Cincinnati, OH - On Sunday, September 7, 2014 many children gathered for the beginning of church school at St. George Church. This year we expanded our efforts and reached out to as many interested volunteers as possible to assist with the instruction of church school. From Father’s initial request for volunteers, we had many parishioners respond – willing to devote their time and their talents to the betterment of the church and a strong investment in the children of the parish. Dr. Slobodan and Eileen Stanišić, who have for years volunteered their time to instruct our youth during church school, were joined this year by new teachers/volunteers:
·Đuka Šebez ·Danijela Zubić ·Dajana Fisić
·Gordana Uverici ·Nevenka Sajković ·Danijela Perić
Father Petar began serving the Divine Liturgy at 10:30 AM, assisted in the Altar by Marko Petrović, Thomas Frazer, Veljko Uverici, and Adam Meador. Joshua Savage greeted all and distributed the Sunday Bulletin as they entered the Church for worship. The choir was bolstered by the presence of some of our out-of-town parishioners, commuting from over one hour away to sing. The choir sang wonderfully, led by Choir Director Nancy Helbich. Adam read the Epistle reading and gave a nice speech on the importance of bringing children to church and the importance of church school. Father ended services with a sermon on the day’s Gospel reading and then proceeded to gather all children in attendance to pray and receive a blessing for the beginning of the new school year.
Following the prayers for the upcoming school year, everyone met in the fellowship hall for light refreshments provided by Diana Shyam and her family. For the children in attendance, pizza was provided by the church and as promised, Father Petar and Protonica Gordana brought ice cream.
How beautiful it was to see so many smiling faces in the fellowship hall to attend church school. We had over 20 children in attendance and we are grateful to the parents that heeded the call to bring their children to church school for an investment in their salvation. To all that could not make it, we invite you to contact our teachers and find out the next time church school will be meeting and come to Divine Liturgy every Sunday at 10:30 AM. To all that came, please continue to come! Our children will be blessed by learning about our Church and its history, not to mention making new friends in the process. There is absolutely nothing else more important than bringing your children to church, for church school and Divine Liturgy. We implore all to consider this request, to understand what is really at stake, and we await you all on Sunday with love in our hearts that we may come together as the Church, to worship God the Creator of all – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! May God bless you and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
Христос васкрсе из мртвих, смрћу смрт уништи, и онима који су у гробовима, живот дарова!
~Article by Adam Meador
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