On December 17 the children of St. Nicholas in Philadelphia celebrated “detinici”, Serbian Children’s Day, with a program to St. Nicholas. In the Serbian tradition, the three Sunday's prior to the Feast of the Nativity are dedicated to the family - Children's Day, Mother's Day, and Father's Day. On these Sundays the person to whom that day is dedicated is “tied up” and must give a gift to be untied. This year's Children's Day began with Divine Liturgy where our families and children partook of Holy Communion. Following service the parents and teachers tied up the children. As their gift to be untied the Children offered a program about Sveti Nikola.
The intermediate grades did their skit on St. Nicholas and the gold coins for the three maidens. The skit was translated into Serbian by church school teacher Zvezdana Stojmirovic, and was based on the story of Saint Nichols and the dowry from the book "Saint Nicholas and the Mouse of Myra".
The primary group did their skit on the generosity of Saint Nicholas and his care and love for his flock by providing them with food, clothing and taking care of their needs. The second part of their skit was entitled "The True Meaning of Christmas." This performance allowed the students to share their advent lessons about care and hospitality with their parish community. The play also taught the children how Saint Nicholas loved God and his people so much that he devoted his entire life to praying, giving, and helping others. The program ended with the children singing, much to the delight of all in attendance. A delicious posno luncheon donated by Stojana and Marina Laskovic, Slobodan and Dana Janikic, Mira Bratic, and Father Milorad and Popadija Milena Orlic.
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