2009 Archived News

[Archived News] Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Charlotte, NC - The faithful people of  the Orthodox parish, St. Simeon the Myrrh-flowing, in Charlotte, NC, celebrated their chapel Slava on St. Arsenije Sremac’s day.

The Divine Liturgy was officiated by His Grace Dr. Mitrophan with the help of our parish priest Father Dragan Lj. Zaric. At the Holy Liturgy we also remembered our recently deceased Patriarch and Father Pavle

After the Holy Liturgy, all the faithful were served a slava luncheon prepared and served with lots of love by our Kolo of Serbian Sisters.

Godfather of the Slava was Dario Lazic, who amazed everyone with his welcome toast at the dinner table, even though he is only fifteen years old.

At the entertainment part of the dinner, our children quire performed psalms and patriotic songs. With these songs, our children warmed the hearts of all the people singing with their angelic voices.

Some of our very gifted children performed parts from W.A. Mozart and P. I. Tchaikovsky on a piano, as well as the recital of Sestodnev.

At the end of the day full of prayers, His Grace Mr. Mitrofan emphasized once again the need for the Holy Liturgy as well as the need of our parish to have a permanent priest.

Glory to God for all things.

Father Dragan Lj. Zaric


Шарлот, Северна Каролина - Верни народ Србске Православне парохије Светог Симеона Мироточивог у Шарлоту у Севреној Каролини, прославиo је Св.Арсенија Сремца, славу капеле.

Свету Архијерејску Литургију служио је Његово Преосвештенство, Г. Др. Митрофан, уз саслужење парохијског свештеника о.Драгана Љ. Зарића. На Светој Литургији  смо се и молитвено сетили новопрестављеног патријарха и оца нашег Павла. После Свете Литургије сви верни су били послужени свечаним ручком које  са пуно љубави припремило и послужило парохијско Коло Србских сестара.

Кум славе је био Дарио Лазић, који је за трпезом љубави тако лепо поздравио све госте, иако је  тек напунио петнаест година.

У културном делу програма дечији хор наше парохије својим анђелским певањем псалама и родољубивих песмама, разгалиo je срца свих присутних. Свој Богом дан таленат за уметност, деца Србске школице показали су у извођењу композиција В.А. Моцарта и П.И.Чајковског на клавиру, као и рецитовањем Шестоднева.

На крају овог прелепог молитвеног сабора,  у својој беседи, Владика Г. Митрофан је нагласио потребу за Светом  Литургијом као и потребу да и ова можда најмања парохија у нашој Епархији, има сталног свога свештенослужитеља.

Слава Богу за све.

О.Драган Љ. Зарић

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[Archived News] Monday, November 30, 2009


Shadeland, PA - With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, the Eastern American Diocese is pleased to host the Fourth Annual Nativity Fast Youth Retreat at beautiful St. Sava Camp Shadeland December 27-30. The theme for this year’s retreat will be “Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!” The theme will be explored by speakers and through activities from four perspectives: Praising God through personal prayer, through liturgical prayer, through how we live with and treat each other, and through caring for God’s world and the environment.

The retreat will begin with arrival at 4:30 PM, followed by vespers and a getting to know one another session on Sunday evening, December 27. It will conclude after the Divine Liturgy and breakfast that Wednesday morning by 11:00 AM. The full schedule of speakers and activities will be announced. There will be plenty of opportunity for recreation as well.

Geared for children and young people ages 7-17, the $75 registration fee will include accommodations in the new cabins, all meals, talks and discussions, activities and services. Meals will be prepared by the Eastern Diocese Federation KSS. Adult volunteers to help with those three days would be greatly appreciated.

You can download the registration form here.  Your must notify your parish priest of your intention to attend by December 20.

Give your children the opportunity to strengthen their faith at this year’s retreat.  

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[Archived News] Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Belgrade, Serbia - On the feast day of the Synaxis St. Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers, His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, locum tenens of the Patriarchate throne, served the Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of Metropolitan Gerasim of Zugdid and Tsaish of the Georgian Orthodox Church, Bishop Longin, Mitrophan, Grigorije, Irinej (Dobrijevic), priests and deacons,  and in the presence of Bishop Dositej of Britain and Scandinavia and the faithful.

During the Divine Liturgy they all together prayed for the repose of the soul of newly departed Patriarch of Serbia and Our Father Pavle.After the Divine Liturgy a slava cake was cut on the occasion of the Patron Saint's Day of the locum tenens of Patriarchate throne of Serbia Metropolitan Amfilohije.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, November 17, 2009


St. Petersburg, FL - On Thursday evenings at the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, teens of the parish gather with the parish priest, Protopresbyter Stephen Zaremba for an hour of teen talk.

“Teen Talk” is an outreach effort to minister to the youths of the parish. “Teen Talk” provides teenagers an opportunity to sit down with their parish priest and talk comfortably about subjects that are of personal interest and concern.

In an era of increased stress for all levels of society, young people need to know the love and presence of the Church in their lives. “Teen Talk” is another way to make that love and presence known.

By his presence, Father Zaremba communicates to each of the teens the direct and specific interest of the Church. He makes available to the teens his extensive education and experience in a way they can derive personal benefit.

Thursday, November 12, 2009 was a typical evening of “Teen Talk.”

The youths present asked questions and discussed certain areas of interest relating to the accessibility of the Altar area.

The youths were asked to consider their personal priorities in life and spoke about occurrences in school that were of concern. The teens present were relaxed, serious and inquisitive.

The teens asked advice, offered opinions, and reflected on the  overall conversation. They were polite, attentive and never needed  corrected. The teens present were living examples of positive youths today.

They conducted themselves in a mature way that would make their parents proud.

Proto Stephen is absolutely comfortable talking with teens. This  was obvious as he conducted the discussion. The conversation was free flowing and the time passed quickly.

Proto Stephen has been a parish priest for nineteen years and is  the former Director of St. Sava Camp-Shadeland. Since coming to Florida as Dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery, Proto Stephen has been involved with the holding of several winter camps.  His longstanding interest in youths of the Diocese is evident.

In addition to his experience as a parish priest,  experience at  Shadeland and various winter camps, Father Zaremba is the father of three youths.

Father Stephen and Protinica Svetlana’s oldest daughter Jovana started college this year. Their daughter Alexandra is in high school and son Nikola is approaching the teen years.

“Teen Talk” is an hour each week well invested in the youths of  St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in St. Petersburg, Florida. The youths participating will carry memories of these discussions with them as they mature and develop as adults.

The teens participating will know by the efforts of their parish priest that the Church cares for them specifically and when they need help, they will have reason to be feel comfortable in turning to their priest and the Church for that help.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Monday, November 9, 2009


By Mimi Dae

Cleveland, OH - A concert weekend not soon to be forgotten…the Cleveland community welcomed guest composer Mr.Rajko Maksimović, of Serbia! It was quite an honor for us to have with us such an accomplished musician.Maksimović’s works have been awarded prizes and performed throughout the world. Two such
performances should be particularly pointed out:

- The Saint Prince Lazarus Passion at the "Semaines Musicales" in Tours (France) '89.

- Testament of P.P. Njegoš, the Bishop of Montenegro at the World's Festival of Orthodox Music in
St. Petersburg '96.

Rajko Maksimović (b. 1935) of Belgrade, Serbia. He had completed his studies in composition in 1961 with prof. Predrag Milošević at the Academy of Music in Belgrade. He completed his Master's degree in 1965. He spent a year at the Princeton University (N.J. - USA) through the Fulbright program. There his
main focus was electronic music. In 1963 he was appointed as assistant professor for Composition; later on (1967) the associate professor for Harmony & Counterpoint; now he is a full professor for Composition & Orchestration at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade. His scores include works for chamber ensemble, choir, choir and orchestra, solo instrument, and music for children.
Congratulations to all the choirs who participated in the continental premier of “Sahrana” under the direction of Mr. Milan Damljanović. “Sahrana” is a movement of The Saint Prince Lazarus Passion.

Guest soloist for this piece is Dr. Kurt Sander. Kurt Sander (b. 1969) is currently associate professor and Department Chair at Northern Kentucky University. His music has been heard at various concerts and festivals throughout the country and in
Europe including June-in-Buffalo (1993), the Resolution 2000 New Music Festival, EarTalk '99 (Greece), the 36th National Conference of the Society of Composers, Inc. (2002), and the North American Music Festival in Boca Raton (2002). His works have been played by the Pleven Philharmonic (Bulgaria),
Cappella Romana, the Nevsky String Quartet (St. Petersburg), the Cleveland Chamber Symphony, pianist Angela Tosheva, the Solaris Wind Quintet, Synchronia Ensemble, The New Music Associates, Schola Cantorum, and the Cantata Singers of Ottawa.

Our participating fellow choirs are dear to our hearts. These choirs include some of our greater Cleveland area Orthodox choirs; St. Sergius Russian Choir, Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir, the Cleveland
Russian Chorus, St. Theodosius Cathedral Choir and Melos Ensemble. Special guests, the Dr. Laza Kostich Choir of Midland, PA are our good friends and neighbors from PA. We are honored that they made the trip to be with us for such a memorable event and the Njegoš choir wishes them much success always as they just celebrated their 73rd anniversary. Our congratulations also goes out to Mildred Beaver of Midland, PA being awarded the Adam Popovich Award as Director of the year, this past May.
Mrs. Melva Brnilovic gave special recognition to SSF President Mr. Mark Borota for his newly elected position.

The Stevan Hristić Choir of Phoenix was our honored guest choir. This Phoenix choir is celebrating it’s 50th anniversary this year. Mr. Lazo Mihajlovich promised an impressive concert and he delivered. Song selections included Svjati Bože by Teofanov and Heruvimska by L. Mihajlovich. The Phoenix choir is special to us and we are proud that they too perform music from modern living composers in Serbia. We are all working together to support our brilliant composers in this modern time and helping to support
future compositions.

Another special guest was in attendance, Dr. Bosanka Jocic-Jakubi who is visiting the US from Niš, Serbia. Dr. Bosanka is a dear friend to our choir and has helped us to help many children at the pediatric hospital of Nis. We wish her much success and send our love to the children we have touched through generous donations of many of our choir Kumovi and supporters who attended the weekend. May she enjoy her visit in the US and especially in Cleveland. Many thanks to Dr. Nikola Resanović who attended the concert with his wonderful family and added to the many professional academic musicians in the

The Njegoš choir performed Tamo Daleko by Velickovic and Damljanovic in the memory of +Stevo Turcola. Our brother whom we miss so dearly and will remember him through song always. His passing was a great loss to our choir family and the entire Serbian community. We are praying for him and his family. May his memory be eternal! The composition Povratak was performed for the health and well being of Kumovi Dr. Branimir and Borjana Simic Glavaski who brought to our attention this wonderful
piece of music. Mnogaja ljeta!

Congratulations was given to Maestro Milan, our Cathedral’s longest standing music director! Damljanovic is a picture of professionalism, dedication and commitment to the Holy Orthodox Church – 18 year strong! Ziveli to tenor V. Rev. Vasilije B. Sokolovic and Protinica Zagorka, our longest standing
Dean of the Cathedral. Thanks were given to co-chairs of the event Mr. Michael Marjanovic, choir president and Mrs. Mira Damljanovic, choir secretary. Two dedicated and unselfish members and always with a WOW factor! Many thanks were also given to the choir Kumovi and family for all of their support.
The Cleveland choir is a busy choir with a full schedule year long and it takes a group effort to keep things organized and running smoothly. This is a dedicated choir that commits not only to our Serbian community but the community at large and we applaud all of their efforts.

Special recognition was given to our longest standing board members because this was our centennital year. Congratulations to Mrs. Loretta Knezevic, Mrs. Sophie Pasinic and Mr. Michael Marjanovic. All have served over 2 decades on the executive board. Assistant conductors Mr. Adam Vlainic, Mrs. Mira
Damljanovic, and Protinica Lindsay Zobenica were thanked for their assistance.

The program book for this special event during St. Sava Cathedra’s 100 year anniversary included many beautiful letters. I would like to mention a few at this time. V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic praised three things that are immediately drawn to your attention when visiting the Cathedral. Those are the splendor and beauty of the church, the amazing craftsmanship of the iconostasis and the elating sound of the choir. He went on to state that the magnificence of our church, the beauty of its interior is important,
but the praise of the Lord, in song, during the Divine Liturgy, is what makes it meaningful. Otherwise the church would just be a museum. Cathedral president, Dr. Branimir Simić Glavaski welcomed all visiting choirs and special guests. He thanked music director Mr. Milan Damljanović who has given many successful concerts and traveled as ambassador with the choir throughout the US and Canada, and Serbia, representing the Cathedra and the wealth and depth of our Serbian spiritual and secular music.
Milan was also thanked for his 18 years of service to our Cathedral as longest standing music director in our 100 year history!

HRH Prince Alexander Karadjordjević sent a letter to Mr. Milan Damljanović thanking him personally and all the members of the choir for their hard work to make this celebration a great success. Finally, there was a beautiful greeting by composer and president of the Federation of Serbian choirs in Serbia, Mr. Aleksandar Vujić. He reminisced on the wonderful experience he had at the SSF choral festival held in Cleveland only a few years ago and how wonderful it was to see so many American born Serbs singing in their mother tongue, Serbian! He said it was a very proud moment for him and the Serbs of this continent should be proud as well.

A beautiful program was held and was professionally run by Ms. Dorothy Winovich, Kuma of the choir. There was a prayer followed by Vjecnaja Pamjat for our newly departed brother +Stevo Turcola whom we miss very dearly. Following several introductions the program began by the guest choir, Stevan Hristic Choir of Phoenix. They were like a ray of sunshine in the room! The concert had so many wonderful choir in attendance and not a word was spoken, which is difficult in a room over crowded with Serbs! The Melos Ensemble, lead by Damljanovic premiered Vece na skolju by Rajko Maksimovic.

This was its first performance in North America and we were honored to have Maksimovic in attendance. Melos also performed Svjete tihij by Kurt Sander, who conducted the piece for its
performance, what an honor! Finally, the combined chorus brought the house down. Tebe Boga hvalim by Mokranjac was sung as a rejoice to the Lord, as well appropriate! Sahrana by Rajko Maksimovic with Soloist Dr. Kurt Sander took everyone by surprise. The lights of the hall were dimmed the candles on the
stage by singers were lit. It was truly a vigil to Czar Lazar, in the background was a video of past and current picture of Kosovo and Metohija. There was not a dry eye in the house. The reaction of non Serbsthat were in attendance was astounding. I had interviewed a few visitors and found it so beautiful that there were people that were not familiar with our Serbian history and through the music and photos were so moved that they could barely speak. I am tearful as I write this. This choir is always impressing
our community but, this was by far a performance we will never forget. Such an impact on not only our Serbian community but the community at large to our extended neighbors is not going unrecognized.

The work that went into such a program was tremendous.

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[Archived News] Friday, October 30, 2009


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Shadeland, PA - His Grace Bishop MITROPHAN is strong and consistent in scheduling and holding clergy seminars. The topics of the seminars varied extensively through the years. Priests face a wide range of different issues and concerns in  parish life. Continuing education is a necessity and the commitment to scholarship by His Grace is reflected in the seminars.

Speakers at the seminars have come from within and outside of the Eastern American Diocese. All of the speakers have invested significant time in preparation. Every seminar has been an opportunity for further learning.

Until last year, the seminars were held in different parishes to expose the Diocesan clergy to the different parishes. With the extensive building and upgrading of Shadeland Camp, particularly the new dormitory facilities, His Grace began in 2008 to schedule the seminars at Shadeland. The Eastern Region KSS graciously agreed to prepare the necessary meals.

This year’s seminar began on Wednesday evening, October 28, 2009 with Vespers, followed by an evening meal and then a discussion of issues of pastoral concern. On Thursday morning, October 29, 2009, the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated with His Grace officiating. Three priests and one deacon served with attending clergy singing the responses.

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN selected Reverend Father Aleksa Micich, the parish priest of St. Luke Serbian Orthodox Church of Washington D.C. as the designated speaker for the seminar. Father Micich has extensive experience as a teacher and lecturer at the high school and college level.

In addition to having an advanced theological degree, he has completed advanced studies in biology. Father Micich is active in Orthodox ministry with college students and young adults in behalf of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.

Father Micich spoke on the theme: “The Use of Biological Agents in Modern Society” The presentation made it clear there are positive and negative uses of biological agents. Father Micich gave detailed examples pertaining to the body, the home, the community, the Church and international activities. He spoke about viruses, different forms of the flu, and the use of household items that inappropriately used could have dangerous results. He spoke about germ warfare, certain activities of terrorists and different theories and practices used in medical care.

The clergy attending the seminar were intensely attentive and asked good and probing questions. Priests deal with heavy issues on a daily basis.

Father Micich provided important information useful for parish ministry.

On Thursday morning, October 29, 2009, the dining hall at Shadeland which is normally filled with the talk of young campers in July and August took on the tone of a classroom at an institution of higher learning as the clergy of the Eastern Diocese gathered with their Bishop for this seminar.

The Holy Hierarchal Divine Liturgy inspires, unifies and educates
believers in Christ. The clergy seminar is held with the intention of
advancing the work of Christ.

The large number of clergy in attendance traveled long distances to participate. In addition to His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN and Father Micich, the following clergy attended: Very Reverend Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Very Reverend Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov, Very Reverend Stavrofor Janko Raljich, Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich, Achimandrite
Leontije(Alavanaja),Very Reverend Stavrofor Dragan Filipovic, Very Reverend Stavrofor Rade Merick, Very Reverend Stavrofor Vladimir Demshuck, Very Reverend Lt. Col.Adam Yonitch, Very Reverend Dr. Rodney Torbic, Very Reverend Djokan Majsotorovic, Very Reverend Aleksandar Vlajkovic, Very Reverend Ivan Marjanovic, Very Reverend Dragomir Tuba, Very Reverend Rajko
Kosic, Very Reverend Mioljub Matic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Protonamesnik Zoran Radovic, Protonamesnik Dejan Obradovic,  Reverend Father Miladin Blagojevich, Reverend Father Isak Kisin, Reverend Father Vladislav Radujkovic,Reverend Father Dragan Goronjic, Father Deacon Milan Medakovic, Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic, and  Father Deacon Ljubisa Mitrovic. Very
Reverend Daniel Rohan, a priest from the Antiochian Orthodox Church also was an active participant.

Protinica Ljubica Jockovich accompanied Prota Stavrofor Srboljub
Jockovich from Steelton, Pennsylvania. Protopresbyter Ivan Marjanovich traveled from Maine and Protopresbyter Aleksandar Vlajkovic came from Boston, Massachusetts. Protopresbyter Djokan Majstorovic, Protonamesnik Zoran Radovic and Reverend Father Vladislav Radujkovic came from the New York/New Jersey areas. The remaining attending clergy were from Ohio and

The Eastern Region Circle of Serbian Sisters President Millie Radovick, Vice –President Dee Dee Baskot and former President Olga Dimitrijevic made the long drive to Shadeland to prepare the meals for the both days.

Exhibiting their love for the Church,  Millie Radovick, Dee Dee Baskot and Olga Dimitrijevic freely and willingly take a strong interest in Shadeland and  maintain a regular presence when work needs to be done.

Shadeland offers a scenic setting with far reaching possibilities. The commitment to making serious and good use of Shadeland to the glory of God continues. The present seminar is further proof of the commitment.
Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Синсинати, Охајо - Црква Св. Георгија у Синсинатију, у држави Охајо, обележила је стогодишњицу постојања у недељу, 25. октобра 2009. године. Прослава је почела, по древном црквеном обичају, вече пред овај дан, доласком Његовог Преосвештенства Епископа источноамеричког др Митрофана у пратњи ђакона Драгослава Косића у црквену порту, где их је дочекала председница Кола српских сестара са малишанима у народним ношњама, унуцима тамошњег свештеника о. Петра Петровића и попадије Гордане, са погачом и хлебом. Уследила је и вечерња служба у којој је учествовало и доста народа. Након краћег, срдачног пријема и разговора у дому протојереја Петра, уследила је свечана вечера коју су у част владике и јубилеја уприличили чланови црквеног управног одбора.
Топлина и сјај сунца и шароликост боја околне природе у недељно јутро наговештавали су величанственост дана који је градоначелник Синсинатија, у част стогодишњице, прогласио ''српским даном''. Пред свету литургију, најпре је освећен црквени простор, видно освежен и обновљен за ову прилику. Освећен је и нови престо, жртвеник, трон и бројне друге црквене утваре. Пред почетак литургије, црква је деловала заиста препорођено. Литургију је служио владика Митрофан, који је у топлој и надахнутој беседи говорио о значају и сили светих моштију, драгоценијих и чудотворнијих од свих племенитих метала овога света, а у контексту полагања моштију Св. Кнеза Лазара, великомученика косовског, у нови престо, као и о важности милосрђа и дарежљивости, на којима се заснива уређен и организован живот цркве у благостању, али и наше лично спасење и живот вечни. У служењу су му помагали прота Петар и његов син о. Драган, који је дошао, и у својству и госта и домаћина, са својом личном и великим делом црквене породице Св. Николе из Индијанаполиса, укључујући црквене осниваче, недавно произведеног ипођакона и црквени хор ''Јован Дучић''. У олтару су била још двојица православних свештеника, из Грчке и Бугарске православне цркве, као и поменути ћакон Драгослав и неколицина младића и дечака. Црква је била препуна оних коју су желели да учествују у овом изузетном догађају.
Литургијско славље настављено је у црквеној сали, која је била сјајно припремљена великим трудом чланица Кола сестара, предвођених неуморном попадијом Горданом и председницом Кола. Зачињена њиховом љубављу, услужношћу и бригом око гостију, трпеза је заиста била достојна овог несвакидашњег славља. Уз ручак извођен је пажљиво и са укусом припремљен програм: опуштајуће, нежне мелодије са гитаре и виолончела, оригинално, а препознатљиво изведена песма Ђурђевдан у част заштитника цркве и неколико народних и верских песама у извођењу хора. Заслужнима су додељене похвалнице, а владици дарови. Присутним свечарима су се обраћали: председник Црквеног одбора, председница Кола сестара, о. Петар и владика Митрофан. Изражена је велика радост и задовољство – како због постигнутог црквеног јединства и прихватања новог епископа у духу послушности, након одлуке Светог архијерејског сабора Српске православне цркве о реорганизацији епархија у Америци, тако и због овог значајног и ретког јубилеја и свих дасадашњих постигнућа. Истовремено, изражен је и жал што није урађено и више, а пре свега што још увек није остварен стогодишњи сан – о цркви, тј. згради намењеној само за богослужења. Ова прилика је зато искориштена да верни народ ове црквене заједнице, предвођен свештеником и председником Црквеног одбора, да завет пред Богом и епископом да ће дати све од себе да што је пре могуће овај сан остваре. Владика Митрофан је заблагодарио на изузетном топлом и домаћинском пријему и даровима, нарочито икони Богородице Тројеручице из Хиландара, благословио оснивање фонда за изградњу цркве и обећао да ће он сам на сваки могући начин подржати ову њихову тежњу. Та нада осладила је семе горчине које је постојало усред опште сласти због свега виђеног и доживљеног тога дана. Тако је тај дан превазишао себе, испунивши и учинивши себе делом вечности.     

Марко Бојовић - ипођакон


Cincinnati, OH - It  was certainly a memorable weekend. More then we could have ever imagined.

Bishop was welcomed at the Vesper Service by the Parish Priest Prota Petar Petrovic, visiting Clergy, all of the Executive Board and a full Church of faithful.

The following day, Sunday, October 25, the consecration of the Holy Table as well as the blessing of the bishop’s throne, table of Oblation, Icon stands and Cantor Stand was had. For Divine Liturgy, to which responses were made by the Yovan Ducich Choir of Indianapolis, the Church was packed. In the hall (for the banquet) over 200 souls were present. The Priest and the board asked Bishop Mitrophan for a blessing to establish a building fund in order to build a Byzantine Style church in the upcoming 5 years. The bishop not only blessed it, but promised to be the first to contribute to it. We greatly missed the presence of our past Bishop Longin but it became obvious that God has blessed us much with our new Bishop Mitrophan. We are blessed and thank God for that.

The faithful of 
St. George Church
in Cincinnati, Ohio

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[Archived News] Monday, October 19, 2009


Hermitage, PA – The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage hosted a choir concert weekend on October 17-18.  The St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Cathedral Choir from Hamilton, Ontario were the honored guest choir. The Men's Choir “Kosovo” of Northeast Ohio also participated in the concert.

The following day, the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was officiated by special guest of the Eastern American Diocese His Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabrobosna with host hierarch His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America concelebrating. Assisting the hierarchs were V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevo Stojsavljevic from Hamilton, V. Rev. Stavrophor Michael Simerick and host clergy Fr. Milovan Katanic.

A formal banquet followed the Divine Liturgy. The St. Archangel Michael Folklore Group "Gracanica" performed, both the senior and junior groups, during the banquet program.

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[Archived News] Saturday, October 17, 2009


Boston, MA - During the weekend of October 10-11, 2009, St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church of Boston celebrated the Great Consecration of its new church in Cambridge, Mass. The new 13-foot iconostasis, made of solid walnut, was meticulously hand carved over the course of three years in Serbia, and recently arrived in Boston to be installed in its home. In addition to the biblical scenes and scripture incorporated into the carvings, the iconostasis features large hand-painted icons. The iconostasis was made by woodcarver and icon writer Djordje Bilak of Novi Sad, Serbia. Also included was Christ’s Tomb and a Bishop’s Throne carved by Ljuban Maric from Valjevo, Serbia. St. Sava Church was blessed to receive relics of St. Czar Lazar of Kosovo and St. Anastasia, the mother of St. Sava.

The weekend’s services were lead by four bishops, His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of the Libertyville-Chicago Metropolitanate, His Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj of the  Metropolitanate Dabrobosna, His Grace Bishop Mitrofan of the Eastern American Diocese, His Grace Bishop Longin of the New Gracanica-Midwestern Diocese, and St. Sava’s own pastor, Very Reverend Father Aleksandar Vlajkovic. Also serving were three deacons and many clergy from across the United States, including those of other Orthodox churches in the Boston area. Out-of-town guests included faithful from the New England region, as well as from Illinois, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, New Jersey, Florida, and North Carolina. Also in attendance were Branko Radosevic, Consul General of the Republic of Serbia, Peter Borkovich, SNF President, and Millie Radovick, Eastern Diocese Kolo President. The Kumovi of the Consecration, as well as the donors of the iconostasis, were Donald and Milica Pogorzelski.

The celebrations began on Saturday with a Vigil Service at 5 p.m., where 300 faithful and children in Serbian folk costumes as well as dancers of Gracanica Serbian Folk Dance Ensemble greeted the bishops and relics. The Rachmaninoff Choir of Maine sang the responses, and the service was followed by a festive dinner reception in the church hall prepared by the St. Petka Circle of Serbian Sisters.

On Sunday morning at 9 a.m., the beautiful Consecration services took place, followed by a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, where His Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj gave the sermon and presented the parish with a copy of the well-known icon from Cajnice, Bosnia, of the Mother of God and Christ (Bogorodica Cajnicka). The responses to both services were sung by the Branko Radichevich Choir of Chicago. Afterward, an elegant catered banquet was held in the church hall, where guests were addressed by His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, His Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj, His Grace Bishop Mitrofan, His Grace Bishop Longin, Fr. Aleksandar, Church Board President Branko Glisovic, and Kum Donald Pogorzelski. The Branko Radichevich Choir gave a concert, and afterward, guests enjoyed a dance with live Serbian music by the local band Vidovdan.

The mission of St. Sava Church was founded in 1973, was revived in 1992 by His Grace Bishop Mitrofan, and in 1994 received its first full-time priest, Fr. Aleksandar. Parishioners worshipped in a small church converted from an office building in Wakefield, Mass. In 2005, the parish purchased its church building located in Cambridge, Mass, and celebrated its first Divine Liturgy on January 1, 2006. The Great Consecration was a proud and moving historical moment for the parishioners of St. Sava Church.

For more information, please visit www.stsavaboston.org.

Nada Jovanovic

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[Archived News] Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Елизабет, Њуџерзи - У парохији Елизабет, у храму св. Георгија, служена је посебно свечана св. Литургија, поводом празника Рођења Пресвете Богородице, Мала Госпојина, славе Кола српских сестара ове парохије. Литургијску радост подјелили смо са многим гостима из Филаделфије, Њујорка и Елизабета, као и из Бања Луке, Републике Српске.

На првом мјесту, милошћу Божијом и љубављу наше браће Руса из Филаделфије, наш храм и парохију походила је чудотвопрна мироточива икона Св. Ане. Пред њом и њеном Преблагословеном Кћери молили смо се за спас и напредак свега нашег богомчуваног рода.

О. Ратко Радујковић, архијерејски намјесник града Бања Луке и старјешина Саборне цркве Христа Спаситеља, са протиницом Бранком, посјетио је свога сина o. Владислава, који служи у Њујорку, те су оба свештеника уприличила да подјеле са нама нашу радост и славље. О. Ратко је началствоивао овом литургијском сабрању, протиница Бранка је предводила пјевницу, а o. Владислав је бесједио на крају св. Литургије.

Протонамјесник o. Зоран Радовић, домаћин ове парохије и данашње свечаности, поздравио је све госте и парохијане и, кроз надахнуте ријечи благодарности Богу и свему роду нашем, упутио срдачну молитву Пресветој Заступници нашој за све присутне и оне који оправдано изосташе.

Хвала свима који су узели учешће у овој свечаности и својом љубављу и доброчинством учинили наш храм св. Великомученика Георгија и парохијски дом мјестом „на којем је добро бити“! Нека Васкрсли Господ благослови све оне који нам са љубављу долазе у походе!



Elizabeth, NJ - A special and solemn Divine Liturgy was served at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey on Sunday, Septmeber 20, 2009 on the occasion of the feast day of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Krsna Slava of the Circle of Serbian Sisters of this parish. The liturgical joy was shared with many guests from Philadelphia, New York and Elizabeth, as well as Banja Luka, Republika Srpska.

First of all, through the mercy of God and the brotherly love of the Russians from Philadelphia, our church and parish was visited by the myrrh-flowing icon of St. Ann. Before her and her all-blessed daughter we offered our prayers for our salvation and the prosperity of our entire God protected people.

Fr. Ratko Radujkovic, the Episcopal Dean of Banja Luka and the Dean of Christ the Savior Cathedral in Banja Luka, together with his Protinica Branka, was visiting his son Fr. Vladislav, who is serving in New York and both priests were able to join us and share in the joy of this celebration. Fr. Ratko officiated at the liturgical gathering, Protinica led the chanter's stand and Fr. Vladislav delivered a homily following the Divine Liturgy.

Protonamesnik Fr. Zoran Radovic, the host clergy, greeted all the guests and parishioners  and with inspiring words of thanksgiving to God and our people he offered sincere prayers to our All Holy Protectress for all those present those absent with good reason.

We thank all who took part in this celebration and with their love and good deeds to make our church of St. George the Great Martyr and our parish home a place “where it is good to be!” May the Resurrected Lord blessed all those who, with love, come to visit!


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[Archived News] Monday, September 28, 2009


Hermitage, PA - Just as work around the house is endless the same applies to the parish. Each year parishioners come together at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage to help clean up, do yard work and so on. But after a certain number of years the church and hall require more attention.

Last year, for instance, a major project was undertaken by this relatively small parish when the roof of the church, which was in serious need of attention, was repaired. Continuing on that note, this year the hall and church were painted. When parishioners arrived for liturgy Sunday morning the church they saw was like the one consecrated over twenty years ago. Thank God and the hard work of the parishioners at St. George the church in Hermitage still looks like it's new.

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[Archived News] Sunday, September 27, 2009


Lorain, OH - St George Serbian Orthodox Church was blessed with a visit from His Grace Bishop Dr +Mitrofan to start off the 2009-2010 Church School Year.  The day began with Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, presided over by His Grace, with many concelebrating clergy in attendance:  Very Rev Rodney Torbic, director of Religious Education in the Serbian Eastern Diocese and parish priest of St George in Charmichael, PA; Parish priest of St George in Lorain, Rev Aleksa Pavichevich; Rev Dn Dragoslav Kosic, Epicopal Deacon; and Rev Dn Zeljko Jurisic from St Archangel Michael in Akron.

His Grace delivered a timely homily that focused on the importance of Church School - and specifically, on the important role that parents play in the Christian Education of their children.  His Grace also spoke about the necessity of church school children attending and participating in Divine Liturgy.

Immediately following Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Mitrofan officially opened the 2009-2010 Church School year with a prayer service that concluded with the blessing of all the teachers, parents and children in the parish.  His Grace also took time to bless the newly renovated Church School Rooms.

The day concluded with a wonderful luncheon hosted by the Circle of Serbian Sisters.  The community truly enjoyed gathering around their Hierarch at the start of another year of Christian Education in the St George Parish! 

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[Archived News] Saturday, September 5, 2009


Mars, PA - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Saturday, September 5, 2009 for the celebration of the Diocesan Chapel Slava of St. Nikodim of Serbia. Concelebrating with the bishop were: the Episcopal Deputy, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragoljub Malich, V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov, V. Rev. Stevan Rocknage, V. Rev. Djokan Majstorovic and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic.

Bishop Mitrophan delivered a timely homily at the end of the liturgy, which can be read here.

A luncheon followed the liturgy.  

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[Archived News] Monday, August 31, 2009


Shadeland, PA - The Federation of Circles of Serbian Sisters of the Eastern American Diocese celebrated their Krsna Slava, the Falling Asleep of the Holy Theotokos, on Saturday, August 29, 2009 at the Most Holy Theotokos Monastery in Shadeland, Pennsylvania. His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America attended the Vespers service on Friday evening, after which a dinner was served and members of the Shadeland committtee held their regular meeting afterwards.

The Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was served the following day with His Grace Bishop Mitrophan officiating, assisted by V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragoljub Malich, V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov, V. Rev. Stavrophor Rade Merick, V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic, V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba and Deacon Dragoslav Kosic. V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic sang the responses together with the faithful, many of whom are choir members, including two choir directors from neighboring parishes.The Slava Kolach was blessed prior to the conclusion of the liturgy.

During the Slava luncheon His Grace spoke about the Mother of God and how she forgave those who killed her Son. He also mentioned the weeping icon of the Most Holy Theotokos which visited the Greek Monastery in Saxonburg the prior week and noted that her tears are because of the high rate of abortion in Serbia. Fr. Dragoljub Malich, the spiritual advisor of the Kolo Savez, also spoke at the dinner as well as Fr. Rodney Torbic, who spoke about forgiveness and the using the the Holy Gospel as a basis for assessing our relationships. President of the Kolo Savez, Millie Radovick, welcomed and thanked His Grace, the clergy and all attendees. She introduced all Protinicas and Popadijas in attendance: Protinica Prodanovich, Protinica Stepanov, Protinica Majstorovic, Protinica Tuba, Djakonica Kosic (Popadija Katanic was in attendance the previous evening) and noted how pleased she was to see them with their families. Millie also mentioned the Kolo Presidents in attendance and the KSS Board members. Rudley Mrvos, Diocesan Council Vice-President was present.

His Grace, the bishop, presented Mrs. Olga Dimitrijevic, past president and mother of the current president, with the Episcopal Citation-Gramata and spoke of how both she and her husband, Toma, have always worked at helping their diocese. He also noted how her daughter, Millie Radovick, is not only continuing in her mother's footsteps but her family is very active in their parish.

The Federation had an informational meeting following the dinner. The Kolo Savez plans to continue this tradition of celebrating their Krsna Slava on the beautiful grounds in Shadeland which, in time, should grow and flourish into yet another date on the Diocesan calendar of spiritual events which our Serbian Orthodox faithful can look forward to, in coming together for prayer and fellowship as we all continue, united in our faith and hope and love for God, to work towards the salvation of our souls.

Fr. Milovan Katanic

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[Archived News] Saturday, August 22, 2009


Carmichaels, PA - With Archpastoral Blessings of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Third Annual Healthcare Seminar was held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. The theme was: “Religion and Mental Health: A Serious Look” Previous seminars focused on “Religion and Aging” and “Organ Transplants”.

The first speaker this year was an attorney with extensive
experience as a prosecutor and in private practice. A year ago at the request of the FBI she presented at a national conference on crimes against children. Attorney Linda Chambers presented an extensive array of cases for discussion that have reached the courts involving mental health care. She also addressed the effects of crime on the mental health of victims.

Mitzie Hunchuck, St. George Parish Nurse Practitioner, works full time in a mental health practice. Nurse Practitioner Hunchuck developed her presentation on the functioning of the brain and the various medications that are used to treat mental health conditions. Practitioner Hunchuck was the primary organizer of the seminar.

Very Reverend Lt. Colonel Adam Yonitch, retired from active and reserve duty in the United States Air Force and Air Force Reserve, also has many years experience as a parish priest. Father Yonitich gave a well developed factual presentation on suicide.

Social Worker Holly Torbic is the mother of five children and works in a program serving children who have lost a parent. She is professional social worker with previous experience in a hospital setting, a residential psychiatric facility and in nursing home settings.  Mrs. Torbic’s talk was entitled “Children and Grieving.”

Father Rodney Torbic drew upon his work experiences in a large mental hospital, in the criminal justice system and in the parish to speak about “Religion and Mental Health.”

The seminar attendees came from several different parishes and with a range of interests and background experiences. In addition to the speakers, the twenty five attendees were not limited to but included four priests and four highly skilled and experienced nurses with experiences in different settings including at the university level.  Two professional social workers, one working with troubled youths and one working with returning veterans and one  school educator were also present.

The seminar was intense and the discussion was very substantive. Mental health problems affect a certain number of individuals and their families and friends in every parish and in the community. Mental health concerns deserve serious professional examination and increased understanding within the framework of the Church.

Seminar participants all received certificates of attendance.
Vespers was served following the seminar. Patricia Cekoric provided the responses.

On Sunday morning, the day the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates St. Panteleimon the Parish Nurse’s Office celebrated it Slava. Prayers were offered at the Divine Liturgy for all healthcare workers in the parish living and departed. The St.George Choir sung the responses under the direction of Sonia Janson.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the Slava Kolach and Koljivo were blessed. The Slava dinner and program were preceded by the annual blessing of ambulances provided by Fayette Emergency Medical Services.

Fayette EMS Director Rick Adobato ensures each year that an ambulance is present. Four ambulance workers stayed for the Slava dinner. They were: Todd Oliver, Amy Keller, Kevin Klamorick and Mike Oplinger. The annual ambulance blessing is a way to recognize and express appreciation for the important work of emergency medical personnel and all individuals involved in providing necessary healthcare.

The Lord Jesus Christ spoke about the ten lepers that were held and only one took time to express appreciation.(Lk.17:11-19) Healthcare Day is a time the parish gives thanks for care rendered each year by healthcare workers.

At the Slava dinner, Executive Board President Stan Brozik spoke from his personal experiences in the coals mines as to occasions when emergency medical services were called into action to render care to miners.

Sonia Janson, Kolo and Choir President, offered remarks in behalf of  the two vital parish organizations . The Slava program each features readings from the lives of saints identified with healthcare. The saints chosen include St. Panteliemon, St. Nectarios, St. Luke, and St. Hermolaus.The lives were also read of three different sets of Sts. Cosmas and Damian commemorated on July 1/14, November 1/14, and October 17/30.

Reading the lives of the saints were: Mitzie Hunchuck, Mark, Eileen and Gregory Zivkovich, Maria Djonovich, Paulette Radock and Aaron Carson. All but two of the readers work in healthcare settings. Paulette Radock and Eileen Zivkovich are nurses.

Healthcare services in the context of the Church were the focus of August 8-9, 2009 at St. George Church. Sooner of later parishioners must avail themselves of these services. All parishioners benefit from knowing the contributions of the saints identified with the healing of different illnesses.

Thank God for the hardworking parishioners in the St. George Church and the professionals and friends of the parish that took time these two days to focus on these important matters.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Monday, August 17, 2009


Saxonburg, PA – On Monday, August 17, 2009 His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at the Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Saxonburg, Pennsylvania. His Eminence Metropolitan Maximos of Pittsburgh was in attendance.

The occasion for the bishop's visit to the monastery was the visitation of the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of the Most Holy Mother of God (from Hawaii; see here). His Grace, the bishop, anointed the many faithful who attended the morning's Divine Liturgy with the myrrh from the icon following the service.

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[Archived News] Thursday, August 6, 2009



North Canton, OH - The annual event, the Youth Conference, sponsored by the Youth Ministry, one of the Standing Committees established at the 18th Triennial Sabor in Los Angeles, officially began this afternoon. After Detroit, Chicago (New Gracanica Monastery) and Los Angeles, this year's event is held in the Eastern Diocese, in North Canton, Ohio, the same location of the 20th Triennial Sabor/Assembly set to begin next Monday.

Thirty three children are registered at this year's event held at the scenic Walsh University, just a few miles from St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in North Canton. V. Rev. Stevan Rocknage and Rev. Dragan Petrovic, members of the Youth Ministry, will be conducting religious classes with the children during these next few days.  

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[Archived News] Monday, August 3, 2009


Shadeland, PA - This year's Diocesan Day, which is traditionally held at the end of the children's camp, was held on Sunday, August 2, 2009, the feastday of St. Elijah the Prophet. Officiating at the morning's Divine Liturgy was guest hierarch His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Libertyville-Chicago assisted by host hierarch His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America and diocesan clergy.

A large number of faithful attended the morning's service despite a light rainfall. Attending the event were clergy and faithful from parishes that have recently joined the Eastern American Diocese as a result of the reorganization of dioceses in the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America. There was a spirit of unity and love at both the Divine Liturgy and the festive children's program and annual Shadeland picnic which followed.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Libertyville, IL - The newly departed servant of God the Very Reverend Stavrophor Dr. +Nedeljko Grgurevich who reposed in the Lord on Thursday, July 23, 2009 was buried on Tuesday, July 28 at the cemetery at St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville.

Viewing and a Pomen was served at St. Mark's Orthodox Church in Bethesda, Maryland on Sunday, July 26. On Monday His Grace Bishop Mitrophan officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, assisted by a number of diocesan clergy. On Tuesday Bishop Mitrophan officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Sava Monastery in Libertyville, Illinois. The liturgy at the monastery was followed by the funeral service which was served by His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, Bishop Longin, Bishop Mitrophan and Bishop Maxim together with twenty four priests and three deacons from both the Eastern American Diocese, Chicago-Libertyville Metropolitanate and the New Gracanica and Midwest Diocese.

His Grace Bishop Mitrophan delivered the following eulogy:

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain"
(Philipians 1:21).

Your Eminence,

Your Graces,

Bereaved Family,

Dear brothers and sisters,

In one hymn at the Ascension, the Holy Apostles beseech Christ: "Do not leave us heartbroken, O Lord!" We can direct these words to every loved and dear person who leaves us at the hour of death. For we are truly heartbroken at that moment, because the one whom we loved, and who loved us, leaves us. We are aware, just as the reposed one is, what we mean to one another, and that we are invaluable, irreplaceable and unique persons in this world. On the other hand, all that connects us to the person reposed in the Lord, whether memories or objects, leaves in us an indelible vestige (trace). But words and deeds make the strongest impression in our entire being, for by them he continues to abide in us. As our great poet Njegos said: Blessed is he who lives forever, for he had a reason to be born.

But our faith goes farther and deeper. We have this beloved person in our daily prayers, filled with love and fortified with the hope that we will meet with him one day in eternity. Or, how the Holy Apostle Paul would say: "Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord" (1 Thes 4:17). And those who are reposed in the Lord desire to be with us who are still here on earth and to be in constant contact with us, according to the words of the great Chief of the Apostles: "Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things (the Gospel of Christ) after my decease (2 Pet 1:15).

Dear brothers and sisters,

Our faith is the faith in the Resurrection. Our faith is the faith in eternal life. Our faith is founded on the God-man who lived just like us, suffered and tasted death for our sake, resurrected and ascended to heaven in glorified human nature. Our faith is the faith in God who is stronger than death, who is stronger than decay, who is stronger than all natural laws, who is stronger than evil, who is stronger than the devil. This Resurrected God-man is the guarantor of our eternal life. He has traveled the journey with us. He has given reason to our life, according to the words of the thirteenth Apostle: "Through one Man's righteous act (sacrifice) the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life" (Rom 5:). Without Christ life has no reason. Without the resurrection and eternal life we can say along with the nonbelievers that today we eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die (1 Cor. 15:32).The soul and mind of man can only accept a God who can grant eternal life.

Our dear departed [brother] knew this, first teaching his own domestic church (family), and then many generations of students in the seminary, in Prizren, Belgrade and Johnstown, as well as generations of students at our School of St. Sava in Libertyville, as well as the flock entrusted to him in Steubenville, Elizabeth and Johnstown.

Having all this in view, dear and bereaved family, friends and acquaintances of our beloved Prota, let us not mourn as those who have no hope (1 Thes 4:12), rather let us mourn and sorrow according to God, not according to man. "For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death" (2 Cor 7:10). For the Lord Christ is He who shall wipe away the tear from our eyes, changing it into joy, for death shall be no more (Rev. 21:4, Is 25:8).

Dear Dubravka,

Dear Svetozar and Stefan,

Dear family,

Be honored that you had him. We are honored to have had him. May he continually be in our prayerful thoughts.

My dear Nedeljko,

We have known each other for several decades. By God's providence we came to this far away land, you much earlier, and I later. We worked together almost 22 years here at our school, and of these we spent 18 years hand in hand in the Diocese of Eastern America. As Episcopal Deputy you were a great help to me in every way. With your wise council you helped me to avoid acting rashly or to waver in my decisions. Whenever there were problems in the parishes or in the diocese, you said: Your Grace, let's wait! The morning is wiser than the evening! I had a great stalwart in you. I never doubted your sincerity nor faithfulness. And I believe that you never doubted mine.

You loved your Serbian Church with all your heart and all your soul. You did not do what was best for yourself. You went where ever the Church sent you, and not where it was more comfortable or advantageous. In each church assignment and position you were exceptionally diligent. This is why everyone loved and esteemed you in the seminaries, colleges and parishes. And I confirmed just how much they loved you innumerable times traveling about the Diocese. I know that you also loved them and that you held close relationships with them.

You also loved his tormented Serbian people of St. Sava. You suffered along with them. We spent innumerable hours on the telephone considering how we can help our suffering brothers and sisters. And as a sign of just how great your tireless love, strength and sacrifice was, it is enough to look at the reports of the Committee for aid to see that your former parish in Johnstown, even though not large by number of parishioners, was second on the list. Serbian Kosovo remained in your heart. You never forgot your Republic of Srpska nor your Foca. You took them with you to that world. But, your faith rose above your national identity.

You loved your school of St. Sava. You were it's first dean. And when the school was in dire straits, you did not lose hope. Along with your parish and personal obligations, your traveled from Johnstown and later, from Washington, to teach, in good weather and bad. You collected donations for its material support. You loved your students. This is seen in your last letter to the dean's office, for your wrote: Our people are poor and cannot give so much. Another way must be found to support our school.

Your bishop, your brother priests, your students and your parishioners were proud of your academic accomplishments, for you exceeded the bounds of our local Church.

Your departure from us will leave a large chasm in our DIocese, our School, and ecclesiastical bodies.

You had many tribulations in life, but you bore them courageously, not becoming discouraged in spirit. Even in the event of the departure of those most dear to that other world, you said: We are all in His hands. Let God's will be done. The last time we spoke, asking how you were, you said: Worse than yesterday, but we will fight and pray! God knows how much you suffered. I believe, that with the blessed Job you can say: For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another (Job 19:25-27).

Forgive us for all that we have sinned against you, as we forgive you with all our heart.

May the Lord Christ grant you an eternal abode in the courts of His heavenly Father, in the Church of the first-born (Heb 12:23), together with your uncle, the Holy Hieromartyr Momcilo, your wonderful parents Bosko and Jovanka, and the rest of your numerous family.

May the dark earth be light upon you! May your memory be eternal and may God forgive your soul!

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[Archived News] Monday, July 6, 2009


Philadelphia, PA - Christian Education Deanery meetings are a conscious and deliberative effort to bring together clergy and teachers of the Eastern American Diocese for the purpose of assessing and improving Christian education efforts.

The Deanery meetings have been held on a consistent basis in the Diocese since 1987. Begun under then Diocesan Bishop CHRISTOPHER, the meetings have continued faithfully under His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN.

The Twenty-Second Annual Washington Deanery Meeting was held at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 20, 2009.

This was the first Deanery meeting in the St. Nicholas Church  since the arrival of parish priest Father Milorad Orlic. Father Milorad and Popadija Milena previously were always regular participants in the Cleveland Deanery meetings representing the parish in Lorain, Ohio.

Father Milorad warmly welcomed the participants to the St.  Nicholas Church. Everyone was made to feel welcome with the hospitable preparations.

His Grace designated Father Vladislav Radukjovic of St. Sava  Cathedral in New York City as the speaker for the day. Father Vladislav focused on the theme of the “Mission of the Church as Mystical Body of Christ to the World”

Father Vladislav addressed the mission of the Serbian Orthodox  Church with respect to the arrival and fall of communist dictatorship, civil war and the democratization of Serbian countries, particularly immigration to America.

“Father Vladislav expressed an interest in sending a message to  young and educated people that the parish community cares about them. He spoke about the methodology of a organizing a parish catechesis.

Father Vladislav is adept in using visual presentations to  strengthen and enhance his message. His talk sparked an extended discussion among the participants.

The Washington Deanery consists of parishes in Portland, Maine;  Boston, Massachusetts; New York, New York; Paterson and Elizabeth(2), New Jersey; Steelton, Lebanon and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Potomac, Maryland.

Written reports were prepared for the Deanery meeting by  Protopresbyter Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Toma Stojsich, Protopresbyter Djokan Majstorovic, Protopresbyter Aleksandar Vlajkovic, Protopresbyter Ivan Marjanovic, Protonamesnik Zoran Radovic, Reverend Father Aleksa Micich, and Reverend Father Milorad Orlic.

Dean of the Washington Deanery, Proto Srboljub Jockovich was  present and has participated in each of the Deanery meetings since their inception in 1987. Protopresbyter Stavrofor Predrag Micich contributed to the proceedings as he has previously. Proto Predgrag was warmly welcomed as a member of the Deanery.

Mr. Nicholas Govelovich, Church School Director from St. Nicholas Church in Steelton and Popadija Milena Orlic joined with the clergy present in contributing significantly to the discussion. Mr. Govelovich is a professional educator and a generous helper in his parish.  Proto Ivan Marjanovic was accompanied by Protinica Biljana and daughter Monica on the long trip from Portland, Maine.

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN emphasized the importance of evangelization. His Grace spoke about the need for more singers at the Divine Liturgy. His Grace thanked the attendees for their participation. He thanked Father Milorad and Popadija Milena Orlic for their gracious hospitality.

The Deanery Meeting discussions and written reports serve as benchmarks in assessing the status and progress of Christian Education in the parishes. The meetings provide an opportunity for serious discussion and serve as a forum for exchanging ideas.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Friday, June 26, 2009


Youngwood, Pa - The Holy Ascension Serbian Orthodox Church celebrated its 97th Slava Anniversary on May 31, 2009. Rev. Miladin Blagojevic, assisted by Deacon Joseph Rabickow, celebrated the Divine Liturgy, the blessing of the Slava Kolac and koljivo, and the Slava Litiya.

The talented and hardworking ladies of the Kolo Sestara Vavedenje and their loyal helpers prepared a sumptuous feast of roast lamb, sarma, and fried chicken. All the parishioners and guests who packed our social hall greatly enjoyed this wonderful and festive meal.

Visiting clergy included V. Rev Stavrophor Dragoljub Malic of Monroeville and V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic of Masontown. Executive Board President Angie Babich warmly welcomed and thanked our parishioners and all our family and friends who attended, and Mistress of Ceremonies Shan Stanozak introduced Kumovi Gary and Melony Musgrave. Since this year’s Slava also marked the end of our Church School year, Father Miladin honored each of our wonderful Church School students with a beautiful certificate prepared by Church School teachers Kim Kabaci and Mary Collins. He also presented each student in our junior class with a stained-glass guardian angel night light and each senior class member with a pewter crucifix necklace.

We are very proud of our church school students for their interest in learning about their Holy Orthodox Faith and for representing the future of our Church. Junior class members honored at our Slava included Katarina and Mihailo Blagojevic, Kristen Collins, Scarlett Davidovich, Elizabeth and George Dietz, and Adam Kerber. Senor Class members consisted of Milena Kalp, Lauren and Zachary Musgrave, Marijana Raulic, Larisa Verstivschi, and Ionuts Vlad. Father Blagojevic concluded the Slava festivities by presenting the Slava Kumovi with a beautiful blessed icon of Christ.

Amelia Damiano

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[Archived News] Friday, June 19, 2009


Cleveland, OH - By the grace of God, on June 13th and 14th 2009, Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Catheral of Cleveland, Ohio, celebrated its 100th anniversary. It was an exceptional honor for the Cleveland parish to have all four Bishops from the United States present at the celebration; His Eminence, Metropolitan of Libertyville and Chicago, Christopher, His Grace, Bishop of Eastern America Dr. Mitrophan, His Grace, Bishop of New Gracanica and Midwest America Longin, and His Grace Bishop of Western America Dr. Maxim

The celebration began on Saturday, June 13th, with a Vespers service. Present at the service were His Grace  Bishop Dr. Mitrophan and the local clergy, V. Rev. Vasilije Sokolovic, retired priest from Saint Sava Cathedral, V. Rev. Steven Calos from the Greek Orthodox Church, Cleveland Heights, V. Rev. Rade Merick, from the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Stubenville, Oh, Rev. Alex Pavicevich from the Serbian Orthodox Church in Lorain, Oh, V. Rev. Ilija Merzev from the Russian Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Oh, Fr. Vladimir Demshuk from the Serbian Orthodox Church in Clierton, Pa, and Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic, from Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland, Oh. Choir Negos did the responses under the direction of Milan Damljanovic.

Following the dinner, Church folklore groups "Srbija", lead by its coordinators, Millie Patiarevic, Zlata Kozul, Kristina Obrenic, Bozo Lemajic, and Danijela Orabovic performed a number of Serbian dances, followed by a Serbian folk songs accompanied by gusle by Vukasin Mrkajic . The choirs Kosovo, lead by Dr. Stevan Zivic, and the Choir Njegos, lead by Milan Damljanovic, gave a concert of church and secular music. After the concert the program resumed with a dance accompanied by  local orchestra of Simo Petkovic.
The next day, on Sunday June 14th, Divine Liturgy was served by His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, Bishop Longin, and Bishop Dr. Maxim with the assistance of the local clergy, V. Rev. Vasilije Sokolovic, from Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland,Oh,  V. Rev. Petar Burlakov from Saint Sergius Russian Orthodox Church in Cleveland,Oh, V. Rev. Petar Selenoi, also from Saint Sergius Russian Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Oh, V. Rev. Rade Merick from the Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Stubenville,OH, Rev. Vladislav Radujkovic, from Saint Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in  New York City, NY, Rev. Isak Kisin from the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Steven of Dechani, Columbus, OH, Deacon Dragoslav Kosic from Mars, Pa, and Protodeacon Pavle Starcevic, from the Third Lake, Il. For his pastoral work, as well as for the diligence that he showed as the Director of Shadeland Camp, during the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan elevated Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic of Saint Sava Cathedral of Ceveland, to the rank of protopresvyter.
The service was well attended by the faithful from Cleveland and vicinity. The Liturgy was beautified by the voices of Njegos Choir members and the very talented director Milan Damljanovic. In his sermon, His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher, addressed the faithful, in which he emphasized the importance of following the footsteps of the holy ancestors. In addition, His Eminence called the faithful of Cleveland to always maintain unity and love amongst each other. He praised the work and the effort that was invested in establishing and sustaining the parish, in spite of many difficulties and hardships.
After the Divine Liturgy a Banquet was served. After the lunch Congressman Denis Kucinic greeted the faithful and thank the congregation for the invitation.  In his address, he congratulated the parish on the celebration of the 100th anniversary, and  recognized the importance that Saint Sava parish has for the city of Cleveland. This proclamation will be read at the US House of Representatives. In turn His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher expressed his gratefulness to the Congressman for his diligence in defending the truth, for which the Serbs have always stood. Bishop Longin in, His address, expressed His joy to see so many faithful present and emphasized the importance of mutual love and understanding.
Bishop Mitrophan handed a number of Bishop's recognitions to the most deserving parishioners, who distinguished themselves in faith and devotion to our Holy Orthodox Church. Among the guests were the President of Serbian National Federation, Peter Borkovich, and the President of the Serbian Singing Society, Mary Pajich, who congratulated the parish of Saint Sava on its centennial celebration.
In conclusion,  it is necessary to express thank you to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who guided and lead our people in the times of difficulty and tribulations. Who helped them to start a new life and build a splendid house of prayer for God's glory here in Cleveland.May He grant repose to the deceased donors and benefactors of our Holy Church, and may He grant that our younger generations emulate their holy example, by keeping the faith and the Lord's teaching. For indeed, as Holy Nikolaj Velimirovic proclaims, if we guard and preserve the faith, the same faith will in turn, guard and preserve us.

V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic  

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[Archived News] Monday, May 25, 2009


Elizabeth, NJ - On Tuesday, May 12, when our Holy Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates St. Basil of Ostrog the Wonderworker, the Divine Liturgy was served in St. George Church in Elizabeth, NJ. Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalsky) from the Russian Church of Our Lady in Philadelphia was the senior officiating priest. Although undergoing a very difficult treatment due to a serious illness, he came to pray with us and brought his miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna. Also served the rector, Fr. Zoran Radovic and a multitude of clergy of the Serbian Orthodox Church (Fr. Predrag Micic, Fr. Zivko Velimirovic, Fr. Vladislav Radujkovic) and the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (Fr. Liubo Milosevic from Vineland, Fr. Serge Lukianov from Red Bank, Fr. George Zelenin from Paterson, Protodeacon Paul Wolkow and Deacon Leonid Roschko). After the Liturgy, the clergy blessed the kolach and zhito. The faithful venerated the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of St. Anna and a piece of vestment of St. Basil of Ostrog.

A festive luncheon was donated and prepared by the members of our Board.

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[Archived News] Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Steelton, PA - This year, second grade students of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Steelton, PA were preparing for their First Holy Confession.  Our church school curriculum designates this time to focus on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and help young students better understand themselves, become more aware of their relationship with God and God’s people, and discuss the effects of wrongdoing while constantly being reminded of God’s ever forgiving love.

A special vesper service was scheduled for April 10, 2009, the Eve of St. Lazarus and afterward our spiritual Father, Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovic, spoke to all children and adults about Zacheus the Tax Collector, the Prodigal Son, and the Publican and the Pharisee, three beautiful parables that illustrate the importance of repentance.  Each child then received their individual First Holy Confession, and the following day they attended Divine Liturgy service on Lazarus Saturday to receive the Holy Eucharist. On Palm Sunday the students are given a blessed icon of our Lord dand Savior Jesus Christ to commemorate this meaningful event.  

Church school students who received their First Holy Confession this year: Brendan Bowers, Brandon Criswell, Michael Centuries Brandon Fithian, Christina Radanovic, Stevonne Vujasinovich, and Marshall Vujasinovich under the direction of Andrea Gunther, 2nd grade teacher.

Rev. Srboljub Jockovich

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[Archived News] Pascha 2009


"And He said unto them, Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead the third day: And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem" (Luke 24:46-47)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The Lord Jesus Christ directed these words to His Disciples and Apostles after His Resurrection. And truly, they immediately obeyed this command, preaching repentance and the forgiveness of sins in His name, beginning on Pentecost (Acts 2:38). When they were first sent to preach, they told the people that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand and to believe the Gospel (Mt. 10: 7-8). They had not received the authority to forgive men their sins. Why? Because the Lord Jesus Christ was still with them, and He did this personally (Mt. 9:2). When, after the Resurrection, having received the Holy Spirit, there were sent a second time, He gave them authority to do this in His name (Jn. 20:21-23). Only the Resurrected God-man can free us from sin, death and the devil. No one before Him had defeated these three greatest enemies of man. This is why the Apostles boldly declare: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).

We always have these eternal words before our eyes, and especially during the great, holy and honorable fast we offer to God tears of repentance for the forgiveness of our sins.

We call upon all of those who have not confessed and communed to do so that they may more worthily and joyously celebrate His glorious and holy Resurrection.

Ever thankful to you for every good deed done in His name (Mk. 9:41), for our Diocese, parishes and monasteries, and each person who required material and spiritual aid, with all our heart we greet you:


Your prayerful intercessor before the Lord,

+Mitrophan (signed)

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[Archived News] Saturday, April 18, 2009


Greensboro, NC - The Vesper service with the bringing out of the Shroud, Plastanica, was served on Great and Holy Friday in the St. Basil of Ostrog parish in Greensboro, North Carolina in the afternoon hours.

In continuation of Vespers was the Lamentation of the Mother of God. After a short pause the Matins with the Lamentations was served.

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[Arhived News] Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hermitage, PA - Members of the St. George Church Executive Board decide each year where the proceeds from the Deanery Vespers will go. In the past they have benefited the Diocese, the Seminary in Libertyville, IL,  our suffering brothers and sisters in Kosovo, and so on. This year, given the dire economic situation, members of the board were in agreement that the proceeds benefit those more needy in our community. Therefore, the decision was made that the donations go to the local food bank.

The Lenten Vespers on the evening of Palm Sunday, on the eve of Holy Week, was well attended. His Grace Bishop Mitrophan attended the Vespers service. Seven priests and one deacon served at the holy table. Also in attendance were Mother Ana and Sister Anastasija from Monastery Marcha. Special guests included the Kosovo Men's Choir who sang the responses at the service.

Parish priest Fr. Milovan Katanic and church board president Dmitar Vucenovic met with Lori Weston, Executive Director of the local Food Warehouse to present the check.  

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[Archived News] Monday, April 13, 2009


Greensboro, NC – On Wednesday, April 8, 2009 His Grace Bishop Mitrophan officiated at the Holy Hiearchical Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts at the St. Basil of Ostrog Church in Greensboro, North Carolina. Bishop Mitrophan was assisted by all the clergy of the St. Petersburg Deanery.

The liturgy was preceeded with the Holy Rite of Confession for the clergy. V. Rev. Rodney Torbic served as confessor.

Assisting His Grace at the holy altar for the Presanctified Liturgy were V. Rev. Rodney Torbic, V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba, V. Rev. Svetozar Veselinovic, Rev. Ljubisa Brnjos, Rev. Sasa Turkic, Rev. Stanislav Kravljaca, Rev. Aleksandar Logunov, Rev. Christopher Pol and Deacon Gavrilo Milkovic.

Rev. Dragan Zaric, the host clergy, assisted the cantors at the cantor's stand.

What was most joyous about this day, besides all the clergy being in attendance, was the large number of parishioners who attended the Presanctified Liturgy despite the fact that this was a weekday and, therefore, for many a work day.

In his homily, Bishop Mitrophan stressed that the value and essense of the fast, besides abstaining from foods, is the multiplying of our good deeds, prayers and ultimately crowing everything with the Holy Mysteries: Penance and Communion.

For the Greensboro parish this Divine Liturgy was a unique event. On behalf of the parish I thank His Grace for his presence and blessing. Also, I think my brother clergy as well as the sisters and brothers for their hospitality.

Glory to the Resurrected God “on behalf of all and for all.”

Rev. Dragan Zaric 

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[Archived News] Monday, April 13, 2009


“Forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Greensboro, NC – In the evening hours of April 7, the feast day of the Annunciation of the Mother of God, at the church of St. Basil of Ostrog in Greensboro, North Carolina, the ten year anniversary of the NATO-alliance boming of Serbia, was prayerfully commemorated.

Following the service of the Small Compline, served by the dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan served the Parastos.

Assisting His Grace were V. Rev. Rodney Torbic, V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba, Rev. Ljubisa Brnjos, Rev. Stanislav Kravljaca and Rev. Dragan Zaric, together with Deacon Gavrilo Milkovic.

Following the service Bishop Mitrophan, in his homily, said that the suffering of the Serbian people throughout their history has been “because of their faith and [Serbian] name.”  Likewise, the bishop added that suffering without hope in the Resurrection is in vain.

Following the refreshments, prepared by the hardworking ladies, members of the Kola Srpskih Sestara (Circle of Serbian Sisters),  a promotional documentary film, NATO Over Serbia was shown.   

In a blessed memory, remember O Lord all those who gave their lives for faith and homeland, in you Heavenly Kingdom.

Fr. Dragan Zaric

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Elizabeth, NJ - On Friday evening the Second Vigil was served in St George Church in Elizabeth, NJ. Very Reverend Stavrophor Predrag Micic of the Holy Ascension Church (New Gracanica) was the senior officiating priest. Very Reverend Stavrophor Toma Stojsic, Very Reverend Djokan Majstorovic, Reverend Father Vladislav Radujkovic and the host Protonamesnik Zoran Radovic also served.

This was the best attended service in the area. The faithful from all the neighbouring parishes venerated the relics of the Holy Cross, Cincture of the Theotokos, St George, holy myrrh from the Montreal Icon of the Mother of God of Iveron and Moscow Icon of the Softener of Evil Hearts. Father Zoran was also able to provide the icon of St Apostle Luke, who first painted icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, with his relics.

Father Vladislav Radujkovic was the homilist.

After the service a Lenten dinner was served in the church hall.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Canton, OH - The fifth Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, among the parishes in the Cleveland Deanery, is hosted each year by the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Canton, Ohio. This year's homilist was  Fr. Aleksa Pavichevich the newly appointed parish priest at the St. George Serbian Church in Lorain, Ohio. You can read Fr. Aleksa's homily here.

On a side note, the St. George Serbian Church in Canton will be the site for the 20th Trienniel Sabor/Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America. Visit the Sabor site for more details and information.

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[Archived News] Monday, April 6, 2009


Johnstown, PA - On Sunday evening, April 5, 2009 His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN elevated Father Dejan Obradovic to Protonamesnik at the Lenten Vespers at St.Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The service was very well attended with clergy and parishioners present from the Serbian Orthodox parishes in Monroeville, Clairton, Mckeesport and Youngwood.  Church school students from Monroeville were among those privileged to attend the service
and witness the elevation.

Protopresbyter Stevo Rocknage was the homilist. 

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[Archived News] Saturday, April 4, 2009


Diocesan Headquarters - On Wednesday April 1, 2009, clergy confession was held for the Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Washington Deaneries at the St. Nikodim Chapel in Mars, Pennsylvania, the site of the Diocesan Headquarters. Protopresbyter Stavrofor Dr. Mateja Matejic served as Confessor.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Serving with His Grace were the Episcopal Deputy Very Reverend Stavrofor Dr. Nedeljko Grgurevich and Deans: Protopresbyter Stavrofor Janko Raljich, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich and Protopresbyter Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov. Father Deacon Milan Medakovich also served.

His Grace delivered an extensive and well developed homily on the topic of Pride. Clergy were in attendance from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts and Maine.

His Grace, the bishop, hosted the clergy in attendance with a Lenten dinner. During the dinner the bishop spoke with the clergy about pastoral issues which were a concern to the clergy in attendance.

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[Archived News] Thursday, April, 2, 2009


Lorain, OH - The St. George parish in Lorain, Ohio recently welcomed their new priest, Fr. Aleksa Pavichevich, a graduate of St. Vladimir's Theological School. This is Fr. Aleksa's first parish.

In bringing new life to this small community in north central Ohio Fr. Aleksa has established a website for the parish with parish news and information of upcoming services and events. Please visit the site at: www.stgeorgelorain.org.

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[Archived News] Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Steubenville, OH – V. Rev. Stavrophor Rade Merick and the parishioners of Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church in Steubenville, Ohio were hosts for the Lenten Vespers on the fourth Sunday of Lent for the Pittsburgh Deanery. Concelebrating with the host clergy were V. Rev. Rodney Torbic, Protonamesnik Rajko Kosic and Fr. Milan Pajic. Joining the Deanery clergy at the Holy Altar were local clergy from the pan-Orthodox community, Fr. Frank Melanise from the Greek Orthodox Church and Fr. Michael Kabel from the Carpatho-Russian Church.

V. Rev. Rodney Torbic delivered the homily.

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[Archived News] Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Diocesan Headquarters - Mars, PA Rev. Father Aleksa Micic from Washington, DC visited the Diocesan headquarters in Mars, on Saturday, March 21st. He was accompanied by his family, church school children from his parish and several parents. Father Micic explained some of the newest additions to our Diocesan Chapel: new frescoes and two sections of the Iconostasis, to his parishioners. They also had the opportunity to see some centuries old antimins and vestments that are displayed on the walls at the Diocese. He also led the group on a trip to several local parishes, as well as the Greek Orthodox Monastery in Saxonburg, PA. The group also spent some time in the Diocesan Bookstore, which is also located at the Diocese. We hope that their trip was very fruitful and for their spiritual enrichment.

Submitted by Deacon Dragoslav

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[Archived News] Monday, March 9, 2009


Sharon, Pa - The Clergy Association of Mercer and Lawrence Counties is a combination of two clergy brotherhoods, from New Castle and the Shenango Valley in northwestern Pennsylvania. These two clergy associations come together each year for the Pan-Orthodox celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy on the first Sunday of Great Lent.  The St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage is a part of this pan Orthodox community and the parish priest, Fr. Milovan Katanic, currently serves as the President of the local Clergy Association.

This year's celebration was hosted by the Carpatho-Russian parish of St. John the Baptist in the city of Sharon. Special guest was His Grace Bishop Mitrophan, the Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Eastern America. This was a historical event for this relatively small pan Orthodox community as it was the first time a hierarch attended the Sunday of Orthodoxy festivities.

Following the service His Grace delivered a meaningful homily in which he spoke of the changelessness of the Orthodox Faith. "We Orthodox who came today" the bishop stated, "to prostrate ourselves to “His most pure image”, let us say that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.” (Heb. 13:8)  The person of Christ does not endure changes. Christ’s gospel does not endure changes.  Christ’s Church does not endure changes.  We know who its head is.  Or, as St. Gregory Palamas said, “Christ is the new Adam who no longer ages and from whom the world is constantly renewed.”  Therefore His image, (icon), doesn’t change."

Lenten refreshments were served in the parish center following the service. 

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[Archived News] Tuesday, March 3, 2009


North Miami, FL - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Diocesan Bishop scheduled the Annual Diocesan Assembly at the St. Simeon Mirotocivi Serbian Orthodox Church in North Miami, Florida. The Assembly was held on February 27-28, 2009.
In addition to His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Assembly participants included Diocesan clergy, Diocesan Council members, Audit Board members, parish Executive Board Presidents, delegates and observers.
The Annual Assembly reviews the work of the Diocese from the preceding year and establishes goals for the coming year. At the Assembly the Bishop defines and expresses the vision for the Diocese for the present and future.
Each year His Grace selects a speaker to address the Assembly as a source of strengthening and inspiration. This year  for the first time the Assembly heard an address by the winner of the National St.Nikolai  Oratorical Festival.

The Assembly began on Friday evening with Registration.  His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN officiated at The Service of the Invocation of the Holy Spirit. Very Reverend Stavrofor Rastko Trbuhovich and Very Reverend Stavrofor Rade Merick served with His Grace. Diocesan clergy sang the responses.
Diocesan Council Vice President Mr. Rudley Mrvos thanked host priest Protopresbyter Svetozar Veselinovich and the parishioners of the  St. Simeon Mirotocivi Church for the gracious hospitality. Mr. Mrvos chaired the Assembly proceedings with the Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace.
His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN’s report to the Assembly included a summary of His extensive schedule of services, work with the Holy Assembly of Bishops, Episcopal Council, Diocesan Council, Diocesan Administrative Board and Shadeland Committee.
His Grace reviewed changes in clergy occurring during the year. He detailed the extensive construction and renovation taking place in various parishes and at Shadeland. His Grace spoke of the winter retreat at Shadeland and the winter camp held  by the the St. Petersburg Deanery in Atlanta, Georgia.
His Grace devoted significant attention to the condition of the church schools in the Diocese. He stressed the importance of parishes honoring the fasts of the Church when scheduling activities.
Citing St. John Chrysostom extensively, His Grace spoke about the necessity of regular church attendance and worthy piety in preparing for Holy Communion. His Grace said: “It is because of this Mystery that we are Christians. Without it, we are not. Without it the Church is but a club, society, or social institution.”
His Grace addressed the crisis in morality and finances in the world and said the two go hand in hand.
His Grace announced the Eastern Diocese will host the Sabor in Canton, Ohio on August 10-13. The Sabor will be a time for Diocesan hospitality.
His Grace addressed  administrative unity with the New Gracanica Metropolitanate under the new Constitution and asked that God grant it to be completed as soon as possible.
His Grace concluded His report by expressing appreciation to all donating to the Diocese, churches and monasteries, the suffering people in Kosovo and Metohija and all people in need.
Diocesan Treasurer Milan Visnic reviewed the financial reports and the proposed budgets.  New budgets were approved for 2009 for the Diocese and for the Diocesan Camp and Most Holy Mother of God Monastery at Shadeland.
Mr. Nick Mitrovich presented the Audit Committee Report which found Diocesan records to be in good order.
Father Rodney Torbic submitted the Department of Christian Education report which included a cumulative statistical report of attendance by parish and by Deanery since 1986. A chronology of Christian Education Deanery meetings since 1987 and of Clergy Seminars from 1983 was also included.
Protonamesnik Rajko Kosic presented the Credentials Report and the Diocesan Relief Report. The Credentials report indicated thirty one parishes were represented at the Assembly.
Father Kosic’s  Diocesan Relief Report detailed assistance provided which included help for  Hilandar Monastery, Kosovo, Tsunami, Katrina,  and the Banja Luka Orphanage. Father Kosic spoke about the benefits of cooperating with International Orthodox Christian Charities.
Mr. John Russin, Construction Manager for the extensive work being done at Shadeland reviewed projects completed and new projects underway. Mr. Russin had photos to show the completed residence for Kolo workers and the new pavilion.
Mr. Russin spoke about work to be done on the monastery church including rebuilding the dome and adding a vestibule, restrooms and a utility area. Mr. Russin described the new addition to be added to the “A” building which would include a larger dining hall, a deck and restrooms. Mr. Russin encouraged visits to and  support for Shadeland.
On Saturday morning His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Serving with His Grace were Very Reverend Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Very Reverend Stavrofor Rastko Trubuhovich and Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic. A group of Diocesan priests sang the responses.
A new feature at the Assembly this year was the presentation by St. Nikolai  Oratorical Festival winner Anney Mierski of St.Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Steelton-Oberlin, Pennsylvania. Protopresbyter Stevo Rocknage, Sabor Youth Ministry Committee Chairman and Rebecca Kesich, National Coordinator of the Oratorical Festival gave introductory remarks about the oratorical contest.
Anney Mierski spoke on the theme “I believe…” She talked about believing every word of the Nicene Creed. She talked about the Ten Commandments and the way they relate to personal life.
Anney Mierski gave the example  Christ’s commandment to love one another as it applied to her personal life in school. Anney told of  the testing of her faith this past summer when both of her Grandmothers departed this life.
Anney Mierski said: Believing in the Orthodox faith means practicing it not only inside the church but outside as well.” She was soundly applauded by the Assembly for her presentation and was awarded a financial prize from the Diocese.
Father Rastko Trbuhovich, the featured speaker selected by His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, engaged the Assembly participants in a dialogue.

Speaking in Serbian and in English, Father Trbuhovich, focused on the topic of the parish, the local church.
Father Trbuhovich drew heavily from Ephesians, Chapter 4 to define “Who is the Church?” He addressed  becoming a member of the Body, and  focused on the Divine Liturgy as the center of Church life/Parish life.
Father Trbuhovich gave illustrations of the interconnectedness of everything in the Church and said all work of the Church is the work of Christ. He spoke of sinfulness, Confession and reconciliation with God.
Citing Holy Bishop Nicholai, Father Raskto encouraged the Assembly participants to be zealous in serving God. Father Trbuhovich concluded his talk with themes of harmony and forgiveness.
Mr.Kosta Papich reviewed the progress made on the St. Sava Cathedral –Vracar. Mr. Papich cited the important contributions of this Diocese particularly as construction was getting underway. He said the goal is to complete the St.Sava Cathedral-Vracar within four years. Contributions are still needed and are encouraged.
Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rade Merick  authored the numerous resolutions adopted by the Assembly. The resolutions included praying for the health of, greeting and asking the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch PAVLE.
The resolutions expressed belief in the administrative unity of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America.  Greetings and unity were expressed with Orthodox Christians throughout the world. 

The resolutions included condemning the unilateral and illegal declaration of “independence” by the Albanian-dominated parliament of the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohia. Solidarity was expressed with His Grace Bishop ARTEMIJE of Raska and Prizren together with the clergy, monastics and faithful of his Diocese.

The resolutions described sorrow and alarm about the decline in basic Christian morality including the practices of abortion, euthanasia and attempts to redefine marriage to include homosexual “marriage.”

The present economic crisis is viewed as an opportunity for spiritual correction and the helping of individuals in need. The resolutions included a pledge to make the forthcoming Sabor productive, memorable and enjoyable.

The exemplary hospitality of the St. Simeon Mirotocivi Church at this Assembly was fully and joyfully recognized.

The offer of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Cleveland, Ohio to host the next Assembly was accepted.

The Assembly concluded with prayer.

Father Rodney Torbic


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[Archived News] Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Miami, FL - The St. Simeon Serbian Orthodox parish in North Miami, Florida celebrated their Church Slava on Meatfare Sunday, February 22, 2009. Concelebrating with the host clergy, V. Rev. Svetozar Veselinovic was V. Rev. Lazar Kostur, retired priest from the Midwestern Metropolitanate.

The cutting of the Slava Kolach followed liturgy, after which the traditional Slava luncheon was served.

The Miami parish will host the Annual Diocesan Assembly which will begin on Friday, February 27, 2009.

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[Archived News] Monday, February 16, 2009


Elizabeth, NJ - The Presentation of the Lord is the feast of the encounter of the Old and the New Testaments and the day when all the prophecies are fulfilled because the elder and prophet from the Old Testament holds in his hands the promised God-child, the Beginning of the message of salvation and the King of the Kingdom to come. All of us witnessed this today in St George Church in Elizabeth, NJ – old promises were fulfilled, the hope was confirmed, and all this is just the beginning of a new era for this God-saved parish.

His Grace Bishop Dr MITROPHAN of Eastern American Diocese paid an Archpastoral visit to this parish and officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in the recently renovated church. Before the Liturgy His Grace performed the small blessing of the works completed on the reconstruction of the interior of the church.  Protopresbyter Stavrophor Sinisa Jocic, the former parish priest in Philadelphia, Reverend Father Vladislav Radujkovic, second parish priest at St Sava Cathedral in New York, the host of this festive prayerful day of joy - Reverend Father Zoran Radovic, as well as Reverend Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic served with His Grace.

In the crowded St George Church the faithful from this parish were joined in prayer by their brothers and sisters from the neighboring parishes. The reader from New York, Branko Zec, and seminary graduates Bosko Stojanovic from Paterson and Ratko Babic from New York, seminarians Jovan Marjanac and Miodrag Radovanovic from the Holy Trinity Seminary in Jordanville, and David Radovic assisted at the Divine Liturgy.

In his homily His Grace Bishop Dr MITROPHAN reflected on the parable of the Prodigal Son, the story for all times that leaves a strong impact on the souls of the listeners. His Grace asked all the faithful present: “Haven’t we all been in this position of a prodigal son and don’t we all need to repent?!” With these very words our Archpastor called on all the faithful to take the spiritual road to the Kingdom sincerely and from the bottom of their souls.

After the homily the faithful venerated the holy relics:
A piece of the Cincture of the Most Holy Theotokos,
The relics of:
St George, Great Martyr, the patron of this parish,    
St Nicholas the Wonderworker,
St Basil the Great,
-     St John Chrysostom,
St Charalampus,
Venerable Parasceva of Trnovo, Martyr,
St Herman of Alaska, and
Venerable Xenia Holy Martyr.

After the Divine Liturgy toasts and greetings were offered in the parish hall.

Protopresbyter Stavrophor Toma Stojsic, parish priest in Paterson, and Protinica Biljana joined this celebration, as well.

The Deputy Consul of Serbia, Mr Vladimir Pavlov, greeted His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Father Zoran, the host, and all present, and wished them a happy holiday because the Presentation of the Lord is at the same time the national holiday of our homeland – Serbia.

In the name of all his parishioners Father Zoran thanked His Grace for having made this Archpastoral visit and for his wise words of spiritual advice and consolation. His Grace talked about true Christian values and the significance of beautifying our churches. He said that he had known Father Zoran ever since he had attended the Seminary of the Three Holy Hierarchs in the monastery of Krka in Dalmatia, that he had closely followed his missionary work while he had been serving the parishes in Argentina for more than six years and also considering the transformation through which he was leading his present parish in Elizabeth, he decided to elevate him to Protonamesnik with the right of wearing a red belt. Deacon Dragoslav read the Act of Recognition. This started the flood of emotions among all the present and Father Zoran was congratulated by everybody. His Grace, the clergy and the faithful present sang “Axios” and “Mnogaya lyeta”.

Evidently touched by such attention, Father Zoran thanked His Grace the Bishop. He also gave credit to his parishioners and all the others who contributed in any way. He stressed that all the efforts made towards the growth of this parish present just a beginning of a new chapter in its long history.

We join the greetings to Father Zoran and his hard-working family, as well as the parishioners of this God-saved parish, and wish them all good health, God’s blessings and strength to continue good work. Mnogaya lyeta!

Reverend Father Vladislav Radujkovic

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[Archived News] Monday, February 2, 2009


Elizabeth, NJ - On Sunday 25th January after the Divine Liturgy, our parish priest Reverend Father Zoran Radovic cut the kolach and blessed the zhito in the church hall. This year the kum was Mr Predrag Dragovic with his wife Jelena and children Mia and Mateja. Afterwards  the children of our parish recited poems about St Sava. All the children gathered in the church hall were given presents provided by the kumovi. The folklore group performed the Serbian dances.

On the very day of the feast of the first Serbian Archbishop, enlightener and father of our nation, with the Archpastoral blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr MITROPHAN, Father Zoran invited priests and deacons of the Russian Orthodox Church to serve with him. Very Reverend Protopresbyter Liubo Milosevic, rector of the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Vineland, NJ was the senior officiating priest at the Divine Liturgy. Very Reverend Protopresbyter Serge Lukianov, rector of St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Red Bank, NJ, Very Reverend Protopresbyter Seraphim Gan, rector of St Seraphim Russian Orthodox Church in Sea Cliff, NJ, Protodeacon Pavel Wolkow and Reverend Deacon Leonid Roschko served as well. We were blessed to have the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of St Anna from Philadelphia for the third time since last year. Nikolai Kostur, seminary graduate, sang the responses. Sub-deacon from the Russian Church of Our Lady in Philadelphia and readers Nektary Lukianov and Branko Zec assisted during the Divine Liturgy.

Those faithful who had decided to come, some of them taking a day off work, did not regret it.  The atmosphere was very festive and prayerful. The kolach was cut and zhito blessed at church. For some of our visiting clergy this was the first time to participate in this rite. Father Zoran then read prayers to St Sava and Holy and Righteous Joachim and Anna.

Father Zoran delivered a powerful homily asking everybody to take our St Sava as an example. He asked a rhetorical question: “How many children or even adults of today would leave everything for Christ?”

In the name of the clergy from St Nicholas Church in Red Bank, NJ, Father Serge presented Father Zoran with an icon of St Nicholas.

Upon the completion of the Divine Liturgy, the clergy took the icon of St Anna to the church hall where it was greeted by the faithful. A lunch was served.

This was a great blessing for our parish and another step forward along its way towards the spiritual renewal.

Popadija Vesna Radovic

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[Archived News] Monday February 2, 2009


Aliquippa, PA - Each year, the St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church in Aliquippa presents its traditional St. Sava Day program with our high school kumovi, younger class representatives, and Serbian and English language declamacije.  In 2009, however, we had some interesting challenges and innovations that made this year a little different.

Our high school kuma and kum this year were Jessica Osman and Alexander Osman, who were joined by class representatives Jovana Cvjetkovic (7th, 8th, and 9th grades), Julia Knapp (5th and 6th grades), Gianna Morelli (3rd and 4th grades), Mark Knapp (1st and 2nd grades) and Rachel Mamula (kindergarten).   Jessica recited the English language Epistle and Alex the Serbian language Epistle in church and Alex served as the Master of Ceremonies for the program.

This year’s participants included:  Alex Osman, Bobby Suder, Rachel Mamula, Luka Kosanovich, Juliana Mistovich, Elijah Kosanovich, Kyle Torbic, Richard Mamula, Kaitlyn Chichester, Mark Knapp, Gianna Morelli, Alex Taylor, Ryan Torbic, Nicky Kosanovich, Julia Knapp, Dimitri, Mirko, and Elijah Loncar, Alyssa Knapp, Elena & Luke Megaludis, Ryan Zeljak, Shane Kastler, Brandon Wilson, Jovana Cvjetkovic, Jessica Osman, and Natasa Cvjetkovic.  As always, the St. Elijah Choir joined the Sunday School students in the singing of Oce Nas, Star Spangled Banner, Boze Pravde, and Uskliknimo S Ljubablju, followed by welcoming comments by church board president Rich Chesla and Fr. Adam Yontich.  

An added activity this year program was “The Road Home”.  We asked each student to find out the village or town in Europe that their ancestors immigrated from.  We had a large map of the former Yugoslavia displayed in the front of the stage.  At the conclusion of the reciting of all of the declamacije, each student’s name was called and he or she met family members to place a red, blue, and white ribbon on the map representing their ancestor’s hometown.  It was a moving part of the afternoon as we connected the old and the new through the history and traditions of St. Sava.  Several commented on how interesting and fun it was to talk to parents, grandparents, and others about their personal histories. 

We were pleased to be joined by Fr. Adam Yontich, who served at St. Elijah that day.  Our own parish priest, Fr. Stevan Stepanov, was unable to join us because of personal reasons, but had spent every Monday since December helping to prepare our Sunday School for the program.  His high expectations for each student were met and we were pleased to report to him that it was another successful St. Sava Day program.

As always, we thank Fr. Stevan and Popadija Ana for all of their hard work in organizing and practicing the declamacije; the parents, grandparents, and kumovi for bringing their children to church; the St. Elijah Mother’s Club for making the meal and purchasing gifts for the children; and Bisa Kovacevic for the kolac and koljivo.  Also, to Patty Cekoric, Brian Hayden, Cheryl Lufkin, and Georgette Osman who organized this year’s program as well as all of our Sunday School teachers for devoting so much time to our children.

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[Archived News] Friday, January 30, 2009


Portland, ME - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America visited the Portland parish on Saturday, January 24, 2009.  It was on this day that the parish began their Saint Sava celebrations. The celebration began in the town of Laconia, New Hampshire where there are twenty Serbian families living. The Serbian Orthodox faithful from Laconia and surrounding areas gathered at  St. Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church for the Divine Liturgy officiated by Bishop Mitrophan, who was assited by V. Rev. Aleksandar Vlajkovic from St. Sava in Boston and V. Rev. Ivan Marjanovic from Synaxis of Serbian Saints in Portland, ME.

Following the Cutting of the Slava Kolac children recited the poems about St.Sava. The children were presented with gifts and  were rewarded for their recitations.  There was a meal afterwards. This was a very joyful day in this parish considering that this was Bishop’s first visit to the Serbian community living in Laconia, NH.
The celebration of St. Sava continued in the Portland parish in Biddeford, Maine. His Grace, the bishop, was assistanted by four priests at Vespers after which was the cutting of the Slava Kolac. Both here and with the faithful in Laconia, NH, the faithful paid close attention to the bishop's words as he used the beautiful example of St. Sava in conveying to them a message of  the true values of life. The children from the Serbian School prepared a St. Sava’s program. Dusko Bukarac, together with his family, was Kum for this year's Slava, while Pavle Simic accepted the kumstvo for next year's celebration. The celebration of the Slava continued in the church hall with dancing and singing.

This was yet another joy-filled holiday in the month of January which will remain in the memory of the parishioners here for years to come.

V. Rev. Ivan Marjanovic

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[Archived News] Thursday January 29, 2009


Boston, MA - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America made an archpastoral visit to the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Boston on Sunday, January 25, 2009 on the occasion of their Church Slava. Bishop Mitrophan officiated at the Divine Liturgy assisted by the host priest V. Rev. Aleksandar Vlajkovic and local clergy. Following the cutting of the Slava Kolach the bishop attended the parish's annual St. Sava Day Program.

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[Archived News] Thursday, January 29, 2009


Elizabeth, NJ - St George parish in Elizabeth, NJ celebrated St Sava twice – on 25th and 27th January.

On Sunday 25th January after the Divine Liturgy, our parish priest Reverend Father Zoran Radovic cut the kolach and blessed the zhito in the church hall. This year the kum was Mr Predrag Dragovic with his wife Jelena and children Mia and Mateja. Afterwards  the children of our parish recited poems about St Sava. All the children gathered in the church hall were given presents provided by the kumovi. The folklore group performed the Serbian dances.

On the very day of the feast of the first Serbian Archbishop, enlightener and father of our nation, with the Archpastoral blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr MITROPHAN, Father Zoran invited priests and deacons of the Russian Orthodox Church to serve with him. Very Reverend Protopresbyter Liubo Milosevic, rector of the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Vineland, NJ was the senior officiating priest at the Divine Liturgy. Very Reverend Protopresbyter Serge Lukianov, rector of St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Red Bank, NJ, Very Reverend Protopresbyter Seraphim Gan, rector of St Seraphim Russian Orthodox Church in Sea Cliff, NJ, Protodeacon Pavel Wolkow and Reverend Deacon Leonid Roschko served as well. We were blessed to have the miraculous myrrh-streaming icon of St Anna from Philadelphia for the third time since last year. Nikolai Kostur, seminary graduate, sang the responses. Sub-deacon from the Russian Church of Our Lady in Philadelphia and readers Nektary Lukianov and Branko Zec assisted during the Divine Liturgy.

Those faithful who had decided to come, some of them taking a day off work, did not regret it.  The atmosphere was very festive and prayerful. The kolach was cut and zhito blessed at church. For some of our visiting clergy this was the first time to participate in this rite. Father Zoran then read prayers to St Sava and Holy and Righteous Joachim and Anna.

Father Zoran delivered a powerful homily asking everybody to take our St Sava as an example. He asked a rhetorical question: “How many children or even adults of today would leave everything for Christ?”

In the name of the clergy from St Nicholas Church in Red Bank, NJ, Father Serge presented Father Zoran with an icon of St Nicholas.

Upon the completion of the Divine Liturgy, the clergy took the icon of St Anna to the church hall where it was greeted by the faithful. A lunch was served.

This was a great blessing for our parish and another step forward along its way towards the spiritual renewal.                           

Popadija Vesna Radovic

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[Archived News] Monday, January 19, 2009


Carmichaels, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN, Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Eastern America came to St.George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania on the Eve of Theophany, Sunday, January 5/18, 2009 to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, serve the Great Blessing of the Water and to Bless the nearby Monongahela River located within view of the St.George Church.

His Grace was assisted by Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic,Diocesan Secretary. The St.George Choir under the direction of Sonia Janson sang the responses. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy,  His Grace spoke of the history and importance of the  Feast of Theophany and of the enduring value of Holy Water as described by St.John Chrysostom.

Following the river blessing, a posno dinner was held at Dolfi's in Masontown. The restaurant is owned by St.George Executive Board President Stan Brozik and his wife Karen. The Brozik's celebrate St.John the Baptist as their Krsna Slava.

The St.George Church was honored to have His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN present for this important occasion. At the conclusion of the Blessing of the Monongahela River, His Grace placed an ice cross into the river.

The ice cross was crafted by Sonia Janson. The blessing of the Monongahela River near the St.George Church has occurred each of the past ten years in connection with the Great Feast of Theophany.

This year's celebration increased in joy because it was celebrated by the Diocesan Bishop, His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN assisted by Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Greensboro, NC - The cold and rainy weather in North Carolina did not stop the many parishioners from the attending the prayerful celebration of the Nativity of Christ in the newly constructed church dedicated to St. Vasilije of Ostrog in Greensboro, NC.

Following Great Compline the faithful, led by their priest Fr. Dragan Zaric, went outside to burn the blessed Badnjak and wish each other “as many sparks, that much love, health joy, success...”.

The faithful that evening shared the joy of the next day's Feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Christ is Born!

Boban Petrovic  

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[Archived News] Monday January 12, 2009


Atlanta, GA - The Sts Peter and Paul parish in Atlanta was honored to host the 6th Annual Children's Winter Camp from December 24th to December 27th, 2008. This annual event is organized by the St. Petersburg Deanery of the Eastern Diocese. Participants began arriving in late afternoon. There were about 60 children present, ages 6 to 16, from the St. Petersburg, Orlando, Charlotte, Greensboro and Atlanta Congregations.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan blessed us with His presence throughout the Winter Camp season.

The children participated in the religious education classes, instructed by V.Rev.Stephen Zaremba, V.Rev. Dragan Zaric, Fr. Ljubisa Brnjos and Fr. Sasa Turkic.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan gave a valuable lesson to our children about Saint Sava Nemanjic.

Time for basketball and volleyball were interspersed during the talks on Thursday and Friday.

On Thursday a trip was organized to the Monastery of the Glorious Ascension in Resaca, where the campers were present for the Vesper Service served by the Archimandrite Nazarios. Children spent their time learning about the Monastery, it's history, monastic life and about the miraculous Icon of the Holy Mother of God.

On Friday the children enjoyed the visits to the Centennial Olympic Park in downtown Atlanta and Atlanta Aquarium.
On Saturday morning His Grace, the Bishop Mitrophan, officiated at the Divine Liturgy which was the crown of the four day camp. Assisting His Grace at the Divine Liturgy were: V. Rev. Stephen Zaremba, Fr. Ljubisa Brnjos and Fr. Sasa Turkic. The bishop blessed and praised the campers, advising them that it is only under the wings of the church that they can preserve their identity and their faith and that there should be more gatherings like this so that more and more of our children take part.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan expressed His appreciation to the children that came, to the clergy, the Kolo Sisters, to all that helped in any way with the retreat.

Fr. Sasa Turkic

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[Archived News] Friday, January 9, 2009


Aliquippa, Pa – His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN celebrated Christmas day at the St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church in Aliquippa, joining V. Rev. Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov and his parishioners on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 for the Divine Liturgy.  

Bishop MITROPHAN was escorted into the church by Fr. Stevan and our altar boys, who then assisted Rev. Deacon Dragoslav Kosic in dressing the Bishop, all accompanied by the beautiful singing of the St. Elijah choir.  

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN reminded the congregation about the importance of the birth of Christ in our lives and asked all of us to always keep in mind the true and good reasons that we celebrate Christmas.  

On this day, Bishop MITROPHAN was served by four young men who he has ordained as readers in Aliquippa:  Dan August, John Bufalini, Adam Loverich, and Alex Osman.   

Four Sunday School students and one alumna were chosen by Fr. Stevan to sing the Antiphons and Epistle for this Liturgy:  Natalie Suder and Bobby Suder for the Antiphon and Nikki Halstead the Slavonic language Epistle, Nick Kosanovich the Serbian language Epistle, and Alyssa Knapp the English language Epistle.  

Following the conclusion of the Liturgy, Bishop MITROPHAN joined the St. Elijah choir as guests of Fr. Stevan and Popadija Ana for refreshments and an impromptu concert to honor the joyous announcement of Christ’s birth.

Having His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN celebrate the Christmas Day Divine Liturgy with the Aliquippa parish was a perfect complement to the previous day’s Christmas Eve events.  As is our custom, Fr. Stevan leads a procession to the church cemetery to cut down the badnjak and bring it to the church for a charming program performed by our Sunday School students.  This year, in addition to the traditional story of Christ’s birth in the manger, the older students presented a play about St. Nicholas.  Over 300 people attended this program, coming together to share in a special and unique custom of the Serbian Orthodox people.  

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[Archived News] Friday January 2, 2009


Shadeland, Pa - The Third Annual Nativity Fast Retreat was held at St. Sava Camp-Shadeland held December 28-30, 2008. Participants began arriving in late afternoon. Vespers were served followed by a welcoming dinner.

The Sunday evening program began with Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rade Merick conducting a a “get to know each other” session,. Father Merick was instrumental in planning the retreat.
Following the opening session, Zelkja Vignjevich gave presentation on camps for the needy in Serbia. The presentation was on refugee camps, and Vlade Divac's humanitarian organization which is building houses for the refugees. Afterwards, a video on the Nativity of the Nativity of the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, from the Gospel of St. Luke was shown.
On Monday Prota Rade Merick. Prota Djokan Mastorovich and Protonamesnik Zivojin Jakovljevic gave talks throughout the day on the retreat theme “Born to Serve.”
On Monday afternoon the retreat participants were challenged as teams on their knowledge of the Bible as they attempted to identify Bible verses.
His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, a Bible professor and scholar joyfully helped the children and youth work on identifying the Bible verses in the team exercises.
Time for basketball, a hike around the grounds, table games and some craft activities were interspersed during the talks on Monday.
Morning prayers ,Vespers and Evening prayers were part of the schedule on Monday for all in attendance . Confessions were heard prior to Vespers.
Following the evening meal, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN spoke with the children and youth about the meaning of the Feast of the
The participants also could ask His Grace questions. Many of the questions reflected deep thoughts on the part of the young questioners.
Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rastko Trbuhovich held an instructional session on church music on Monday evening that included the singing of songs associated with the Feast of the Nativity of Christ.
Protopresbyter Djokan Majstorovich  completed the evening program with a slide narration of his recent trip to Russia to visit monasteries and
On Tuesday morning the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN with Father Trbuhovich and Father Merick also serving.
Great joy was experienced in seeing a very large number of communicants during the Holy Divine Liturgy.
Additional clergy in attendance for all or part of the retreat or coming for the clergy family gathering that immediately followed the retreat included: Protopresbyter Aleksandar Vlajkovich, Protopresbyter Ivan Marjanovic, Protopresbyter Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Rajko Kosic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Father Dejan Obradovic and Father Deacon Dragoslav
Protinicas and Popadijas in attendance for all or part of the retreat or the clergy gathering included:Protinica Vera Vlajkovich, Protinica Mirjana Majstorovic, Protinica Marjanovic, Protinica Kristina Tuba, Popadija Vera Kosic,Popadija Georgia Jakovljevic, Popadija Tatiana Katanic and Djakonitsa Rosandra Kosic.
Millie Radovick, President of the Eastern Region-Federation of Circles of Serbian Sisters oversaw the meal preparations for the retreat. Dee Dee Baskot, Vice President of the Eastern Region KSS participated in the advance preparations.
Brian Hayden registered the participants as they arrived. Counsellors included Amanda Bilak, Alexis Vranesevic, Stevan Majstorovic, and Nicholas Korach.  College student volunteers included Alex Ostojich and Zachary Krieger.
Representation at the retreat from the Eastern Diocese came from Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia. One participant came from Canada.
The retreat registered as substantial increase in the number of participants from the Eastern Diocese from the previous year. His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN expressed sincere appreciation to the children and youths that came, to the clergy, clergy wives, the KSS President, the counselors and volunteers, to all that helped in any way with the retreat.
Fr. Rodney Torbic 

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[Archived News] Friday January 2, 2009


"And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." (John 10:4)

With these words from the Gospel of St. John we welcome His Grace Our Bishop Mitrophan. His Grace along with Father Dragan Zaric and visiting Father Deacon Gavrilo Milkovich celebrated the Holy Liturgy together with many faithful in attendance.

After a Lenten meal shared by all, His Grace informed the faithful that a decision has been made to move St. Basil of Ostrog along with the other mission parishes in the Diocese to the status of a full congregational Church parish. This means we will elect a full sitting parish council for our community. This also means that each Church will now be assigned a full-time priest with which to serve the community.

We all look forward in faith, hope and love that Our Lord will continue to bless our Church and our faithful, as we complete this endeavor begun many years ago with only a handful of faithful.

Deacon Gavrilo Milkovich 

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Diocese of Eastern America

65 Overlook Circle
New Rochelle, NY 10804


E-mail: diocese@easterndiocese.org 


Office & Residence: 

(914) 633-9000 - (914) 633-9009



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