Under the guidance and blessing of our His Grace Bishop Irinej, our Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Atlanta successfully organized and hosted a Pan-Orthodox picnic on July 22nd. This event took place on our church grounds and welcomed local Orthodox churches, fostering a spirit of unity and fellowship among the Orthodox community in Atlanta. The primary goal was to enhance relationships among Orthodox Christians, introduce parishioners to other Orthodox churches, and celebrate the great feast of Pentecost, with a different church hosting the picnic each year.

The event began with a beautiful Vespers service, during which the Holy Gospel was read in multiple languages, including English, Greek, Romanian and Serbian. Nine priests from local Orthodox parishes participated in the service. At the conclusion of Vespers, Very Rev. Fr. George Tsahakis  the Chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Atlanta, delivered an inspiring sermon on the theme of Pentecost. He highlighted how the Holy Spirit, through various languages, brings us to the knowledge of the One God and Creator of the entire universe.

Fr. George expressed his gratitude to our parish for organizing the Pan-Orthodox picnic and hoped this initiative would become a cherished tradition among our parishes in Atlanta.

Following his sermon, our parish priest, Fr. Miladin Blagojević, extended his heartfelt thanks to his brother priests who came to serve this wonderful prayer service, as well as to all those in attendance. He emphasized the significance of communal prayer, especially in today's world, where innocent people suffer and wars rage. Fr. Miladin remarked, "You have chosen, out of your own free will, to join us in prayer and fellowship today. Despite the vastness of Atlanta, many of you traveled over an hour to be here with us. You could have chosen to stay in your homes and rest, but you chose to be here with your families to give thanks to the Lord for all the blessings He bestows upon us. This is a good deed and a great blessing for you."

After the service, a delightful meal was served to all guests. The excitement was  as guests enjoyed traditional Serbian dishes, prepared with great care by our parish. Under the pavilion, guests had the chance to socialize and get to know each other, accompanied by the lively sounds of, Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian, Russian and Serbian music.

The picnic was attended by a total of 196 people, including many children, which brought joy to everyone. The success of this event was evident in the numerous emails of thanks received by our church, expressing appreciation for our parish's efforts in organizing this year's picnic.

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