[Archived News] Saturday, August 22, 2009


Carmichaels, PA - With Archpastoral Blessings of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Third Annual Healthcare Seminar was held on Saturday, August 8, 2009 at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. The theme was: “Religion and Mental Health: A Serious Look” Previous seminars focused on “Religion and Aging” and “Organ Transplants”.

The first speaker this year was an attorney with extensive
experience as a prosecutor and in private practice. A year ago at the request of the FBI she presented at a national conference on crimes against children. Attorney Linda Chambers presented an extensive array of cases for discussion that have reached the courts involving mental health care. She also addressed the effects of crime on the mental health of victims.

Mitzie Hunchuck, St. George Parish Nurse Practitioner, works full time in a mental health practice. Nurse Practitioner Hunchuck developed her presentation on the functioning of the brain and the various medications that are used to treat mental health conditions. Practitioner Hunchuck was the primary organizer of the seminar.

Very Reverend Lt. Colonel Adam Yonitch, retired from active and reserve duty in the United States Air Force and Air Force Reserve, also has many years experience as a parish priest. Father Yonitich gave a well developed factual presentation on suicide.

Social Worker Holly Torbic is the mother of five children and works in a program serving children who have lost a parent. She is professional social worker with previous experience in a hospital setting, a residential psychiatric facility and in nursing home settings.  Mrs. Torbic’s talk was entitled “Children and Grieving.”

Father Rodney Torbic drew upon his work experiences in a large mental hospital, in the criminal justice system and in the parish to speak about “Religion and Mental Health.”

The seminar attendees came from several different parishes and with a range of interests and background experiences. In addition to the speakers, the twenty five attendees were not limited to but included four priests and four highly skilled and experienced nurses with experiences in different settings including at the university level.  Two professional social workers, one working with troubled youths and one working with returning veterans and one  school educator were also present.

The seminar was intense and the discussion was very substantive. Mental health problems affect a certain number of individuals and their families and friends in every parish and in the community. Mental health concerns deserve serious professional examination and increased understanding within the framework of the Church.

Seminar participants all received certificates of attendance.
Vespers was served following the seminar. Patricia Cekoric provided the responses.

On Sunday morning, the day the Holy Orthodox Church commemorates St. Panteleimon the Parish Nurse’s Office celebrated it Slava. Prayers were offered at the Divine Liturgy for all healthcare workers in the parish living and departed. The St.George Choir sung the responses under the direction of Sonia Janson.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the Slava Kolach and Koljivo were blessed. The Slava dinner and program were preceded by the annual blessing of ambulances provided by Fayette Emergency Medical Services.

Fayette EMS Director Rick Adobato ensures each year that an ambulance is present. Four ambulance workers stayed for the Slava dinner. They were: Todd Oliver, Amy Keller, Kevin Klamorick and Mike Oplinger. The annual ambulance blessing is a way to recognize and express appreciation for the important work of emergency medical personnel and all individuals involved in providing necessary healthcare.

The Lord Jesus Christ spoke about the ten lepers that were held and only one took time to express appreciation.(Lk.17:11-19) Healthcare Day is a time the parish gives thanks for care rendered each year by healthcare workers.

At the Slava dinner, Executive Board President Stan Brozik spoke from his personal experiences in the coals mines as to occasions when emergency medical services were called into action to render care to miners.

Sonia Janson, Kolo and Choir President, offered remarks in behalf of  the two vital parish organizations . The Slava program each features readings from the lives of saints identified with healthcare. The saints chosen include St. Panteliemon, St. Nectarios, St. Luke, and St. Hermolaus.The lives were also read of three different sets of Sts. Cosmas and Damian commemorated on July 1/14, November 1/14, and October 17/30.

Reading the lives of the saints were: Mitzie Hunchuck, Mark, Eileen and Gregory Zivkovich, Maria Djonovich, Paulette Radock and Aaron Carson. All but two of the readers work in healthcare settings. Paulette Radock and Eileen Zivkovich are nurses.

Healthcare services in the context of the Church were the focus of August 8-9, 2009 at St. George Church. Sooner of later parishioners must avail themselves of these services. All parishioners benefit from knowing the contributions of the saints identified with the healing of different illnesses.

Thank God for the hardworking parishioners in the St. George Church and the professionals and friends of the parish that took time these two days to focus on these important matters.

Father Rodney Torbic