[ARCHIVED NEWS] Monday, October 18, 2004


Steelton, PA - The Circle of Serbian Sisters of the St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Steelton, PA had a dual celebration on Sunday, October 17, 2004, as they celebrated both their Slava as well as their 75th Anniversary. His Grace Bishop Dr. +Mitrophan joined parish priest, V. Rev. Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich and the sisters for the jubilee celebration which began at 10:00 am with the Divine Liturgy. Also serving at the liturgy were V. Rev. Dr. Michael Kovach and V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic.

Following the Divine Liturgy and festivites a banquet was held. Mistress of ceremony was Mrs. Lila Packer. The Kuma of this celebration was a chapter member of the Kolo Mrs. Viola Yanich ( 92) . His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan congratulated her with His Hierarchical Gramata. The Program followed by Choir Marnkovic, Serb Wings Choir, and Junior Tamburitza of St. Nicholas Church.

After the Program, the Orchestra “Sviraj” from our own parish performed for dancing. About 214 people attended the Divine Liturgy, and 177 people attended the Banquet. 44 people received Holy communion. Mrs. Packer conclude in her remarks: “We are proud that we were able establish and preserve this organization in Steetlon, keeping it as mission intact, as it was originally in Serbia. We pray that God will protect our Kolo for many years to come. May we continue to be successful in our mission to help where there is need. “

The Program was finished by Benediction of Bishop Dr.Mitrophan.

V. Rev. Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovic