Aliquippa, PA
On Sunday December 22, the third Sunday before Christmas, known as Detinjci or "Children's Day", our St. Elijah Church-School children enjoyed an annual program full of festivities. During an exclusive meet-and-greet with our newly ordained and appointed Parish Priest, Presbyter George Popovich, our children were tied up and only able to escape after offering their gift of song. Father George then handed out gifts to each child in attendance which included a small icon ornament according to our yearly tradition (with this year's being Saint Basil of Ostrog).
After prayer and lunch, Georgianna Kross, our most seasoned Sunday School teacher, led a brief discussion about Saint Nicholas and his remarkable works. Then, Church-School students enjoyed several hands-on activities including planting psenica (wheat) into self-decorated bowls, making wooden ornaments, and cookie decorating (all make-and-takes). Afterwards our folklore instructor Vida Radovic led dancing and singing – even teaching them "O Kto, Kto", a song about Sveti Nikola. The afternoon's events wrapped up with a relaxing viewing of A Charlie Brown Christmas - referencing the Gospel of Luke describing the joyous news of Christ's birth. Thank you to all our dedicated Church-School teachers for your preparation and the parents for bringing our beloved children.
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Charlotte, NC
Gratitude to the Lord and to Saint Nicholas.
On Sunday, December 15th, following the Divine Liturgy, our parish joyfully celebrated the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Through play, fellowship, and song, our youngest members had the opportunity to participate in a small workshop where they could write a letter to St. Nicholas, expressing their gratitude for all the good bestowed by the Lord. They also asked St. Nicholas to pray to the Lord for them and their loved ones. The names written in these letters will be commemorated during the Divine Liturgies throughout the upcoming year and beyond.
The joy of this gathering was further enriched by the “appearance of St. Nicholas,” whose presence warmed the children’s hearts even more as he distributed gifts to all the little ones present. These gifts were provided this year by the parish of St. Simeon the Myrrh-flowing in Charlotte.
May the Lord grant that we gather more often under the protection of our patron, St. Simeon the Myrrh-flowing, always remembering the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed in any way to making this joyous feast possible, and to all those who support the life of our parish in any way.
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Cleveland, OH
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Johnstown, PA
Today, as we celebrated Detinjci, we reminded ourselves of the unbreakable love that binds us all in Christ. The symbolic tying of children represents our shared responsibility to “bind” them to virtues—faith, hope, and love—and to guide them toward God. As Saint John Chrysostom taught: “From early childhood, teach your children to look to Christ as their example, for this is the greatest treasure you can leave them.”
The act of tying during this festive tradition symbolizes the deep connection to Christ’s love, which holds us together and serves as the firmest foundation for every family. Let us always remember the words of Saint Gregory the Theologian: “Love for God and one’s neighbor is the only bond that makes a family and community unbreakable.” As children grow, we tie them, by our example, to prayer, charity, and reverence for all that is holy. We pray that the Lord blesses all our families and that our children are bound to the virtues that lead to salvation. May they walk in the path of truth, growing in God’s love and grace. Let this feast fill us with joy, light, and peace!
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Lackawanna, NY

In preparation for Christmas at St Stephen’s, children gave us a gift of singing! 

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Louisa, VA
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Naples, FL

On Sunday, December 22, the Sunday after St. Nicholas, our parish joyfully celebrated Children’s Day (Detinjci) as an extended St. Nicholas celebration. The Mrdaković, Popović, and Malivuk families shared their slava joy with the entire parish. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, the žito was blessed, and the kolach was broken, followed by a festive meal of love that brought everyone together in fellowship.


This Sunday also marked the third Sunday before Christmas, and in keeping with our Serbian Orthodox tradition, we celebrated Detinjci by “capturing” the children—tying them up until they redeemed themselves with gifts they could offer. This delightful custom was performed twice in our parish: first, after the Divine Liturgy at the church, and later during church school.


Both times, the children were incredibly generous, sharing pieces of the songs they are preparing for the upcoming feasts. At church school, they also learned about the life of St. Nicholas and crafted beautiful personal cards for their parents. The children showed great creativity as they made plans for the next two Sundays, eagerly preparing to “tie up” their parents in celebration of Materice (Mother’s Day) and Oci (Father’s Day).


Another important activity this Sunday was planting the Christmas wheat (božićna pšenica), a beloved tradition symbolizing growth and renewal in Christ. While the children were busy planting, St. Nicholas made a surprise visit, leaving small gifts in their shoes. The joy and smiles on their faces were unforgettable!


These celebrations remind us of Christ, who came into this world as the most precious child, and the importance of family on our spiritual journey to Bethlehem. We thank God, who is glorified in His saints, for blessing us with St. Nicholas, a shining example of good deeds, boundless love, and faithful teaching.


May the upcoming feasts be fruitful and blessed for all!

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North Port, FL

The children of St. Sava North Port celebrated Detinjci on Sunday, December 22. After the Divine Liturgy and traditional rope-tying ceremony in the church, the kids and families went to the sala to have a Lenten meal lovingly prepared by the Kolo sisters. Of course, our dear Father Saša led the children in prayer and visited with them throughout the afternoon. 


After eating lunch, a “Children’s Workshop” was hosted where kids, from toddlers to teenagers, had the opportunity to make Božić/Christmas crafts with the church school teacher. 


The little ones enjoyed making Christmas cards by first choosing an illustration for the front of the card, working with glue to paste it, and then writing or drawing a message inside the card. 


The little ones also made Christmas trees from popsicle sticks and green paper, decorated them with baubles and glitter, and then pasted a badnjak in the center. Hopefully, this craft conveys a respect and appreciation for American Christmas customs while still celebrating Serbian heritage. 


The teenagers made an origami Christmas ornament featuring Sv. Nikola in a boat. The kids asked why Sv. Nikola was in a boat, so we had the opportunity to discuss his miracle of calming the sea on the voyage to the Holy Land. We also discussed that to this day, the patron saint of the Greek navy is, of course, Sv. Nikola! We also recounted the story of bestowing gold coins to the three poor maidens, and saving the city of Myra from famine. 


The particular design of this craft was made by Orthodox Pebbles, who publish educational content for free. (Link:


The church-school teacher was able to lead the teenagers in this craft and teach them how to fold the origami sailboat, which was a new skill for them. The teenagers’ creativity shone through, and they added extra features like waves and fish and clouds! 


It was a lovely Detinjci at St. Sava North Port, and we are looking forward to Materice! 

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Philadelphia, PA
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