- Председник Вудро Вилсон је био пријатељ са Михајлом Пупином, и желео је да искаже поштовање према српском народу и његовој посвећености вредностима које обе земље деле. У време када је Председник Вилсон донео такву одлуку, свет је још увек покушавао да се опорави од једног од најстрашнијих и трагичнијих ратова у људској историји, рата у којем је Србија изгубила готово трећину свог становништва.За Американце таква жртва не може бити неримећена - наводе из амбасаде.
Како додају, у читавој историји САД, застава неке друге државе се вијорила над Белом кућом само још једном, када је то била француска застава 1920.
- То је оно што чини овај догађај тако значајним и за Американце и Србе, и због чега смо желели да га овако обележимо - закључују у амбасади.
"You are the World": Your sacrifices cannot go unnoticed by Americans
In a few days, the one-hundredth anniversary of the Serbian flag flying at the White House, the first time in US history that a foreign flag would fly at the White House, will be commemorated. Due to the historical significance of this anniversary in Serbian-American relations, marked by both countries, the US Embassy in Belgrade has prepared a promotional video entitled, "You are the World".
"If it so happens that one of you has given the world electricity, that without you the telephone would not exist, that one of you discovered some of the greatest mysteries of the world, that among you are those who sacrificed much in order to achieve everything... If all of that had happened among your people then we can say that your country is a country of people and their great accomplishments. Some dreams began in Serbia and changed lives. While some Serbia accomplishments have changed the whole world", it is said, among other things, in this video.
The US Embassy has stated that the goal is to honor the Serbs who have indebted humanity: "In celebrating this event and with the 'You are the World' campaign, the US Embassy also honors the Serbs who made a significant contribution to humanity, a contribution that is respected and welcomed in the US and worldwide, the contribution that has enriched us all. Relations between Serbia and the United States are created by our people, individuals whose talents and work contribute to the development of science, culture, and sports, with exceptional achievements in their individual fields. The United States is proud to have contributed to their development and success.
"This year as well the US and Serbia together - in Belgrade and in Washington - will celebrate one hundred years since the Serbian flag flew at the White House on July 28, 1918. President Woodrow Wilson was friends with Mihailo Pupin and wanted to show respect for the Serbian people and his commitment to the values shared by both countries. At a time when President Wilson made such a decision, the world was still trying to recover from one of the most horrific and tragic wars in human history, a war in which Serbia lost almost a third of its population. For Americans, such sacrifices cannot go unrecognized. In all of US history the only other time a foreign flag was raised at the White House, was the French flag in 1920. That is what makes this event so significant for both Americans and Serbs and why we wanted to mark it this way," was concluded at the Embassy.
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