[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, January 10, 2005


Cleveland, OH - On Saturday January 8, 2005, the second day of Christmas, a Christmas Program with a dance following, was held at the church hall of St. Sava Cathedral in Cleveland. The event was organized by the School Board, teachers and students and of the St. Sava Serbian School. Clergy, headed by His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America, attended the event, showing their support to the children.

At the beginning of the program Cathedral dean, Fr. Zivojin Jakovljevic, thanked Bishop Mitrophan, the clergy and all those who came in such great numbers. This was followed by the children singing the St. Sava Hymn.

The program was led by the President of the Serbian School, Goran Debelnogic. He began the program by thanking all attending clergy and parishioners. "Since we considered the Birth of Christ to be the most joyous day, a day of our children's joy, we considered it most appropriate for the first program of our school, which open's new oppurtunities for our future in this area, holding on to that folk saying: "plant the fields for future days and work in the fields from all sides."  All of you, dear brothers and sisters, who came this evening, I thank from the bottom of my heart.  That which guided us in organzing this evening's event is perhaps best illustrated by the old verses: "from my heart I've retained three beautiful gifts, the Serbian name, the sword and blood which in the heart boils, and from my mother the holy gifts of the Serbian language and altar." Our little ones will demonstrate to all of us the need and significance of our Serbian school and for this reason we are reminded of the words, "hold schools, the children beg of you, for is there greater shame than to give your children a vision." Truly it is a wonder that even here, away from our homeland, we have such a school and that it exists through the efforts of those who have been entrusted with the enlightment of our young ones - the teachers of our school. We take this oppurtunity to introduce them, to thank them for their hard work, especially for their enthusiasm, which they demonstrate both in the classroom and outside, as this program, for example, proves as they have spent countless hours preparing the children. Nada Mirkovic is the first grade teacher. Mira Lazic is the second grade teacher. Jovan Gulic is the third grade teacher. Gordana, who is not present this evening, works with the children who do not know Serbian," said Goran Debelnogic.

The youngest children were first to perform, with a recital and a dramatic part, while brother and sister Jelena and Stefan Debelnogic sang the Montenegrin song, "Sing Maro". Following this, the second and third graders performed. The children, the majority born in America, demonastrated to all those in attendance the stength of the Serbian school.

All three grades competed in art words on the themes of: Christmas, the Nativity of Christ and Christmas as celebrated by the Serbs in their home. The older students also competed in written works on given themes: "letters to family in the homeland" or the theme, "personal Christmas experiences". The works were graded by the teachers of the school, a memeber of the school board Dejan Markovic, Milan Kecman of the Cleveland newspaper the "Plain Dealer".

The members of the school baord, Branimir Stankovic Buca and Boro Vukovic announced the top three places in each category. The winners received diplomas and awards. The winners of the written works, Jelena Debelnogic and Jelena Majstorovic, read their works.

At the end of the program Goran Djogo, of the school board, addressed the crowd: "Dear brothers and sisters, I don't wish to be long as the program has been quite extensive. On behalf of school board I would like to thank His Grace Bishop Mitrophan for finding the time to attend this event and support our children and parents. I would also like to thank the reverend fathers, Proto Vasilije, to our priest Fr. Zivojin and deacon Milan, who supported us and continue to support us in our work. I would like to thank our parents for the time they have dedicated and the care they have for their children in educating them in the Serbian language, Christian education, Serbian culture and history. I wish to thank the parents on their expectional work with the children and all of you who came this evening in support of our little ones. I wish to thank sister Jelka and sister Gina Aleksandrovic and all the mothers of our children who prepared the food for this evening. Thank you greatly for your efforts. I wish to also thank the fathers who worked in the background for this evening's event," said Goran Djogo. Following this Goran introduced Bishop Mitrophan.

"Very Reverend, Reverend fathers, dear teachers and children. An old Latin saying states, 'a good start is half the work'. I think that you have started very good and wish that you only continue in this fashion. Our people have rephrased this saying, "he who labors God will give strength". God will give you strength. I also thank you for your efforts, I thank Fr. Zivojin and all of those who work with you, together with all the parents, for without the parents we can do nothing. To our children I wish to say that they not forget who they are, that they not forget their name nor their history, that, above all, they not forget their faith. Only this way, through this rememberance of our history and our ancestors, we will continue our existence in this great country. With all of my heart, I greet all of you with the joyous greeting, "Christ is Born" and wish you a happy St. Sava slava for many years," said Bishop Mitrophan.

A dance followed the program with Drago Micic of Zuta Osa, playing.

Jovo Batkovic