On April 7, 2021, the Great Feast of the Annunciation, His Grace Bishop Irinej of Eastern America celebrated the Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in the parish church of St. George in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Concelebrating with the Bishop were Protopresbyter-Stavrophor Zoran Radovic, parish priest, and Protodeacon Milos Zdralic of the Eastern American Diocese.
During His Grace’s homily, the Bishop spoke of the correlation of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Theotokos and the ongoing commemoration of the Great Lenten Week of the Cross, by emphasizing how through sin, humankind ushered death into the world. Adam and Eve were banished from Eden in order to protect them from utter destruction, and the Gates of Paradise were closed and guarded by an Angel with a flaming sword. The way to the Tree of Life was closed to humanity.
Today, the Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary to share with her the Good News-Gospel of our salvation, and asks of her to give birth to the Son of God in the flesh. Her “yes” to the word of God, once again opened the Gates of Paradise, as vividly depicted on the Royal Gates of our sanctuaries. Paradise was restored when Christ voluntarily ascended the Cross - the Tree of Life, through His death destroyed death, and by His Resurrection granted life to the world!
As the salvation of the world depended on the affirmative response of the Theotokos, so also our share in salvation depends on our “yes” to the will of God. This is the Good News, Ευαγγέλιον - the Gospel, as proclaimed by the Evangelists, and announced on this day.
Његово Преосвештенство Епископ источноамерички г. Иринеј служио је 7. априла 2021. године, на празник Благовести, свету Литургију Светог Јована Златоустог у парохијској цркви Светог Георгија у Елизабету, Њу Џерси.
Саслуживали су парох протојереј-ставрофор Зоран Радовић и протођакон Милош Ждралић у молитвеном присуству великог броја верника.
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