2014 Archived News
Twenty Sixth Pittsburgh Deanery Meeting on Christian Education - 12/17/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN initiated and actively participated in the Twenty-Sixth Annual Pittsburgh Deanery Meeting on Christian Education at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. The meeting was held on December 13, 2014, the day St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle was commemorated. Very Reverend Stavrophor Rade Merick, Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery greeted the attendees. 

Извештај о посети Његовог Преосвештенства Владике Источноамеричког Господина Митрофана - 12/01/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

По благослову Његове Светости Патријарха Српског Господина Иринеја, нашу парохију, за црквену славу, Светог Апостола Тому, посетио је Његово Преосвештенство Епископ Источноамерички Господин Митрофан, декан и редовни професор Светог Писма Новог Завета и Литургике на Богословском факултету Св. Саве уЛибертивилу.Такође посетио нас је и протојереј ставрофор Петар Гавриловић из Краљева.

Slava Celebration in Columbus - 11/30/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - St. Stevan of Dechani, Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus Ohio, celebrated its patron Saint on Sunday, November 23, 2014. Beautiful singing of our choir contributed to the festivity of this special event. During the communion our youngest members of the choir - the Church School students; with their angelic voices sang: “Hvalite Boga jer je dobar” (Praise the Lord for He is Good). Following the Divine Liturgy; Kolac and Koljivo were blessed in the Church. Kumovi for this occasion were Svetislav and Vera Jovanovic with their children Marija and Kristina. After the blessing of Kolac and Koljivo; Slava luncheon was served for everyone in attendance in our social hall. George Grahovac volunteered to be our Church Slava Kum for the next year. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who helped with our Slava celebration (cleaning, cooking, roasting lambs etc.): Svetislav and Vera Jovanovic, Mladen and Vesna Lucic, popadija Dejana Kisin, Dave and Sharon Tumbas, Kathy and Paul Maragos, David Kos, Dragana and Jela Vujovic, Brankica Grozdic, Nevena Kurbatfinski, Milica Papic, Katarina Sanchez, Lisa Grubich Hodkinson, Anita Biratsis and Branko Vukadin.

Funeral Arrangements for V. Rev. +Djuro Majerle - 11/27/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

VERY REVEREND DJURO MAJERLE retired priest of St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Beloved husband of Jelena (nee Zakula). Dear father of Pavle (Marija) and Jovan (Angela). Grandfather of Djuro, Pavle, Aleksija, Gojko, and Ljubica. Uncle of Dusko (Mira), Milena (Sveto), Ljilja (Brane) and Gordana (IMilan dec). Great uncle to many nieces, nephews and Kumovi. Hierarchical Divine Liturgy will be officiated by His Grace Bishop Mitrofan and His Grace Bishop Longin on Saturday November 29, 2014 at 9 am at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, 2151 W. Wallings Road followed by funeral service at 11 am. V.Rev.Djuro Majerle will lie in state at church on Friday November 28, from 2-8 pm. POMEN service 7.30 pm. Interment, St. Sava Cemetery.  Arrangements by Donald A. Faulhaber Funeral Home.

Eastern Diocese KSS Federation Meets in Carmichaels - 11/27/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN participated in the recent meeting of the Eastern Diocese KSS Federation held at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on November 22, 2014.  

Completion of Church in Potomac - 11/20/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Potomac, MD - On Saturday and Sunday, November 1-2, 2014, in the capital of the United States, the Serbian community and all Orthodox Christians had cause for great celebration. Fifty-three years after the founding of the Serbian Orthodox parish of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke in Washington DC, the Serbian community witnessed the completion of the construction of their new church in Potomac, Maryland, an exclusive suburb of Washington DC. After organization of the spiritual life of the flock in rented spaces and borrowed churches, and after many years of outgrowing a small chapel on 16th Street, NW, in Washington, the completion of the new church was accomplished after much anticipation as a center for our Orthodox Christian people who live in the mid-Atlantic region, especially Washington, DC and Baltimore.

Winter arrives in Lackawanna - 11/19/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Lackawanna, NY - In the course of a day, over 5' of snow fell in the regions surrounding Buffalo, NY.  Please remember all those who are buried in their homes, stranded, or in need of shelter as they brace for another 20-30" of snow in the near future. St Stephen's in Lackawanna is pictured, buried in this terrible, early, winter storm.

Kolo Slava at St Simeon Orthodox Church - 11/08/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Miami, FL - On Sunday, October 26, 2014, the Kolo of Serbian Sisters of Princess Milica of St Simeon's Parish of North Miami, Florida celebrated their Krsna Slava of our Holy Mother and Saint Paraskeva (Sveta Petka) and observed their 35th Anniversary. Many church members gathered for the Holy Divine Liturgy at 10:00 celebrated by the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Svetozar Veselinovich, pastor, and responses sung by our Church Choir. Following the Divine Liturgy Father Svetozar led the Parish and the Member of the Kolo in the Traditional Slava Service and cutting of the Kolach as all of the members of the Kolo led by Kuma, Goranka Arsic with family, came forward and shared in the service....which was followed by a Parastas for all of the deceased members of the kolo.

Carmichaels Celebrates 60th Anniversary - 11/07/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The Sixtieth Anniversary of the consecration of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania was celebrated on Sunday, November  2, 2014. The Divine Liturgy was held at the church and was followed by a banquet at Dolfi’s Restaurant.

70th Anniversary of St Sava New York - 11/04/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

New York, NY - The New York Serbian Orthodox community celebrated the 70th anniversary since the 1944 consecration of the Serbian Eastern Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, fulfilling its spiritual and patriarchal mission of serving God and His people in the center of this great metropolis.

Blessing of Frescoes at St Stephen's - 11/03/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Lackawanna, NY - On Sunday, October 12, 2014, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan blessed the completed frescoes of the St. Stephen the First Martyr Serbian Orthodox Church of Lackawanna, NY. The frescoes were painted from 2007 to 2013 by Fr. Theodore Jurewicz, who is well known for painting the beautiful Monastery New Gracanica Church and other churches. Since the frescoes were finished, the renovation of the temple was completed with the refinishing of the pews, and the installation of a new floor and carpet. 

Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Richfield, OH - Данас 10. oктобра 2014. год. сестринство манастира Нове Марче и сви Срби кливлендског краја су имали част да угосте тројицу Епископа Руске Заграничне Цркве.

Крсна Слава у Патерсону - 10/11/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Патерсон - У недељу 5. октобра 2014. прославили смо Славу наше парохијске цркве – Зачеће св. Јована Крститеља. Св. Литургију служили су: протојереј-ставрофор Живко Велимировић, пензионисани парох њујоршки, јереј Бошко Стојановић, који је дошао из Аргентине и парохијски свештеник патерсонски протонамјесник Владислав Радујковић.

Bishops Mitrophan and Atanasije at Monastery Glogovac - 10/10/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

On October 5, 2014, on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost, the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was served at Glogovac Monastery by His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America and the con-celebration of host hierarch, His Grace Bishop Atanasije of Bihac-Petrovac.

Kolo Slava Celebration in Johnstown - 10/09/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Johnstown, PA - Sunday, September 28, 2014 was a joyous day in the life of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church. His Grace, Bishop Mitrophan together with V. Rev. Miroslav Simijionovic, Rev. Dragan Zaric, the parishioners and friends of the parish assembled to celebrate the parish Kolo Sistara’s Slava, The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos and Virgin Mary.

Парохиска Слава у Портланду, Мејн - 09/29/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Потрланд , Мејн  - Портландска парохија прославила је парохиску славу, Сабор српских Светитеља, у недељу 14.септембра 2014.год.

У храму Св. Димитрија у Бидефорду, уз присуство већег броја парохијана ,Архијерејску Литургију служио је Његово Преосвештенство Епископ Г.Др. Митрофан уз саслуживање Арх.Намесника Вашингтонског протојереја-ставрофора Александра Влајковића и надлежног свештеника протојереја Ивана Марјановића.

His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan visits Boston - 09/28/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Boston, MA - On Saturday, September 13th, 2014, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan visited St. Sava Church in Boston. His Grace came to the parish in the afternoon and immediately headed to visit the church and church hall premises which were devastated in the recent floods in late July. His Grace had the first hand opportunity to see the extent of the damage that befell the Boston parish. Currently, the first phase of work, which includes demolition of the damaged walls, and drying and anti-microbial treatment, is completed. The next stage is the development of a protective mechanism to prevent future flooding and then the restoration of the church hall.

"Talija" Music and Dance in Columbus - 09/24/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus, OH - Talija, the breathtaking music and dance troupe from Belgrade, Serbia, is currently making their Great USA Tour 2014.  We are pleased to announce that they will be in concert for one night only, Tuesday, October 21, performing Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and other Slavic dances, at Capital University's Mees Auditorium, located at 1 College Avenue and East Main Street in the Bexley neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio.  Sponsored by St. Stevan of Dechani Serbian Orthodox Church, the concert begins at 7:00 p.m. 

Church School begins in North Canton - 09/22/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Canton, OH - On September 14th, 2014 St George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton began the new liturgical year by blessing church school teachers, students, and parents. Over 20 children were present, with more enrolled for regular instruction.

Kolo Slava of St George Carmichaels - 09/20/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The Kolo of the St.George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania celebrates the  Dormition of the Mother of God as the Sisters' Slava. This year  the celebration occurred on Sunday, August 31 with the Divine Liturgy and blessing of the Slava Kolac and Kolijvo. Prayers were offered for the living and  departed Kolo members. A dinner and program was held in the parish hall following the Divine Liturgy.

Cincinnati Church School - Off to a Great Start! - 09/17/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Cincinnati, OH - On Sunday, September 7, 2014 many children gathered for the beginning of church school at St. George Church. This year we expanded our efforts and reached out to as many interested volunteers as possible to assist with the instruction of church school. From Father’s initial request for volunteers, we had many parishioners respond – willing to devote their time and their talents to the betterment of the church and a strong investment in the children of the parish.

Eight Annual Healthcare Seminar - 08/13/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The Eighth Annual Healthcare Seminar was held at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania with the presence and Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN, Bishop of Eastern America.


+Fr Milan Zobenica - 08/05/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Stavrophor +Milan Zobenica entered into repose Tuesday, August 5, completely at peace.

Details regarding his funeral service are forthcoming.  Current arrangements can be viewed at the Mallchok Funeral Home website.

2014 Shadeland Camp Season Begins - 07/30/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Shadeland, PA - As the school year comes to an end and the summer days approach, every child that has ever experienced St. Sava Camp, Shadeland, begins to fill with anticipation of reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and guessing who their counselor will be. During that same time, DeeDee Baskot and Millie Radovick are busy making plans for the camp, taking applications, restocking supplies, finding volunteers, and working with the diocese to make the camp year the most fulfilling for every child, counselor, volunteer, priest, and visitor that takes part.

Monastery Marcha Slava - 07/29/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Richfield, Ohio - Monastery Marcha celebrated their patronal feast day, the Synaxis of the Archangel Gabriel, on Saturday, July 26th. The morning began with Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan, and His Grace Bishop Sava, along with 23 concelebrating priests and 2 deacons. 

Holy Trinity Mission Slava - 07/01/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Fairmont, WV - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN celebrated the first Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Mission Chapel in Fairmont, West Virginia on April 15, 2000.. The Mission has continued until the present. The Divine Liturgy is held twice per month on Saturdays. On alternating Wednesday evenings, an Akathist and Adult Education classes are held.

Serbian Festival in Columbus - 07/01/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Columbus,OH - This year our traditional Serbfest will be on SATURDAY JULY 26, 2014. As in the past years we will have a great variety of delicious ethnic food: spit-roasted lambs, chevaps, sarma (stuffed sauerkraut cabbage rolls), gibanica, Serbian pastries and much, much more! There will be also live music and a full bar with all the premium domestic and Serbian liquors and beer. We look forward to seeing you all and bring your friends too! We guarantee you will want to come back for more!

Come and experience the tradition and a delectable taste of the old world: 1840 N. Cassady Ave Columbus, Ohio 43219

75th Annual SNF Basketball Tournament - 06/12/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

North Canton, OHSt George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton hosted the 75th Annual SNF Basketball Tournament June 5-8th. Serbian communities from all over North America gathered in fellowship, competition and camaraderie. 


Youngwood Parish Celebrates 102 Years - 06/11/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Youngwood, PA - Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngwood, Pennsylvania, joyously celebrated its 102nd Krsna Slava on June 1, 2014. Rev. Father Milan Medakovic served the Divine Liturgy and Slava Litija to a packed church, and afterward remarked about the warmth and family atmosphere that prevailed through the services and the banquet that followed in the social hall. 

100 years of Faith and Tradition - 06/10/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Aliquippa, PA - St. Elijah, Aliquippa, PA will be commemorating 100 years of Faith and Tradition, August 2 & 3, 2014. Activities will begin with a reception and picnic, and commence with a Grand Banquet the following evening. More information included below.

Flood Relief for Serbia and Republika Srpska - 05/31/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

St. Petersburg, FL - On May 24, 2014 parishioners from the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church Church and the humanitarian organization June 28 collected donations to be forwarded to those suffering from the catastrophic flooding in Serbia and Republika Srpska. The response was tremendous. Over 1.5 semi-truck trailers of supplies were sent to Chicago, where June 28 is making arrangements to have them flown to Serbia. 

Special thanks to June 28 and every who worked and donated.

Please continue to support June 28 and your local parish with you donations and financial support.

Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30


Пред око 1.500 гостију наступило је 7 фолклорних група: „Дрина“ Paterson, NJ - „Опанчићи“ Queens, NY - „Бисери“ Elizabeth, NJ - „Опанак“ Edmonton, Canada - „Коло“ Winnipeg, Canada - „Гаврило Принцип“ Waterloo, Canada - „Стеван Синђелић“ Kichener, Canada


Serbian-Slavic Folk Fest - 05/19/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Patterson, NJ - Saint John the Baptist Serbian Orthodox Church and Cultural and Artistic Society "Drina" are proud to invite you to participate in the third annual Folklore Festival - Folklorijada.  Festivities are planned for all day May 25th 2014.  Follow the links below to download a flier, and detailed information.

Serbian-Slavic Folk Fest Flier (PDF - 967kb)

St George Slava Celebration in Cincinnati - 05/18/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Cincinnati, OH - Христос Васкрсе! Christ is Risen! Christos Voskrese! Hristos a Înviat!

All across the Orthodox world, millions commemorated one of the most widely celebrated Saints of our Church, Saint George the Great Martyr, on April 23 (Gregorian Calendar) and at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church on Sunday May 4 (the actual Feast Day is May 6, which is April 23 by the older Julian Calendar). As our parish’s “Slava” or Patron Saint, St. George is the protector of all parishioners and their families, which is why we hold a special celebration in his honor and sacrifice for Christianity. In order to fully understand why this is such a special day, a brief summary of his life will aid in reminding us why so many of our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents carry his namesake or the reason why he was chosen as many of our families’ Slava.

Slava Celebrated at St George in Carmichaels, PA - 05/09/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania was consecrated in October 1954.  Slava’s have been celebrated in the parish church continuously since that time.

Christ is Risen! Христос Воскресе! - 05/05/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Follow the links below to listen to His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan's Paschal Message to the faithful.

English: http://www.tomhunter.us/fr-radio/english.mp3

Serbian: http://www.tomhunter.us/fr-radio/serbian.mp3

Pascha 2014 at St George in Cincinnati - 04/23/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

What a joyous time of the year, as we emerge from the depths of the dark and cold and are rejuvenated with the coming of spring; the blossoming flowers, budding trees, warm weather, the whole earth comes alive again from a state of dormancy. After months of harsh winter weather, the past few weeks have brought about the change in the seasons, which is fitting as our Lenten period progressed up to Holy Week and finally culminated in Pascha. It seems only fitting that the whole creation would proclaim the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Pittsburgh Deanery Vespers - 04/12/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Carmichaels, PA - With the Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN, Very Rev.Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov, Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery scheduled the Vespers on the Eve on Annunciation,  April 6 for St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. Participating parishes assigned to celebrate were from Aliquippa, Midland, Pittsburgh and Steubenville, Ohio. Very Rev. Stavrophor Milan Krstic gave the homily. The guest choir from St. George Church in Midland sang the responses with singers from other parishes also participating. Visiting clergy included in addition to the Father Stepanov and Father Krstic were Very Rev.Stavrophor Rade Merick, Very Rev.Stavrophor Lt.Col.Adam Yonitich, and Very Rev.Rajko Kosic. Stan Brozick, St.George Executive Board President and Sonia Janson, Kolo and Choir President, greeted and thanked the many guests in attendance. In addition to parishes mentioned. faithful came from parishes in Monroeville, Youngwood, and McKeesport. The church and church hall were full.

Article by Father Rodney Torbic


Twenty Fifth Annual Washington Deanery Meeting on Christian Education - 03/27/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN scheduled the Twenty-Fifth Annual Washington Deanery Meeting on Christian Education to be held at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey on March 22, 2014.

Света Архијерејска Литургија у Патерсону - 03/26/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Paterson, NJ - У суботу 22. марта патерсонску парохију је посјетио наш Владика – Епископ источно-амерички Г. Митрофан. Том приликом служена је вечерња служба на којој су молитвено учешће узели и свештеници околних парохија. Након вечерње службе, Владика Митрофан, са свештеницима и званицама, присуствовао је хуманитарној вечери у организацији Lifeline NY, хуманитарној агенцији принцезе Катарине и принца Александра, која је организована у Патерсону.


Baptism of Milana Pavichevich - 03/06/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Canton, OH - On February 22nd, 2014, His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan baptized the youngest child of Rev Aleksa and Popadija Emily Pavichevich, Milana, at St George the Great-Martyr Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton, Ohio. The church community showed up, in full, in order to joyfully welcome their newest member into the family.

Dn Branislav Golic ordained to the Holy Priesthood - 02/20/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Mars, PA - On the feast of the Presentatio of the Lord, February 15, 2014, Dn Branislav Golic was ordained to the Holy priesthood by His Grace Bishop Dr Mitrophan. The ordination was held at St Nikodimus Chapel in Mars, PA, with four priests in attendance: V. Rev. Stavrophor Rodney Torbic, V. Rev. Rajko Kosic, Rev. Dragan Goronjic and Hieromonk Platon (Jovic).

St Sava Celebration in Youngwood - 02/08/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Youngwood, PA - The yearly Slava of St. Sava was celebrated for the 102nd time at Holy Ascension of Our Lord Serbian Orthodox Church on Sunday, February 2, 2014.

St Sava Celebration in Cincinnati 2014 - 01/28/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Cincinatti, OH - As I was gathering my thoughts and reflections over today’s events of the celebration of Saint Sava, the Serbian prince, Orthodox monk, and first Archbishop of the autocephalous Serbian Church, I stopped to ask myself, “How can it be that such a small Orthodox parish here in America can be so successful, alive, and growing?”. I decided to inquire with our spiritual father of the parish, Father Petar Petrović to see his thoughts and feelings on the subject. When put with the question, Father paused for a moment, in order to thoughtfully ponder the matter, then responded, “Wherever God is, there is also success. This success is given by God when His children work together to do His will.” When asked for an example, Father Petar anticipating my question, quickly responded, “First of all, everybody should be involved with the happenings of the parish life and work together. For example, there has to be constant communication between the priest, the parish council, Sunday School teachers, KSS, and all parishioners. There has to be planning, hard work, commitment, and responsibility for things to be successful. God will shower His children with blessings when they give their all for Him, but the most important thing required for success is Christian love. Without that special love, there will be no success.”

Sixteenth Annual Monongahela River Blessing - 01/26/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

On the Feast of Theophany, January 19,2014, parishioners and friends of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church of Carmichaels, Pennsylvania gathered near the Masontown Bridge for the Sixteenth Annual Monongahela River Blessing. The St. George Choir directed by Andrea Janson sang the responses for the river side service. An ice cross prepared by Sonia Janson was placed in the river. Afterwards the group gathered at a Slava (Patronal Feast) celebration hosted by Stan and Karen Brozik at their restaurant. Each year the river blessing takes place at the time of Theophany in celebration of the Lord Jesus Christ’s Baptism.

Nativity Celebrations throughout the Eastern Diocese - 01/07/14
Category: News and Events
Last updated: 2017-07-01 09:27:30

Read more to enjoy photos and article from Nativity celebrations througout the Eastern Diocese.  



Diocese of Eastern America

65 Overlook Circle
New Rochelle, NY 10804


E-mail: diocese@easterndiocese.org 


Office & Residence: 

(914) 633-9000 - (914) 633-9009



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