St. Demetrius Choir Slava Celebration

On Sunday November 9th, the St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church Choir celebrated their patron Saint, Saint Demetrius.


Together with Kum, Mark Borato, they participated in the blessing of the Kolac and Koljivo, and selected Donna Goberish-Matesa as next year’s Kuma.

Under the direction of Emil Esapovich, this choir of 13 ranges in age from 19 to 94.

Anchored by long standing members Dmeter and Sandy Dragovich, Duska Milo, Eliott and Geri Marovich, and Pete Krainovich, they faithfully sing during every Sunday liturgy as well as many church holidays.

The choir is currently practicing new concert music and is looking forward to participating in the Serbian Singing Federation’s choir festival in Monroeville, PA in May 2020.


(Article by Janet Modrakovic)



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