2007 Archived News

[Archived News] Friday, December 21, 2007


Protonamesnik Father Michael Stupar fell asleep in the Lord on December 20, 2007 after an extended illness.

Born and raised in Rankin, son of the late Jovo and Marta (Martinovich) Stupar, he graduated from Rankin High School. He retired from U.S. Steel's Homestead Works as a foreman after 32 years of service. While he worked there, he attended the University of Pittsburgh, graduated with a degree in education and earned his master's degree. For 15 years, he was the principal at Forbes Road East Vocational Technical School, Monroeville.

He was a lifelong and dedicated member of St. Nicholas Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church and at the age of 50 began his ministry as a reader and then a subdeacon. Fr. Michael completed the Late Vocations/Holy Diaconate Program and went to Monastery Krka for a period of time to study. In 1987 he was ordained to the Holy Diaconate and on September 19, 1993 to the Holy Priesthood. He served as a priest at the St. Mary Serbian Orthodox Church in Clairton, Pennsylvania, until retiring. He was active in the Serbian Orthodox Church throughout his life including serving a period of time on Diocesan Council.
Father Michael was preceded in death earlier this year by Popadija Elizabeth Stupar. Father Michael and Popadija’s son Michael preceded his parents in death in November 2006. Son Mark with wife Cathy and daughter Marta and husband Deacon Seraphim survive along with three grandchildren.

Father Michael was a World War II veteran. He was active in the Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Pittsburgh including working with Father Stevo Rocknage to broadcast the Brotherhood’s weekly radio program.

At the time of the celebration of the Hundreth Annivesary of the St.Nicholas Church in Monroeville, Father Stupar was elevated to Protonamesnik by His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN.

Visitation will be from 2 to 9 p.m. Sunday in St. Nicholas Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church, Monroeville, where Pomen will be at 7:30The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Monday, December 24, 2007 at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Monroeville, Pa, beginning at 9:00 am. The funeral service for a Priest will follow at 11:00 am.

May Fr. Michael's memory be eternal.

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[Archived News] Monday, December 17, 2007

Lorain, OH - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN scheduled the Twenty First Annual Cleveland Deanery Meeting on Christian Education at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Lorain, Ohio for Saturday, December 15, 2007.

Host Priest warmly welcoming the participants was Reverend Father Milorad Orlic. Very Reverend Stavrofor Janko Ralich serves as Dean of  the Cleveland Deanery and has been a part of the Deanery meetings since their inception.

Very Reverend Stevo Rocknage, priest of St.Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Mckeesport, Pennsylvania and President of the Clergy Brotherhood of the Pittsburgh Area was the featured speaker. Father Rocknage drew from his own experience as a parish priest as well as his service to the Serbian Orthodox Church on a national level in mission and youth ministry work

Father Rocknage spoke about the importance of adult education, of the importance of adults setting good examples for youth and of giving priority to God and the Church in everyday life. In his own parish, Proto Rocknage holds a “Family Night” once per month to bring families together. A “Youth Group” night each month brings the parish youth together. A “Parish Renewal Day” during Christmas Lent and Great Lent focuses on the whole parish.

Father Rocknage cited spiritual trips to other parishes and monasteries and charitable work feeding the homeless as additional activities at St. Sava Church in Mckeesport which strengthen parish and family life.

Deanery clergy actively participating in  the meeting in addition to Proto Raljich and Father Orlic included Very Reverend Dragan Filipovic, Protonamesnik Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Zivoljin Jakovljevic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic and Father Deacon Milan Medakovich.

Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic, Diocesan Secretary, accompanied His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN. Church school teachers and interested adults from the Deanery in attendance included: Popadija Milena Orlic, Mile Andjelkovich, Lori Moncilovich, Dorothy Winovich, and Helen Beverly. Reader Joseph Lia from  St.Sava Church in Mckeesport accompanied Father Rocknage.

The Cleveland Deanery consists of Ohio parishes in Columbus, Lorain, Akron, Canton, Cleveland and Youngstown. Parishes in Hermitage, Pennsylvania and Lackawanna, New York also are part of the Deanery.

Oral and written reports were prepared by the participating parishes and will be compiled as an overall Deanery report.

Father Rocknage’s presentation inspired substantial and extensive discussion among the participants. A portion of the meeting devoted attention to the Nativity Retreat scheduled at St. Sava Camp in  Shadeland, December 26-29, 2007.

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN thank Proto Stevo Rocknage for his presentation and praised the charitable work being done at St. Sava Church in Mckeesport, Pennsylvania. His Grace thanked all of the participants and particularly the host parish for the gracious hospitality.

His Grace Bishop MITROPHAN stressed the importance of teaching parents and children as well as reaching out to college students. His Grace spoke of the place of the Cross in Christian work and the discipline involved in living an Orthodox Christian life.
The Deanery meetings are an annual opportunity for clergy and parish educators to learn more about Christian education, review current practices and programs and discuss new initiatives.

The consistent scheduling of the meetings annually and the presence of the Diocesan Bishop at the meetings reflects the strong commitment of the Diocese to Christian education.

Father Rodney Torbic 

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[Archived News] Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Akron, OH - The newly-organized church school and Serbian school program of St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church formally commenced on Sunday, December 9, 2007. Following Divine Liturgy, parish priest and Program Director, Fr. Dragomir Tuba, officiated at the prayer service for the Beginning of Instruction. He blessed the children with Holy Water and warmly welcomed everyone. Forty-three children have registered for the religion and language classes which will be taught by Fr.
Dragomir, Mrs. Mira Lazich and Miss Sladjana Jovicic.

Parish stewards have also come together to remove the severely-damaged 30-year old wooden floor from the church social hall. The undertaking of this project would not have been possible without the efforts of the parish "Truck Drivers and Mechanics Group," comprised of men who settled in the greater Akron area following the war in Bosnia and Serbia. In the month of October they sponsored a social function which had the one specific goal of raising suffiecient funds for the replacement of the unrepairable floor. Their collection and charity event raised $10,000.00. God bless them and their families for their sacrifices! May God grant many years of fruitful parish undertakings thanks to their hard work! 

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[Archived News] Sunday, December 9, 2007


Los Angeles, CA - "When time and eternity meet it must be a eucharistic event. When the East and West truly meet then this must certainly be in connection with the Divine Liturgy." With these words the Diocese of Western America, and St. Stevan's Cathedral in Los Angeles in particular, shared in the special joy of receiving their visitor Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America.

The visiting Bishop from the east coast of America served the Divine Liturgy, together with the host hierarch from the west coast, along with priests Nikola Ceko, Ilija Dajkovic, Norman Kosanovic, hieromonk Jovan and deacons Nenad Radakovic and Jovan Stanojenovic.

The Divine Liturgy began at 10a following the Sunday Resurrectional Matins which began at 9a. In his words of greeting His Grace Bishop Mitrophan spoke in both English and Serbian about the morning's gospel reading about the healing of the blind man, saying that the language of the Church is the language of love and understanding.

In gratitude to His Grace's visit, the host hierarch Bishop Maxim gave Bishop Mitrophan a panagia (a work of Protopresbyter Velimir Petakovic).

Source: Western Diocese

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[Archived News] Friday, December 7, 2007


South America – His Grace Bishop Mitrophan arrived on Wednesday, November 30, 2007 at the Pistarini International Airport in Buenos Aires. On the following day His Grace visited Venado Tuerto where many of our people live.

The newly built church here is dedicated to St. Archangel Michael, where His Grace, the bishop, was formally welcomed. Taking part in the reception was His Grace Bishop Siluan of the Antiochian Orthodox Church.

The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in Venado Tuerto was officiated by Bishop Mitrophan, assisted by the local clergy Fr. Slavisa Lekic, a priest of the Anthiochian Diocese and Deacon Nikola Radisa. Bishop Siluan served a parastos service following the liturgy for all deceased parishioners and blessed the memorial plaque with the names of all donators and benefactors of this church. A meal followed. Around two hundred people, besides children, were present that day.

On Saturday, November 24 St. King Stefan of Dechani was celebrated in San Antonio de Areco in the province of Cordoba, Argentina. The celebration was made all the more solemn with the presence of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan and His Excellency Vicente Guerrero Bozovic, the Consulate of the Republic of Serbia, with his wife. His Grace visited with a number of families during his stay.

We thank all those who came on this beautiful spring day to celebrate the Holy King and our small community, as living witnesses of the fact that where there is love and good will among people no differences are insurmountable. There were about fifty of us from ten different countries of all ages and speaking at least four different languages. Despite this we were able to beautifully understand one another and celebrate together.

It will be difficult to repeat this unforgettable occasion but we will try to do this next year on the Feast of St. Stephen, God willing.

On Sunday, November 25, the 26th after Pentecost, on the feast of St. John the Merciful the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the Nativity of the Mother of God Church in Buenos Aires. His Grace Bishop Mirophan officiated  at the liturgy, assisted by Fr. Slavisa Lekic and Deacon Nikola Radis. At the Divine Liturgy His Grace elevated Fr. Slavic to the rank of Protojerej for his exemplary pastoral work and family life. In addition, Deacon Nikola was elevated to the rank of Protodeacon. A meal was served following the service in the church hall.

On November 28th His Grace visited His Excellency Dr. Kardosa Camille, the Minister of Religion and Secretary of Religious Affairs in the Republic of Argentina.

His Grace thanked the Minister for his time in receiving him. During the conversation Dr. Cardosa expressed his interest in the health of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle after which they touched on different items in the life of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Dr. Cardosa recalled the recent visit of His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilohije and his conversation with him. Likewise, he recalled his conversation with the Ecumenical metropolitan in Argentina, Tarasius.

Bishop Mitrophan added that the Serbian Orthodox Church wishes to establish good relations with all people that live in Argentina, since it is only in this manner that they will be able to contribute to the good of all people and citizens of this country. However, here we have to be careful of the church structure, which is to say, who is a canonical bishop and who is not!

Finally, the Minister thanked Bishop Mitrophan for his visit and the concern he continues to show to his people, so far from their homeland. Likewise, he asked the bishop to send his regards to His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilohije as well as Patriarch Pavle, express to them that they should, together with the bishop, organize lectures in Argentina in an effort to expose the Serbian Orthodox Church to the world!

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[Archived News} Monday, December 3, 2007


Midland, Pa - On November 16, 2007, the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church celebrated their 62nd annual Slava, “The Dedication of the Church of the Great Martyr George”. Following Divine Liturgy, parish Priest Fr. Milan Pajic, blessed the Koljivo and the Kolach. Special participants included our Kumovi Dave and Louise Nichol. On November 18, 2007, we were honored to have His Grace Bishop Mitrophan celebrate hierarchical Divine Liturgy His Grace was assisted by Fr. Milan and Fr. Deacon Dragoslav Kosic. Immediately following Divine Liturgy, there was a banquet at the Serbian National Home.

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[Archived News] Thursday, November 15, 2007


Lackawanna, NY - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan led a celebration of the the 90th Anniversary of the St. Stephen Church in Lackawanna NY on the weekend of October 26-28. The celebration began with Vespers and Confessions on Friday evening. Bishop Mitrophan celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Saturday, assisted by the local priest Fr. Rastko Trbuhovich and three priests from neighboring Orthodox Churches: Fr. Thomas Kadlec, St. Mary's Carpatho Russian Church, Fr. Christos Christakis of the Annunciation Greek Church and Fr. Peter Jackson of the Ss Theodore ROCOR Church. Also assisting were Deacon Milan Medakovich, a son of the St. Stephen parish, and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic from the Eastern Diocese.

After the Liturgy a festive procession was taken around the church, and the 90th Anniversary group photo of the parishioners was taken.
The celebration continued that evening after Vespers with a Dinner Dance at a local restaurant. Bishop Mitrophan was the main speaker, and presented five gramatas to worthy parishioners.

Fr. Rodney Torbic, who attended the Anniversary Dinner Dance on Saturday evening, celebrated the Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning and preached the sermon. The celebration ended with a special festive coffee hour following the Divine Liturgy.

The celebration was a happy affair, giving local, distant and former parishioners and friends an opportunity thank God for their church, and to visit and reminisce. The chair-persons for the 90th Anniversary Celebration were Peter Stevanoff, who also served as the Master of Ceremonies, and Mary Ann Bivolcic.

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[Archived News] Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Charlotte, NC - On Saturday, November 10, the feast of the Serbian Orthodox Missionary Parish St. Simeon the Myrrhflowing, St. Arsenius of Srem, was celebrated in Charlotte.  With the participation of his Grace, Bishop of Eastern American Diocese, Dr. Mitrophan, and the clergy from the brotherly Orthodox Churches of North and South Carolina, as well as about eighty parishioners, the feast began with the Holy Liturgy, and ended with a communal feast meal.  Bishop Mitrophan served the Liturgy, helped by Fr. Michael of  the Holy Trinity Greek Church of Charlotte, Fr. Dionysius of the Greek Church from Greensboro, Father Dragan Zaric of  the Serbian Church from  Charlotte, Father Gregory from the Greek Church of St. Nectarius from Charlotte, Father Alexander of the Russian Church, Father Mark Mancuso of the St. Elizabeth Russian Church from Columbia, SC. Beside the local parishioners, guests from Greensboro and Columbia were also present.  

In his sermon, Bishop Mitrophan reminded how St. Arsenius, archbishop of Pec and the successor of St. Sava was known for helping the poor, and how Serbian saints belong to all the Orthodox, not only Serbs, just as Greek and Russian saints, for example, also belong to Orthodox believers everywhere.  The atmosphere during the subsequent meal emanated feelings of brotherhood and joy.

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[Archived News] Monday, October 22 2007


Greensboro, NC - The construction of the church dedicated to St. Vasilije of Ostrog in Greensboro is in the finishing stages. The interior work is complete and has passed local inspection codes. The inside of the cupola and the narthex of the church have been dry walled and are awaiting painting.

The next phase is the outer façade. In the meantime the entrance way from the street to the church and pavilion as well as the parking lot is expected to be paved. Once these projects have been completed a sidewalk around the church is being planned after these, as well as a sidewalk to the pavilion. Finally, plans are being made to plant trees and bushes around the church and pavilion.

We are remain hopeful and we pray to God for help that all of this might be completed and pass inspection by mid December so that we might make our plans for a small blessing service at the end of the year.

Of course, the entire project would not end here. Plans are being made that to complete the following by next year’s Church Slava in May, among other things, installing the floor inside the church, constructing candle stands, and painting the great polyeleos. The iconstasis is expected to arrive and be installed next July. Additionally, there is the possibility of painting frescoes in the altar.

Our faithful people in Greensboro and the surrounding areas, gathered in the church, with their donations and work are assisting in the construction of the church. That which is especially interesting for our community is that we do not have one family that can give more any significantly large amount of money at once. All the donations that we received from our parishioners were literally bit by bit. From their crumbs, thanks to the yeast of the Holy Spirit, do we have the bread which is our church.
Once again we wish to thank all churches of our Serbian Orthodox Church in this country who have come to our aid. Likewise, we call on other parishes and individuals to help us in this God pleasing act.

Fr. Dragan Lj. Zaric

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[Archived News] Monday, October 15, 2007


Lackawanna, NY - St. Stephen's Serbian Orthodox Church has been featured in the Buffalo News, documenting their on-going fresco work, being completed by Fr. Theodore Jurewicz of Erie, PA. Read the story

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[Archived News] Monday, October 15, 2007


Paterson, NJ - On Sunday, October 7, His Grace, Bp. +MITROPHAN visited the Serbian Orthodox Church in Paterson, NJ for their parish slava of the Conception of St. John the Baptist. During the Divine Liturgy, Father Toma Stojsich was elevated to the rank of Protojerej-Stavrophor (Cross-Bearer).

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[Archived News] Friday, October 5 2007


Fairmont, WV - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN came to Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Mission in Fairmont, West Virginia on Saturday September 29 to bless the newly renovated chapel and to serve the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. His Grace first blessed the chapel on April 15, 2000 at the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy served. During this Divine Liturgy, His Grace preached about the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross.

Father Deacon Dragolsav Kosic accompanied His Grace to the Mission to serve. Father Zivko Velimirovic from St.Sava Cathedral in New York also came to serve. Sonia Janson and Joseph Katusa from St.George Choir in Carmichaels came to sing responses.

Parishioners of the Mission prepared a wonderful luncheon. Sharren Paroda spoke at the luncheon about the two year period the chapel was undergoing renovation. During the past two years, services where held at the YWCA in Fairmont. With the return to the newly renovated chapel, hopes have risen for the growth of the mission.

V. Rev. Rodney Torbic

[Archived News] Friday, October 5 2007


Akron, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Akron, Ohio on Sunday, September 30, 2007 on the occasion of their celebration of two parish anniversaries: the 90th anniversary of the founding of the parish and the 20th anniversary of the church.

Assisting His Grace in the altar were V. Rev. Stavrophor Vasilije Sokolovic, V. Rev. Lazar Kostur, V. Rev. Zvonimir Kotorcevic, host clergy Rev. Protonamesnik Dragomir Tuba, Rev. Protonamesnik Rajko Kosic and Rev. Milorad Orlic. Deacon Zeljko Jurisic, attached to this parish and diocesan secretary Deacon Dragoslav Kosic also served.

A formal banquet followed.

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[Archived News] Saturday, September 29, 2007


Greensboro, NC - On the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America blessed the cupola cross for the new church dedicated to St. Basil of Ostrog in Greensboro.

The prayerful gathering began with Vespers at six o’clock which was served by the local pan Orthodox clergy: Fr. Demetrios (Greek Orthodox Church, Winston-Salem), Fr. Paul (chaplain), Fr. Christopher (Orthodox Church in America, High Point) and the host priest Fr. Dragan Zaric.

At the end of the service Bishop Mitrophan blessed the cupola cross, which was built based on the design of the workshop “Heruvim” from Serbia.

This was the first service in the still unfinished new church where over 130 parishioners and guests gathered.

In his homily His Grace, the bishop, pointed out the significance of the Cross in the Orthodox faith, pointing out that the Cross is not only a symbol of the suffering of Christ but also the sign of victory over death – the symbol of the Resurrection of Christ and our salvation. Likewise, he stressed that we are all called to carry our own cross and not anyone else’s and to follow the path of Christ, the path which our holy ancestors traveled.

At the end of the prayerful gathering Fr. Dragan gave thanks to God for the day, to His Grace the bishop for his care and help which the Diocese shows towards the mission parish and the brother clergy for concelebrating. He especially mentioned his joy that the faithful people of this parish regularly attend the holy services and take Communion, that therein, besides their donations for the constructing of the church they are spiritually building themselves in the church. They are building the church but the church is building them.

Afterwards, the hard working tutors (vestrymen) G. R. Mrsic and M. Cvijetic read the names of the donors for the polyleion icons while B. Trifunovic, the President of the Trusteeship, explained to the faithful what other work needs to go into the church.

Following this the faithful met with His Grace at the old property where a lenten meal was served prepared by the Circle of Serbian Sisters, under the leadership of J. Milikic.

On this occasion we would like to invite all of our brothers and sisters in America to help our young and small missionary parish to finish the first church in North Carolina. Additionally, we’d like to thank all of those who have thus far sent their donations.

“Save O Lord thy people and bless Thine inheritance”

Fr. Dragan Zaric

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, September 10, 2007


Mars, Pa – The prayerful gatherings which occur at the Eastern American Diocesan Center located in Mars, Pennsylvania are memorable occasions for many clergy and faithful of this God protected Diocese. One such gathering which holds a special place in the hearts of the faithful is the annual celebration of the Diocesan Chapel Slava.

The Diocesan Chapel, dedicated to St. Nikodim of Serbia, is rightfully seen by many as the very heart of this diocese for it is here that the diocesan hierarch, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, regularly serves the divine services - daily Matins and Vespers along with the Divine Liturgy when His Grace is not traveling; remembering at all times the flock entrusted to his archpastoral care.

This spiritual joy filled the hearts of the many clergy and faithful attending this year’s chapel Slava on Saturday, September 8, 2007. Bishop Mitrophan officiated at the Divine Liturgy, assisted by V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragoljub Malich, Fr Gerasim, abbot of St. Herman’s Monastery in Platina, Ca., V. Rev. Dragan Filipovic, V. Rev. Rodney Torbic and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic.

Fr. Gerasim, the special guest of the diocese on the occasion of this celebration, delivered a prayerful homily on the gospel reading. He also touched on St. Nikodim of Serbia and the role hierarchs have played in the life of the church down the centuries.

At the end of the liturgy the Slava Ritual was served by Bishop Mitrophan who, as always, called on the many children in attendance to join him in rotating the Kolach. A meal was served afterwards outside under the tent.

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[Archived News] Thursday, August 16, 2007


Carmichaels, Pa - The annual blessing of ambulances and firetrucks took place on Sunday, August 12, 2007 with V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pa. This event takes place each year when the church is commemorating St. Panteleimon, Sts. Cosmas and Damian and St. Luke. Prayers are offered for the living and departed of all heathcare workers in the parish.

The St. George parish hosted a Healthcare Seminar on the following day with hospital chaplains, nurses and social workers in attendance from nearby West Virginia and Pennsylvania.

His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America was in attendance for the seminar.

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[Archived News] Thursday, August 16, 2007

St.Nicholas, Steelton, Pa.

Steelton, Pa - “Children as Stewards” was the aptly named title and theme of the 2007 Vacation Church School (VCS) at St. Nicholas Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA.  The curriculum was specifically geared toward pre-school through sixth grade and 35 enthusiastic children, ranging in age from 3-12, participated.  The Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich, pastor of St. Nicholas Church, led the three day program, opening each session with a worship service and brief talk.

The Church School faculty conducted formal classes on the meaning of stewardship and the ways we can offer our time, talents, and treasures in service to our church, families, friends and community.  The VCS faculty included Maria Bowers assisted by Emily Fithian (pre-school), Arlene Barber and Jevgenija Radanovic assisted by Patty Hernjak and Jody Criswell (Kindergarten and 1st grade), Andrea Gunther (2nd and 3rd grades) and Luke Jacobs (4th,5th and 6th grades).

A cadre of volunteers supplemented the regular class sessions with music, crafts, and outdoor recreational activities.  Nina Radanovic led the children in their music activities and she also directed them in singing responses during the opening worship services.  Millie Christ, Christine Christ, Angie Vorkapich, Jennie James and Jody Criswell oversaw the crafts sessions.  The children made “shrinky-dink” Orthodox crosses and decoupaged icons onto wooden plaques that were subsequently blessed by Fr. Srboljub.  Mitch Matovich, Luke Jacobs, Lenny Tepsich and Pete Barber were responsible for the outdoor exercises which included an obstacle course and an exciting spin around the parking lot on a go-kart – thanks to Mitch.  To the delight of the students and the volunteers, Lenny also put in an appearance as “Mr. Music” on the final evening.  Millie Yezdimir, Patty Hernjak, Tootsie Krnjaich, Andrea Gunther, Mitch Matovich, and Drayon Stanovich prepared the snacks.  Pictures were taken by Mitch Matovich and Beverly Yanich.

Miles Bojanic once again generously provided a VCS T-shirt for each student, this year emblazoned with the “Children as Stewards” theme.

From the outset of the stewardship program at St. Nicholas Church, it has been our practice to emphasize the belief that we are all stewards of God’s gifts, no matter our age or other attributes.  Learning to be responsible stewards for our church, family, friends, and community is a constant theme of the Church School.  This year the VCS provided a special opportunity to broaden our conversations and deepen our understanding of how we can use our time, talent, and treasure to be God’s caretakers on earth.  

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[Archived News] Saturday, August 4, 2007


Shadeland, Pa - The first day of the fourth annual Diocesan Days began on Saturday, August 4, 2007 at the St. Sava Camp in Shadeland, Pa with the arrival of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern American and special guest His Grace Bishop Longin of the New Gracanica Diocese along with clergy from throughout the Eastern American Diocese.

After lunch hieromonk Fr. Calinic (Berger), the guest speaker, arrived and soon after the program began. The theme for this year's camp season was O Taste and See. In fact, this was the same theme at all the diocesan church camps. Fr. Calinic spoke on this theme of the Holy Eucharist, drawing from the rich patristic tradition of the the Orthodox Faith and touched on the many aspects of this topic, including those of preparation in approaching the Holy Chalice - fasting and confession.

Fr. Milovan Katanic spoke to the younger children outside under the tent on the theme of religion, or rather the use of children's literature in Christian growth. Fr. Milovan focused on the positive messages found in C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia in contrast to the popular books, written with an opposite and more spiritually dangerous agenda, by Philip Pullman, the first book of the trilogy The Golden Compass is scheduled to be released this December.

Following Vespers that evening, towards the end of dinner, the lights were dimmed as the campers suprised Bishop Mitrophan with a birthday cake and a long banner that read Happy Birthday Bishop Mitrophan. All sang the Many Years to His Grace and presented the Bishop with a birthday card which had a photograph of the children and was signed by the children. The bishop thanked the campers for their thoughtfulness and reminded them of the saint that is commemorated on this day, St. Mary Magdalene.

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[Archived News] Monday, July 30, 2007


Richfield, Oh - Monastery Marcha holds a special place of honor in the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Monastery Marcha with Abbess Mother Ana and Sister Anastasia is the primary women’s monastery in the Diocese.

Beloved Orthodox believers and friends of Monastery Marcha come to Richfield, Ohio where the monastery is located throughout the year. The celebration of Marcha’s Slava, the Synaxis of the Holy Archangel Gabriel(July 13/26) is always a special time at the monastery.

This year Reverend Father Milorad Orlic on Friday July 27, 2007 served the Great Vespers for the celebration. Sister Anastasia assisted by Popadija Milena Orlic sang the responses.

On Saturday July 28, His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN, Diocesan Bishop, officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with seven priests and two deacons serving.

Serving with His Grace were: Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rastko Trbuhovich, Protopresybter Stavrofor Rade Merick, Protopresbyter Dr.Rodney Torbic, Protonamesnik Zivojin Jakovljevic, Reverend Father Milorad Orlic, Reverend Father Isak Kisin, Reverend Father Elias(Russian Orthodox Church Abroad), Father Deacon Milan Medakovich, and Father Deacon Dragolsav Kosic. Diocesan clergy also present at the Divine Liturgy were Protopresbyter Milan Zobenica, Protopresbyter Dragan Filipovic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic and monastic Father Seraphim. Father Yves Babich (Orthodox Church in America) was present as well.

Father Milorad Orlic and Popadija Milena Orlic were the honored Kumovi. His Grace expressed joy for the wonderful singing by the monastery faithful mentioning specifically Anita and Dr.Nikola Resanovich and his family.

Father Zivojin Jakovljevic, Dean of nearby St.Sava Cathedral was given the blessing by His Grace to preach the homily on St.Archangel Gabriel. Father Jakovljevic spoke about the appearances of the Holy Archangel as recorded in the Old and New Testament.

At the Slava dinner following the Divine Liturgy, Mother Ana greeted the faithful and expressed her love and prayers for all present. Nikola Borata expressed his continued interest and support in the monastery by his presence and remarks. Father Milorad and Popadija Milena Orlic spoke of their love and appreciation for Monastery Marcha. His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN maintains a keen and steadfast interest in the growth of Monastery Marcha and this is reflected not only the celebration today but throughout the year.

A very large number of supporters of the monastery came from as far away as Mckeesport, Pennsylvania and Lackawanna, New York as well as from throughout Ohio and nearby areas of Pennsylvania.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Thursday, July 26, 2007


 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Friends of Our Church,

All of us who are the parishioners of St. Basil Of Ostrog are witnessing the construction of our new temple.  Our dream, our long-awaited wish to have our own church, if finally becoming a reality.  Until only recently, we could not imagine what it meant to build a church.  We saw them around us, built by others and left to new generations.  It seems unreal, but almost 150 families which have recently planted their roots in North Carolina have taken part in the construction of our own church, the first Serbian Orthodox church in the eastern part of United States.  On Monday, on Vidovdan, the ground was broken for both the church and the reception hall.  Now the metal construction is fully set up as well, and the pictures show how much has already been done in the past two weeks.  Day in and day out we are witnessing the changes being made to both the church and the hall, which will serve as a covered picnic area during the first phase of the construction. 

With great impatience we awaited the start of construction.  And even though all of the paper work was ready, as it tends to happen in life, things did not go as planned.  There was always something missing.  However, finally appears that all of the barriers have been broken and the construction began on Vidovdan.  Nothing is by coincidence.  I want to remind you, dear brothers and sisters, that the first large gathering and the first liturgy of the parishioners of St. Vasilije Ostroski happened on Vidovdan, 26 June 1999, in Raleigh, at the Greek Orthodox Church, Holy Trinity.  The liturgy was served by Father Dragan Filipovic.  The decisions made on that day began to come to life with regular liturgies, and donations which have enabled us to purchase the land and obtain a permanent priest for our parish.

Love towards God, donations to the church by many and forgiveness for the wrong, careless decisions only strengthened us and brought us closer to achievement of our goal to have our own church and cemetery.  Our success has inspired many members of both Serbian and Greek churches in America to support our cause both morally and materially by sending monetary donations.  We must thank them from the bottom of our harts.

Olga Petrovic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Shadeland, Pa - The 2007 St. Sava Camp season began on Sunday, July 15, 2007. Sixty six children were enrolled the first week of camp. Clergy included V. Rev. Rodney Torbic, V. Rev. Djokan Majstorovic and Rev. Dejan Obradovic. As always, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern American made the drive from the Diocesan office to spend a day with the children.

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[Archived News] Monday, July 23, 2007


Carmichaels, Pa - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN came to the St. George Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania to officiate at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 22, 2007. His Grace preached on the Gospel for the Eighth Sunday of Pentecost, the feeding of the multitudes.

Parish priest Father Rodney Torbic and Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic, Diocesan Secretary served with His Grace. The St.George Choir sang responses under the direction of Sonia Janson.

Following the Divine Liturgy, an Outdoor Religious Program and parish picnic was held at the St.George picnic grounds. Executive Board President Stanko Brozik warmly welcomed everyone to the picnic grounds.

Dr.Rade Dimitric read and provided commentary for selections from St.Bishop NIKOLAI’s Prayers by the Lake . Father Dimitre Dimitrov from Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox Church in Masontown also read from Prayers by the Lake and provided an explanatory commentary.

Father Rodney Torbic spoke on “The Beatitudes” and Parish Nurse Practioner Mitzie Hunchuck reviewed the different services of the parish nurse’s office. Father Rumen Stoychev of St.John the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Monessen was in attendance.
His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN officiated at the Akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ held at The C ross in the St.George Cemetery. Father Torbic, Father Dimitrov, Father Deacon Kosic and Sonia Janson participated in the reading of the Akathist.

In addition to local residents, parishioners from St.Nicholas Church in Monroville, St.Elijah Church in Aliquippa, Holy Trinity Cathedral in Pittsburgh and Holy Trinity Mission in Fairmont, West Virginia were in attendance.

The Djuro Klipa Orchestra provided entertainment throughout the afternoon and evening.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Friday, July 13, 2007


Youngwood, PA - The great Orthodox feast of the Holy Foremost of the Apostles Sts. Peter and Paul was solemly celebrated at the Serbian Orthodox Church of the Holy Ascension of our Lord in Youngwood, PA on Thursday, July 12, 2007. His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Divine Liturgy, assisted by host priest Fr. Miladin Blagojevic and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic. Though a weekday and a time many take their summer vacations, the church was filled with the faithful.

Following the Divine Liturgy His Grace, the bishop, gave the homily, in which he spoke of the work of these holy Apostles. Afterwards, His Grace, to the joy of all those in attendance, gave recognition to Mrs. Angeline Babich, the president of the Church School Congregation in Youngwood with the esteemed Episcopal GRAMATA.

For the last twelve years Mrs. Babich has been in the position of president of the Church School Congregation. With this recognition it is evident that she had for years made a sacrifice for the betterment of her parish and that her life is that of a true Christian.

This was truly a beautiful and blessed day for our parish.

Fr. Miladin Blagojevic

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[Archived News] Monday, July 16, 2007


Libertyville, IL - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, by invitation of His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Midwestern America, took part in the fourth annual St. Nikolai of Zicha and Ohrid Pilgrimage. A large number of faithful from the Metropolitanate of Midwestern America were in attendance at the St. Sava Monasery in Libertyville, Illinois, the see of this diocese which hosts this annual pilgrimage each year on the Sunday after the feast of Sts. Peter in Paul in July.

Diocesan churches were closed on that Sunday and the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, visiting hierarchs and diocesan clergy.

Other hierarchs taking part in the annual spiritual gathering were His Grace Bishop Job of Chicago (OCA) and His Grace Bishop Longin of the New Gracanica Metroplitanate.

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[Archived News] Monday, July 2, 2007

“A Day of Great Spiritual Joy”
An Ordination in Columbus, Ohio

Columbus, OH – During the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 1, 2007 His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America ordained Aleksa Pavicevich to the holy diaconate. Aleksa Pavichevich has, together with his wife Emily, been very active in all aspects of parish life at St. Stevan of Dechani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio.

Taking the noble example of his uncle, the Very Reverend Stavrophor Dennis Pavichevich and with the blessings of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan, Aleksa enrolled at the St. Vladimir Theological School in New York where he is currently in his final year.

V. Rev. Dennis Pavichevich, together with his family, traveled from Chicago to be with his nephew on the occasion of his ordination to the deaconate. Also in attendance was the Diocesan Secretary for the Eastern Diocese, Deacon Dragoslav Kosic, together with his family.

During the Divine Liturgy, as well as during the luncheon afterwards, His Grace, the bishop, addressed the gathered faithful with words of instruction, speaking of the significance of young candidates for the priesthood. His Grace emphasized the fact that not even the holy Angels are worthy of that high calling and grace, to hold in their hands the Holy Body and Holy Blood of our Lord and, through the Holy Spirit, to transform the bread and wine into the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

V. Rev. Dennis Pavichevich, in his remarks during the lunch, expressed his thankfulness to the Lord that the priestly tradition, which has been present in the Pavicevich family for more than 200 years, is continuing with the ordination of Aleksa Pavichevich.

This was truly a day of great spiritual joy for the Pavichevich family, but nothing less for the parishioners of St. Stevan of Dechani, Aleksa’s spiritual family.

Fr. Isak Kisin
Parish Priest
St. Stevan of Dechani

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[Archived News] Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Steelton, Pa - Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich, Dean of the Washington Deanery and priest of St.Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Steelton-Oberlin, Pennsylvania recently completed the second unit of clinical pastoral education  (CPE) at Hershey Medical Center.

Hershey Medical Center is a trauma medical facility and teaching hospital operated by Penn State University.  Proto Srboljub attended classes on Mondays during a two year period of time and served as an on-call chaplain at the facility.

Proto Srboljub had the opportunity to learn about the operation of a large trauma center and was exposed to experiences of ministering to patients experiencing extensive injuries and advanced illnesses.
This supervised program of clinical pastoral education enabled Proto Srboljub to examine carefully the dynamics of ministering to patients and their families in times of crisis. He had the opportunity to discuss his ministerial experiences with others in the chaplaincy program.

He had the benefit of lectures and discussions by healthcare professionals.

By his presence, Proto Srboljub was a witness for Orthodoxy in this setting and he increased the offering of chaplaincy services to Orthodox staff and patients.

Proto Srboljub participated in the clinical pastoral education program with the Archpastoral Blessings of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN and the support of the St.Nicholas Church Executive Board.

At the end of the first and second year, Proto Srboljub received a certificate from the Penn State - Hershey Medical School - Pastoral Care Department, recognizing his satisfactory completion of the clinical pastoral education units.

Proto Srboljub has improved his skills in pastoral ministry as a result of these clinical pastoral education units and he is a greater asset to his parish.

Because of his participation in clinical pastoral education, other hospitals in the area have recognized Proto Srboljub training and have called upon his participation in their facilities.

Proto Srboljub has been a supporter of Christian Education in the Diocese and he has shown by his participation in the program at Hershey Medical Center that he is serious about continuing to learn and develop even though he is a very experienced priest.
Father Rodney Torbic


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[Archived News] Friday, June 8, 2007


Akron, Oh - St. Archangel Michael Folklore Groups from Akron, Ohio, hosted a beautiful Spring Concert with luncheon on Sunday, June 3, 2007, following Divine Liturgy. Four groups under the direction of Mrs. Vinka Zoric graced the stage and delighted the Akron audience: Opancici (small group), Frula (middle group), Gracanica (older group), and Prelo (Ladies' Singing Ensemble) with lead vocal Mrs. Vinka Zoric.

The event was chaired by Mrs. Dragana Veselinov, Folklore Group Secretary, who has repeatedly selflessly volunteered her time and talent for our Akron Parish. Practices are currently on Wednesday evenings beginning at 6:00pm. Their next scheduled performance will be at the St. Archangel Michael SERB FEST on Sunday, July 29, 2007. Please come! Please click link to see the beautiful and festive photos: Art of Light Photography - powered by SmugMug

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[Archived News] Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Aliquippa, Pa - As a young and energetic priest in Aliquippa, Fr. Stevan Stepanov, began a summer tradition in 1977  that has become a treasured memory for generations of St. Elijah youth.  At a time when most Sunday School students wouldn’t even think about learning in June, July, or August, Fr. Stevan came up with a plan to hold a week-long church camp that would give our children the opportunity to learn more about being Orthodox and Serbian as well as getting to know each other better and him in an informal setting and have fun.  

With small resources but big hopes, Fr. Stevan and Popadja Ana and a dedicated group of several adult volunteers hosted the first St. Elijah Church Summer Day Camp in June 1977.  At that time, to the best of our knowledge, none of our other Serbian Churches held this type of activity, so there was much to think about and plan.  All of the activities had to be free and close by, so the facilities of our church, social center, and picnic grounds were used.  The mornings were devoted to religious and cultural lessons and the afternoons to fellowship and fun. Through the years our children have been enriched by learning things pertaining to:  (1) Traditions - Slava, Weddings, Parastos, Blessing of the Graves, (2) Giving and Receiving - Visiting the sick, helping one another, donating to the less fortunate; (3) Do whatever He tells you - do not get angry, do not swear falsely, love your enemies all from the book of Matthew. (4) Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me, which taught them how to give service to their church, community, and commitment along with learning their culture and traditions.
With each of these subjects came activities to go along with them.  The campers learned how to:  make naphora (one of their favorite yearly activities), make kolivo, icons, Christmas tree ornaments, crosses,  write their names in Cyrillic, and make prayer rope bracelets.  The altar boys had lessons on how to dress the bishop, campers were taught to  respect the departed by planting flowers on Bishop Lastavica grave,  and donate items for  gift bags  and take them to our parishioners who are living at  Friendship Ridge just to name a few.

Several parishioners offered their pools for an afternoon of fellowship and fun in the sun, including the Zernich family in Center, the Ralich family in Ohio, and the Nairn family of Center. Many parents and grandparents donated and prepared food along with the American Serbian Club, provided transportation, and helped arrange the many activities.  Fr. Stevan was proven to be a true pioneer and all of the camp participants enjoyed these five days of camp.  Friendships were made; first loves kindled; and special memories were had by all.  

Fast forward to thirty years later, and have we grown!  Yes, we still have five full days of camp:  mornings with religious education and afternoons with social activities.  But since then, we added a beautiful new Chapel at the St. Elijah picnic grounds where we typically have morning and afternoon prayers of which the children sing the responses.  Because of the generous support of our church, its organizations, the KCC, Choir, Mother’s Club and Men’s Club along with our dedicated parishioners, campers have enjoyed religious trips to the Diocesan Headquarters both in Sewickley and in Mars, Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Camp Nazareth, Monastery Marcha,   and the Nativity of the Virgin Mary Monastery.  We also made a one day bus trip to the Serbian churches in Cleveland Deanery.

Our social excursions have included, White Swan Park, Geauga Lake, and the Petting Zoo, “Just Ducky” tour boats, the Pittsburgh Zoo, Children’s Museum, to the movies, miniature golf, and the Fun- Fore- All Entertainment complex.  Each year, campers have either made or received a themed t-shirt.  And of course, a yearly highlight and “tradition” – fishing, swinging, swimming and sunning at Lake Tomahawk, Ohio, thanks to the Lampich family.  They have been entertained by hypnotists, clowns, magicians, learned to speak Serbian, sing Serbian songs and dance kolos.  Police presentations on safety, CPR courses, and 911 information have enriched their lives as well. Last year, they even survived the first ever “Serbian Survivor” game. 

This camp is unique. Each year, we encourage campers of all ages to attend, from pre-school to high school students. Even though it is not always easy, we attempt to plan activities that are enjoyable for all ages, and to encourage our older campers to teach and help the younger ones. We have five full days starting promptly at 9:00 am and ending most days 3:00 pm or sometimes later, depending on the scheduled daily activity. 

This year, after three decades of camps, it is wonderful to look back upon these experiences.  Whether it is a “pick up kolo” at the picnic grounds or a day in Pittsburgh, each moment is precious.  Kids, teachers, mothers, fathers, kumovi, grandparents, friends and camp alumni all share in this wealth of memory-making days of June.  Through fasting periods, extreme heat, rain, and lean years, Fr. Stevan and our dedicated volunteers have persevered to insure that our camp continues so that each year, new campers are able to be a part of this tradition.  Ask nearly any graduate of the St. Elijah Church School what they like best about growing up here in Aliquippa and amongst that list will be CHURCH DAY CAMP!  We are all proud of that. 

Fr. Stevan, the Church Board, and the Sunday school teachers are working to make this an extra special year, with camp scheduled from June 11 – 15, 2007. We are proud to say we have the 2nd generation of campers attending camp just like their moms and dads did! In the next few months, we will be sharing more specific information, but hope that all families with students will mark their calendars now and plan to attend.

In addition, we are going to host an Alumni 30th Anniversary Picnic on Saturday, July 21st at the St. Elijah picnic grounds, so again, mark your calendars! We will be sending letters to all former campers that we can find, but if you attended camp (or know somebody who did); please contact us at stelijah@comcast.net with a current mailing address or, you may call the Church Center office @ 724-375-9894.  We look forward to seeing all of you once again to help us celebrate this milestone event!

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[Archived News] Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Johnstown, Pa -
A new beginning of a new decade was celebrated in St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Johnstown, PA, on Sunday. On May 20, 2007, the parish began their 101st Anniversary as they celebrated their Krsna Slava. It all began on Saturday evening with Vespers. The church had been newly painted, with several small additions, and it gave off an aura of holiness and cleanliness.

Father Dejan Obradovic, proud parish priest, welcomed former St. Nicholas priest, V. Rev. Dr. Stavrophor Nedeljko Grgurevich and his family. Proto Ned, Protinica Dubravka and son Stefan were guests of Father Dejan and Popadija Marija for the weekend. The parish family was pleased to see the harmony and respect between both families.

Sunday, Divine Liturgy was served by V. Rev. Dr. Starvophor Nedeljko Grgurevich and Father Dejan Obradovic. The church choir, this day directed by Danica Buncich Wess, was outstanding as their beautiful voices echoed throughout the church.

Following Divine Liturgy, the parish family served a delicious meal in celebration of our Krsna Slava. All organizations of the church took part in the preparation and serving of the meal. Our Kumovi for this great day was Nicholas Matijevic and Steve Purich. Both completed their duties very well. Honored on this day were the graduates of the parish.

Many good friends of the parish attended along with the men presently at the Christ the Saviour Seminary. As the short program came to a close, Father Dejan invited everyone to stay and share the company and friendship of each other. It was a good day at St. Nicholas in Johnstown.
Gloria Cernic

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Carmichaels, Pa – On Sunday, May 6, 2007 the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels celebrated their Feast day, St. George the Great Martyr.

Dr. Ivko Dimitric, Math professor at Penn State University, Fayette Campus, was the honored Kum. The St. George Choir, under the direction of Sonia Janson, sang the responses during the liturgy, officiated by local clergy V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic, and the festal procession which followed. Stanko Brozik, Executive Board President, was the master of ceremonies at the banquet program in the Church hall. Dr. Rade Dimitric, brother of the kum, provided the photos.   

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Friday, May 4, 2007


Johnstown, Pa – The St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Johnstown, PA had the opportunity to share with the Orthodox faithful of the area, the angelic sounds of spiritual singing and folk music as performed by the "VALANS" youth choir from Valaam Island in Northwestern Russia. On Wednesday, May 2, 2007, the youth choir visited our area and brought with them the sound of voices blending in a beautiful and inspiring way.

Valaam Island is well known by Valaam Monastery. From that monastery came first monk to American continent to spread Orthodoxy. Today that island is known in Johnstown also by youth choir who had opportunity to perform small concert in church of spiritual singing, and in church hall by folk music.

Valaam Island has three hundred inhabitants, from that number thirty six are children. From those thirty six children four of them came to Eastern America to show their talents of singing. Everyone (attendants 150) were glad and surprised with they talents.

If you closed your eyes, you would have imagined many children but in reality, there were only four in this group. The adult director also joined in the singing. It was a honor to have them visit our area and for our parish family to serve as host. These children speak no English but were accompanied by an interpreter/announcer. They also have a driver who joins them in a vocal selection and accompanied the violinists with their presentations.

The evening was full of enjoyment for everyone, young and old. The singers range in age from 11 to 18 and each one is special. Each had an individual part of some number that let them shine in their own way. It was very easy to become captivated by the beautiful sound of their voices. The violinists were outstanding. A great deal of discipline must be involved to have a group perform in such an outstanding manner.

We are very grateful to God for the beautiful evening and to the "Valans" youth choir for making it a success. We hope that we will all meet again and share more evenings feeding our soul with the angelic sounds of "Valans". If you have the opportunity to hear these children in concert - make an effort to do so - you will not be disappointed.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Friday, April 13, 2007


Lackawanna, NY - His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN, Diocesan Secretary Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic and twenty parish priests gathered for the Bright Week Clergy Seminar at St.Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, New York.

Host Priest Very Reverend Stavrofor Rastko Trbuhovich was designated by His Grace to be the featured speaker. The theme was " Priestly Balance of Parish Life and Family Life."

Proto Rastko led a compelling discussion of the topic utilizing a variety of articles addressing life in the parish for the clergy family.

Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich gave a presentation on his experience in Clinical Pastoral Education(CPE) at Hershey Medical Center in Central Pennsylvania. Proto Srboljub is completing his second year of training, much of it serving families in the trauma unit.

Protonica Victoria Trubuhovich and Savo Cugal were present from the St.Stephen Church along with assisting parishioners to provide the great hospitality.

Paschal Vespers were served on the evening of April 11 with Proto Stevo Rocknage serving and attending clergy singing the responses. His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on April 12 with Proto Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Proto Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov, Proto Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich, Proto Stevo Rocknage and Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic also serving. Attending clergy provided the responses.

Parish priests were in attendance from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Maine. The trip required extensive travel for allof the participants. The joy and educational benefit made the trip worthwhile.

His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN thanked the speakers, the host parish and the clergy for attending.

V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Steelton, Pa – Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! During the season of Great Lent, students in the second grade class of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Steelton, PA were preparing for their First Holy Confession. Our church school curriculum designates this time to focus on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and uses a book of exercises and activities called “Making Things Right” to help young students understand themselves, become more aware of their relationship with God and God’s people, and discuss the effects of doing wrong while constantly being reminded of God’s ever forgiving love.

A special vesper service was scheduled on the Eve of St. Lazarus and our spiritual Father Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovic talked with the children about confession, forgiveness, and the importance of repentance by repeating the parable of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector and the Prodigal Son. After each child received their individual First Holy Confession, they attended Divine Liturgy service on Lazarus Saturday and participated in Holy Communion.
On Palm Sunday the students are given a blessed icon of the Good Shepherd to commemorate this meaningful event.

Church school students who received their First Holy Confession this year: Victoria Douglas, Veronica Douglas, Tomislav Lojpur, Jelana Lojpur, Nicholas Lukic, Marek Mierski, Alexander Mitrovic, Kyranna Radanovic, Grayson Reigel, Sara Turuntus, and Anthony Zaitzev under the direction of Andrea Gunther, 2nd grade teacher.

V. Rev. Stavrofor  Srboljub Jockovic

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Hermitage, Pa - Rev. Milorad Orlic of the Lorain, Ohio parish was the homilist at the Lenten Vespers on Palm Sunday hosted by St. George Serbian Church in Hermitage, Pa. Fr. Orlic gave a thunderous and moving homily on this eve of the holy days of Passion Week taking the words from St. James’ epistle “faith without works is dead”.

“St. John the Baptist had some sent to ask of Jesus whether He was the One, the Messiah, that he was expecting and preaching about,” said Fr. Orlic. “Christ didn’t answer the question with a mere reply, ‘Yes I am.’ Rather He pointed to His deeds and said, ‘Go tell John what you see.’ In a similar manner it is perhaps Christ who is looking at our deeds during these lenten days and asking of us, ‘Are you the one I am to be spat upon for?’, ‘Are you the one I am to suffer for?’, ‘Are you the one that I am to die for?’”

Six priests and one deacon served at the Vespers. This is the last of the Lenten Vespers. With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America the Diocese is organizing a Clergy Seminar to be held at St. Stephen the Protomartyr Serbian Church in Lackawanna, New York on Bright Thursday.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Pittsburgh, Pa - Nine priests and one deacon served at the Palm Sunday evening Pittsburgh Deanery Vespers held at Holy Trinity Cathedral. Protonamesnik Rajko Kosic, Dean of the Cathedral was the host priest. Protostavrofor Stevan Stepanov, Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery was the homiliest.

In his homily Proto Stepanov said each person must consider the meaning Jesus Christ has for his or her personal life. Proto Stepanov said that Christ not only rode into Jerusalem centuries ago but currently was riding into the heart and soul of each person.

Faithful came to the Pittsburgh Cathedral from the Pennsylvania parishes of Aliquippa, Johnstown, Youngwood, Clairton, Midland, Monroeville, Mckeesport and Carmichaels.. The Steubenville, Ohio parish and Fairmont, West Virginia Mission were also represented.

Father Rajko Kosic announced the Cathedral will host the Holy Unction service on Great and Holy Wednesday at 7:00 PM as has been the practice at the Cathedral for many years.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Columbus, Oh – Dr. Predrag Matejic, associate professor at Ohio State Universary gave a presentation on Sunday, April 1, 2007, on the Feast of the Triumphant Entry of our Lord and Savior into Jerusalem at the St. Stevan of Dechani Serbian Church in Columbus, Ohio.

Parish priest Rev. Isak Kisin officiated at the Divine Liturgy. V. Rev. Stavrophor Mateja Matejic, founding member and long time pastor of this parish and founder of the Chilandar Research Library at Ohio State University was also present.

Dr. Predrag’s presentation took place in the church hall after the liturgical celebration. His talk, titled “Saints Cyril and Methodius and their Gift of Enlightenment” is made available here in its entirety.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, March 26, 2007


Lorain, Oh - The annual Lenten Retreat, organized by the Pan-Orthodox community of Lorain, Ohio and hosted by the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church was held on Saturday, March 24, 2007 with Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon as the guest speaker.

The retreat began with the Divine Liturgy served by Fr. Patrick Reardon, Fr. Basil Stoyka and host priest Fr. Milorad Orlic. Following a continental breakfast the retreat began in the church. Fr. Patrick's talk, entitled, "Called to be Saints", was well received by all participants of the retreat.

Fr. Patrick is pastor of All Saints' Antiochian Orthodox Church in Chicago, Illinois, and a senior editor of Touchstone Magazine. Father Reardon was educated at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY), St. Anselm's College (Rome), The Pontifical Biblical Institute (Rome), the University of Liverpool (England), and St. Tikhon's Orthodox Seminary (South Canaan, PA).

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, March 26, 2007


Carmichaels, Pa -
Protopresbyter Stevo Rocknage of St.Sava Church in Mckeesport, Pennsylvania preached to a full St.George Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylania.Faithful were in attendance from Aliquippa, Midland, Mckeesport, Steubenville, Monroeville and Pittsburgh.

Protonamesnik Rajko Kosic and Protopresbyter Rodney Torbic also served. The St.Sava Choir of Mckeesport sang the responses. St.George Executive Board Presdent Stanko Brozik expressed appreciation to the attendees for coming. Choir and Kolo President Sonia Janson emphasized the appreciation for the St.Sava Choir singing, freeing up St.George Choir and Kolo members to prepare the meal for the faithful. The Vesper service was broadcast live on Uniontown radio station WMBS due to the work of Tom Hunter, friend of St.George Church.

The was the largest attended church service in St.George Church in recent memory. The St.Sava Church in Mckeesport and the St.George Church from Midland both chartered buses for the trip.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Thursday, March 22, 2007


[Diocesan Headquarters] According to the already established tradition the clergy of the Eastern American Diocese come together during the days of the Great Fast for the Rite of Holy Confession which this year was held on Wednesday, March 21, 2007.

The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was officiated by His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America. Assisting His Grace were V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Rajlic, V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov, V. Rev. Stavrophor Srboljub Jockovic, V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic.

Confessions were heard by V. Rev. Stavrophor Dr. Mateja Matejic. Thirty one priests, two monastics and one deacon took part in the event.

Following the service a meal was served after which the Bishop took the opportunity to discuss some issues with the gathered clergy.

Click here to read Bishop's homily.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Steelton, Pa - On May 9, 2004, Mother's Day in the US - an Icon of St. Anna, the Mother of the Holy Virgin Mary, located in the Russian Orthodox Church of Our Lady Joy of All Who Sorrow in Philadelphia, began to stream myrrh.
On that Sunday one of the parishioners mentioned to the parish rector, Abbot Athanasy that the Icon of St. Anna seemed to be "perspiring."  Upon further investigation, Fr. Athanasy noticed visible liquid streams and droplets.  Accumulations of the liquid were seen on the cuff on St. Anna's left hand and on her left shoulder veil.  Droplets were also found elsewhere on the Icon.  This fragrant, slightly oily liquid is commonly referred to as "myrrh."  Initially the myrrh looked like tear drops, as if St. Anna was crying.  More recently small, slow-moving streams of myrrh have appeared in other parts of the Icon.
The Icon of St. Anna was commissioned by Fr. Athanasy in 1998, in the Mount of Olives Convent in Jerusalem.  He himself had served there in 1980 - 1981.  In 1998, the Icon was completed, blessed at the Sepulcher our Lord in the Jerusalem Church of the Resurrection, and brought to Philadelphia.
On March 13 we had the wonderful opportunity to witness the presence among us the miracle streaming icon of St. Anna the Grand Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Fr. Athanasy Mastalski and Fr. Ljubo Milosevic were blessed to bring it to us. The attendance was very well. The five local orthodox priests, Fr. Dan Ressetar, Fr. Mark Kosev, Fr. Michael Slovesko, Fr. Tmothy Hojnicki and myself, served the Akathist to St. Joachim and Anna, grand parents of our Lord Jesus Christ. People were moved by the beauty of the icon, streaming oil coming from it during the service, the beautiful responses of our Choir and the entire Church present were an unforgettable experience as well to all of us.

Lots of tears and thanksgiving prayers were offered to God for so many blessing which we received in our life. After the anointing with the blessed oil, people were asking for the cotton balls to take home for their loved ones who could not make that evening to church.
A wonderful experience did happen that night among us.

Thank you St. Anna for your blessing and intercession among us.
Fr. Srboljub Jockovic

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Boston, Ma – On Sunday, March 11, 2007 the Lenten Vespers was served in the Boston parish. Protojerej Djokan Majstorovic of the New York City parish served the Vespers while the host priest, Protojerej Aleksandar Vlajkovic sang the responses at the chanter’s stand. At the end of the service Fr. Djokan gave a homily on the spiritual meaning of fasting.

After Vespers the faithful moved to the church hall where they enjoyed a Lenten meal. The past weekend had been quite intense for the Boston parish which hosted the Diocesan Annual. From Friday morning to Sunday six divine services were served.  

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, March 12, 2007


Midland, PA - Vespers on the Third Sunday of Great Lent for six parishes in the Pittsburgh Deanery was held at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Midland, Pennsylvania. Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery Father Stevan Stepanov, Father Rade Merick, Father Rodney Torbic, Father Rajko Kosic, and Father Milan Paijic served.

Father Pajic was the host priest. Father  Kosic, Dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Pittsburgh was the homilest. The parish communities of  Aliquippa, Carmichaels, Midland and Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania, Fairmont, West Virginia and Steubenville, Ohio were represented.    

Father Kosic provided. a thoughtful and well-prepared homily on the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and the crosses in the  personal lives of believers. The St.George Kolo prepared the lenten meal for the fellowship period following the Vespers.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, March 12, 2007


Boston, MA - “The strength of a parish is not measured by how much money they have in the bank but how many children they have in their Church School, how regularly they attend church and how often they take Holy Communion,” said His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America in his annual report at the 2007 Diocesan Annual Assembly hosted this year, for the first time, by the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Boston.

The two-day affair began on Friday, March 9, 2007 with the registration which was immediately followed by the Invocation of the Holy Spirit served in the recently purchased church in Boston. The awe-inspiring church, built in 1928 in the Gothic style with a stone façade, has a capacity of 700 while the hall can facilitate 400 and was officially purchased from the Roman Catholic Church on November 21, 2005. A temporary iconostasis serves the needs of the church presently and while the parishioners are awaiting a real one to adorn their new spiritual home His Grace, the bishop, reminded them and all of their visitors during the assembly that “its iconostasis is every Orthodox believer who enters it to pray.”

After the Lenten dinner, served in the hall, the first session of the assembly was called to order during which reports were heard on the financial state of the diocese, parochial statistics, Shadeland Camp, Christian Education, the Diocesan Relief Fund, the Stewardship Committee and many other administrative aspects from the life of the diocese. As each item on the evening’s agenda was met by response, comments and questions from the clergy and delegates the first session ran well over two hours.

The following day began with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy officiated by His Grace Bishop Mitrophan who was assisted by V. Rev. Stavrophor Nedeljko Grgurevic, V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov, V. Rev. Stavrophor Srboljub Jockovic, V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic. The clergy sang the responses while a good number of parishioners from the St. Sava parish joined the assembly in prayer and attended the morning’s service.

Following a light, continental breakfast the second session of the assembly began with an introduction of Rev. Dr. Alkiviadis Calivas, Professor of Liturgics at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology and noted author of several books, who gave a most intriguing lecture about the Lenten services found in Holy Week. In his historical look at the Lenten services he noted, among other things, how some services, especially the Vesperal liturgies on Holy Thursday and Saturday, had at some uncertain time in history, probably some time after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, been transposed from the evening to the morning hours. He expanded on this during the lively discussion which followed the lecture giving a suggested order of these services if they were to return to their original liturgical order. The discussion also included talk about the new calendar and the litany of the catechumens.

After a final miscellaneous item on the agenda the assembly was adjourned with a prayer. Attendees were grateful to Protopresbyter Rev. Aleksandar Vlajkovic, the host priest, and the parishioners of St. Sava Church in Boston for hosting a very productive assembly and for their warm hospitality. While this was the first assembly hosted by this parish it surely will not be the last.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, March 5, 2007


Akron, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America attended the Lenten Vespers of the Cleveland Deanery, hosted by St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Akron, Ohio, on the second Sunday of Lent, Sunday, March 4, 2007.

Clergy in attendance were V. Rev. Zvonimir Kotorcevic, V. Rev. Dragan Filipovic, Rev. Dragomir Tuba, Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic, Rev. Milovan Katanic, Rev. Milorad Orlic and Rev. Isak Kisin. V. Rev. Mitred Priest Peter Burlakov of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad also concelebrated with the deanery clergy. Deacon Zeljko Jurisic, attached to the Akron parish and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic, the diocesan secretary, assisted the clergy at the Vespers.

Rev. Isak Kisin delivered an erudite homily on St. Gregory Palamas and his defence againt the rationalism of Barlaam. Fr. Isak then continued to speak about the dangers of rationalism of our time, the problems encountered by many of our cradle Orthodox families who aren't as active in the life of the Church as they should be, all in the context of St. Gregory Palamas and his defense of the contemplative prayer found in Orthodoxy.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 26, 2007


Boston, Ma - The annual Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers Service, organized by the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Boston, took place on Sunday, February 25, at 5:00 p.m., at St. Athanasius the Great Greek Orthodox Church in Arlington.

The Pan-Orthodox Service led by over 30 clergy was attended by about 400 faithful, one of the largest gatherings for Sunday of Orthodoxy in the Boston area in recent years. A Pan-Orthodox Choir, including members from the St. Sava Choir, sang the responses beautifully.

The highlight of the celebratory service was the clergy's procession with icons around the church and the reading of the proclamation by the Ecumenical Council of 843 which ended the iconoclastic controversy and restored icons and their veneration in the Church. Because this historically took place on the first Sunday of Lent, that Sunday is now commemorated as the "triumph of Orthodoxy." St. Athanasius Church hosted the Vespers Service in their new church home and generously held a Lenten dinner reception  following the Service. About half a dozen St. Sava parishioners attended the Service.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 26, 2007


Pittsburgh, Pa - His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN presided and was the featured homilist at the Sunday of Orthodoxy Doxology service held at the St.George Antiochian Orthodox Church in Pittsburgh on Sunday February 12/25, 2007.

The celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy with the Procession of Icons is held each year by the Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of Greater Pittsburgh. More than a hundred clergy from the canonical Orthodox churches in the area are numbered among the Brotherhood.

Very Reverend Stevo Rocknage from St.Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Mckeesport is the President of the Brotherhood. Very Reverend Dr.John Abdalah, Editor of The Word, the Antiochian Archdiocese’s official publication and priest of St.George Church was the host clergyman.

Orthodox priests and deacons from throughout the greater Pittsburgh area participated in the service which was very well attended by Orthodox faithful from not only western Pennsylvania but also West Virginia.

V. Rev. Rodney Torbic

Read Bishop Mitrophan's Homily

In Serbian

In English

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 26, 2007


North Miami, Florida - By God’s will and the blessing of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, the Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Symeon the Myrrhflowing in North Miami, Florida, celebrated their Church Feastday on Sunday, February 18, 2007.

The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by His Grace on Sunday. The bishop was assisted by the local clergy, V. Rev. Svetozar Veselinovic. His Grace, the bishop, delivered an inspiring homily following the liturgy in which he spoke of the ascetical aspects of the fast as a salvific tool for attaining the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Ritual of the Slava Kolac with kum Mr. Branko Panic was followed by the Slava Banquet. Over two hundred parishioners attended the Slava celebration.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 26, 2007


Greensboro, North Carolina - On Saturday February 3, 2007 His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Groundbreaking Service in Greensboro for the first Serbian Orthodox Church in North Carolina.

This liturgical and historical event brought nearly a hundred faithful parishioners together at the Divine Liturgy which was served at the local Greek Orthodox Church. Assisting His Grace were V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba, the dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery, V. Rev. Dionysius Listermann, from the Holy Assumption Greek Orthodox Church. We are extremely grateful to Fr. Dionysius and to his parishioners for receiving us under the roof of their community. Fr. Ljubisa Brnjos joined us with his parishioners from far off Orlando, Florida in order to share this liturgical joy with us. Also, serving were Fr. Christopher Foley of the local OCA parish and local clergy Fr. Dragan Zaric, together with Deacon Dragoslav Kosic, the diocesan secretary and Deacon Gavrilo Miljkovic, who is also one of the original founding members of this parish.

Following the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, all officiating clergy together with the faithful, went to the new property where His Grace officiated at the groundbreaking service for the new church, laying the cornerstone and the charter, which was read by Fr. Dragan beforehand. Following this a meal was served in the Greek hall, prepared by our Sisters, who once again showed their great love for their church.

Glory to the Living and True God who gathered us together. Glory to St. Vasilije the Wonderworker of Ostrog and Hercegovina for his prayers before the throne of God. We thank His Grace Bishop Mitrophan for all of his love and care which he has shown for this young mission. We thank the temporary trusteeship and the Kolo Sisters for this efforts in organizing this event and to all of our guests.

May God grant that we complete this temple which we began to construct to the glory of God, in honor of St. Vasilije, that we might offer the eternal Liturgy to Him always and forever. Amen.

Fr. Dragan Zaric

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Thursday, February 22, 2007


We are saddened by the news of the death of Great Schema Mother Evpraksijia (Paunovic), Abbess of the Nativity of the Mother of God Serbian Orthodox Monastery in New Carlisle, Indiana, who fell asleep in the Lord on Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Prior to serving as the first Abbess of the Nativity of the Mother of God Patriarchal Stavropigion Monastery in New Carlisle, Mother Evpraksijia served as Abbess of Monastery Marcha in Richfield, Ohio. Monastery Marcha is the only women’s monastery in the Eastern Diocese. Mother Evpraksijia came to Monastery Marcha in 1974 at the very beginning of the monastic community. She worked diligently to establish Monastery Marcha and keep it as a monastic presence in this Diocese.

We join with all who knew, loved, and benefitted from the monastic witness of Mother Evpraksijia in praying for the repose of her soul. May she rest with the righteous, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing but life everlasting. Memory Eternal!

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Friday, February 23, 2007


Hermitage, Pa - According to established tradition the Clergy Association of the Shenango Valley served the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete in the various Orthodox Church on the first four days of Great Lent. Services were hosted by the local Carpatho-Russian, Romanian and Ukranian Orthodox Churches.

The Canon concluded on the final day, Thursday, February 22, 2007 at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 19, 2007


Rev. Deacon Milan Medakovic was the homilist at the first of a series of Lenten Vespers which are served in the churches of the Cleveland Deanery and begin traditionally at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Lorain, Ohio on the eve of Great Lent for Forgiveness Sunday Vespers on Sunday, February 18, 2006.

Deacon Medakovic spoke about this Sunday which is also known as Cheesefare or Forgiveness Sunday but is also the day that the Expulsion of Adam from Paradise is commemorated in the Orthodox Church. In talking about this latter characteristic of the day’s liturgical commemoration he pointed out, among other things, that man’s fall mainly resulted from him wanting to follow his own will and not God’s will. In connection with this, he reflected on our own dilemmas in life when we pose the question “is God testing us?” “Oftentimes,” Fr. Deacon continued, “it’s not a question of whether God is testing us or not but rather us wanting to be directed by our own will and not wanting to lead God-directed lives.”

Protojerej-Stavrophor Fr. Rade Merick was the homilist at the Lenten Vespers for the Pittsburgh Deanery which was held at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in McKeesport, Pennsylvania. In his homily Fr. Rade spoke about the “bright sadness” of Great Lent and the joy of the Lenten season, about being in exile and returning to God. He also touched upon the liturgical book used during Lent, the Triodion, and how much we truly miss by not attending daily Vespers and Matins during this time.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Friday, February 16, 2007


New York, NY - St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral hosted a sold out benefit gala event, a "Feast of Love" celebration, Saturday evening, February 10, 2007 at the Women's Republican Club in New York City. In the spirit of love and appreciation, the event was organized to honor renowned humanitarian Lillian Booth's recent $100,000 donation to the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral Restoration Building Fund. Her lifelong partner, singer Misha Dabich, was the featured guest entertainer of the evening. The event was attended by prominent dignitaries, clergy and honored guests, including His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan of Eastern America, and the Reverend Father Djokan Majstorovic, the rector of St. Sava Cathedral.

As a generous philanthropist, Lillian Booth is a patron of many causes and has helped improve the lives of millions of people in various fields of interest. She has donated in the areas of education, arts, culture, civic affairs, senior citizens welfare, medical care and children's causes.

Ms. Booth has made numerous contributions over the years, including generous donations to St. Sava in the last five years, placing her as the Cathedral's largest contributor. Other recipients of her generosity have been the Actors' Fund of America which received recently $2 million dollars and renamed their Actors' Home in Englewood, NJ as the Lillian Booth Actors' Home. In addition, Ms. Booth donated $3.5 million to the Pascack Valley Hospital in Westwood, NJ, which helped establish both the Lillian Booth Dialysis Center and Lillian Booth Radiation Oncology Pavilion.

Ms. Booth's lifelong partner of 50 years, award winning international skating artist, performer, musician, entertainer and comedian, Misha Dabich is of Serbian descent and is a generous supporter of preserving Serbian heritage. Born in Lebanon, Pennsylvania of Serbian immigrant parents, he grew up in the Serbian community and has been actively involved with St. Sava Cathedral, in New York since 1947.

The entire Serbian community celebrated with Misha Dabich in his expression of his lifelong romance and love for Ms. Booth as he performed "Songs of Love," singing American love classics in the Frank Sinatra style. His performance versatility amazed the primarily Serbian audience.

"Misha's performance touched us all. Not only did he perform love songs of the American classics -- but he pleasantly surprised us when he started speaking and singing in fluent Serbian, and then he sang our Serbian classic song "Tamo Daleko" in the finale, which got a standing ovation from Serbian community," said the Very Reverend Father Majstorovic.

The overwhelming enthusiastic applause moved Mr. Dabich. "I was a bit concerned since the audience was mostly ethnic Serbs, and I am American born, singing American love classics. The outcome for me was very surprising. The audience responded and that helped me to be more confident and then when I felt an overwhelming reaction I was even more at ease with myself and more dynamic on stage."

The event was organized by Mira Zivkovich, CEO and president of MZI Global Marketing (www.mziglobal.com) in New York City who also promoted the event.

"For me, giving love is the first step toward happiness" says Ms. Zivkovich. "This event is a tribute to love in many possible ways, personally motivated by my sincere loving friends, their fairy tale story of their mutual love for each other over the past 50 years and their 'loving' generosity toward the community and society in general."

Ms. Zivkovich's lifelong passion for the diversity of cultures and people developed into an "ethnosynergism" marketing methodology that is based on the very idea of "giving love," whether it is to an individual, community or society. Recently, she was instrumental in establishing the Slavic Heritage Coalition (www.slavicheritagecoalition.com) which promotes the interests of Slavic- Americans in American life and culture.

"Misha's performance not only touched our guests, both American and ethnic Serbians, with his charismatic stage presence and warm personality, expressed through his voice and humor, but also captivated the audience. His Serbian dance shocked us, since it requires much vigor and would be challenging for anyone at any age" says Mira Luna, the Cathedral's First Vice President.

"Misha is great performer. What is surprising is that his singing of American Classic songs, thrilled not only his own generation but also us, a younger audience. And even more surprising is that over 50% of the guests were under age 40" says Nenad Milinkovich, President of Executive Board of St.Sava.

"Misha's performance was very moving in that a Serbian-American would be so connected to his Serbian heritage. Above all, such a generous donation from Lillian to our cathedral touched my heart" says Radmila Milentijevich, one of the top donors to the Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, Serbian cultural institutions and Serbian heritage programs.

"Fantastic! This evening was full of love in every way, toward our Serbian Christian Orthodox faith, Serbian heritage and people. Superb performance" says Mirjana Stepich, who with her husband Boris contributed a great deal to the success of the event, as well as years of support, not only in their financial generosity but also in their continued active, hands-on support in helping St. Sava Cathedral in New York.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 5, 2007


Hermitage, Pa - The Church School children of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage, Pennsylvania held their St. Sava Program on Sunday, February 4, 2007. Due to scheduling conflicts, the children celebrated the actual feast on Jan. 27, but held their  program this weekend. The program began in the church hall following the liturgy celebrated by parish priest Fr. Milovan Katanic. Besides the traditional recital (deklamacije) the children put on a play about the life of St. Sava. The play was prepared by a parishioner, based on the St. Bishop Nikolai's book "Life of St. Sava". A meal followed the program.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Boston, Ma - St. Sava was celebrated throughout the Eastern American Diocese. Especially festive was the celebration in Boston and Cleveland where His Grace Bishop Mitrofan served the Divine Liturgy. The patron saint for both the Boston and Cleveland churches is St. Sava. On the eve of the Feast of St. Sava, a Great Vespers service took place in the Boston parish (Cambridge). Four priests, including one monk from Greece, served in the presence of Bishop Mitrofan. His Grace greeted the faithful people at the end of the Service.

On the actual day of St. Sava, His Grace Bishop Mitrofan together with eight other clergy celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Besides Serbian priests there were clergy from the Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, Georgian and Antiochian jurisdictions. During the Liturgy, Bishop Mitrofan awarded Fr. Ivan Marjanovic from the Portland parish with a rank of Protopresbyter for his many years of service. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, the Slava bread was blessed in the presence of many children and Slava kumovi, Zivadin and Borka Gvozdenovic and their children Dusan and Bojana..

In his sermon, Bishop Mitrofan emphasized the importance and greatness of St. Sava. He mentioned the recent attacks on St. Sava in the newspapers in Serbia. Namely, an author of a text wrote that St. Sava wanted himself to become an Archbishop, ignoring historical facts that he took with him several monks and suggested that one of them becomes an Archbishop. Also, he accused St. Sava that he established the Serbian church for the Serbian elite, which is very far from the truth. The Bishop stressed that St. Sava is not only a Serbian Saint but a pan orthodox saint, and is loved and respected by other nations, which is confirmed by the presence of clergy and laity from other Orthodox jurisdictions at the Liturgy.

After a festive lunch that was prepared by the kumovi, a children’s program followed, consisting of poems, songs and folklore. For the first time in the Boston parish, a St. Sava play was performed by the children, written by Fr. Radovan Jakovljevic. This play depicts young Rastko Nemanjic who departs for Mount Athos and becomes monk. About three hundred faithful participated in honoring St. Sava in the Boston parish.

In the evening His Grace departed from Boston and the next day, January 28, he took part in St.Sava celebration in Cleveland.

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[ARCHIVED NEWS] Friday, February 1, 2007


Carmicheals, Pa - Every year Serbian Orthodox Christians come to the St.George Serbian Orthodox Church in Camichaels, Pennsylvania to pray to, remember and celebrate St. Sava. This year was no different.

One Thursday evening, January 25 the Akathist to St.Sava was served. Father Dimitre Dimitrov from Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary Orthodox Church came to concelebrate.

On Friday evening, January 26 Vespers for St.Sava was served. On Saturday, January 27, Midnight Office, Matins and Divine Liturgy was served.
On Sunday January 28 during the Divine Liturgy, the Slavski Kolac and Koljivo were blessed. The Annual St.Sava Day Dinner and Program were held.

Stan Brozik Executive Board President greeted the attendees at the dinner and program. Mr. Brozik spoke of the tradition of honoring and hearing the life of St.Sava each year at the St.George Church.

Choir and Kolo President Sonia Janson directed the choir during the Sunday Divine Liturgy and greeted parishioners at the dinner program. Mildred Bezjak, Executive Board Vice-President Elect spoke of remembrances of St.Sava Day programs. Mitzie Hunchuck, Parish Nurse Practioner offered greetings and read the life of St.Sava as written by St.Nikolai Velimirovic in The Prologue from Ohrid.

Choir member Djelosh Milosevich, Reader George Ben Gapen, and Christina Sivak, R.N., did readings in honor of St.Sava in English language. Assistant Choir Director and Financial Secretary Elect Andrea Janson, Professor Dr. Radoslav and Professor and Altar Server Dr. Ivko Dimitric did readings in Serbian language. Dr.Radoslav Dimitic, volunteered remarks about St.Sava being historically exceptional.

The program closed with the singing of Uskliknimo, the Hymn to St.Sava.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Midland PA - On Sunday January 7, 2007, the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America visited the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church School Congregation in Midland where he officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. He was assisted by Fr. Milan Pajic, Parish Priest.

This is the first time in 15 years that His Grace served the Divine Liturgy of the Nativity of our Lord in Midland. With the Church full of faithful parishioners, His Grace delivered moving words of encouragement to remain strong in our faith, wishing all Orthodox Christians Mir Bojzi, Hristos Se Rodi.

Fr. Milan Pajic
Parish Priest, Midland, Pa

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Diocese of Eastern America

65 Overlook Circle
New Rochelle, NY 10804


E-mail: diocese@easterndiocese.org 


Office & Residence: 

(914) 633-9000 - (914) 633-9009



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