevo Convent in Nanuet - 06/07/18
St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Philadelphia PA. Celebrates Its Patronal Feastday - 06/05/18
Serbian Bishops in America Express Deep Concern Over Attacks on Religious Freedom in Kosovo - 06/02/18
Srdjan Maksimovic graduates with Highest Distinction HCHC Class of 2018 - 05/29/18
Нови ђакон Источноамеричке епархије | A new Deacon of the Diocese of Eastern America - 05/16/18
Crown Prince Alexander Hosted Patriarch and Holy Synod at the Traditional Dinner in White Palace - 05/05/18
Епископ Иринеј на Велику Среду у Елизабету поводом освећења Свете тајне Јелеосвећења - 04/09/18
Deacon Dr. Jovan Anicic visits St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Philadelphia PA - 04/02/18
2018-2019 Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships Available from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America - 04/01/18
Serbian Bishops Call on U.S. State Department to Condemn Brutality in Kosovo & Metohija - 03/29/18
Dn. Jovan Anicic visits the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Atlanta - 03/23/18
Lehigh Valley Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood Celebrate Sunday of St. John Climacus - 03/20/18
Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Philadelphia Celebrate Second and Third Sundays of Great Lent - 03/13/18
Their Royal Highnesses Prince Philip and Princess Danica Welcome Their First Child, a Son, Stefan - 03/01/18
Learning from Romantic Poetry: Njegos for Beginners, or the Limits of Interdisciplinarity in Area Studies - 02/24/18
Четврти годишњи симпосион Института Светог Севастијана и Светог Мардарија одржан у Клирвотеру на Флориди - 02/21/18
Посета његовог преосвештенства епископа диоклијског г. Кирила епархији источноамеричкој СПЦ - 02/20/18
Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day Two - 02/19/18
Fourth Annual Sts. Sebastian and Mardarije Institute Held in Florida - Day One - 02/19/18
Bishop Irinej Serves the Divine Liturgy in Washington D.C. on Meatfare Sunday - 02/18/18
Media Gallery - St. Sava Pro-Cathedral Celebrates the Feast of St. Sava - 02/05/18
Restoring Hope History & Future Phase II continues: Rebuilding New York’s St. Sava Cathedral - 02/05/18
Schedule of Memorial Services for the Newly Fallen-Asleep Very Reverend Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov - 02/04/18
International Orthodox Christian Charities Works to Improve Health Year Round - 02/01/18
Ст. Петерсбург Флорида - Повезаност и љубав кроз прављење Светосавских колачића - 01/31/18
“Jasenovac – The Right to Remembrance” Exhibition at the United Nations - 01/31/18
Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Philadelphia Celebrate the Great Blessing of the Waters of the Schuylkill River - 01/24/18