[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, February 27, 2006


Charlotte, NC - On Sunday, February 26, 2006 the Serbian Orthodox Mission of St. Symeon the Myrrh-Gusher in Charlotte celebrated their Church Slava with the Divine Liturgy and a Slava program. This event was made all the more formal with the presence of His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan of Eastern America together with the diocesan secretary Fr. Deacon Dragoslav Kosic. On the occasion of the arrival of our hierarch our children welcomed him with flowers and with their smiles they brought much warmth to the cold February morning.

The members of our church choir enriched the morning’s Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with their voices. It is of great note to mention that His Grace ordained Vladan Gluvacevic to the order to Reader. Also, for the first time in our parish, on the occasion of the Church Slava, a Litija was performed as is the custom for such an occasion.

The Ritual of the Slava Kolach was performed following the liturgy. The kolach was prepared by the Slava Kumovi: Vlada and Sladjana Novakovic and their children. During the luncheon the children entertained the gathered faithful with a program which consisted of stories of the covenant of St. Symeon as well as recitations of the life of this great ruler and monastic and of St. Sava, which was especially prepared for this occasion by Zorica Djukic. The choir also took part in the program making this a truly spiritual celebration.

Zorica Djukic 
During the Litija
During the Cutting of the Slava Kolac