2013 Archived News
Thanksgiving at St George in Lorain - 11/30/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

As it says in Psalm 136, “O give thanks unto the LORD for he is good; for His mercy endures forever.” For the second year in a row, the St George Serbian Orthodox Parish in Lorain, Ohio has given thanks to God by offering a Thanksgiving meal for the neediest in our community.

Church Slava Celebrated in Columbus 2013 - 11/27/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - St. Stefan of Dechani, Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio celebrated its Slava on Sunday, November 24th 2013. Divine Liturgy started at 10:00 a.m. and was followed with the blessing of the Kolac and Koljivo. 

Following the Divine Liturgy Slava luncheon was served for everyone in attendance in the social hall. We were honored to have His Grace, Bishop Sava of Slavonija (recently retired) and Deacon Ljubisa Mitrovic, with us for this very special occasion. Bishop Sava in his speech said that we are blessed to have so many young Altar Servers in our parish and added that during his entire service as a Bishop in Slavonija he did not have even a single Altar Server in His Diocese. His Grace also spoke about extremely difficult circumstances for our Serbian people living in Croatia where an anti-Serb agenda and a negative sentiment towards the Serbs is present continuously from the time of massive atrocities against Serbs in Jasenovac till this day.

Church Slava Celebrated in Midland - 11/25/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Midland, PA - On July 18th and 19th, 1949. when the Church in Midland was consecrated, it was decided that the church will be dedicated to St. George, and at the suggestion of St. Bishop Nikolaj Velimirovic that it should be called “Lazarica”. That’s when it was decided that because, at that time, most of the church parishioners celebrated St. George in May, then the church slava would be in November 16th, when we celebrate Djurdjic, the restoration of the Holy Temple in Lydda Palestine and the transfer of the relics of St. George.

Since 1950 until today, 63 years, the Slava of our church has been celebrated continuously, on the day of November 16th or the closest Sunday to it.

Ручак са Краљем - 11/15/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Patterson, NJ - Њ.К.В Престолонаследник Александар II и Њ.К.В Принцеза Катарина, као и сестра Принцезе Катарине Г-ђа Бети Румелиотис, били су гости наше парохије.

У току свечаног ручка Престолонаследник и Принцеза промовисали су рад хуманитарне организације Lifeline NY и акције помоћи за дјецу Србије. Прилозима присутних, скупљена је помоћ за дјецу Србије у висини од $12.000. Породица Алексић донирала је све намирнице за ручак, а сестре КСС припремиле су ручак.

Било је присутно око 150 вјерника на св. Литургији и исто толико на свечаном ручку.

Fifty-Ninth Anniversary at St. George Carmichaels - 11/13/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN came to the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on Sunday November 3, 2013 to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. When the Diocesan Bishop comes to the parish to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, the fullness of the Church is joyously experienced. Sunday, November 3, 2013 was a special day at St. George Church.

Annual Banquet in New York City 2013 - 11/10/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

New York, NY - On Saturday, November 2, the Cathedral Board, Fr. Djokan and Church Stewards held their annual fundraising banquet, dedicated to the gathering of funds for the restoration of the St. Sava Center. Because seating was limited, only 130 guests could be accommodated, although a number of people requested tickets. The dais was graced by HRH Prince Alexander and HRH Princess Katherine, Consul General of Serbia, Mirjana Zivkovic, Director of the Washington, DC Office of Republika Srpska, Obrad Kesich, V. Rev. Fr. Alexandar Vlajkovic (Boston) and V. Rev. Fr. Velisa Vasic (Stockholm, Sweden).

Twenty-Fifth Annual Pittsburgh Deanery Meeting - 11/02/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Youngwood, PA - With the Archpastoral presence and participation of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Twenty Fifth Annual Pittsburgh Deanery Meeting on Christian Education was held on Saturday, November 2, 2013. The meeting was hosted by Holy Ascension Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngwood, Pennsylvania. Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery Very Reverend Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov and host priest Reverend Father Milan Medakovich warmly welcomed the participants.

Eastern Diocese Clergy Seminar 2013 - 11/02/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Shadeland, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN consistently schedules clergy seminars for the purpose of continuing education. Since at least 1993 various speakers have addressed a wide range of topics related to the priesthood and parish life. Since 2008 the seminars have been held at Shadeland in Springboro, Pennsylvania. The seminars make good use of the beautiful Most Holy Mother of God Monastery Church and St. Sava Camp facilities.

Делегација Владе Републике Српске у Посјети "Теслиној научној фондацији" у Филаделфији - 11/01/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Филаделфија - Предсједница Владе Републике Српске Жељка Цвијановић, и министар финансија Зоран Тегелтија, су током петог дана своје посјете Сједињеним Америчким Државама посјетили Филаделфију.  Они су у овај амерички град дошли на позив "Теслине научне фондације" и његов предсједника Николе Лончара. Наиме, ова научна фондација обиљежиће на Видовдан сљедеће године два вијека од доласка првог Србина на америчко тло, и то баш у Филаделфији.

Unveiling the Monument of Nikola Tesla - 09/22/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

New York, NY - У недељу 22. септембра, у Саборном храму Св. Саве у Њујорку, Св. Литургију је служио Његово Преосвештенство Епископ источно-амерички Митрофан ,уз саслужење проте Томе Поповића и проте Ђокана. Прота Тома Стојшић је присуствовао Св. Литургији. Такође је Св. Литургији присуствовала и делегација из Србије на челу са Александром Влајковићем, председником организационог Одбора за откривање споменика Николи Тесли. Након свечаног ручка у црквеној сали, присутнима се обратио господин Влајковић  говоречи о раду и реализацији овог великог државног пројекта, којим је у Њујорку координирала Марина Швабић. Професор Др. Дејан Илић из Минхена је одржао предавање о Николи Тесли, након чега је је уследила пројекција филма Светлост Теслиног рада (“The Light of Tesla Work’s”).

His Holiness Patriarch Irinej visits St Sava Cathedral in New York City - 09/04/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

New York, NY - On Wednesday, September 4, 2013 His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej, together with Fr. Vladimir Vranic, arrived at JFK airport in New York City. They were greeted by the Ambassador of Serbia, His Excellency Vladimir Petrovic from Washington D.C., the Ambassador of Serbia in the UN, His Excellency Milan Milanovic, the General Consulate of Serbia from NYC, Her Excellency MIrjana Zivkovic, and the Very Reverend Father Djokan Majstorovic, the Dean of the Cathedral of St. Sava in NYC. After the guests were warmly welcomed, they traveled to the Cathedral of St. Sava for an evening Vespers service.

The next day the guests were accompanied by His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrofan to visit the General Consulate, the Serbian UN Mission and to meet with Vuk Jeremic, President of the UN Assembly. In the evening, Vespers was served in the presence of His Holiness Patriarch Irinej, His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrofan and clergy form the Washington-New York deanery. At the end of the service His Holiness addressed the faithful in attendance, around 150 people. He called upon those present to keep their faith and heritage, especially the Serbian language and the Serbian alphabet "cirilica". He further called for the faithful to keep unity and love among themselves just as our Lord and St. Sava, the patron of New York's magnificent Serbian Cathedral, taught us. His Holiness Patriarch Irinej blessed the faithful and distributed the icon of the Mother of God Trojerucica from Hilandar to everybody.

On Friday, September 6, His Holiness gave a lecture in the UN on "The culture of peace and our responsibility". The lecture was well received and His Holiness was complemented by many listeners, including the Deputy of the Secretary of the UN. Following Vespers that evening, HIs Holiness visited the Very Reverend Djokan Majstorovic and his family in the parish house before departing the following morning for Chicago.

Article by Fr Djokan Majstorovic


Eastern Region KSS Federation Celebrates Slava - 08/24/13
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Mars, PA - The Eastern Region Federation KSS celebrates the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God as the organizational Slava.  This year the Slava was celebrated on August 24, 2013 at the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery Church in Shadeland, Springboro, Pennsylvania.

The Federation works throughout the year for the benefit of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church with the Archpastoral Blessings of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN.  Very Reverend Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Episcopal Deputy, is the Spiritual Advisor of the Federation.

KSS Federation Officers include Millie Radovick-President; Diane Dee Dee Baskot-Vice-President; Barbara Topich-Treasurer; and Martha Springborn-Secretary.

The Federation’s most visible presence is at the St. Sava Camp, Shadeland, Springboro in Crawford County, Pennsylvania. The work and support of the Federation has benefitted youths from throughout the Diocese as well as from parishes beyond the Diocese when they attend the four weeks of summer camp. The Federation is instrumental in the success of Diocesan Day each year held at the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God and St.Sava Camp, Shadeland.

The Federation actively participates in the St. Nikodim Chapel Slava each year at the Episcopal Residence in Mars, Pennsylvania.  Kolo members work in a variety of projects in the various parishes in the Eastern Diocese throughout the year and have a significant impact on parish and Diocesan church life.

The Federation has consistently provided support for Clergy Seminars held at Shadeland each year and for the Winter Retreats for youths held in December for a number of years.

The Federation officers and members give of themselves generously and voluntarily for the benefit of the Eastern American Diocese. They set examples of love for God’s Holy Church by put their faith in action.

                                                                        Father Rodney Torbic

[Archived News] Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Visit to Monastery Marcha

Richfield, OH - This evening, August 29, 2013, Archimandrite Alexandar (Cutler) visited New Marcha Monastery together with his fellow brethren Monk Daniel and the brotherhood of Holy Cross Hermitage ( http://holycross-hermitage.com ) Hieromonk Nektarije and Monk Ephraim. The Fathers attended Vespers after which they joined the Sisters for dinner.

The St. John the Theologian Monastery in Hiram, where Fr. Alexander has been an Abbot for thirty years already, has recently been received under the omophorion of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and follows the Julian calendar. Fr. Alexander has also transferred the role of Abbot to the Hermitage Abbot, Bishop George, who appointed Hieromonk Nektarije as dean and Monk Ephraim and his brother.

Archimandrite Alexander and Monk Daniel are leaving America next week for Ukraine to the Holy Ascension Monastery, near Rvna where they will continue their monastic calling.

The visit of our dear fathers was motivated by Fr. Alexander that he might bid farewell to the sisters of Monastery Marcha with whom they lived for ten years in the sincerest love in the Lord. Another reason for the visit was the wish of Fr. Alexander to show "the new brothers that there are others like them..." that is, that they not fall in despair since they have left, with the blessing of their spiritual Father and Abbot Bishop George, their native Hermitage of many brethren, to come to a new location.

May the Lord strengthen them.

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[Archived News] Saturday, August 17, 2013

2013 Diocesan Day

Shadeland, PA - With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America the annual Diocesan Day celebration was held on Sunday, August 11, 2013, the feast day of the Holy Martyr St. Callinicus. The day began with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with over twenty diocesan clergy and three deacons assisting His Grace, the bishop, at the holy altar. Churches from the Cleveland and Pittsburgh area were closed and all parishioners were invited to attend the diocesan celebration in Shadeland, which also served as the closing of this year's children's camp season. Once again this year the camp season was a success.

This year's diocesan day celebration was particularly special for members of the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio as Deacon Mladen Gardovic was ordained during the liturgy to the priesthood and appointed to the Youngstown parish.

His Grace, as always, directed his homily to the children and spoke to them of the need of safeguarding the treasure of their Orthodox faith and Serbian heritage.  Fr. Rodney Torbic contacted the local fire department and invited them to join us for our diocesan festivities.  Immediately following the Divine Lituryg Bishop Mitrophan blessed the new ambulance and fire truck which they greatly appreciated!

The day continued with a beautiful and uplifting children's program in the pavilion.  The annual Diocesan Day picnic continued throughout the day.

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[Archived News] Sunday, July 28, 2013

Monastery Marcha Slava

Richfield, OH - Monastery Marcha in Richfield, Ohio reached a new level of verified growth with the Slava celebration of July 27, 2013. Attendance reached the highest level since the consecration of the monastery church. The monastery celebrates the Synaxis of Archangel Gabriel as the Slava. Services were also held on July 25 and 26 as part of the Slava celebration.

Monastery Marcha is a women’s monastery of the Eastern America Diocese. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN the Diocesan Bishop has been instrumental in the growth of Monastery Marcha throughout His Episcopacy. Mother Ana, the Abbess and Sister Anastasia are long-time residents. Hieromonk Platon has been at Monastery Marcha since August 2012.

Very Reverend Stavfor Vasilje and Protinica Zorine Sokolovic and their family served as Kumovi for the Slava. In addition to Prota Vasilje and Father Platon, fifteen priests and two deacons were present. Eleven of the priests and two deacons served with His Grace at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. The Divine Liturgy included the ordination to the Diaconate for Father Deacon Branislav Golic bringing the total to three deacons serving.  Dr.Nikola Resanovic directed the choir singing the responses.

Deacon Branislav Golic serves as Diocesan Secretary. He is the most recent graduate of St.Sava School of Theology in Libertyville, Illinois to be ordained and to serve in the Eastern Diocese. Graduates of St.Sava School of Theology serve parishes throughout North America and in Serbia and in other parts of the world. His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN is Dean of St.Sava School of Theology and has been an active professor since the founding of the school.

The joy of the ordination for Deacon Branislav was increased by the presence of his family here from Serbia and his new wife Dragana. Deacon Branislav’s  father is a priest and his brother a deacon. They added to and shared in the joy of the ordination and  the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.
The Slava dinner followed the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, blessing of the Kolac and Koljivo and His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN’s homily. Attendees at the Slava represented parishes from Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

Mr.Nikola Borata served  as Master of Ceremonies at the Slava dinner. Dr.Branimir Simic Glavaski was among those recognized at the dinner. Prota Vasilije and Protinica Zorine spoke with conviction and from their hearts regarding Monastery Marcha.     

Monastery Marcha continues to be a growing presence of God’s Holy Church in the Cleveland area and welcomes visitors and pilgrims from throughout the world during the course of the year. May God continue to bless Monastery Marcha. May Monastery Marcha continue to bless and enrich the souls of the visitors and pilgrims seeking God’s loving and healing power. Thank God for the countless blessings derived from the existence of Monastery Marcha.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, July 24, 2013

Atlanta Parish Celebrates Slava

Atlanta, GA – The Sts. Peter and Paul Serbian Orthodox Church in Atlanta, Georgian celebrated their Church Slava on Sunday, July 14, 2013.  

The celebration started on Saturday, June 13, by praying for opening traditional St. Peter’s day soccer tournament. Four teams took part in this tournament, and the winners who took the first and second places donated their money awards to the building fund for paying out the new church property.

On Sunday July 14, His Grace Bishop Mitrofan, assisted by quest clergy Fr. Dragoslav Kosic from Charlotte, NC and parish priest Fr. Miladin Blagojevic, served the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, which was followed with the blessing of the Slava Kolac and Koljivo. Kumovi for the Krsna Slava were Djordje and Danka Vecerina, and their children Ksenija and Sara. After lunch, which was prepared by the Circle of Serbian sisters and members of the church board for all attendees a special cultural program was prepared and performed by our guests and hosts. Guests included members of Romanian Dancing folklore group from Atlanta who performed the most beautiful folk dances from Romania. The hosts welcomed their guests, among which was an Ethno-group who performed the original old Serbian songs.

During the luncheon the parish priest, Fr. Miladin, for his faithful pastoral work, was elevated to the dignified rank of Protonamesnik by His Grace Bishop Mitrofan.

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[Archived News] Friday, June 28, 2013

Youngstown Parish Celebrates Church Slava

Youngstown, OH - Fifty days after the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles in the form of "cloven tongues of fire," with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and they began to speak in languages that they did not know.  Orthodox Christians call this day Pentecost and is more commonly known by the Serbian people as Duhovi. 

On Sunday June 23, 2013, the parishioners of Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio celebrated their Krsna Slava and were honored and grateful to have His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan serve the Divine Liturgy.  Following a procession around the church three times, a traditional Slava banquet prepared by the Kolo Srpskih Sestara was held in the church hall with the cutting of the Slavski Kolach.  Serving as Kumovi were Lori Moncilovich and sons George James, Ethan and Isaac.  Graduates honored during the banquet were Brittany Danilov with a Master's degree and George James Moncilovich and Ilija Lyras from high school.  Congratulations to the Kumovi and graduates! Ziveli na Mnogaja Ljeta!
Mile Andjelkovich

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[Archived News] Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Aliquippa Church Camp Visits Hermitage Parish

Hermitage, PA - The annual church camp held at St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church in Aliquippa, Pennysylvania began their week-long camp on Monday, June 10, 2013. As this year's theme is Icons: Windows to Heaven the parish priest, V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov contacted V. Rev. Milovan Katanic at St. George Serbian Church in Hermitage, Pennsylvania to discuss a possible visit to the parish. The St. George parish began a fresco project a few years ago and Prota Stevan wanted to incorporate the visit into their church camp curriculum.

The campers, led by Prota Stevan, arrived Monday morning in Hermitage where they were welcomed by Fr. Milovan who gave a short presentation about icons and the fresco making process to campers in the church. Afterward, a lunch was prepared for the guests. 

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[Archived News] Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Philadelphia Parish Celebrates Its Krsna Slava

Philadelphia, PA - On Sunday, May 19th 2013, the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Philadelphia Pa. celebrated Its Krsna Slava. Following Divine Liturgy, the faithful filled the church‐hall for the blessing of the slavski kolach and koljivo. Kumovi for the Krsna Slava were Sasha and Mirjana Randjelovic, and their children Kristina and Dimitrije.

Following the blessing of the slavski kolach and koljivo, the congregation honored long‐time member, a great benefactor, as well as cantor in our church, Mr. Paul Matzko. On behalf of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan, Fr. Milorad Orlic present Mr. Matzko with an Episcopal Grammata, recognizing his many years of devoted service to the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Philadelphia. Executive Board President, Mr. Milan Devetak expressed the thanks of the congregation for Paul’s many years of
devoted service. It a short, emotional speech, Paul thanked the congregation for its expression of gratitude to him.

A pleasant surprise to the community was the acceptance of the responsibility of kumstvo for next year’s Krsna Slava, by one of the younger members of our community, Mr. Nikola Krstic, son of Radovan and Vesna Krstic. Mnogaja Ljeta Nikola!

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[Archived News] Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Raising of the Dome and Bell on the New Church in Orlando

Photo gallery

Orlando, FL - Saturday, May 11, 2013 was a day to remember for the faithful of the St. Petka Church in Orlando, Florida. Exactly two years after construction on the new church began many Orthodox faithful from Central Florida and other areas gathered to attend the liturgy and the blessing and raising of the main dome and cross for the new church. The Divine Liturgy was served by a number of local Orthodox clergy. Officiating was V. Rev. Stefan Zaremba, the Dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery for the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America.

Following the Divine Liturgy the dome and cross were blessed after which it was raised on top of the church. The dome, which was constructed on groud and covered in copper, was raised by a crane and with much precision placed on the roof of the church to the great amazement of the faithful. Afterward the cross was also raised, accompanied by hundreds of cameras of the faithful in attendance.

This historic day in Orlando was completed with a lunch, a folklore program and speeches, the event was made all the more special through the attendance of representatives of the Serbian Ambassadors in Washington. 

Monetary contributions were collected on this occasion for the continuing of the construction of the church. We wish to thank all of those help us in this God-pleasing act with the wish and hope and we come together again for a similar event.

Marko Zecevic,
Church Board President

Орландо, Флорида - У суботу, 11. маја о.г., на имању цркве Св. Петке у Орландо на Флориди био је дан за памћење. Тачно двије године од почетка изградње новог храма на имању су се окупили многобројни православни вјерници из Централне Флориде и других крајева, како би присуствовали литургији, освећењу и подизању главне куполе и крста на нови храм. Светом Литургијом коју су служили многи православни свештеници са подручја Флориде, началствовао је Протојереј Стефан Заремба, архијерејски намјесник Сент Питерсбуршки.

На крају Свете Литургије освештани су купола и крст након чека је почео сам чин подизања. Купола, која је рађена на земљи и прекривена бакреним металом, уз помоћ крана и са великом прецизношћу подигнута је на кров цркве уз велико одушевљење свих присутних. Потом је услиједило подизање крста, који су попратиле стотине фотоапарата присутних вјерника.

Историјски дан у Орланду употпуњен је ручком, фолклорним наступима и говорима, а догађај су својим присуством увеличали и представници Амбасаде Србије из Вашингтон.

Овом приликом скупила су се новчана средства за наставак изградње храма. Жељели би да се захвалимо свима који помажу ово богоугодно дјело уз жељу и наду да ћемо се ускоро опет сабрати о неком сличном великом догађају.

Марко Зечевић,
Предсједник Одбора ЦШО Света Петка, Орландо, Флорида

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[Archived News] Monday, May 13, 2013

Bishop Mitrophan Visits St George Church in Hermitage

Hermitage, PA - The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage, Pennsylvania celebrated their Church Slava on second Sunday of Pascha, May 12, 2013, the Sunday of Thomas. His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America offiiciated at the Divine Liturgy assisted by local clergy, V. Rev. Milovan Katanic. Joining the liturgical celebration was Fr. David Mastroberte of the neighboring St. John's Carpatho-Russian Church who, with the blessing's of the bishop, took part in the festive Slava Litiya.

His Grace, the bishop, served the Cutting of the Slava Kolach in the church hall following the liturgy with this year's Slava kumovi Bozo and Sava Grkinic.

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[Archived News] Friday, May 10, 2013

Pascha Celebrated at St. John the Baptist Church in Paterson, New Jersey

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[Archived News] Friday, May 10, 2013

Pascha Celebrated St. George in Clearwater, Florida

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[Archived News] Monday, April 29, 2013

Palm Sunday in Hermitage

Hermitage, PA - The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage, Pennsylvania hosted the last of the Deanery Lenten Vespers, for the 2nd group of the Cleveland Deanery. Joining the host clergy, V. Rev. Milovan Katanic were: V. Rev. Stavrophor Vladimir Demshuk, Rev. Dragan Goronjic, Rev. Milan Pajic and Hieromonk Platon (Jovic). Also serving were clergy from the local pan-Orthodox community: V. Rev. Stavrophor Michael Polanichka (Carpatho-Russian), V. Rev. Spyro Kehayes (Greek Metropolis), Rev. Andrew Gall (Ukrianian Church), Rev. David Mastroberte (Carpatho-Russian).

Hieromonk Platon was the evening's homilist. He spoke vividly and energetically about the day's feast celebrated in Orthodox Churches worldwide, the Triumphant Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. He stressed the joyous attitude the Jewish people had in welcoming Jesus into their city and how quickly afterward they would turn against Him and crucify Him. In the same way do we, Fr. Platon noted, call upon God everyday of our lives and when He comes and abides in us we cast Him out, we crucify Him in our hearts. He spoke of the dangers of praising God with our lips but being far from Him in our hearts.

A lenten dinner was served in the church hall afterward.

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[Archived News] Monday, April 29, 2013

First Confession in Steelton Parish

Steelton, PA - During the 2013 season of Great Lent, young students of the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Steelton, PA,  prepared for their First Holy Confession.

A special vesper service was scheduled on the Eve of St. Lazarus and the children listened as our spiritual leader, Very Reverend Stavrofor Father Srboljub Jockovic discussed the importance of repentance through the parables of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector, the Publican & the Pharisee and the Prodigal Son.

Afterward each child received their individual First Holy Confession with Father Srboljub and on Lazarus Saturday they received the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Following Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday, the students were presented with a blessed icon to commemorate this meaningful event.

Church school students who received their First Holy Confession: Cameron Barber, Victorian Fithian, Michael Geppert III, Faith Kingsbury, Sophia Mummert, Kobe Petrovich, Anastasija Vukalo, and Daniel Zaitsev

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[Archived News] Thursday, April 25, 2013

Clergy Confession for Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Washington Deaneries

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 23, 2013

St. George Church Hosts Lenten Vespers

Carmichaels, PA - In accordance with the Pittsburgh Deanery schedule, the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania hosted the Lenten Vespers on the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. The Church identifies St. Mary of Egypt with the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent each year as a vivid reminder and example of the value of repentance.

St. George Church in Carmichaels is traditionally assigned this particular Sunday. Deanery parishes scheduled to participate in the Vespers included St. Elijah Church of Aliquippa, St. George Church of Midland, Holy Trinity Cathedral of Pittsburgh, Holy Resurrection Church of Steubenville, Ohio and Holy Trinity Mission of Fairmont, West Virginia.

Participating clergy included Dean Very Rev.Stavrofor Stepanov, Very Rev.Stavrofor Lt. Col. Adam Yonitch, Very Rev.Stavrofor Rade Merick. Very Rev.Stavrofor Milan Krstic and Very Rev.Rajko Kosic.

Father Yonitch served the St. George Church for nine years prior to becoming the first Serbian Orthodox United States Air Force Chaplain. He gave an image-filled sermon filled with nourishment and instruction for the Lenten journey. Sonia Janson directed the St. George Choir. Singers from visiting parishes were welcomed in the choir loft. The church was very well filled as believers gathered in preparation for the conclusion of Great Lent and arrival of Holy Week. St. George Executive Board President heartily welcomed the attendees at the dinner in the church hall. Mr. Brozik thanked everyone for attending and expressed appreciation for the work of the St. George Kolo at the dinner. In addition to individuals from mentioned Deanery parishes, visitors came from Deanery parishes in McKeesport, Youngwood and Monroeville.

A visitor came also from Orthodox Church in America parish in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. The St. George Church in Carmichaels is part of the Eastern American Diocese. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN is the Diocesan Bishop. The Lenten Vespers on Sunday evenings serve to enrich and strengthen believers.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Midland Parish Hosts Lenten Vespers

Midland, PA - St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Midland, Pennsylvania hosted Lenten Vespers on the 3rd Sunday of Lent, the Adoration of Holy Cross on the Aunnunciation of Oour MOst Holy Lady,and the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, for the Pittsburgh Deanery.  In attendance were Fr. Milan Krstic of host Midland, Fr. Stepanov of Aliquippa, Fr. Merick of Steubenville, Ohio, Fr. Dr. Torbic of Carmichaels, Fr. Malich of Monroeville, Fr. Zaric of Johnstown, Fr. Kosic of Pittsburgh, Fr. Medakovic of Youngwood and Fr. Rocknage of Mckeesport who was the homilist and gave an outstanding speech on the dual feast of our church to an overflow crowd of faithful.  Afterwards everyone made the short trip to the Serbian Club where no seat was to be had for fellowship and lenten dinner.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 9, 2013

St. Petersburg Deanery-Clergy Confession-Christian Education Meeting

St. Petersburg, FL - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN scheduled the St. Petersburg Deanery Clergy Confession and Christian Education Deanery meeting for Wednesday, April 3, 2013 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, St. Petersburg, Florida.    

The St. Petersburg Deanery includes ten parishes in the states of North Carolina(2), Georgia(1)  and Florida(7). The Deanery consists of a populous and large geographic area.   

Very Reverend Stephen Zaremba is the Dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery. He also is serving as the parish priest of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. Father Zaremba and the St. Sava parish hosted this meeting.   

Vespers were served on Tuesday evening, April 2, 2013. Clergy Confession was held the morning of April 3, 2013 followed by the Hierarchical Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts. Father Rodney Torbic served as priest confessor.   

Six priests served with His Grace at the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts. Priests serving included Very Reverend Stephen Zaremba, Very Reverend Svetozar Veselinovich, Very Rev. Stavrofor Dr.Rodney Torbic, Very Reverend Dragan Zaric, Reverend Ivan Voloshchuk and Very Reverend Gregory Trakas(Greek Orthodox Church).   

Additional Diocesan clergy attending the Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts and participating in the Deanery meeting included: Protopresbyter Stavrofor Jovan Todorovich, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Miloje Raicevich, Reverend Father Ljubisa Brnjos, Reverend Father Miladin Blagojevic, Reverend Father Dragoslav Kosic and Reverend Father Stanislav Kravljaca.  Father Peter Tutko, an Orthodox priest in the area came for part of the day.  

Protinica Svetlana Zaremba, Protinica Mirjana Todorovich and Protinica Andjelka Veselinovich were in attendance. Danijela Pejic, Danijela Kosovic and Cedo Radovanovic participated in the Deanery meeting.  

The Deanery meeting began with prayer following the lunch provided by the host St. Sava Church. Father Zaremba, as Dean and host priest warmly greeted and welcomed the participants.

Father Miladin Blagoljevic was the featured speaker designated by His Grace to prepare a presentation on Christian Education.  Father Blagoljevic has experience in several parishes and is familiar with the complexities and challenges of developing Christian education programs. He drew from his experience and presented thoughts relevant to the St. Petersburg Deanery.
Oral reports on their respective parish Christian education efforts were presented by the clergy from the participating parishes. Written reports from each parish are submitted in addition to the oral reports. This was the most lengthy and extensive discussion of Christian Education in this Deanery.

During the discussion period, attention was given to having a camp for Deanery youths and also focused on contemporary societal issues. The importance of parents devoting time with their sons and daughters and keeping them connected with the Church was emphasized.

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN summarized thoughts for further development of Christian Education programs in this Deanery. His Grace thanked the host parish and Father Zaremba for the gracious hospitality and the attendees for their presence and participation..

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lenten Vespers in Akron

Akron, OH - The St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Akron, Ohio hosted Lenten Vespers on the Second Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas, for the second group of the Cleveland Deanery. V. Rev. Milovan Katanic of Hermitage, PA, Rev. Milan Pajic, host priest and Rev. Dragan Goronjic of Youngstown served.

Fr. Milovan was the homilist. He spoke of the lenten journey during which time we are called to spiritual podvig. He cited the words of St. Nikolaj of Zicha who wrote once, "Why is that so much is written about the sufferings of holy men and women. Because among the holy are considered victors and can anyone be a victor without battle, suffering....Even in earthly battles we can't consider someone victorious, a hero if they've never been in battle...."

A lenten dinner was served in the church hall afterward.

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[Archived News] Monday, March 25, 2013

Bishop Mitrophan Blesses Cornerstone of New Church in Miami

photo gallery  photo gallery

Miami, FL - On Saturday evening, March 16th, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan was greeted at the airport by St. Simeon Orthodox Church parish priest Protojerej Svetozar Veselinovich, along with Protojerej-stavrophor Lazar Kostur and St. Simeon executive church board president Mr. Predrag Vaskrsic. At the St.Simeon Church hall, the Bishop was welcomed with bread, salt and flowers, followed by a most cordial small reception. This afforded those present the opportunity to pose some questions regarding our Holy Orthodox Faith, which His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan eloquently answered.

On Sunday morning, March 17th, the Sunday of Cheesefast, Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by his Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, assisted by parish priest Protojerej Svetozar Veselinovich, and guest clergy, retired priests Protojerej-stavrophor Milan Stojanovich, and Protojerej-stavrophor Lazar Kostur, as well as parish priest Protojerej Dragan Zaric from St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Clearwater, Florida. Altar servers Milos Vujovic and Marko Ilic ably assisted Reader Panayiotis Mesaros in fulfilling all the necessary duties. The St. Simeon Church Choir sang the responses and the church was overfilled with joyfull worshippers. Kuma for the  Consecration was Mrs. Jagoda Sokolovic.

Following the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan with the clergy officiated the Consecration of the Cornerstone for the new church. Bishop Mitrophan delivered a most inspiring sermon. He extended his sincere congratulations to the parish priest and to all faithful, on this momentous celebration

The Festive Banquet for this occasion was prepared by the dedicated sisters of the Kolo, under the presidency of Protinica Andja Veselinovic. Following the outstanding performance of the wonderful Folklore Group from Clearwater, Florida, congratulatory speeches and presentations of awards, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan once again extended his best wishes and congratulations, and reiterated his gratitude for the hospitality.

With God's help the church is to be completed within one year.  God grant!

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[Archived News] Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday of Orthodoxy in the Johnstown Parish

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[Archived News] Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers at St. Mark's Monastery

Sheffield, OH - St Mark's Monastery in Sheffield Village, Ohio hosted Lenten Vespers on the first Sunday of the Great Fast. His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrofan joined host-priest Archimandrite Leontije, along with clergy from the Cleveland Deanery (first group) for the service.  Mother Ana and Sister Anastasia from Monastery Marcha were also present.

Serving were V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic, who offered the evening's sermon, host Archimandrite Leontije, V. Rev. Djuro Majerle, V. Rev Vasilije  Sokolovic, V. Rev. Djordje Mileusenic, Rev. Milan Pajic, Rev. Mijoljub Matic, Rev. Dragan Goronjic, Rev. Aleksa Pavichevich and Rev Dn Ljubisa Mitrovich. Lenten Vespers concluded with the synodal proclamation of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.

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[Archived News] Monday, March 18, 2013

Forgiveness Vespers in Warren Parish

Warren, OH - The St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church in Warren, Ohio hosted the first Lenten Vespers service on the Sunday of Forgiveness for clergy of the Cleveland Deanery (second group), on the very eve of the Great Fast.

Serving were V. Rev. Milovan Katanic, Rev. Milan Pajic and Rev. Dragan Goronjic. Also serving was Deacon Ljubisa Mitrovic who also served as the evening's homilist.

Vespers in other parts of the Diocese included St. George Serbian Church in Lorain, Ohio (Cleveland Deanery, first group) and St. Sava Serbian Church in McKeesport, PA (Pittsburgh Deanergy).


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[Archived News] Thursday, March 14, 2013

Света архијерејска Литургија у Шиду

У недељу месопусну, 10. марта/25. фебруара 2013. г., у храму Преноса моштију Светог оца Николаја у Шиду, са благословом и у присуству Његовог Преосвештенства Епископа сремског Василија, литургијским сабрањем началствовао је Преосвећени Епископ источноамерички др Митрофан (Кодић), уз саслужење протојереја-ставрофора др Драгомира Санда, професора Правословног богословског факултета у Београду, пароха батајничког протојереја Споменка Грујића, пароха сремскомитровачког протонамесника Радослава Радовановића, пароха чалманског јереја Саве Мишановића и ђакона Слободана Вујасиновића, Младена Шобота и Бориса Фајфрића.

Литургијско славље је увеличано рукоположењем ђакона Бориса Фајфрића у чин презвитера.

На крају свете Литургије Епископ Василије је представио присутним вреницима Епископа Митрофана, захвалио му на посети и позвао га да се обрати вернима архипастирском беседом. У својој беседи Владика је протумачио причу о Страшном суду, која се у васцелом православном свету чита ове недеље.

Владика Василије поделио је верницима нафору и потом „водом и духом“ наново родио и у Тело Христово утеловио малог Давида, сина пароха шидског јереја Александра Чавке.

Извор: Епархија сремска

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[Archived News] Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lebanon, Pa Parish Hosts 2013 Annual Diocesan Assembly for Eastern Diocese

full report is forthcoming

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[Archived News] Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Paterson Parish Celebrates 900th Anniversary of the Birth of Stefan Nemanja - St. Simeon the Myrrh-flowing

Paterson, NJ - If the majority of historians agree that Stefan Nemanja was born in the year 1113 and if we agree that this fact is true that would make this year a jubilee year and we would be celebrating the 900th birthday of the "father of the Serbian state".

At St. John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church in Paterson, New Jersey a lecture was given on Sunday, February 24, following the Divine Liturgy, about St. Simeon, his origins, birth, signifance to the Serbian nation, Serbian church and our time. Fr. Vladislav Radujkovic gave a brief life story of this "giant" of Serbian culture, focusing mainly on his memorial churches, his effort to bring Serbia closer to God and create for Serbia a piece of Serbian heaven, building both an earthly and heavenly dwellling for his people.

Over 140 parishioners from New Jersey and New York attended the Divine Liturgy, meal and lecture, and the many questions and comments of the participants proved that this theme is more than current and should be discussed more frequently. The guest from New York, professor Dr. Radmila Milentijevic, gladly added a few notes as answers to the questions asked by the public. At the same time, a exhibit of paintings of Gordana Nenadovic-Milivojevic was on desplay, which made this celebration all the more festive, while the writer and poet Dr. Milutin Srbljak read "Zavestanje Svetog Simeona" and a few of his poems.

Saint Simeon, pray to God for us.

Re. Vladislav Radujkovic

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[Archived News] Thursday, February 21, 2013

Faith “DESPITE” Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Marina Radanovic, St. Nicholas Steelton

Could you imagine living in constant, chronic pain? Try to picture waking up experiencing agonizing pain; envision going about your day hurting, and then going back to sleep at night, the way you felt when you woke up, or possibly worse. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second. Now attempt to imagine not being able to get rid of that pain, no matter what you do. It’s always there.

This is the reality that Lancaster resident Karley Hill lives in. She has a type of a disease called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), an inherited disorder that affects about 1 in 5,000 people and is caused by faulty collagens. And when we heard about Karley through someone at the church, the church school jumped at the opportunity to make Karley the focus of our Advent project this year. We started by selling beautiful poinsettias at the church; buyers had the option of buying them for themselves and/or donating some to the church (I would like to mention that the back of our mini-van looked so pretty on the way to the church, full of red and green poinsettias).

We also had a container at the church that had “Coins for Karley” written on it. There, parishioners could drop their spare change, and I was surprised at how much money was contributed in simply change alone. At the end of Advent, we had raised a total of $1,200, and we asked Karley and her mother, Sharon Hill, if they would like to come to our church for our St. Sava celebration. They were happy to show up; the Sunday School and the church were grateful to accommodate for the day.

The chairs were set up in rows in the Sunday School area, with two chairs in front for Karley and Mrs. Hill. The children listened attentively while the two told the story of how Karley used to be a healthy, energetic basketball player, until one day the soreness would not go away. Mrs. Hill explained how the doctors told her that Karley’s best friend would be ice packs for awhile, and that she was just sore from being aggressive while playing. But, the pain continued to grow, until it was too unbearable. Physician after physician, hospital visit after hospital visit, and Karley was diagnosed with EDS. The Hills explained the braces Karley has to wear and the hopeful upcoming service dog that will help her greatly. I believe the whole Sunday School, students and teachers, were enlightened by the strength and perseverance this young lady possesses.

The St. Sava program that day was a success. Nathan Mierski and I were given the privilege of being elected Kumovi this year, so we sat at the head table with Karley and Mrs. Hill. The Sunday School put on a wonderful performance of Serbian and English recitations, dances, and tambura music, and I received the honor of talking directly with the Hills about EDS and pain. Parishioners would walk by, give Karley their regards, and without thought, touch her shoulder (like one would normally do to offer encouragement). I couldn’t help but to ask if it hurts worse when she is touched, and she said something along the lines of, “Yes, but most of the time I can put up with it.” She enjoys riding horses, a hobby we both have in common. Unlike me though, Karley has to decide when she is going to suffer through her pain, or “put it on a shelf” and put up with it so she can enjoy time with her horse.

That is what I find amazing about this inspiring young lady (who is, well, my age, so I guess we’re both young ladies). She can channel her mind and tolerate pain, just to go on with her day. Her family’s word is “despite.” They have good days, despite the pain. They have faith, despite EDS. We were blessed with her and Mrs. Hill’s presence at our 2013 St. Sava celebration, and we certainly hope they will join us again very soon. I will leave you a motivational quote I hung in my room next to my bed some time before I even knew about Karley or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, there as inspiration for my own use:

“Your training partner’s name is pain. You start out trying to ignore him. Can’t do it. You attempt to reason with him. No way. You try to strike a bargain. Hah. You plead. You say “Please stop, please go away. I promise never ever to do this again if you just leave me alone.” But he won’t. Pain only climbs off if you do. Then you’re beaten.”    -Scott Martin

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[Archived News] Tuesday, February 19, 2013

His Grace Bishop Mitrophan Visits Philadelphia Parish

Philadelphia, PA - On Sunday, February 17th, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan visited the Serbian Orthodox faithful of Philadelphia Pa. and vicinity. At His arrival at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, the children of the church-school greeted His Grace with flowers. His Grace then led the celebration of the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, assisted by Fr. Milorad Orlic, the parish priest. The congregation that filled the church sang the responses. In His homily for Zacchaeus Sunday, His Grace drew the attention of the faithful to Zaccheaus’ strong will to see Our Lord Jesus Christ. He reminded the faithful of the teaching of the holy fathers – that while God was able to create us without our will; He cannot save us without our will.

Following the distribution of anaphora, the Kolo Srpskih Sestara “Sv Petka” prepared a banquet, in honor of His Grace.  After the banquet, His Grace presided over an open forum where parishioners were able to discuss their concerns in a frank and dignified manner. His Grace emphasized that the problems of every parish were His problems as well. His gentle but firm responses to questions, clear directions and parental concern were impressed upon all present. Following the conclusion of the open forum, His Grace presided over the swearing-in of the newly elected Executive Board of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church.

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[Archived News] Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Отворена изложба "Хиландар, наслеђе и обнова" у Њујорку

Са благословом Његовог Преосвештенства Епископа источноамеричког г. Митрофана, у Њујорку је 9. фебруара 2013. године свечано отворена изложба "Хиландар, наслеђе и обнова". Отварању су, поред владике Митрофана, присуствовали игуман светог манастира Хиландара архимандрит Методије, председник Владе Србије Ивица Дачић, који се налазио у службеној посети Сједињеним Америчким Државама, епископ Њујоршке епархије Епископалне цркве г. Ендрју Дичи, представник Грчке америчке архиепископије, специјални саветник Председника Скупштине Уједињених нација Дамјан Крњевић, као и велики број званица, парохијана, Срба и њихових пријатеља који живе у Нјујорку. У делегацији манастира Хиландара се уз игумана налазе епитроп, јерођакон Арсеније, и директор Задужбине светог манастира Хиландара Миливој Ранђић.

Присутнима су се обратили премијер Дачић, архимандрит Методије и Бане Вујиновић у име Саборне цркве Светог Саве  која је организовала изложбу у сарадњи са Задужбином Светог манастира Хиландара из Београда. Поставка ће бити отворена до 5. маја 2013. у парохијском дому цркве Светог Саве на Менхетну (15 W 25th Street).

Изложба приказује репродукције богатог хиландарског наслеђа и информације о обнови Хиландара у 21. веку. Циљ изложбе је да посетиоцима пружи могућност основног упознавања са слојевитим и мултидисциплинарним садржајем хиландарске баштине и значајем њеног очувања у данашње време.

И поред веома лошег времена и прохујале снежне олује „Немо“, на отварању се окупио велики број посетилаца. По оцени свих присутних, изложба о Хиландару представља велики догађај у духовном и културном животу српске дијаспоре и мисији коју спроводи наша црква на Менхетну, са старешином Ђоканом Мајсторовићем на челу.

У недељу, после свете Литургије, организован је добротворни ручак за манастир Хиландар на коме је прикупљено око 20.000 долара. Посебно вредан прилог дала је гђа Радмила Милентијевић, угледни историчар и писац, која непрестано и несебично помаже Српску Православну Цркву и бори се за очување српског идентитета у дијаспори.

Иако игуман Методије први пут борави у Њујорку, Хиландар је већ нашао своје место у срцима Њујорчана који су на добротворном скупу за помоћ манастиру, у мају 2012. године, трудом и у организацији г. Банета Вујиновића и његове супруге Горице, подарили 20.000 долара. На добротворном ручку подељене су Хиландарске споменице у знак захвалности и сећања, свим досадашњим донаторима.

Током посете Сједињеним Државама, игуман Методије је служио и вечерњу службу у српској цркви светог Јована Крститеља у Њу Џерсију. Свој боравак у САД хиландарки игуман је наставио посетом Епархији новограчаничко-средњезападноамеричкој, где се сусрео са Његовим Преосвештенство Епископом Лонгином. У епархији владике Лонгина хиландарска делегација, на челу са игуманом, боравила је крајем 2010. и почетком 2011. године када је потврђена чврста духовна веза наше Цркве и верног народа у расејању и манастира Хиландара. Том приликом је прикупљена веома вредна помоћ за обнову Хиландара коју су Срби, али и њихови амерички пријатељи, несебично даровали на неколико добротворних скупова.

Посета председнику Скупштине Уједињених Нација Вуку Јеремићу

У петак, 8. фебруара, игуман светог манастира Хиландара, архимандрит Методије је током боравка у Њујорку посетио Уједињене нације и састао се са председником Генералне скупштине УН г. Вуком Јеремићем. Срдачан сусрет је организован у канцеларији председника Генералне скупштине у присуству специјалног саветника Дамјана Крњевића, председника кабинета Здравка Поноша и чланова хиландарске делегације, јерођакона Арсенија и директора Задужбине Хиландара Миливоја Ранђића. Г. Јеремић је приредио ручак за учеснике састанка.

У пријатељској атмосфери разговарало се о активностима г. Јеремића у својству председника Генералне скупштине, који се интересовао за обнову манастира Хиландара, истичући да се Хиландару, као врхунском споменику српске духовности и културе, мора посветити највећа пажња и поштовање. Такође се занимао и за актуелну економску кризу у Грчкој и њен утицај на Свету Гору и, посебно, манастир Хиландар. Игуман је председника Генералне скупштине Уједињених нација позвао да до краја свог мандата посети свети манастир Хиландар.

Извор: hilandar.org

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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 29, 2013

St. Sava Celebration in Boston Parish


Boston, MA - The children of the Boston parish honored St. Sava by celebrating his day (Savindan) along with the church’s patron Saint’s day on Sunday, January 27th.  They delivered an inspirational and delightful program for the parish with His Grace Bishop Mitrophan in attendance.

His Grace led the congregation in prayer with responses beautifully sung by the church’s St. Sava Choir.  He was assisted by Fr.  Aleksandar Vlajkovic from the home parish, along with the Very Reverend Ivan Marjanovic of Biddeford, Maine, and Very Rev. Roman Pelovski of the St. Petka Bulgarian Orthodox Church.  Nearing the end of the Divine Liturgy, the children and Kumovi of the slava were invited to the front of the church for the blessing of the holy bread and wheat.  His Grace Bishop Mitrophan tied the Gospel reading of the rich man entering into the kingdom of heaven to the life choices that Rastko Nemanjic, later St. Sava, made. Around three hundred parishioners participated in the liturgy.  At the end of the Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan promoted Fr. Aleksandar to the rank of Protopresbyter Stavrofor. Fr Aleksandar was awarded for his “zeal and love in his pastoral service, for his exemplary family life and his personal effort in spiritual and material advancement of the parish,” according to His Grace.

Following the liturgy, a lovely luncheon was prepared by this year’s kumovi: Nebojsa and Sanja Stojkovic and Dejan Mircevski. They gave a piece of Kolach to next year’s kumovi: sisters Trajanka Milojevic and Jelisaveta Nickovic. The children’s program completed the day’s events with a wonderful play “Rastko Becomes Sava” written by Jerodjakon Stevan which was arranged and directed by Ankica Koldzic.  Several children recited poems or sang songs accompanied by a pianist, all dedicated to St. Sava in both the Serbian and English languages.  Three choreographies were performed by the St. Sava Children’s Folklore Ensemble directed by Djordje Koldzic. More than seventy children participated in the program. The program came to a conclusion with all the children on stage singing the “Uskliknimo s ljubavlju Svetitelju Savi.”

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[Archived News] Monday, January 28, 2013

Saint Sava Celebration in Cincinnati Parish
Cincinnati, OH - On January 27th, 2013, St. George Serbian Orthodox Church of Cincinnati, OH celebrated one of the most influential saints of the Serbs. On this mild Sunday in January, parishioners flooded the small knave to come together for Divine Liturgy to commemorate the first Archbishop of the Serbian Church, Saint Sava (Свети Сава).

This special day began with Divine Liturgy, where Sophia Stanisic read the Epistle and ending with a special hymn to commemorate Saint Sava and the Serbian people. Very Reverend Petar Petrovic gave an inspiring sermon, calling on all Serbian Christians to revitalize their commitment to God, to the Church, and to their families, many times using the life of Saint Sava as an example. He praised them for bringing their children to the Holy Temple on this important day of commemoration and urged them to continue these most important efforts for spiritual growth. Following Divine Liturgy, a special blessing of Saint Sava’s Kolach was given by Father Petar Petrovic, with all children in attendance participating. Father asked all in attendance, as is tradition of the Church, who would like to volunteer to be the sponsor for next year’s celebration. Sasa Lazic  and his wife Evelina with children Nina and Aleksander accepted the honor to sponsor next year’s celebration. Predrag Peric and family were this year’s sponsors of the Saint Sava celebration and they joined together with Father Petar and the Sasa Lazic family for a group picture and blessing. Following the veneration of the icons, the Cross, and the taking of the Antidoron, parishioners reconvened in the Church Hall for a special lunch provided by the Peric family.

The Church Hall recently acquired over 100 brand new chairs, which were put to capacity use this afternoon for Saint Sava’s luncheon. As Saint Sava was the patron saint of Serbian schools and schoolchildren, all children received a free lunch in his memory. The Church Hall was packed with cheerful families who enjoyed a delicious traditional Serbian-style meal, complete with Sarma, roasted pig, and a tremendous amount of cakes and sweets. At the conclusion of lunch, Dr. Slobodan Stanisic gathered all those children who had prepared a poem so that they could each take a turn to recite it in front of friends and family. After each child finished their recitation, they received a special gift from Dr. Slobodan and his wife Eileen, who both teach Sunday School twice a month at St. George, as well as a sweet gift of candy from Nina Carfora  her also wanted to thank the children for their efforts. Each chield also received a Prayer Book gift from St.George Church.

Dr. Stanisic gave a brief speech about Sunday School, its importance to the lives of the children, and urged parents to come together and bring their children as much as possible to Sunday School and to church, to volunteer in whichever way the can in order to help St. George Serbian Orthodox Church and to help cultivate the spiritual lives of each one of these children. We know how important children are to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and also the initiative that Saint Sava took toward children during his life here on Earth. We give thanks to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit who allowed us to come together to celebrate the Divine Liturgy of Christ and to also commemorate the life of one of Serbia’s most influential and pious standard bearers of Christ, Saint Sava.

Adam Meador

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[Archived News] Monday, January 28, 2013

St. Sava Celebrated in our Diocese

The feast of St. Sava, the first archbishop of Serbia, is celebrated festively in Serbian Churches worldwide. St. Sava, being the enlightener of the Serbian people is the patron Saint of Serbian schools and schoolchildren and each year our churches observe this great feast day in the Serbian church calendar with children's programs. 

It was celebrated this year as well throughout our Diocese.

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[Archived News] Thursday, January 24, 2013

River Blessing in Shenango Valley

Hermitage, PA - The Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage, Pennsylvania is just one of the churches which make up the Clergy Association of the Shenago Valley in Northwest Pennsylvania. V. Rev. Milovan Katanic, parish priest of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage, serves as President of the Clergy Association. During his tenure a new tradition began in the Orthodox community, a Theophany celebration, the blessing of the Shenango River which runs through downtown Sharon, PA. 

This year was the second annual Theophany celebration and the clergy were pleased to have special guest, His Eminence Archbishop Nathaniel of Detroit and the Romanian Episcopate present. The Archbishop officiated on the very frigid and cold day.

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[Archived News] Wednesday, January 23, 2013

River Blessing in West Virginia

Fairmont, WV - The annual river blessing of the Monongahela River took place in Fairmont, West Virginia on Saturday, January 19, the Feast of Theophany in the Holy Orthodox Church. The river blessing was conducted under the auspices of the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church of Fairmont. Many thanks to Sonia Janson for creating the lovely ice cross for the service.  Father Rodney Torbic and the faithful from this Mission parish gather at the river each year for this service of Christian joy and renewal.

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[Archived News] Monday, January 21, 2013

Badnje Vece at St. George Church

Clearwater, FL - The church was filed to capacity with parishioners on Serbian Christmas Eve Divine Liturgy Sunday January 6, 2013. I have not seen this many fellow worshipers on Christmas Eve at our Church, it was a sight to behold. After the procession around the church, the Badnjak was taken to be burned. The Badnjak is a young oak tree which reminds us of the tree which Joseph used to start the fire in the manger when Jesus was born. After the Badnjak was blessed by Father Dragan, our President Petar Subotic placed it on the fire to burn. Then church calendars and pieces of the Badnjak were given to the parishioners to take to their homes. A wonderful and delicious Lenten supper was served by our Kolo sisters for all to enjoy. There were fire works for all to enjoy as well. The evening was a wonderful time to spend with friends, family and Kumovi on this most Holy night.

Jelena Mulin

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[Archived News] Monday, January 7, 2013

“But when the fullness of the time had come,
God sent forth His Son, born of a woman,
born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law,
that we might receive the adoption as sons.”
(Gal. 4:4-5)


Dear brothers and sisters,

According to His eternal foreknowledge God determined the time when He will send His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to save us and bless us with every heavenly blessing. And not only this, but to adopt us as sons through Him (Eph. 1:3-5).

Like many generations and generations of Christians over the past two thousand years, you will gather around the icon, the Christmas candle, badnjak, česnica, to celebrate this family holiday. It is our desire that it be done in the most spiritual joy in your homes, but first of all in God's church, in active participation of the services, communing during this fast with the Holy and Divine Mysteries. Only then will you truly celebrate Christmas and experience that unutterable spiritual satisfaction in your hearts, the peace, joy and love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge (Eph. 3:19).

On this occasion once again we thank all of you for your selfless help in our churches and monasteries, our brothers and sisters, both here and in the old country, and especially our Diocese. May Christ our Lord reward you with His heavenly gifts which never decay in the New 2013 year of our salvation.

Sending you our fatherly blessing, I heartily greet you:


Happy and blessed 2013 Year!

Your intercessor before the Christ-child,


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Diocese of Eastern America

65 Overlook Circle
New Rochelle, NY 10804


E-mail: diocese@easterndiocese.org 


Office & Residence: 

(914) 633-9000 - (914) 633-9009



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