[Archived News] Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Lenten Vespers in Youngstown Parish
Youngstown, OH - Lenten Vespers was hosted by the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio on the Third Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of the Holy Cross. Host priest and dean V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Rajlich served with the concelebration of V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragan Filipovic, V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic and Rev. Dragan Goronjic.
Fr. Milovan gave the homily in which he pointed out that the depth of our Orthodox faith is found precisely in the Cross and our veneration of it for it is through the Cross that we know God.
A lenten meal was prepared by the Kolo Sestara from the Youngstown parish