2016 News Archive
Winter Camp in Atlanta 2016 - 12/31/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Atlanta, GA – This year's host for the Winter Camp of St. Petersburg's Deanery was the parish of Sts. Peter and Paul, here in Atlanta, GA.

2016 Winter Camp in Akron-Canton - 12/29/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Akron, OH - Winter Camp was held from December 26th – 28th, 2016 at host parishes St Archangel Michael in Akron and St George in North Canton. 

Распоред Архијерејских Богослужења - Schedule of Hierarchical Services - 12/29/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30


Autumn Semester Concludes at St. Tikhon's Seminary - 12/28/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

On Friday December 9th / 2016, lectures for the Autumn Semester at St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary 
were concluded.

2,7 милиона долара за развојне и хуманитарне пројекте фондације дивац у 2016. години - 12/28/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

RAISE Project among the top 20 in Europe - 12/28/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Winter Day Camp in Youngstown - 12/27/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Youngstown, OH - A Winter Day Camp was held at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, Youngstown, Ohio on Tuesday December 27, 2016.   

St Nicholas Celebration in Central PA - 12/26/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Steelton, PA - The celebration of our Holy Patron, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of Myra and Lycea, was filled with a depth, fullness and joy this year rarely seen here in Oberlin-Steelton due to the first Archpastoral visit of His Grace, Bishop IRINEJ.

Special Sundays Approaching the Nativity - 12/25/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2021-08-25 22:22:40

In the church services for the Feast Day of the Lord's Nativity there are three special Sundays, two before and one after Christmas. These are the Sundays of the Forefathers, Holy Fathers and God-bearing Fathers. On the Sunday of the Forefathers (in Serbian known as "Materice" Mother's Day) we commemorate in the services all the ancestors of the People of God, from Adam to Joseph, who was betrothed to Mary.

Meeting of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America - 12/25/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30



Представљање књиге Кринке Видаковић Петров Срби у Америци и њихова периодика - 12/21/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Pittsburgh Tri-State Committee for Lifeline Chicago - 12/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

У манастиру Светог Саве у Либертвилу 12. децембра први пут обиљежен празник новојављеног Светог Мардарија Ускоковића - 12/13/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Festal Liturgy and Banquet Honor Saint Mardarije of Libertyville - 12/13/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Митрополит Амфилохије и Епископи из Северне и Јужне Америке у Саборном храму у Чикагу - 12/13/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Prayerful Remembrance of Mother Ana (Radetich) - 12/13/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Richfield, OH - With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America, on the 25th Sunday after Pentecost a Memorial Service was celebrated on the first year anniversary of the falling asleep of Nun Ana (Radetich) of Blessed Repose, Abbess of the New Marcha Monastery.

Заседао Епископски савет СПЦ за Северну и Јужну Америку - 12/11/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Његово Високопреосвештенство Архиепископ цетињски и Митрополит црногорско-приморски г. Амфилохије, у пратњи Преосвећеног Епископа диоклијског г. Кирила, стигао је 7. децембра 2016. године у Чикаго.

Bishop Irinej participates in 20th Anniversary celebration of Metropolitan Nikitas' Consecration - 12/10/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Слава храма Светог архангела Михаила у Акрону, Охајо - 12/09/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Akron, OH - Дана 27. новембра 2016. године верни народ парохије Светог архангела Михаила у Акрону, Охајо, имао је част да дочека Његово Преосвештенство г. Иринеја, Епископа источноамеричког, у првој званичној посети овој Црквено-школској општини. 

Смотра фолклорних група у Кливленду - 11/30/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Broadview Heights, OH - У суботу, 26. новембра 2016. Његово Преосвештенсто Господин Г. Иринеј Епископ источноамерички присуствовао је традицијалној Смотри фолклорних група, која се одржава сваке године по државном празнику Дан Благодарности (Thanksgiving Day). 

Bishop Irinej at Centennial of OCA Pittsburgh Archdiocese - 11/28/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Pittsburgh, PA - Saint Alexander Nevsky Cathedral here was the site of the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Orthodox Church in America’s Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania November 11-12, 2016.

St. Stephen of Decani and Thanksgiving Day in Cleveland - 11/27/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Parma, OH - On Thursday, 24 November 2016, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America celebrated the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy at the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Parma, Ohio.

Очинска брига и братољубљe - 11/26/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Sheffield Lake, OH - На дан Светога Јована Милостивог (25. новембар 2016.) Његово Преосвештенство Господин Г. Иринеј Епископ источноамерички са свештенством Кливлендског намесништва, а у пратњи пречасног јереја Драгана Гороњића (Архијерејског намесника кливлендског) посетио је манастир Св. Марка у Лејк Шефијлду и показао своју очинску бригу посетивши повереног му Архимандрита Леонтија (Алавања), настојатеља манастира Св. Марка, који је оперисан средином новембра и упућен на кућно лечење. 

Church Slava in Columbus Ohio - 11/24/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - On Sunday November 20, 2016 Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio celebrated its Church Sava – St. Stefan of Decani.

Choir Slava in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania - 11/24/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The choir of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania celebrated their Slava, the Renovation of the Church of St George (November 16).

Bishop Irinej visits St. Nicholas on their 111th Anniversary - 11/24/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Monroeville, PA - On Sunday November 13, 2016 anticipation and excitement for the arrival of His Grace Bishop Irinej filled the air for weeks.

Аранђеловдан у Кливленду - 11/22/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Broadview Heights, OH - На празник Св. Архангела Михаила Његово Преосвештенство Господин Г. Иринеј Епископ источноамерички служио је Свету Архијерејску Литургију у храму Светог Саве у Кливленду (на Западном Волингс путу у Бродвју Хајтсу). 

Metropolitan Tikhon welcomes Serbian Bishop Irinej - 11/12/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon hosted His Grace, Bishop Irinej [Dobrijevic] of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America to the Chancery here.

His Grace Irinej Visits St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Parish - 11/09/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Washington, DC - On Saturday, October 29th, His Grace Bishop Irinej presided over Great Vespers at St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church which was celebrated by the parish priest, Father Aleksa Micic.

Parish Anniversary in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania - 11/05/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - Faithful of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania gathered on Sunday, October 30, 2016 to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and the parish Anniversary

Serbian Delegation in Columbus - 11/02/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - On Thursday October 27, (Ven. Mother Paraskeva – St. Petka) Serbian government and military officials visited St. Stevan of Decani, Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio. 

Waynesburg University Students Come to St. George Church - 10/31/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - On Saturday October 29, 2016 two classes of students from Waynesburg University in Waynesburg Pennsylvania came to St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania to perform community service work.

Прослава празника Свете Петке на Калемегдану - 10/31/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

У навечерје храмовне славе Његова Светост Патријарх српски г. Иринеј началствовало је бденијем у цркви Свете Петке на Калемегдану.


Новооснована мисионарскa парохија Светог великомученика Георгија - 10/29/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Naples, FL

Over £5000 Raised for Serbian Hospices - 10/23/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

His Holiness Irinej, Patriarch of Serbia lent his support for a charity opera evening which raised money to build the first in-patient hospice in Serbia.

Wedding of Prince Mihailo and Princess Ljubica Karadjordjevic - 10/23/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30



Patriarch Kirill meets with Patriarch Irinej of Serbia in London - 10/20/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

In the morning of October 17, 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, while on a pastoral visit to Great Britain, had a working meeting with His Holiness Patriarch Irenaeus of Serbia, in London.


Посета патријарха Иринеја Бирмингамској Лазарици - 10/20/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

У недељу 16. октобра 2016. године, када је наша црква молитвено славила Светог Дионисија Аеропагита, Његова Светост Патријарх српски г. Иринеј служио је свету Литургију у храму Светог кнеза Лазара у Бирмингаму. 

Homily of Patriarch Irinej at St Paul's Cathedral - 10/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Sermon preached for the 100th anniversary of St. Vitus’ Day celebration at St. Paul’s Cathedral (Marking British–Serbian friendship and alliance in the Great War) on Friday 14 October 2016 by His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Sir Irinej.

Archbishop welcomes Patriarch of Serbia to Lambeth Palace - 10/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

London, UK - The Archbishop of Canterbury welcomed His Holiness Irinej, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, Patriarch of Serbia, and a delegation from the Serbian Orthodox Church to Lambeth Palace today.

Патријарх Иринеј служио свету Литургију у Лондону - 10/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

100th Anniversary in Lebanon, PA - 10/15/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Lebanon, PA - With the blessing of His Grace our Bishop Irinej of the Eastern Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church, our Parish celebrated its 100th Anniversary starting from Friday, October 7th through Sunday, October 9th this 2016th Year of our Lord.

Official Visit of the Serbian Patriarch - Day 2 - 10/14/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

London, UK - The official visit of His Holiness Irinej, Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, Patriarch of Serbia at the invitation of the Archbishop of Canterbury continued today at Lambeth Palace.

Патријарх српски Иринеј стигао у Лондон - 10/14/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

London, UK - Његова Светост Патријарх српски г. Иринеј и делегација Српске Православне Цркве допутовали су 12. октобра 2016. године у Лондон редовним летом Ер-Србије.

Патријарх српски г. Иринеј у посети Англиканској Цркви - 10/14/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

London, UK

The Work of the Assembly of Canonical Bishops in the USA - 10/08/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Detroit, MI - The Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened their 7th Annual General Assembly Meeting in Detroit, beginning on October 4th 2016.

His Grace +IRINEJ Enthroned as Fifth Bishop of Eastern America - 10/07/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Pittsburgh, PA - Hundreds of the faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America joined hierarchs, clergy and well-wishers from around the world in Pittsburgh on October 1 in welcoming His Grace Bishop Irinej (Dobrijevic) as their new Hierarch and Archpastor.

Assembly of Bishops Discusses Religious Liberty, Reviews Committees Work, Encourages Pan-Orthodox Cooperation - 10/06/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Detroit, MI - The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States began the 2nd day of its annual meeting with a special forum dedicated to the important subject of religious freedom.

Hierarchs Gather in Detroit - 10/05/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Detroit, MI - The Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America convened their 7th Annual General Assembly Meeting in Detroit on October 4, 2016 with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy at the Antiochian Basilica of Saint Mary in Livonia, Michigan.

Youth Day at St Stevan Church - 10/03/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - On Saturday October 1, 2016, St. Stevan of Decani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio,  organized their Youth Day. 

St George Kolo Slava Celebration - 09/19/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The St. George Kolo, the Circle of Serbian Sisters, works throughout the year to benefit the parish.

Bishop Mitrophan Feted on 25th Anniversary - 08/29/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Aliquippa, PA - Clergy and faithful of the Eastern American Diocese were already beginning to think about doing something to honor their Bishop Mitrophan on his 25th Anniversary as bishop of the Diocese. 

Eastern Diocese to Welcome New Archpastor - 08/24/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Pittsburgh, PA - The faithful of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America are busily preparing to welcome their new Archpastor, His Grace Bishop Irinej (Dobrijevic) on October 1st, 2016 at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Diocesan Day 2016 - 08/21/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Shadeland, PA - On Sunday, August 7th, Serbian communities from across the Eastern American Diocese of the United States travelled to St Sava Camp in Shadeland, PA for Diocesan Day.

Ninth Annual Healthcare Day Seminar - 08/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The Ninth Annual Healthcare Day Seminar was held at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on August 9, 2016. St. Panteleimon is the Slava, the patronal feast for the Parish Nurse’s Office.

Посјета Његовог Преосвештенства Г. Митрофана парохији у Атланти - 08/10/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Atlanta, GA - Његово Преосвештенство Г. Митрофан посјетио је парохију светих апостола Петра и Павла у Атланти 16. и 17. јула поводом обиљежавања парохијске Крсне славе, као и 23. и 24. јула ове године.

Слава манастира Нова Марча - 08/01/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Richfield, OH - Манастир Светог Архангела Гаврила Нова Марча ове године је свечано прославио славу.

Annual Vidovdan Observance in Carmichaels - 07/25/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA -The Eighteenth Annual Vidovdan program was held at St.George Serbian Orthodox Church in a Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on June 26, 2016.

Holy Trinity Mission Celebrates Slava - 07/20/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Fairmont, WV - His Grace, Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN accepted Holy Trinity Mission in Fairmont, West Virginia into the Eastern Diocese on April 15, 2000. 

Ordination in Elizabeth - 07/01/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Elizabeth, NJ - On Tuesday, January 28th, His Grace Bishop Dr +Mitrophan served the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St George Serbian Orthodox Church.  

New Kitchen at St Stevan of Decani - 06/29/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - Our old kitchen was built at the same time as the Church - almost five decades ago. Thanks to our good parishioners after five decades we finally have a brand new kitchen. 

St Nicholas in Monroeville Celebrates Slava - 06/19/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Monroeville, PA - The St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Monroeville, Pennsylvania celebrates the Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Nicholas as the parish Slava.

Bishop Dr Mitrophan's Namesday - 06/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

New York, NY - On Friday, June 17th, His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan (Kodic) celebrated Divine Liturgy at St George Serbian Orthodox Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey. 

New Bishop of Canada is His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrofan - 06/13/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

By the will of God and the grace of the Holy Spirit at the regular Assembly of the Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, held at the Patriarchate in Belgrade from May 14-25 2016, His Grace Dr. Mitrofan (Kodic), up to now the Bishop of Eastern America was chosen to be Bishop of Canada.

Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand Bishop-Elect of Eastern America - 06/12/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

On 25 May 2016 the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church elected by acclamation Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand to the Throne of Bishops of Eastern America following the election of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America to the Throne of Bishops of Canada.

Johnstown celebrates 110 years - 06/07/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Johnstown, PA - A special day in the list of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church was observed on the Transfer of the Relics of St. Nicholas, Sunday, May 22, 2016. 

St George Clearwater celebrates their Krsna Slava - 05/31/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Clearwater, FL - Sunday May 8, 2016 St. George church in Clearwater celebrated their Krsna Slava (patron Saint day) St. George. 

St George Church Slava - 05/17/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Diocesan Bishop of Eastern America, came to St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on Sunday, May 8, 2016 for the celebration of the parish Slava.

Repose of Fr Seraphim Steve - 05/12/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Richfield, OH - On Tuesday, May 12 2016, Fr Seraphim Steve fell asleep in the Lord after a short battle with cancer.

Easter Celebration in Cincinnati - 05/10/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Cincinnati, OH - On May 1, 2016 parishioners of Saint George Serbian Orthodox Church celebrated Easter Sunday, one of the most joyous and significant feast days for Christians.

Holy Week & Pascha around the Diocese - 05/10/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

A collection of Holy Week and Pascha photo galleries from around the Eastern Diocese.

Lazarus Saturday at St Stevan's - 05/04/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Lackawanna, OH - His Grace Bishop MITROPHAN made a pastoral visit to the St. Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church in Lackawanna, NY, on Friday, April 22-Saturday, April 23.

Palm Sunday in Niagara Falls - 04/26/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Niagara Falls, ON – On Palm Sunday, April 24, 2016  His Grace, Rt. Rev. Bishop Mitrophan, visited the CSC "St. George" in Niagara Falls, Ontario. 

St Petersburg Deanery Events - 04/26/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Jacksonville, FL - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN scheduled the St. Petersburg Deanery Clergy Confession and Christian Education Meeting to be held at the St. King Milutin Serbian Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, Florida on April 9, 2016.

Епископ Источноамерички Господин Митрофан у Бостону и Портланду - 04/21/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Епископ источноамерички Госп. Митрофан је посетио у недељу, 17 априла најпре парохију Светог Саве у Бостону где је служио Свету Литургију а затим у поподневним часовима и парохију Сабора Српских Светитеља у Бидефорду (Портланд) где је узео у чешћа на Вечерњем Богослужењу.

Lenten Workshop in North Canton - 04/09/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Canton, OH - On April 9th, 2016, St George Serbian Orthodox Church hosted their first annual Lenten workshop sponsored by the Circle of Serbian Sisters.  

Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon visits Columbus - 04/04/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - On Saturday April 2, 2016 the Wonderworking icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (of the Sign) - Kursk-Root Icon; was at St. Stevan of Dechani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio.

Sunday of Orthodoxy in Cincinnati - 03/31/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Cincinnati, OH - For over one thousand years, Orthodox Christians have observed the Sunday of Orthodoxy. 

Lenten Pilgrimage to New York - 03/28/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Canton, OH - Parishioners from St George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton went on a Lenten Pilgrimage to St Vladimir's Seminary and St Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral from March 24-27th, 2016.

Bulgarian TV Visiting Bulgarian Language School - 03/16/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - On Sunday March 13, 2016 a Bulgarian TV crew visited Sts. Cyril and Methodius Bulgarian language School at St. Stevan Of Dechani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio.

Cleveland Deanery Christian Education Meeting - 03/10/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Canton, OH - The Twenty Seventh Annual Christian Education Meeting was scheduled by His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN to be held at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Canton, Ohio on February 27, 2016.

Pittsburgh Deanery Education Meeting - 03/02/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Johnstown, PA - The Twenty-Seventh Annual Deanery Meeting on Christian Education was scheduled by His Grace Bishop Dr. MTIROPHAN to be held at the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on February 20, 2016.

SerbFest in North Port - 03/02/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Port, FL - On Sunday Fen 28, 2016 the St. Sava Church in North Port, FL hosted their annual Serbian Festival. 

Kolo Slava in Clearwater - 02/24/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Clearwater, FL - The Kolo Sisters had their Slava on Sunday Feb. 21, 2016 at St. George Church. The Slava is Sretenje Gospodnje (Presentation of Jesus at the Temple).

St Sava Celebration in St Petersburg - 02/16/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

St Petersburg, FLOn Sunday, January 31, 2016, the faithful of the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, FL, celebrated the patronal feast of their parish church, St. Sava, the First Archbishop of the Serbs, Enlightener and equal to the Apostles.

Serbian New Years in Florida - 02/15/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Clearwater, FL - St. George Church celebrated Serbian New Years  Jan, 16, 2016 in our newly renovated church hall.

St Sava Celebrations from around the Diocese - 02/01/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

A collection of photo galleries from St Sava celebrations around the Eastern American Diocese.

Blessing of the Monongahela River - 01/27/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - Photos from the annual blessing of the Monongahela River.

Parastos for +Mother Ana - 01/23/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Richfield, OH - On the occasion of the 40th day of the eternal repose of The Very Venerable abbess Mother Ana Radetic, on January 22nd, 2016, the holy liturgy was served in the New Marcha Monastery in Richfield, OH, followed by the memorial service. 

Annual River Blessing in Fairmont - 01/22/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Fairmont, WV - Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Mission in Fairmont, West Virginia is a parish of the Eastern American Diocese.

Eastern Diocese Winter Retreat - 01/12/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Akron, OH - With the Archpastoral Blessings and the presence of His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN, the Seventh Annual Diocesan Winter Retreat of the Eastern American Diocese was held December 28-30, 2015.

Photos from the Feast of the Nativity - 01/09/16
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

A collection of photo galleries of the Feast of the Nativity from all around the Eastern American Diocese. Updated Jan 22, 2016



Diocese of Eastern America

65 Overlook Circle
New Rochelle, NY 10804


E-mail: diocese@easterndiocese.org 


Office & Residence: 

(914) 633-9000 - (914) 633-9009