[Archived News] Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Youngwood, PA – Holy Ascension Serbian Orthodox Church of Youngwood, Pennsylvania, joyfully celebrated 81 years of devoted service and dedication given by its Kolo Srpskih Sestara Vavedenje on Sunday, December 5, 2010. On this special day, all the living women of the Kolo were honored, and departed members were remembered with great respect and heartfelt thanksgiving for their never-ending love, dedication, and hard work .
His Grace, Bishop Dr. Mitrophan;Very Rev. Adam Yonitch and Parish Priest Rev. Miladin Blagojevic celebrated the Divine Liturgy and the blessing of the Slavski Kolac. A Parastos Service for departed Kolo members was held by Father Blagojevic on Saturday, December 4, after which current Kolo members received confession.
Honored Kuma was Amilia Damiano, and the exquisite and delicious Slavski Kolac was prepared by Popadija Branka Blagojevic. George Kalp served as master of ceremonies, and many smiled as he described some of the endearing qualities of Kuma Amilia, or "Baba Mika" as she is known to the children of the church.
The Kolo sisters, as always, prepared a delicious Lenten fish dinner which was heartily enjoyed by all parishioners, family, and friends who packed the church hall. We were also honored to have Very Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic and Protonica Svetlana Zaremba and her mother Milica and daughter Aleksandria in attendance.
Kolo President Mary Nagoda thanked all the sisters for their help and cooperation, and she also thanked Darrell Hill, Steve Kabaci, Alex Morvosh, and Skip Rusiewicz for their special support of the Kolo.
Father Miladin presented next year’s Kuma, Melony Musgrave, with the Vavedenje icon which she will keep until next year’s Slava when it will be given to the Kuma who succeeds her.
Melony Musgrave
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[Archived News] Wednesday, November 24, 2010
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[Archived News] Friday, November 19, 2010
Бидефорд, Мејн – У недељу, 7. новембра 2010. год. у граду Бидефорду, држава Мејн, извршено је Велико освећење цркве Св. Димитрија. Портландска парохија је тога дана прославила 11 година од оснивања парохије, 10 година од куповања цркве и своју црквену славу Св. Димитрија.
Чин Великог освећења и Архијерејску литургију служио је епископ Источноамерички Г. Др. Митрофан уз саслуживање: надлежног пароха протојереја Ивана Марјановића, Бостонског пароха протојереја Александра Влајковића (који је за ову прилику допутовао из Србије), Њујоршког свештеника протојереја Ђокана Мајсторовића, свештеника из Џексонвила, Флорида, јереја Станислава Крављаче, Бостонског свештеника јереја Драгослава Косића, архиђакона Јована из Бостона, оца Румена из Бугарске цркве и свештеника Џона Тига из Грчке цркве.
У Свети престо положене су мошти Св. Кнеза Лазара. На Архијерејској литургији одговарао је хор Бостонске цркве, Свети Сава. Кум и кума освећења цркве били су Господин Зоран Мандић и његова супруга Г. Биљана са децом Марком и Ђорђем из Портланда. Кумови црквене славе, Митровдана, били су Господин Чедомир Крављача са супругом Г. Јеленом из Портланда.
Овом приликом Портландска парохија је дочекала госте из Пенсилваније (преседницу Кола Српских сестара Источноамеричке Епархије, Мили са својим сестрама), више гостију из Масачусетса, Њу Хемшира и Конектикета. Црква је била пуна народа Портландске парохије, гостију и Грка који су с одушевљењем пратили ток молитве.
У поздравној беседи епископ Митрофан је окупљенима поручио:
Овај лепи храм који смо осветили, нека буде понос свима православнима у овоме граду. Он треба да буде место где ћемо себе духовно изграђивати. Подигнимо у себи храм где ће иконостас бити живот светих људи, тамјан мирисни, св. Врлине, а престо наше чисто срце, на коме ћемо приносити сами себе. Или како рече Св. Апостол Павле: „Молим вас, дакле браћо, ради милости Божије, да дате своја телеса у жртву живу, свету, угодну Богу, као своје духовно богослужење“ (Рим 12,1). То је црквени песник овако исказао: „Обновити се браћо, и старога човека одбацивши у новини живота живите, свима страстима узду метните од којих долази срмт... Не помишљајмо на старе ствари (грехе) сем да их више не чинимо. Нека се тако обнавља човек: овако се поштује дан обновљења.“ На том путу обновљења помоћиће нам ова црква где се служе св. Богослужења, а нарочито Св. Литургија. А ми треба да уграђујемо у себе: злато, сребро и драго камење“ (Кор. 3,12). Ако будемо уграђивали дрво, сено и сламу, наше ће дело пропасти, јер ће наш живот бити бесмислен, односно несвет. Бог жели да живи у нашем срцу више него на било ком другом месту. Кроз овај рукотворени храм наше срце треба да постане обиталиште Божије.
Пре свега, овај храм треба да буде Бања Витеза и место благовести Христовог Јеванђеља. Ако он не буде место где ће се верско-духовни живот одвијати, можемо га оковати златом, сребром и драгим камењем, неће имати своје лепоте. А лепота овога храма су његови верници, односно они који саображавају свој живот по Христовом јеванђељу.
Возљубљена браћо и сестре,
Ову цркву смо посветили Светом Великомученику Димитрију, нека јој он буде мирточиви заштитник. Нека он све вас штити као и сваког православног хришћанина. Нека вам је Богом благословен овај дом. Свима се захваљујем који сте данас дошли да поделите ову радост. Хвала браћи свештеницима који су данас саслуживали.
Хвала нашим драгим кумовима: Биљани и Зорану на њиховом дару, хвала кумовима црквене славе Јелени и Чеду. Хвала драгом оцу Ивану и свима парохијанима на њиховом труду, љубави и раду да се овај храм улепша. Нека свима приложницима Бог стоструко врати у својим небеским даровима.
Нека Вас Бог сачува и спасе „молитвма Св. Димитрија, Св. Саве и Св. Великомученика Кнеза Лазара Косовског и свих светих од сада па довека. АМИН!“
По завршеној молитви гости и парохијани су прешли у црквену салу где су били послужени за трпезом љубави која је за тај дан била посебно припремана. Оркестар кристали из Чикага је увесељавао присутне. За време ручка надлежни свештеник о. Иван је у име црквене општине у знак захвалности за учињена доброчинства Црквеној Општини Портланд предао поклоне Његовом преосвештенству Г. Др. Митрофану, свештенику Александру Влајковићу, породици Доналда Погорзелског и професору Веселину Кесићу. За кума црквене славе за наредну годину јавила се породица Ненада Вановца из Портланда. Био је ово један духовни и радосни догађај који је верни народ ове парохије с нестрпљењем очекивао и коме се јако радовао. Радост је и тиме била већа што је ова црква прва и једина Српска црква у држави Мејн и Њу Хемшир. Славље је потрајало до касно у недељну ноћ на радост свих присутних.
о. Иван
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[Archived News] Thursday, November 18, 2010
Бидефорд, Мејн. - У недељу 7. Новембра 2010.год. у граду Бидефорду, држава Мејн, извршено је Велико освећење цркве Св. Димитрија. Портлендска парохија је тога дана прослкавила 11 година од оснивања парохије, 10 година од купобања цркве и своју црквену славу Св. Димитрија.
Чин Великог освећења и Архијерејску литургију служио је епископ Источноамерички Г.Др. Митрофан уз саслуживање ; надлежног пароха протојереја Ивана Марјановића, Бостонског пароха протојереја Александра Влајковића( који је за ову прилику допутовао из Србије) ,Њујоршког свестеника протојереја Ђокана Мајсторовића, свештеника из Џексонвила,Флорида, јереја Станислава Крављаче, Бостонског свестеника јереја Драгослава Косића , ариђакона Јована из Бостона, отаца Румена из Бугарске цркве, и свештеника Џона Тига из Грчке цркве.
У Свети престо положене су мошти Св. Кнеза Лазара . На Архијерејској литургији одговаро је хор Бостонске цркве, Свети Сава. Кум и кума освећења цркве били су Господин Зоран Мандић и његова супруга Г. Биљана са децом Марком и Ђорђем из Портланда. Кумови црквене славе , Митровдана, били су Господин Чедомир Крављача са супругом Г. Јеленом из Портланда .
Овом приликом Портландска парохија је дочекала госте из Пенсилваније ( преседницу Кола Српских сестара Источноамеричке Епархије, Мили са својим сестрама) , више гостију из Масачусетса , Њу Хемшира и Конектикета . Црква је била пуна народа Портландске парохије , гостију и Грка који су с одушевљењем пратили ток молитве.
У поздравној беседи епископ Митрофан је окупљенима поручио;
Овај лепи храм који смо осветили, нека буде понос свима православнима у овоме граду. Он треба да буде место где ћемо себе духовно изграђивати. Подигнимо у себи храм где ће иконостас бити живот светих људи, тамјан мирисни, св. врлине, а престо наше чисто срце , на коме ћемо приносити сами себе. Или како рече Св. Апостол Павле: '' Молим вас , дакле браћо, ради милости Божије, да дате своја телеса у жртву живу, свету, угодну Богу, као своје духовно богослужење’’ (Рим. 12,1). То је црквени песник овако исказао: '' Обновите се браћо,и старога човека одбацивши у новини живота живите, свима страстима узду метните од којих долази смрт... Не помишљајмо на старе ствари (грехе) сем да их више не чинимо. Нека се тако обнавља човек: овако се поштује дан обновљења.'' На том путу обновљења помоћиће нам ова црква где се служе св. богослужења, а нарочито Св. Литургија. А ми треба да уграђујемо у себе : '' злато,сребро и драго камење'' (Кор.3,12). Ако будемо уграђивали дрво ,сено и сламу, наше ће дело пропасти, јер ће наш живот бити бесмислен, односно несвет. Бог жели да живи у нашем срцу више него на било ком другом месту. Кроз овај рукотворени храм наше срце треба да постане обиталиште Божије.
Пре свега, овај храм треба да буде Бања Витезда и место благовести Христовог Јеванђеља. Ако он не буде место где ће се верско-духовни живот одвијати, можемо га оковати златом , сребром и драгим камењем, неће имати своје лепоте. А лепота овога храма су његови верници, односно они који саображавају свој живот по Христовом јеванђељу.
Возљубљенљ браћо и сестре,
Ову цркву смо посветили Светом Великомученику Димитрију, нека јој он буде мироточиви заштитник. Некао он све вас штити као и сваког православног хришћанина. Нека вам је Богом благословен овај дан. Свима зе захваљујем који сте данас дошли да поделите ову радост. Хвала браћи свештеницима који су данас саслуживали.
Хвала нашим драгим кумовима : Биљани и Зорану на њиховом дару , хвала кумовима црквене славе Јелени и Чеду. Хвала драгом оцу Ивану и свима парохијанима на њиховом труду, љубави и раду да се овај храм улепша. Нека свима приложницима Бог стоструко врати у својим небеским даровима.
Нека Вас Бог сачува и спасе ,молитвама Св. Димитрија, Св.Саве и Св. Великомученика Кнеза Лазара Косовског,и свих светих , од сада па довека .АМИН ! ''
По заврсеној молитви гости и парохијани су прешли у црквену салу где су били послужени за трпезом љубави која је за тај дан била посебно припремана. Оркестар кристали из Чикага је увесељавао присутне. За време ручка надлежни свештеник о. Иван је у име црквене општине у знак захвалности за учињена доброчинстава Црквеној Општини Портланд предао поклоне Његовом преосвештенству Г.Др. Митрофану, свештенику Александру Влајковићу, породици Доналда Погорзелског и професору Веселину Кесићу. За кума цквене славе за наредну годину јавила се породица Ненада Вановца из Портланда. Био је ово један духовни и радосни догадај који је верни народ ове парохије с нестрпљењем очекивао и коме се јако радовао . Радост је и тиме била већа што је је ова црква прва и једина Српска црква у дрзави Мејн и Њу Хемшир. Славље је потрајало до касно у недељну ноћ на радост свих присутних.
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[Archived News] Wednesday, November 17, 2010
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[Archived News] Friday, November 5, 2010
Shadeland, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN has been consistent in scheduling Diocesan clergy continuing education seminars since becoming Bishop of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. In recent years, the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God at Shadeland has been used as the primary location for the educational gatherings.
The newly completed Monastery Church and the new dormitories at St. Sava Camp make Shadeland an ideal location for worship, study and learning. Shadeland is beautiful throughout the year. The turning of the leaves at this time of the year adds to the scenic beauty.
The most recent seminar began on Wednesday evening, November 3, 2010 with Father Miladin Blagojevich serving Vespers in the Monastery Church, Diocesan clergy sang the responses. Dinner was prepared by the Federation of the Kolo Srpski Sestara of the Eastern American Diocese. After dinner, attending clergy from the Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Cleveland Deaneries had a meeting with His Grace.
On Thursday morning, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with Father Rastko Trbuhovich and Father Rodney Torbic serving with His Grace. Attending clergy sang the responses.
His Grace chose Protopresbyter Father Dragomir Tuba to give the lecture on the theme: “Every Parish is a Mission Parish-Reaching Out to Former Parishioners in the Parish-Bringing New People into the Church.” Father Tuba had a very well-prepared presentation identifying a number of factors affecting parish life and growth. He spoke about the pressures of the world influencing parish life including economic pressures that cause individuals to work longer hours or to move from the area of a parish to a location where jobs are more plentiful. Father Tuba mentioned the influence of modern technology on daily life including computers and cell phones. He spoke with concern about the amount of time parents are spending with their children. He examined activities that keep people around the church but
noted absences from worship. Demographics are a factor to consider in mission work including new immigration, language and culture. Mission work is to be considered a process. Father Tuba felt the most faithful of the parish could be used more to proclaim the word of God. Cooperation among parishes was cited as a positive step being taken. A lively and wide-ranging discussion followed Father Tuba’s presentation.
Attendees of the seminar included: His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Dragan Filipovic, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rastko Trbuhovich, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rade Merick,
Protopresbyter Stavrofor Vladimir Demshuk, Protopresbyer Stavrofor Dr. Rodney Torbic, Protopresbyter Rajko Kosic, Protopresbyter Ivan Marjanovic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Protonamesnik Dejan Obradovich, Protonamesnik Mijoljub Matic, Reverend Father Miladin Blagojevich, Reverend Father Isak Kisin, Reverend Father Milan Pajic, and Reverend Father Dragoslav Kosic. Milovan Jovanovic, St. Sava School of Theology graduate participated in the seminar.Father Daniel Rohan was a visiting clergyman from the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese. Gerasim Babic accompanied Father Matic to the seminar. Iconographer Filip Subotic, a graduate of St.Sava School of Theology, made the trip to Shadeland. Iconographer Subotic was accompanied by his assistant Sinisa Radunovic. Mr. Radunovic is a seminary graduate.
His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN and the participants of the seminar acknowledged the fine presentation by Father Tuba. Grateful appreciation was expressed to Kolo President Millie Radovick, Past Kolo President Olga Dimitijevic, Kolo Vice-President DeeDee Baskot, Kolo Federation Member
Martha Springborn and Kolo Member Angelina Stojanovic who came to help.The Kolo Federation works throughout the year for the benefit of St. Sava Camp at Shadeland and eagerly cooperates with the holding of the clergy seminars. Mr. Scott Felix worked in advance to prepare the facilities for use.
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Saturday, October 23, 2010
Hermitage, PA - Some years back the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage started a fresco fund. Over the years this fund has steadily grown so that the parish priest, Fr. Milovan Katanic together with members of the church board explored the idea of beginning the fresco project in the church.
Board member Bosko Vucenovic volunteered to head a committee together with Fr. Milovan to seek out iconographers. Among those they contacted was Filip Subotic, a graduate of St. Sava School of Theology in Libertyville. After talking with Filip it was decided to entrust him with this great and God pleasing deed of frescoing the church.
Filip began work on Tuesday, September 28th, the day after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He has already completed the Pantocrator and is presently working on the pentatives.
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[Archived News] Thursday, October 8, 2010
By Mimi Dae
A wonderful convention weekend was had by all participants. Guests arrived from all over the country and Serbia beginning mid-week. Many thanks goes out to Mr. Nikola Djukic who helped to shuttle VIP guests from the airport to the hotel and meetings. There was a new force of Serbs present. A gathering of young adults from all over the natio and Serbia.The schedule was well organized, beneficial and extensive! There was a clear agenda for the delegation of Serbs to visit specific contact people pertaining to their focus of business. The appointments began on Tuesday September 21st with a schedule of diverse meetings , including presenters like Mr. Tom Waltermire, Chief Executive Office of Team Northeast Ohio (Team NEO), Mr. Baiju Shah of BioEnterprise and Mr. David Fleshler of CWRU.
This was a new face of SUC, never seen before! This is a new improved organization with an office directly in Belgrade. This is an organization every Serb should join and take part of. Working together with Serbs from Serbia proper is most inspiring and fulfilling. Let me share with you just some of the names and organizations represented by the Serbian delegation.
Serbian Delegation included Mr. Ljubisa Zivadinovic of Afeja Consulting, he is a lawyer and owner of the company. Mr. Veselin Sjekloca, of Omnistock. He is the owner and director. Miodrag Gavrilovic, GBD Director which does commercial and residential security systems. Agrobank was represented by Milan Antonic, one of the only banks in Serbia still owned by a Serb (most are German owned now). Many of you may remember journalist Marko Lopusina from Vecernje Novosti who was also present in Cleveland 20 years ago for the first SUC conference. Mr. Dragan Mijanovic is the director for Royal Eco Foods, specializing in many specialties and organic products. The Bureau for Strategic Planning of the Minister of Interior was also represented by Drazen Marojevic and Dejan Jovanovic. As one can see from this list, many diverse businesses were represented and the average age of these delegates was 45. This is the new face of the future!
Mr. Sjekloca, the first guest to arrive from Belgrade was given an orientation over dinner and then a tour of Invacare at its world headquarters in Elyria on Wednesday, September 22. Mr. Veselin arrived with an interest to become a partner with Invacare to expand the sale and distribution of healthcare products through the Balkans and possibly Russia. Mr. Veselin was also introduced to John Tomsich, President of Nesco, Inc. with some discussion of possible investment opportunities in Serbia.
On Thursday, September 23, Veselin and Miodrag Gavrilovic were hosted at lunch with Andradia Scovil, Program Director for the Civic Innovation Lab, which support startup companies. Many thanks to Svetozar and Ana Nikolic who housed Gavrilovic for part of his visit.
In the afternoon on September 23, a meeting was held with Baiju Shah, CEO of BioEnterprise, and David Fleshler, of Case Western Reserve University. The significance of that meeting is that there is a chance for dialogue to be established between the CWRU Medical School and the huge military medical academy in Belgrade. The second result of that meeting was the possibility for a dialogue to be established between the Case Institute of Engineering and the University of Belgrade Engineering faculty, since Belgrade is well-known throughout the world for the quality of engineers it trains. Baiju Shah heads up a consortium consisting of the Cleveland Clinic, University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University, that nourishes some 600 small bioscience and technology companies in Northern Ohio. This is similar to what Veselin would like to create with his American House to showcase the products and services of American companies in Belgrade. Also present later that day was Mr. Tom Waltermire, who is part of the Greater Cleveland Partnership and very much involved in economic development in Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.
Friday’s schedule began early and never slowed down! Opening the forum was Ms. Bernadine van Kessel, Director, International Business Attraction for Team NEO, and many ideas were exchanged at that meeting. The Serbian delegation program was extensive and these meetings were accrued through the tireless efforts of Mr. Alex Machaskee. The schedule encompassed various meetings with Cleveland area and Ohio business community representatives. Some highlights included a visit to the Business Incubation Center in Beachwood for a tour of the facilities, where many countries have established beachheads for their businesses, followed by a panel discussion and a tour of Cleveland State University. Bob Scherer, Dean of the CSU Business School, said a year ago when President Boris Tadic was here that he would like to see a partnership with a Belgrade College. Slavka Draskovic brought a Memorandum of Understanding from the Fakultet Organizacionih Nauka (Faculty of Organizational Sciences) in Belgrade to be signed by CSU for an ongoing dialogue and enhancement of best practices. In the afternoon, Mr. George Delgado, who has been employed by the Cleveland Foundation to attract business from around the world to Cleveland also met with part of the delegation.
The Friday evening cocktail reception was most elegant. This reception was held at the Cleveland City Hall Rotunda, where the Serbian flag was flying high! V. Rev. Vasilije B. Sokolovic began the evening with an invocation. There was a greeting to all guests by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and he presented a proclamation to SUC president Mirjana Samardzija on the occasion of the SUC 20th anniversary. Mirjana read the proclamation and became tearful as she said that Cleveland is a city which is dear to her heart as she was raised in the Cleveland area. Mirjana also thanked the Mayor and Mr. Machaskee as he hosted this event. This evening event presented everyone in attendance with an opportunity for networking by American Serbians and the visitors from Serbia.
In addition to the Serbian Business Delegation, there were two members of the Serbian Ministry of Interior, Dejan Novakovic and Drazen Marojevic, who were looking to learn about best practices in police work and create the same kind of an association between Ohio police and Serbian police like the Ohio National Guard has with the Serbian military. They were enlightened during a one-hour meeting with the Cleveland Chief of Police, Michael McGrath. He suggested that they should create a dialogue with the Attorney General of the State of Ohio, the chief law enforcement officer in Ohio. Alex suggested that the next time General Wayt visits Serbia to meet with the military, the Ohio Attorney General should accompany him to conduct seminars for the Serbian police.
Of course, no Serbian event would be held without the addition of Serbian wine and Sljivovica. You can only imagine the site of these cocktails served at City Hall! An array of Serbian red and white wines were donated by Mr. Nikola Djukic of Europa Import. Of course the hummus & pita bread with cevapi complimented the beverages. I do not believe that Cleveland’s city hall will ever be the same!
Saturday’s professional networking panels included a panel discussion on professional networking in the Diaspora, opportunities in the Former Yugoslavia, and business opportunities in Serbia. Representatives from Serbia gave presentations on what it takes to succeed in Serbia and representatives from the US spoke on what it takes to attract Diaspora business.
There were also policy panel workshops including a panel on restitution issues in Serbia and the Serbian American Voice Ambassador Program (SAVA network).
The gala dinner was held in the Gold Room of the Renaissance Hotel in Public Square. The reception was delightful as the voice of Dimitrije Lazic accompanied by Mr. Aleks Slavkovic, filled the room. Many participants joined in the singing and others sat back and felt as though they were at a prestigious concert venue. Once the guests arrived in the dinner hall they were greeted by the hosts of the evening, co chairmen Mr. Alex Machaskee and Mrs. Mira Damljanovic. Reverend Fr. Mile Matic and V. Rev. Fr. Vasilije Sokolovic blessed the food and guests. Responses were sung by the Melos Ensemble under the direction of Mr. Milan Damljanovic. This ensemble filled the room with music. The madrigal singers strolled through the ballroom and shared their musical talents with each table! The rest of the evening’s entertainment was provided by Mr. Drago Micic and the Zuta Osa band.
Key note speakers for the event included Congressman Dan Burton, Co-chair of the Serbian American Congressional Caucus and Senator George Voinovich who was honored for his efforts to aid the Serbian people.
Mrs. Slavka Draskovic, president of the SUC, Serbia, read many congratulatory letters from the offices of President Boris Tadic, Minister Oliver Dulic, and Verica Barac, anti corruption minister. The SUC prides itself on having a working office in Serbia, the only Serbian organization in the Diaspora to establish this connection.
Mira Djelic and Michael Djordjevich were recognized in the evening as founding members of SUC that were present. A program book was gifted to all guests and included a short history of the past 20 years of work. President Mirjana Samardzija included in her greeting the many changes and the adaptation of the SUC to new times and challenges. A blessing was included in the book from +Patriarch Irinej and he congratulated the work of the SUC. Mrs. Ivana Cerovic, Director of the DC office; Mrs. Slavka Draskovic, President SUC Serbia; and Mrs. Mira Damljanovic, board member and convention co-chair were recognized for their efforts and support of organizing the event.
Everyone was asked to join the SAVA network. The SUC is a changing organization with many new faces and a goal to work together to nurture our Serbian heritage; help economic, social, and cultural and other positive changes towards a free political system and a moral society in Serbian lands; and inform public opinion and key policy-makers about the true goals and aspirations of the Serbian people.
Mr. Milan Damljanovic coordinated efforts to bring participants to both St. Sava Church and Cathedral for Liturgy Sunday morning. Participants were welcomed to the community and afterwards visited the Serbian Cultural Garden where they were impressed by its beauty. A group of participants also visited the Inn Between bar and grill in the evening , where the Bjelicic family welcomed guests with sarma, cevapi and good old American steak! Participants were excited about participating in such a fruitful weekend. Many new relationships were formed and the professional networking has begun!
“This is not your father’s SUC” was quoted at the convention. These are difficult times and this is an organization with a new direction. SUC has a focused direction to work to promote the good name and positive cultural identity of the Serbian people. I am encouraging all our readers and supporters to look to the SUC, look at the website and inform your -self on all the good works it has accomplished and plans to do in the future.
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[Archived News] Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Father Milovan and Popadija Tatiana Katanic welcome the newest addition to their family. On September 29th Milica Katanic was born at 7 pounds 14.2 oz; 20 1/2 inches. Milica is their sixth child and fourth daughter. Congratulations to the parents and her siblings: Vasilije, Lazar, Nikolina, Jelena and Jovana.
From the Diocesan Office
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[Archived News] Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Boston, MA - The newly ordained Fr. Dragoslav Kosic, who served as diocesan secretary for seven years prior to his ordination, was welcomed at the St. Sava Serbian Church in Boston, his first temporary position. Members of the church board informed their parishioners of the change with welcoming words to Fr. Dragoslav and his family:
As you probably know, Fr. Aleksandar has started his leave of absence on September 1. During his absence he and his family will spend one year in Serbia. He will be replaced by Fr. Dragoslav Kosic, who will spend one year in our parish with his wife Rosanda, and his daughters Anastasia, Theodora and Angelina.
Father Dragoslav and his family come to us from Mars, PA where he has faithfully served as Deacon and Secretary to His Grace Bishop of Mitrophan for the past 7 years and has visited our Boston parish many times over the years.
We encourage you to come to church and personally help us welcome Father Dragoslav, popadija Rosanda and their beautiful three daughters to Boston. Make sure you take the opportunity at the upcoming SerbFest to introduce yourselves and greet them.
Church Board of St. Sava of Boston
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[Archived News] Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Mars, PA - The St. Nikodim Chapel holds a special place in the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. The St. Nikodim Chapel is located in Mars, Pennsylvania in the Episcopal Headquarters of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Diocesan Bishop. The St. Nikodim Chapel provides a place for His Grace to pray and to serve throughout the year. The St. Nikodim Chapel is a holy site for prayers for all the clergy, monastics and faithful of the Diocese, living and departed. Visitors coming to the Diocesan Headquarters during the year find the St. Nikodim Chapel to be a source of inspiration and a glory to God in the Serbian Orthodox tradition.
The St. Nikodim Chapel Slava is celebrated each year early in September. The celebration for the Slava this year began with the Vigil on Friday September 3 and continued with the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Saturday September 4, 2010. Protonamesnik Zoran Radovick served at the Vigil with Father Vladislav Radujkovic assisting with the responses. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN officiated at the Divine Liturgy on Saturday. Serving with His Grace were Proto Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Proto Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov, Proto Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich, Protopresbyter Stevo Rocknage, Protopresbyter Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Zoran Radovick and Protodeacon Milan Medakovich. Protopresbyter Rajko Kosic and Father Vladislav Radujkovic assisted with responses. The Youth Choir of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church of Steelton/Oberlin, Pennsylvania under the direction of Nina Radanovic sang the responses. Prayers were included during the Divine Liturgy for the living and departed of the Diocese including hierarchs, clergy, monastic and all the faithful.
Additional clergy in attendance included Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rade Merick, Protopresbyter Dr. Rodney Torbic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Father Milan Pajic and Father Miladin Blagojevic. During the Divine Liturgy, Deacon Milan Medakovich was elevated to the rank of Protodeacon by His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN. George and Barbara Topich of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Pittsburgh were the honored Kumovi for the Slava. The St. Nikodim Chapel was filled with an overflow of faithful from throughout the Diocese including a very large number of children who partook of Holy Communion.
At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, following the Blessing of the Kolach and Koljivo, His Grace joyously greeted all in attendance and expressed His appreciation for all attending and particularly for the beautiful singing by the Youth Choir. His Grace spoke of the importance of keeping our souls pure and clean using two stories about icons to illustrate the point.
At the dinner afterwards, Episcopal Deputy Proto Stavrofor Dragojub Malich and Diocesan Council Vice-President Rudley Mrvos spoke. Kum George Topich described the honor he felt for himself and wife Barbara and their strong interest in the Diocese. The KSS Federation Board was well represented including President Millie Radovick, Past President Olga Dimitrijevic and Vice-President DeeDee Baskot.
The St.Nikodim Chapel Slava is always a highlight of the year and serves to emphasize the importance of joy in Christ and spiritual unity in the Diocese.
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Chicago, IL - At 7:45 this evening, Wedesday, August 18, 2010, on the eve of the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, His Eminence +Christopher, Metropolitan of Libertyville-Chicago, fell asleep in the Lord at the age of 82. Clergy are asked to serve a small pomen at tomorrow's Divine Liturgy.
Funeral arrangements are forthcoming.
May His memory be eternal.
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[Archived News] Tuesday, August 17, 2010
PRAYERS REQUESTED FOR HIS EMINENCE METROPOLITAN CHRISTOPHERChicago, IL - Members of the Episcopal Council of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America request the prayers of our Serbian Orthodox faithful throughout our dioceses for our ailing Metropolitan Christopher of Libertyville-Chicago. His Eminence has been diagnosed with extensive cancer of the bone, brain and stomach and is currently undergoing treatment.
His Eminence may be contacted at: P.O. Box 519, Libertyville, IL 60048 metrochris@hotmail.com
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[Archived News] Monday, August 9, 2010
Shadeland, PA - Anticipation for this year’s Diocesan Day on August 8, 2010 at Shadeland was building for months.The Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God Church was finally going to be completed and consecrated. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN traveled regularly from the time construction began to view the progress and ensure all was going well. The Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God at Shadeland was moving to a new level of development.
This year the camp season experienced increased enrollment and the camp season was increased by a week. Diocesan Day represents the culmination of the camp season and is a highlight as the campers fill the church for the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Great Vespers were celebrated on Saturday evening August 7 as a prelude and preparation for the historic day that would follow on August 8, 2010. When Sunday arrived, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN and His Grace Bishop LONGIN of the Midwest-New Gracanica Diocese officiated at the consecration and Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Twenty-nine priests and six deacons served with the hierarchs.
During the Divine Liturgy, Diocesan Secretary Deacon Dragoslav Kosic was ordained as a Presbyter to the Holy Priesthood. The Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God Church was filled with campers, their families and faithful from throughout the Diocese. Six priests were in attendance in addition to those serving bringing the number of clergy in attendance to a record number. Monastery Marcha was represented as well as parishes throughout the Diocese. Milan Damjanovic directed the choir that was assembled. Campers joined in the singing on this momentous day.
During the afternoon program the campers danced and sang in joy as they demonstrated the learning taking place during the Tambura Week leading up to Diocesan Day. God blessed the Diocese with the newly consecrated church and with beautiful facilities at Shadeland. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Diocesan clergy, the Diocesan Council, the Eastern Region KSS Federation and the faithful of the Diocese are working with due serious to develop the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery and St. Sava Camp at Shadeland. This Diocesan Day was a day of great wonder and glory given by God and through the intercession of the Mother of God. Thanksgiving and glory were given to God and the Most Holy Mother of God many times during this Diocesan Day which will be remembered for years to come.
V. Rev. Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Warren, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America made his first archpastoral visit to the small community of faithful Serbian Orthodox Christians in Warren, Ohio (formerly New Gracanica diocese) on Monday, August 2, 2010, the feastday of St. Elijah the Prophet, their church slava. Concelebrating with His Grace the bishop were Archimandrite Leontije (Alavanja), V. Rev. Djordje Mileusnic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Rev. Milan Pajic, Rev. Miladin Blagojevic and the parish adminstrator Rev. Dragan Goronjic. Also serving were deacons Ljubisa Mitrovic and Diocesan secretary Dragoslav Kosic.
In his homily the bishop applauded this community for celebrating their Slava on the actual feastday and not moving it to a nearby Sunday which is the norm for many of our parishes. He also spoke in length of the great faith of Elijah the prophet and the great role he played not only in Old Testament times but the one ascribed to him at the end times as well.
A festive Slava luncheon was served afterward in the church hall.
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[Archived News] Monday, July 26, 2010
Shadeland, PA - Each week at St. Sava Camp at Shadeland is week-long structured experience intended to provide great Christian joy for the campers,counselors and adults involved. The Shadeland Committee with the leadership and Archpastoral guidance of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN works throughout
the year to improve St. Sava Camp and to expand the use of the camp facilities. Millie Radovick, KSS Federation President, KSS Vice-President DeeDee Baskot and Vesna Meinert invest much time and effort in advance preparations for each summer camp season and work throughout the camp period.
Parent entrust their sons and daughters to the camp and expect they will be in a safe Serbian Orthodox Christian environment. The hope is that each camper will end the week more enriched in Christ with great memories and stronger healthy relationships formed and renewed during each camp season.
Counselors come as young adults seeking to be of help and to gain experience in this beautiful setting. Kolo members from many different parishes in addition to interested adult men volunteer their time to support and strengthen the camp. The Standing Committee on Christian Education with representatives appointed by the respective Bishops of each Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America prepares and develops a common curriculum for use in all of the camps across the land.
His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN makes the trip each Tuesday during the camp season to sit with the campers, teaching, talking, asking and answering questions. This year the camp theme is “Through the Eye of a Needle: Poverty and Wealth in the Orthodox Church.” Classes are held throughout the week. Campers also having Vespers, morning and evening prayers and Divine Liturgy once per week. During the first week of camp the Divine Liturgy was served on the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Priests for the first week were Father Rajko Kosic and Father Rodney Torbic. Camp Director Father Zivojin Jakovljevic came to greet the campers at the evening opening session. Each night the campers had have a full schedule of activities. On Sunday the get acquainted bonfire was held.
A country-western themed evening was held on Monday. The campers were treated to a night of bowling on Tuesday evening. On Wednesday two wagon loads of campers toured the area around Shadeland on a hayride. Thursday was the traditional day at Waldameer Park where the water park and amusement rides provided a day of fun. Friday night was a night for kolo dancing.
Each day included time for arts and crafts, swimming, boating, soccer, volley ball, basketball and other recreational activities. Elaine Vucelich came as she does each year the first week to provide leadership in the preparation of food. Cathy Stupar is a regular the first week as the camp nurse. Lana Joy Balach served as a photographer throughout the first week. Counselors included Head Counsellor Alexis Vranesivich, with Amanda Bilak, Dragana Masich, Mila Vranesevic, Jovana Zaremeba, Mark Roberston,Mike Vranjes, Alex Ostojich, Mirjana Ruzicic, Sinisa Hrancevic, and Robert Marshall. A talk by Sgt. Ray Sanchez of the New York City Police Department also was included in the first week of camp.
The campers received seventeen hearty meals during the week in
addition to snacks during the day and evening. St. Sava camp nourishes the soul, the mind, the heart and the body. One young camper coming for the first time said she wanted to return for four weeks next year.
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Thursday, July 8, 2010
Shadeland, PA - An orientation for counselors was held today at the Shadeland Camp in preparation for the 2010 camp season. This year's extended four week program will include over 300 registered campers. His Grace Bishop Mitrophan presided over the orientation with V. Rev. Dr. Rodney Torbic speaking along with Vesna Meinert and camp director V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic.
Clergy in attendance included: V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragan Filipovic, V. Rev. Rajko Kosic, Protonamesnik Mijoljub Matic, Protonamesnik Dejan Obradovic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Rev. Milan Pajic and Rev. Dragan Goronjic.
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[Archived News] Wednesday, June 30, 2010
New York City, NY - With the blessing of the First Hierarch of ROCOR, His Eminence Hilarion, Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York, on Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of June, the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God visited St. Sava’s Serbian Cathedral in New York on the occasion of Vidovdan, the principal Serbian national holiday and the 621th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo. The magnificent cathedral was built in 1855 and originally served as an Episcopal church until the 1940’s, when the cathedral was purchased by Serbian immigrants and consecrated in honor of St. Sava of Serbia. St. Sava’s Cathedral is the only Serbian church in New York, and is the center of the Serbian community in New York.
On Saturday evening, June 26, diocesan secretary Archpriest Serge Lukianov brought the wonder-working icon to the cathedral. The Great Vespers with akathist were led by the rector, Archpriest Djokan Majstorovic, co-served by Fr. Serge, Archpriest Zoran Radovic (rector of St. George’s Serbian Church in Elizabeth, NJ), Priest Vladislav Radujkovic (cathedral cleric), and Archdeacon Jovan Stanojevic (cleric of the Serbian Patriarchate). The general singing of the akathist before the holy icon was performed in English and Serbian.
The following morning, the faithful greeted His Grace, Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America (Serbian Orthodox Church), after which the Divine Liturgy began. His Grace was co-served by the above-mentioned clergy.
Exalted guests were present at the divine service: Their Royal Highnesses, Crown Prince Alexander II, Head of the Serbian Royal House, Heir to the Throne of Yugoslavia, and his spouse, Crown Princess Katherine. The royal couple prayed on the solea during the Divine Liturgy. In addition to Their Highnesses, the following honored guests were also present: the Honorable Branko Radosevic, Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in New York City, and the Honorable Koula Sophianou, Consul General of the Republic of Cyprus in New York City.Upon completion of the Liturgy, Bishop Mitrophan greeted the royal couple, thanking Their Highnesses for celebrating Vidovdan with their countrymen here in America. His Grace also thanked the First Hierarch, Metropolitan Hilarion, for the chance to pray before the wonder-working icon of the Mother of God. In his reply, Fr. Serge greeted His Grace on behalf of the Metropolitan and expressed his sincere gratitude for the warm reception and the prayerful and fraternal bonds with our Serbian brothers and sisters. Fr. Serge underscored the important role played by the Serbian people in the most trying years of the 20th Century, when the Kursk Root Icon was taken abroad and became the guide of the whole Russian Diaspora. He said in part: "Today’s historic first visit of the wonder-working icon to St. Sava’s Cathedral is a sign of the unity of our two peoples in Christ. May the Heavenly Queen help us to continue our co-service and witness to the true faith in the American land." Fr. Serge then passed along the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion to Crown Prince Alexander and St. Sava’s Cathedral in the form of an exact copy of the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God. During the veneration of the Cross, all of the faithful were given small copies of the Kursk icon as a blessing from Metropolitan Hilarion.
After the Liturgy, parish school students presented an historic play in the parish center in remembrance of the Battle of Kosovo and the martyric death of St. Lazar the Prince-Martyr. After the presentation, Crown Prince Alexander greeted the children, and tasked their parents with bringing up their progeny in an Orthodox, patriotic spirit, so that they might not forget their history, their culture, and their inheritance. A bountiful luncheon was then offered for all those in attendance.
Media Office of the Eastern American Diocese of ROCOR www.eadiocese.org
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[Archived News] Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Akron, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America scheduled the Annual Cleveland Deanery Meeting on Christian Education to be held at St. Archangel Michael Serbian Orthodox Church in Akron, Ohio on Saturday, June 5, 2010.
V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba was the host priest. The guest speaker was V. Rev. Mijoljub Matic of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Cleveland. He spoke in detail about how to excite our children about Christian Education and the crucial role played by parents. His talk gave way to a lively discussion afterward.
The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Cleveland Deanery, V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Raljich and V. Rev. Rodney Torbic, the Christian Education Coordinator for the Eastern American Diocese. Also in attendance were Archimandrite Leontije (Alavanja), V. Rev. Stavrophor Rastko Trbuhovich, V. Rev. Djordje Mileusnic, V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Reverend Father Isak Kisin, Reverend Father Dragan Goronjic, Protinica Vickie Trbuhovich and Church School teachers Steven Munich and Mile Andjelkovich.
Parish Christian Education reports were given orally and submitted in writing. The Deanery Meetings have been conducted on an annual basis since 1987 and provide for the exchange of vital information on Christian education among parish priests and church school teachers as well as the opportunity to hear a featured speaker on a relevant theme.
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[Archived News] Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Greensboro, NC - The first Sunday after Pentecost is All Saints Sunday, and the coinciding Gospel reading is from St. Matthew chapter 10, where Jesus called His first disciples. His disciples would witness to His teaching and continue to spread the faith after His resurrection; and on this past Sunday this same faith and teaching is continuing in Kernersville North Carolina with the consecration of St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church. Our community’s faith in the face of continuous struggles has culminated in this wonderful event for many Orthodox faithful in the surrounding area of North Carolina.
The celebration began in typical Orthodox tradition in the evening, the beginning of our Liturgical day with the celebration of Holy Vespers, the service of Artoclasia, followed by Holy Matins. We were blessed to have leading our services His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher of Metropolitanate of Livertyville – Chicago, His Grace Bishop Vasilije of Srem, who traveled from Serbia for this occasion, His Grace Bishop Maxim of the Western Diocese, and His Grace Bishop Mitrofan of the Eastern Diocese. Father Dragan Zaric our priest at St. Basil was joined by con-celebrants, Fr. Dragan Filipovic, Canton Ohio; Fr. Rodney Torbic Carmichaels, Pennsylvania; Fr. Milovan Katanic, Hermitage Pennsylvania; Fr. Savo Majstorovic, Banat, Serbia; Fr. Djokan Matstorovic, New York; Fr. Alexander Vlajkovic, Boston Massachusetts, Fr. Ljubisa Brnjos, Orlando Florida; Fr. Jovan Todorovic, Clearwater, Florida; Fr.Christopher, OCA High Point, North Carolina; Fr. Thomas Newland, Greensboro, North Carolina; Fr. Tom, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Deacon Dragoslav Kosic the Dioceasan Deacon, Fr Stanislav Kravljaca, Jackonsville Florida; and Deacon Gavrilo Milkovic, Raleigh, North Carolina.
After services there was a banquet held at the Holy Dormition Greek Orthodox Church in Greensboro. All those attending also enjoyed a cultural and spiritual program, prepared by the parishioners.
The following morning began with the welcoming of Hierarchs [named above] and the Holy Consecration of the Temple. This was followed by the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy, when many faithful approached to receive Holy Communion. The Liturgy was spiritually enhanced by the angelic voices of our guest choirs: the Eastern Diocese Youth Choir (ROCOR), from Boston Massachusetts and the Choir from the Holy Cross Orthodox Church of America.
Following Divine Liturgy the faithful were treated to the hospitality of our St Basil parishioners, who worked very hard to prepare the festive meal, with drinks and deserts, in our church pavilion. Our Kum and Kuma for the event were Miodrag Dragic and his lovely wife Mirjana along with their beautiful daughter Tamara.
Metropolitan Christopher said how wonderful it was to find a gem
of our Orthodox faith in what many might think as highly unlikely place, but it shows what can happen when we work for God’s will and not our own. Other speakers included our Vladika Mitrofan who had originally blessed this holy endeavor when he came to this area, many years ago, to the house of Professor George Cvijanovic to hold Divine Liturgy for that first handful of Serbian faithful. Father Dragan Filipovic explained how it was now up to us and our children to continue what those first disciples were called to do - to spread Orthodoxy throughout this land we now live in and in all the world. Father Dragan was our first visiting priest, who kept coming for several years, gathered together more and more faithful, household by household, and extended the work that began with Vladika Mitrofan and Professor George. He conducted probably the most important and moving Divine Liturgy in 1999, on Vidovdan, in Raleigh, North Carolina. It was at this Divine Liturgy when over 250 people surprised us by their attendance and made us realize what was taking place. Another very moving moment took place this past Sunday, when we found out that His Grace Bishop Vasilije had brought us the relics of our martyred St Lazar, who gave up the earthly kingdom for the heavenly one, at the Battle of Kosovo, over six centuries ago.
How appropriate for all of this to begin and end with that example. St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox church is nothing less than our realizing, to the fullest extent, our acceptance of the Heavenly Kingdom of Our Lord over our existing earthly kingdom.
We thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for all we have been blessed with; we thank our Vladika Mitrofan for His continuous blessings and guidance, we thank all of the clergy, and most importantly, we thank all of our faithful, whose orthodox belief never faltered.
St. Basil intercede for us! Amin.
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[Archived News] Monday, May 24, 2010
Youngstown, OH - Fifty days after the Resurrection of our Lord Juses Christ, the disciples were meeting in their upper room. The winds from heaven filled the room and cloven tongues of fire appeared and settled upon each of the disciples and upon the Virgin Mary. At the time of our Lord's Ascension, heavenly angels appeared and promised that the Lord's closest followers would be filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Serbian people call this important day "Duhovi" and is celebrated each year as the Krsna Slava of Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church of Youngstown, Ohio. The celebration began with the Divine Liturgy served by Very Reverend Stavrophor Janko Rajlich, Parish Priest of Holy Trinity and Dean of the Cleveland Deanery. Also serving was Father Deacon Milan Medakovich. Kumovi for the Slava were Dr. Albert "Terry" and Mrs. Phyllis Kulics. Following the traditional procession around the church, a festive banquet was held in the church hall, where the cutting of the Slavski Kolac took place. The Kolo Srpskih Sestara prepared a delicious meal. Exective Board President George Mirich welcomed all the guests and Nick Mitovich served as the MC. Among the guests were high school and college graduates who are honored for their accomplishments each year during this banquet. Graduating from high school are Nickola Juzbasich and Luke Krispinsky. Receiving Bachelors degrees are Heather Hrelec, Sarah Radovick Wondisford and George Lyras. Receiving a Master's degree is Mile Andjelkovich and Mala Milkovich recieved her Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Congratulations to the Kumovi and graduates, and may God grant them all many years of good health and success! Ziveli Na Mnogaja Ljeta!
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[Arhived News] Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Акрон, Охајо - У трећу недељу по Васкрсењу Господњем, која је посвећена Светим женама Мироносицама, Његово Преосвештенство епископ источноамерички Господин др Митрофан служио је Св. архијерејску Литургију у Храму Светог Архангела Михаила у Акрону, Охајо. На Св. Архијерејској Литургији Његовом Преосвештенству саслуживали су високопречасни протојереј Драгомир Туба, протојереј Звонко Которчевић, протојереј-ставрофор Петар Бурлаков, ђакон Драгослав Косић, ђакон Жељко Јуришић и ђакон Милош Марковић.
Архијерејска посета Акрону била је велика радост како за саме парохијане Акрона тако и за српксу Цркву у Америци. Делећи радост Христовог Васкрсења са парохијанима Акрона епископ Г. др Митрофан одликовао је достојанством протојереја-ставрофора Звонка Которчевића из Акрона за дугогодишњи плодоносни рад на њиви Господњој, као и пожртвованост да протеклих година као пензионисани свештеник богослужи у нашем манастиру Марча у Охају.
Током св. Литургије Његово Преосвештенство благоизволео је рукоположити у узвишени презвитерски чин свога ђакона Милоша Марковића:
"Драга браћо и сестре, милошћу Божијом и благодаћу Светог Духа, данас смо рукоположили у чин Свештеника ђакона Милоша Марковића дипломираног теолога Богословског Факултета Светог Саве у Либертивилу и постдипломског студента. Помолите се да света ова света служба буде најпре на спасење његове душе, на спасење његове породице, његове родбине и његове духовне родбине - парохије која му буде поверена. Нека му Васкрсли Господ буде у сваком тренутку на помоћи у његовом раду, нека нам живи на многаја љета."
Новорукоположени свештеник Милош Марковић јесте трећи свештеник у његовој породици, његов отац протојереј-ставрофор Живота и брат јереј Недан јесу свештеници у Србији.
После свете Литургије високопречасни протојереј Драгомир Туба заједно са својим парохијанима приредио је предивну трпезу љубави за све присутне, током које се захвалио Преосвећеном владици др Митрофану на посети и блаовољењу да у њиховој Цркви рукоположи новог пастира на њиви Господњој.
Из епархијске канцеларије
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[Arhived News] Pascha 2010
Pascha 2010and the fellowship of His sufferings,
being conformed to His death if, by any means,
I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.”
Philippians 3:10-11
Dear brothers and sisters,
Behold the Feast of feasts and the Glory above glories, the radiant Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is soon upon us. And we are all in great anticipation and excitement in awaiting that most joyous day in the history of mankind.
However, that we might welcome the Resurrected Christ all the more joyously in our hearts and our homes, we need to prepare ourselves spiritually and physically through fasting, prayer, repentance and the partaking of the Holy Sacraments, that is, through a God-pleasing life. Let us make an effort so that we might spiritually experience all the sufferings of our Lord as if they were our own sufferings. Let us fulfill that promise made at the Holy Sacrament of Baptism: “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism unto death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we should walk in newness of life” (Rom. 6:4).
This is not something which is done once but during our entire lives. We spiritually resurrect at every moment, whenever we do something virtous, and we die spiritually whenever we sin.
May God grant that we die to sin once and for all just as our Lord Jesus Christ died for us (Rom. 6:10).
And when we find ourselves in troubles, sufferings, hardships and in bitter tears, as our fellow countrymen in Kosovo and Metohija and many other Christians throughout the world, let us give ear to His words: “Why are you weeping” (John 10:15). Let us not fear for He is our Resurrection and life (John 11:25).
Once again we express our deep gratitude to all those who donated to their church and Diocese, as well as all those who were in need of the material and spiritual goods.
I wholeheartedly greet you with the joyous words which defeated, which defeat and will always defeat every sadness, sickness and sighing:
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[Arhived News] Monday, April 19, 2010
March 27, 2010
Lazarus Saturday Troparion
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Your Passion,
You confirmed the universal resurrection, O Christ God! Like the children with palms of victory,
We cry out to You, O Vanquisher of Death; Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord!
Lazarus Saturday Kontakion
Christ - the Joy, the Truth, and the Light of All, the Life of the World and the Resurrection - has appeared in his goodness to those on earth. He has become the Image of our resurrection, granting divine forgiveness to all.
Steelton, PA - The Scripture readings make clear that the people of Jerusalem eagerly awaited the arrival of Jesus Christ and when He entered the city, He was greeted with much singing, joy, and reverence. Palms and other branches and even clothes were strewn in His path as a sign of their respect for Him and their anticipation of His delivering them from oppression. Notably, children were a large part of this enthusiastic procession as they sang, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!” Indeed, that same spiritual joy is still experienced today in Orthodox Christian churches around the world as we observe Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday. We are prepared to endure the sorrow of Holy Week because, unlike the people of Christ’s time, we know we will then experience His joyful resurrection.
At St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Oberlin-Steelton, there was great anticipation on the eve of Lazarus Saturday as the Great Lent was brought to a formal close. It is also on this special occasion that our children reach the age when they learn, in more concrete ways, the meaning of repentance and the joyful sorrow of our Lenten journey. Under the supportive guidance of their Church School teacher, Andrea Gunther, eight students had been preparing to receive the Sacrament of Holy Confession for the first time. The students – David Christ, Anastasija Gligorevic, Dejana Krstic, Anastasia Mitrovic, Stefan Nikolic, Stefan Stojanovic, Zeljana Turnatas, and Sara Turantas – had a final orientation with the Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich before meeting individually with him to make their first confession. The children listened to Fr. Srboljub discuss the importance of repentance through the parables of Zaccheus, the Tax Collector, the Publican and the Pharisee and the Prodigal Son.
The prospects of a special Lazarus Saturday were evident as soon as we gathered for the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. We celebrated Christ’s bold promise of the heavenly kingdom when He raised his friend, Lazarus, from the tomb. In place of the Thrice-Holy Hymn, we sang the special baptismal hymn, “As many as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ!” remembering this Liturgy as one in which Christians historically were baptized.
With Fr. Srboljub and con-celebrants V. Rev. Daniel Ressetar, Priest Emeritus, Christ the Savior Orthodox Church in Harrisburg and Fr. Patrick Burns, priest of Holy Annunciation Macedonian-Bulgarian Orthodox Church in Steelton, leading the way, the altar servers, Church School teachers and students, the stewards of the Church and their extended families and friends made the traditional procession around the church. The excitement was palpable as they sang, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” and rang small bells tied to the pussy willow and palm branches --all emblematic of the crowds that greeted Christ upon His triumphal entry into Jerusalem and of His victory over death. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, everyone moved to the Church social hall where the Mothers’ Club hosted a time of fellowship.
The following day, Palm Sunday, Fr. Srboljub presented the Church School children who made their 1st Holy Confession with a beautiful triptych icon in recognition of this important step in the life of an Orthodox Christian. The children, their families and kumovi and all the stewards of St. Nicholas Church were now prepared to move forward to the inevitable sorrow of Christ’s Passion and the resounding glory of His resurrection. Through the Great Lent we have grown in His Spirit and by His Grace and are now ready to follow Him to His promised Kingdom.
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[Arhived News] Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Carmichaels, PA - The Deanery Lenten Vespers of the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent is the best attended service of the year at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania.
Protopresbyter Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov, Dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery with the Archpastoral Blessings of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN makes up the Deanery Vesper schedule.
St. George Church is the traditional host for the Fifth Sunday, the Sunday commemorating St. Mary of Egypt. This is a big but joyful undertaking for this small parish.
Clergy and parishioners are invited from the parishes in Steubenville, Ohio; Pennsylvania parishes in Aliquippa, Midland and Pittsburgh and the West Virginia Mission in Fairmont.
This year visiting clergy serving included: Proto Stepanov, Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rade Merick, Protopresbyter Lt. Col. Adam Yonitich, Protopresbyter Rajko Kosic, Reverend Father Milan Pajic and Father Deacon Dragoslav Kosic.
Father Milan Pajic gave an inspiring instructional sermon drawing from the lessons in the life of St. Mary of Egypt. The St. George Choir of Midland under the direction of Evelyn Adams sang with great fervor.
Choir members from Aliquippa and Steubenville added their talents in the service. St. George Executive Board President Stan Brozik thanked everyone from coming to the service.
Sonia Janson, St. George Choir and Kolo President expressed great appreciation to the Midland Choir for accepting the invitation to sing the responses. The St. George Kolo was recognized and applauded for the hard work put into preparing the Lenten meal following the service.
With the arrival of the Fifth Sunday of Great Lent, the intensity of the Lenten period increases. Holy Week is within view as the entry is made into the last week of Great Lent.
This is a time for serious contemplation of the soul and for continued repentance. St. Mary of Egypt set a permanent example to follow in turning to Christ for salvation.
The Crucifixion and the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ provide lasting meaning for the lives of all believers.
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Arhived News] Friday, March 19, 2010
Синсинати, Охајо - Марта 7-ог 2010. године са почетком у 5 часова увече, парохијани цркве светога Ђорђа у Синсинатију, Охају су пожелели добродошлицу оцу Исаку Кисину, пароху цркве светога Стефана Дечанског из Колумбаса, Охајо, који је по благослову нашег епископа Његовог Преосвештенства Господина Др. Митрофана служио Великопосно Вечерње у нашем Храму.
Око педесет парохијана је присуствовало Вечерњем богослужењу, а отац Исак је на крају одржао веома поучну проповед. Служење Великопосних богослужења је традиција усвојена у источноамеричкој и другим епархијама Православних Цркава у Америци.
Наш парох, Протојереј Петар Петровић ће узвратити посету цркви светога Стефана Дечанског у Колумбасу, марта 28. 2010. године.
Захваљујемо се свима који су били присутни великопосном богослужењу и посној вечери.
Протојереј Петар Петровић
Cincinnati, OH - On March 7th, 2010, our parishioners welcomed Father Isak Kisin, parish priest of St. Stephan of Decani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus, Ohio, for the Lenten Vesper service. At least 50 people attended the service. A very inspiring sermon was delivered by Fr. Isak.
This is a tradition which the Eastern Diocese and other Orthodox dioceses have established during the Lenten season with the blessings of His Grace our Bishop Dr.Mitrophan for priests to visit other parishes in their area to serve the Lenten Vesper services.
Our priest V. Rev. Petar Petrovic will visit their church in Columbus on Sunday, March 28. We tahnk everyone who attended the service and the Lenten supper which followed.
Very Reverend Petar Petrovic
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[Archived News] Friday, March 5, 2010
Шарлот, Северна Каролина - У недељу, 28.фебруара прославили смо нашу црквену славу у свечаној атмосфери и уз пригодaн програм узимајући у обзир да је време великог поста. Након Свете Литургије, Литије око храма и освећења славског колача и жита, уз свечани посни ручак, приказан је филм о Мирослављевом Јеванђељу који је обиловао интересантним податцима и детаљима из Србске историје.
Кумови овогодишње славе је породица Станка и Зарифе Бјелац а представник породице била је њихова снаја Слађана Бјелац која је уз помоћ Кола Србских Сестара припремила свечани ручак. Следеће године, кумови ће бити Радован и Боса Каран.
Хвала свима који су помогли у припреми прославе и увеличали овој дан својим присуством.
Срећна Слава и nа Многаја љета!
Charlotte, NC - Thе celebration of our church Slava was held on Sunday, February 28th. After the Holy Liturgy and Procession around the church, Slava Bread and wheat were blessed and the celebration continued with an appropriate program, keeping in mind that this is the time of the Great Fast. During the delicious, fasting lunch, we had a film presentation about Miroslav’s Gospel. Film contained many interesting information and details about Serbian history and culture.
Hosts of this year’s Slava was Bjelac family. They were represented by their daughter in law, Sladjana, who prepared festive lunch with the help of Circle of Serbian Sisters. Next year’s hosts will be Radovan and Bosa Karan.
We extend gratitude to all of you who helped prepare this year’s celebration and enhanced this event with your presence.
Merry Slava and God grant you many years!
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[Archived News] Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Last Sunday we celebrated the Triumph of Orthodoxy. We all celebrated the triumph of the True Orthodox Faith and beliefs over false beliefs, which are called “heresies.” We believe that God has revealed Himself and His Truth to the world in our Lord Jesus Christ, and that our Orthodox Christian Faith has preserved, guarded and maintained that Truth from generation to generation. We would all believe and accept this.
That work of maintaining the Truth has not always been easy. There have always been those who prefer their own beliefs and reasonings to that received from Christ and His Apostles in the Church. Those people sometimes had powerful backing from powerful people, who helped them push their false beliefs – their heresies – on the people of God.
That is what happened with the specific false teaching or heresy of iconoclasm or icon breaking, the triumph over which we celebrated last week. There were those who said icons were idols and so could not be used by Christians. They said God is pure spirit, not visible or material, and so could not be depicted with wood and paint. Some of the Byzantine emperors believed this teaching and ordered icons to be banned and destroyed, and the defenders of icons to be persecuted.
But there were others in the Church who defended the icons. They said that it is true that God is spirit and not material, and cannot be seen. But, they said, God at a certain point in history became material. In Jesus of Nazareth, God Himself took on flesh, a human body, and all of our human nature. And because this is true, God, through taking on a material body — through becoming incarnate — can be depicted through material means in icons. They said that not only could He be depicted in icons, but that for Orthodox Christians He must be depicted in icons, as a testimony to the reality of the incarnation, which so many rejected. (Just as an aside, one of the reasons some of the Byzantine Emperors were against icons was because they were under attack by a new threat, the expansion of the newly-established religion of Islam. By getting rid of icons and downplaying belief in the incarnation of God as a Man, they hoped to appease the Muslims, who rejected these things.)
So, the celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy is about more than just whether we use icons or not. It is about a basic article of our faith: The belief that God has come into the world and become one of us. That He took on a material body just as we have, and that in rising from the dead and ascending into heaven He has taken that Body with Him and made it divine. He has reclaimed all of Creation for Himself, and has again made matter holy. Many of the things we do in the Church are based on this very important and basic belief in the sanctification of the material world. We bless water to refer it again to God and make it, and through it everything in the world, a means of communion with Him. We bless food and drink to make our everyday act of eating and drinking a holy thing, a means of participating in God’s love for us. We keep and honor the relics of saintly men and women who have gone before us as being a means of contact with the holy. And above all, every week or even more often, we offer bread and wine to God as symbols of our whole life, of the whole world, and of everything God has made for us. God gives the grain and grapes, and we apply our work in planting them, cultivating them, harvesting them, working with them and processing them so that we have our gifts of bread and wine, the fruit of our cooperation with God. And in offering these things to God at every Divine Liturgy, He returns them to us both materially and spiritually as Himself, Christ’s own Body and Blood, so that we can be united with Christ both in body and in soul.
Why have I gone through all of this? Because, I think, even though we celebrate the restoration of icons and the Triumph of Orthodoxy over false belief and heresy, we don’t always really show our belief in these things in our everyday lives, and maybe especially in our Church life. How can I say that?
You are all active in your parish church communities. You have all served on congregation boards and worked hard for the Church. How many times, in your years of church work, have you heard somebody say, “We need to run the Church as a business.” I have heard it often enough, at all levels of church work. What does this usually mean? In the best cases it means that we can use good principles of business management to help us be good stewards of God’s gifts to us, and to advance the work of the Church. That is certainly true, and we should try to apply good principles of business management, accountability, and integrity to everything we do in the Church.
But in too many cases, those who say “We need to run the Church as a business” really mean that we need to turn a profit, that we need to “be successful” in a strictly worldly material sense, that what really counts is the “bottom line” on the financial statement at the end of the year. If this is what is meant, spiritual considerations take a back seat, or are totally irrelevant.
Yet, if that is the case — if the spiritual and material have nothing to do with one another — are we not simply restating that old heresy upon which iconoclasm is based, the defeat of which we celebrated last week: that spiritual things and material things have nothing to do with one another, that they can be kept in separate compartments so that they do not touch and contaminate each other? If this is how we think, are we not in actuality denying the meaning and power of the incarnation, of the Christmas miracle, that God Himself becomes a part of the material world in order to sanctify matter and make it holy to Him, in order to save and transfigure all things material and make them again a means of communion with Him?
Orthodox Christianity believes that we are saved with matter, not from it. We see that God made everything “very good” as the creation account in Genesis says, and that it is our vocation as Christians to rediscover this “very good” in everything, to thank God for it, and to return all things to God’s original purpose for them — the purpose of revealing God’s presence and love in all things. Is this not what the whole concept of Christian Stewardship, which we have been emphasizing so much, is all about?
No, in the Church there can be no separation between the spiritual and the material. The idea that the priest (or the Bishop) is responsible only for spiritual things, and that the supposedly “less holy” people of God are only responsible for material things is totally false. Everyone in the Church is responsible for both the material and the spiritual welfare of the Church.
But there is a God-established order in the Church of how this responsibility of all is carried out. That order is best seen in the services of the Church, especially in the Divine Liturgy when it is celebrated in all its fullness, with the “laos tou Theou,” the laity, the people of God, and the elders of the people, the presbyters, gathered around their bishop as the icon of Christ. It is the Diocese which is the basic structure of Christ’s Church. As St. Ignatius of Antioch said early in the second century as he was going to his martyrdom in Rome, “Let no one do anything connected with the Church without the Bishop. Wherever the Bishop appears, there let the multitude of the people be; just as where Christ Jesus is, there is the universal church.” The parish, the local congregation, is an extension or outpost of the diocese. There can be no such thing as an “independent” parish, apart from the Bishop, just as there can be no bishop separate from Christ, or from Christ’s people.
Just as there is an order in the Church which is visible in the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, there is also an order in our church administration. The local congregation naturally has the task of looking out for its local parish, but this task cannot be carried out in isolation from the bishop or the other congregations. Nothing unusual or special should be done without the bishop’s blessing and approval, not to say his knowledge. And that, as we discussed earlier, includes both spiritual and material or financial things. The very ancient Apostolic Canon 41 states this point explicitly: “We ordain that the bishop have authority over the goods of the Church: for if he is to be entrusted with the precious souls of men, much more are temporal possessions to be entrusted to him. He is therefore to administer them all of his own authority…”
That is why it is important that we all follow the procedures we have established in the Church. Congregation budgets and financial statements, as well as those who serve the parish in leadership roles as officers and church school teachers, must be approved by the Bishop so that he can carry out his office as the “overseer” or “supervisor” of everything done in his diocese. (The Greek word for “bishop,” episkopos, means exactly and literally “overseer” or “supervisor.”) Local congregation by-laws must agree with the constitution and rules and regulations of the Church, and all by-laws must be approved by the Bishop and the Diocesan Council he has to assist him, to ensure that each parish is governed in conformity with the Church’s common faith.
Of course, this Orthodox concept of “conciliarity” or “sabornost” also goes the other way. The Diocese makes its report on its spiritual and financial activities to the representatives of all the parishes each year at these Diocesan Assemblies. The Diocesan Council is elected at the Assembly with the approval of the Bishop. It is at Diocesan Assemblies like these that we truly see an icon of the Church as the clergy and people of God gathered around their Bishop and around the altar of God, focused on our Lord Jesus Christ who is present with us in the Eucharist.
All this also means that the parish priest, who is appointed by the bishop to represent him in the parish and to whom the priest is responsible, cannot be excluded from the administration of property or financial matters. The priest sits on the congregation board and has a particular responsibility to make sure that all actions undertaken by the board or congregation are spiritually as well as financially sound. Congregation boards themselves, and all the parishioners whom they represent, must always be careful that everything be done “decently and in order” as St. Paul says, remembering that every action they take has both spiritual and material consequences, and that as Christ’s Church we always serve Christ and must be careful to do everything in a way pleasing to Him and honoring Him as our Lord and Master.
This also means that we must always remain focused on the ultimate goal and purpose of the Church of God, which is to manifest the Kingdom of God here and now among us, and so to bring salvation in Christ to all people. It is not enough to have beautiful buildings, fat bank accounts and that positive bottom line. We cannot be “successful” as Christ’s Church unless everything we do serves Christ, and is faithful to His teaching and example.
Doing this is a constant struggle in a sinful and fallen world, which constantly tries to divert us from this straight and narrow path. In our personal lives we have the Great Fast we are currently in to teach us to put the spiritual firmly in charge of the material, in part through the self-discipline of voluntarily submitting to the discipline of the Church. We must always do the same in the lives of our Church communities. We must willingly and joyfully accept and embrace the God-given order and discipline of the Church. We as congregations must honor the fasts as well as the feasts in every activity we undertake. Remembering that our first and primary purpose as Church is to worship God in faith and truth, we must emphasize and nurture a vibrant and active liturgical and spiritual life in our parish. Remembering the Great Commission of Christ to preach the Good News of salvation, we must make teaching and outreach a primary task and purpose of all our activities. In everything we do as Christ’s Church we must be good examples of what it means to be Christian, and eliminate anything which dishonors Christ, and us as His followers.
If we remember these things, and if we allow ourselves to be guided by the deep truths of our Orthodox Christian faith in everything we do, in unity in Christ and with one another and in love for God and each other, then everything we do will be for the glory of God and for the salvation of our souls. Only then will we be “successful” as Church communities and be worthy of hearing Christ say to us, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Fr. Rade Merick
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[Archived News] Wednesday, March 3, 2010
of the Annual Assembly of the
Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America
February 26-27, 2010
The clergy and congregation representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, gathered at the annual Diocesan Assembly held at St. Sava Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio on February 26-27, 2010 under the omophorion of their Archpastor Rt. Rev. Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, adopted the following resolutions:
1. The words of His Holiness Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory are still fresh in our minds: “Let our words be mild, but our arguments powerful.” Because of our belief in the resurrection we continue to experience a joyful sadness at his translation into the heavenly Church. May God grant his soul blessed repose!
The All-Merciful Lord filled us with spiritual joy when the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church, in its concern for the unity of the Patriarchate, elected by the Holy Spirit as our Church’s 45th Patriarch His Grace Irinej, long-time bishop of the diocese of Nis.
We welcome his election and sincerely greet His Holiness Patriarch Irinej, praying that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may grant him health and wisdom that he may successfully guide the ship of the Serbian Orthodox Church through the stormy waters of the new world order. Many years, Holy Master!
2. We remain extremely concerned about the crisis in the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohije. This Diocese has consistently supported the stand of the Holy Assembly of Bishops and of the Serbian government that the declaration of an independent, Albanian ruled Kosovo is an illegal action both in international law and contrary to United Nations resolutions. We continue to support this stand, and once again reaffirm our unshakable determination that Kosovo is and remains Serbia.
We have all heard that His Grace Bishop Artemije of Raska-Prizren, the Bishop of Kosovo and Metohija, has been suspended from the administration of his diocese and is being investigated by the Holy Synod. This news if very regrettable as Bishop Artemije has been a heroic figure standing up for justice and truth for his suffering Orthodox Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija. We are not privy to the issues between Bishop Artemije and the Holy Synod, but have heard many conflicting rumors. We pray that the issues between the Holy Synod and Bishop Artemije will be resolved fairly and quickly by the Holy Assembly of Bishops on their own ecclesiastical merits, independent of any and all extraneous considerations. We hope that at the conclusion of this process His Grace Bishop Artemije will be able to return as the head of his Diocese.
3. We are grateful to God and overjoyed that we finally, after so many years, are meeting together as clergy and parish representatives of one unified territorial diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Eastern America. May this unity in one Faith, one Church and one Lord never again be broken. We call on all our congregations to support our diocese and Bishop, to take seriously the faith and order of the Orthodox Church, and to work on implementing that order in the lives of their local communities.
Greetings to Bishops Georgije, Longin and Maxim
The annual Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, held at St. Sava Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio February 26-27, 2010 under the omophor of our Archpastor, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, extends its greetings to Your Grace and all our brothers and sisters of Your God-protected Diocese. We look forward to continuing with You and Your flock our common work of building up the Body of Christ in all its fullness in the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America. May God protect and preserve both You and Your flock, and grant You many years of dividing God’s truth. Eis polla eti, Despota!
Greeting to Met. Christopher
The annual Assembly of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America, held at St. Sava Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio February 26-27, 2010 under the omophor of our Archpastor, His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, extends its greetings to Your Eminence and all our brothers and sisters of Your God-protected Metropolitanate. We look forward to continuing with You and Your flock our common work of building up the Body of Christ in all its fullness in the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America. May God protect and preserve both You and Your flock, and grant You many years of dividing God’s truth. Eis polla eti, Despota!
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[Archived News] Friday, February 5, 2010
Elizabeth, NJ - On Wednesday, January 27, on the Serbian feast of the holy hierarch St. Sava, His Grace Jerome, Bishop of Manhattan (Russian Church Abroad), celebrated the Divine Liturgy in St. George Serbian Church in Elizabeth, NJ. Shortly before the greeting of Vladyka, the wonder-working Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God arrived at the church, accompanied by diocesan secretary Archpriest Serge Lukianov. A special and unexpected joy occurred in church: the genuine unity in Holy Orthodoxy of the Russian and Serbian peoples was tangible when, instead of the parish choir, the entire church sang the Divine Liturgy in Slavonic and Serbian.
His Grace was co-served by Archimandrite Athanasy (Mastalski; rector of the Church of Our Lady "Joy Of All Who Sorrow" in Philadelphia, PA), Fr. Serge, parish rector Archpriest Zoran Radovic, Priest Vladislav Radujkovic (cleric of St. Sava’s Cathedral in Manhattan), and deacons Dimitri Temidis (cleric of Holy Virgin Protection Church in Nyack, NY), Leonid Roschko (cleric of St. George’s Church in Howell, NJ), and Nathan Mousselli (cleric of St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Howell, NJ). Also praying in church were Archpriest George Zelenin (rector of St. Michael Church in Paterson, NJ) and the Hon. Branko Radosevic, Consul General of the Republic of Serbia in New York City, who came to share in the joyous festivities.
In his sermon, Bishop Jerome joyously noted how many festal events, or "Slavas," were coinciding that day: not only was it the feast of St. Sava, but also the Leavetaking of the Theophany, the feast of St. Nina, Equal-of-the-Apostles, and, due to the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee, also a fast-free Wednesday. Upon completion of the Liturgy, the Serbian "Slava," or traditional blessing of the kolach bread, was performed. After the reading of the prayers of the rite, the priests and the people lifted the round, decorated breads into the air and spun them, singing "Rejoice, O Isaiah." The deacons then proclaimed the polychronion to the newly elected Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and to all those present.
After the service, a bountiful luncheon was served in the parish hall, during which the parish children presented a beautiful repertoire of prayers and poems dedicated to the feast. On behalf of the parish school, Fr. Zoran presented the Consul General with a book on the life of St. Sava. Fr. Serge then presented the photomontage of the Kursk Icon’s visit to Russia in September.
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[Archived News] Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Belgrade, Serbia - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America served the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy today, the feast day of St. Sava the first archbishop of Serbia, at the St. Sava Church on Vracar in Serbia, together with His Grace Bishop Peter of Cleveland (Russian Church Abroad) and His Grace Bishop Atanasije, Vicar Bishop of Hvosno
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[Archived News] Wednesday, January 25, 2010
Carmichaels, PA - For the past eleven years, during the time the Holy Orthodox Church celebrates Theophany, parishioners of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels,Pennsylvania have traveled to the nearby Monongahela River for a brief service and blessing of the river.
Normally the weather is quite cold. Snow and ice have been common. This year on January 24, the outpouring of heavy rain seemed it would not end. Parishioners were resolute and didn’t hesitate to go to the river bank.
The hill approaching the river was quite muddy but the faithful went forth. At the riverside, members of St. George Choir under the direction of Sonia Janson assembled and heartily sang responses and did the festal readings.
Andrea Janson and Djelosh Milosevich have faithfully participated in the readings each year. This year they were joined by Stojan from Monroeville who read from his heart in Serbian language the reading from the Holy Prophet Isaiah.
Readings from the Holy Prophet Isaiah, the Holy Apostle Paul’s First Epistle to the Corinthians and the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark are part of the riverside service each year.
Meaningful verses from the Feast of Theophany remind believers in attendance of the manifestation of the Holy Trinity and of the importance of Christ in their lives.
The service at the river culminates with the troparion of the feast being sung and the placing of an ice cross into the river waters. The ice cross is made each year by Sonia Janson specifically for this purpose.
The Monongahela River touches and affects the lives of thousands of people. Everyone served and affected by the Mon River can benefit from the prayers of the Feast of Theophany and renewal in the Lord Jesus Christ.
The liturgical celebration of Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan and the resultant renewal initiated for believers begins with a forefeast and is an extensive celebration with an afterfeast lasting for several days.
The blessing of the Monongahela River has become an annual expectation and interest has grown. Following the river blessing, parishioners attend the Slava celebration of Executive Board President Stan Brozik.
Stan and his wife Karen celebrate the Synaxis of St.John the Baptist as their Slava. They host the faithful attending the river blessing. The Slava celebration is an added joy for parishioners and a fitting conclusion to the Mon River blessing.
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Saturday, January 23, 2010
Belgrade, Serbia - The act of the enthronement of the newly elected Holy Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci and Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, was performed today, on Saturday January 23, 2010, at the end of the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy at the Cathedral church in Belgrade.
Concelebrating with His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia were his brothers Bishops, priests and deacons, and also the representatives of Russian and Greek Church. The Holy Liturgy was attended by Apostolic Nuncio to Serbia Mr. Orlando Antonini, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Belgrade Stanislav Hocevar, Reis-ul-ulema of the Islamic Community of Serbia Adem ef. Zilkic; Serbian Mufti Muhamed ef. Jusufspahic, representatives of churches and religious communities in Serbia; Ms. Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic, Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Serbia; Mr. Mirko Cvetkovic, Prime Minister of the Government of theRepublic ofSerbia; Mr. Milorad Dodik, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Srpska; Crown Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic with his wife; prof. Dr. Bogoljub Sijakovic, Minister of Faith in the Serbian Government; Mr. Ivica Dacic, Minister of Internal Affairs in the Serbian Government; Mr. Dragan Djilas, mayor of Belgrade; Mr. Mladjan Djordjevic, assistant to the President of the Republic of Serbia; Mr. Dragan Curovic, state secretary at the Ministry of Faith in the Government of Serbia.
In the course of handing over the patriarchate insignia to Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral recalled the life, deeds and sacrifices of the previous Serbian Patriarchs. Metropolitan Amfilohije wished His Holiness to be a worthy successor to St. Sava and all the other his saints, the worthy and honorable predecessors.
His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia, in an initial sermon, he pointed out that today was a great day for not only him personally but also for our Church and our people, because Patriarch of Serbia always represented, before God and in history the fullness of his people, sharing its fate, its tragedies, but also its joy. His Holiness said that his heart flapped like a leaf in the wind, that he quivered with the consciousness and the knowledge before the question whether he was worthy of this high degree, honor and responsibility.
"So this time, my thought is directing to God, our Savior, Great Shepherd of the Church, who awarded me with goodness and grace of His" said Patriarch Irinej of Serbia."
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[Archived News] Wednesday, January 20, 2010
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[Archived News] Monday, January 18, 2010
Belgrade, Serbia - A festive celebration of Epiphany in the Archbishopric of Belgrade-Karlovac and Municipality of Cukarica will commence with the Divine Liturgies at churches of St. George and St. Petka on Cukarica at 8.30 am. At the church of St. Petka His Eminence Metropolitan Amfilohije of Montenegro and the Littoral, the Locum tenens of the Patriarchate throne, will serve with the concelebration of Their Graces Bishops Mitrofan of Eastern America and Atanasije of Hvosno.
Formal cross processions will start from the both churches around 10.45 and they will merge together before Ada Ciganlija, where an act of Blessing of Waters will be performed with lowering of the Precious Cross into the water. Following this there will be a traditional Epiphany Cross swimming competition for the Cross.
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[Archived News] Monday, January 18, 2010
Elizabeth, NJ - Protonamesnik Zoran Radovic together with the members of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey wishes to announce their new parish website page: www.stgeorgeelizabeth.org.
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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Shadeland, PA - With the Archpastoral Blessings of Diocesan Bishop, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, a number of clergy of the Eastern American Diocese came to St. Sava Camp- Shadeland, the location of the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God, for the Second Annual Clergy Gathering.
One priest coming for the first time said this was becoming a tradition and he wanted to be a part of the beginning. The Clergy Gathering offers clergy the opportunity to come to this beautiful holy site with their families for a few days.
The Clergy Gathering is conducted at a relaxed pace with dignity, decorum and prayer. Midnight Office, Matins and First Hour as well as Vespers are scheduled each day.
This year’s gathering began early on the afternoon of December 30, 2009 and continued until January 2, 2010. Many of the clergy and their families departed on January 1, 2010.
His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN came on the evening of December 31 for Vespers, the evening meal and to be with the attendees. His Grace spoke with the clergy about subjects of mutual interest.
Clergy and their families gathered this year and last year to strengthen their bonds through talking with each other about matters of particular interest and through recreational activities that build friendship and support for each other.
This year the following were in attendance, Father Djokan and Protinica Mirjana Majstorovic and their two children; Father Dragomir and Protinca Kristina Tuba and their five children; Father Rajko and Protinica Vera Kosic and their two children; Father Zivojin and Protinica Georgia Jakovljevic and their two children; Father Milovan and Popadija Tatiana Katanic and their five children; Father Miladin and Popadija Branca Blagojevich and their two children; Father Deacon Dragoslav and Djakonica Rosandra Kosic and their two children; and Dr. Darren and Holly Torbic and their five children.
Father Aleksandar and Protinica Vera Vlajkovich and their six children very much enjoyed the first Clergy Gathering. They were unable to attend this year but Father Aleksandar joined this gathering for a period of time through the internet.
The God-provided beautiful facilities at Shadeland engender the strengthening of professional and personal relationships. The God-provided beautiful facilities at Shadeland encourage thanksgiving to God for the many blessings received.
God-willing the Clergy Gathering will continue in future years with an increased amount of clergy families in attendance. “Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”(Ps.133:1)
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Shadeland, PA - With the Archpastoral Blessings of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, The Fourth Annual Eastern American Diocese Nativity Youth Retreat was held at St. Sava Camp-Shadeland on December 27-30, 2009.
The theme was “Let Everything that Breathes Praise the Lord!” Clergy talks, the preparation of icons, and singing reflected the theme.
Seventy-four campers between the ages of seven and seventeen attended. Additional younger children, clergy, counselors and volunteers brought the number in attendance to more than a hundred.
Interest and enthusiasm in the Nativity Youth Retreat has grown each year. The retreat schedule is full of activities of interest to the participants. The adults involved have the genuine interest of the youths at heart.
The youths arrived late Sunday afternoon. Brian Hayden conducted registration. The counselors fielded inquiries regarding dormitory location. Kolo Federation President Millie Radovick had her helpers preparing the evening meal.
The youths gathered in the chapel on Sunday evening for Vespers and then sat down for one of eight very-well prepared meals. Father Rade Merick conducted the “Ice-breaker” which involved everyone getting to know each other.
Following a brief review of basic rules, Father Milan Pajic organized the youths and put them to work preparing an icon they would take home that reflected the theme of the camp.
Father Rastko Trbuhovich and Father Rajko Kosic worked with the youths throughout the retreat to teach them music consistent with the theme.
On Sunday evening the youths watched a video portraying the monasteries of Meteora, “The Rocks of God.” Before the evening prayer, time was given for the youths to renew friendships and relax with each other.
The schedule for Monday and Tuesday had a basic structure with talks by clergy each morning following the morning prayers and breakfast. The afternoons were filled with recreation and structured learning activities.
Talks by clergy each morning were very well prepared and generated discussion and questions. On Monday morning Father Rade Merick spoke on the theme of “Liturgical Prayer”. Father Dejan Obradovic spoke on “Personal Prayer.”
On Tuesday morning, Father Rajko Kosic spoke on “”Praising God Through Our Way of Living and Treating Each Other.” Father Aleksa Pavichevich spoke on “Praising God by Caring for the Environment.
On Monday and Tuesday afternoons, the youths had the opportunity to go outside and enjoy the winter wonderland of Shadeland. They had periods of indoors games and learned to praise God through singing.
An enjoyable Bible verse game created by Vesna Meinert and used at each retreat from the very first one continues to be of value and shows youths can find enjoyment in working with Bible verses.
Father Pajic kept the youths busy completing the icons. Counselors overseeing activities included Steven Majstorovic, Nick Korach, Aleksa Ostojich, Zack Krieger, Dragana Masic, Mirjana Ruzicic and Danielle Vucelich.
Vespers were held on Monday and Tuesday evening. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN came as He does each year to visit and talk with the youths. His Grace enjoys the youths very much and they enjoy being with Him.
On Monday evening the youths watched a showing of the Funeral of +His Holiness Patriarch PAVLE. One Tuesday evening the youths watched the repentance theme monastery-based movie entitled “Ostrov.”
On Tuesday evening following Vespers, the youths went to the chapel for Confession in preparation for the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday. Each morning and evening and all meals began and concluded with prayers.
Father Dragomir Tuba was present throughout the retreat to lead prayers, to serve and to assist with activities. St. Archangel Michael Church from Akron had the largest number of youths in attendance. Youths from eighteen parishes were present. Some youths traveled from Chicago to participate.
Camp Director Father Zivojin Jakovljevic was present on Tuesday evening and Wednesday to help as the retreat moved to conclusion with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday morning.
The youths sang music learned during the retreat at the Divine Liturgy. The icons they prepared were blessed and later distributed for them to take home. Almost all of the youths received Holy Communion at the Divine Liturgy.
Father Rastko Trbuhovich preached about the Serbian martyrs Deacon Avvacum and Abbot Paisius at the Divine Liturgy.
In addition to the individuals already mentioned a large number of adult helpers were needed for the retreat to be a success. These helpers included the following: Protinica Kristina Tuba, Kolo Federation Vice-President Dee Dee Baskot, Elaine Vucelich, Zika and Slavica Markov, Nikola and Vukica Kracidinac, Zeljka Vignjevich, Cvijeta Tuba, Dusanka Kocacevic, and Mike Radovick. Olga Dimitrijevich did her share of work in preparing the pogacas in advance of the retreat.
Having a corps of enthusiastic and dependable Christians is vital to the success of the retreat. The clergy, the Kolo members, the counselors, and the adult volunteers all make a necessary and special contribution.
Scott and Laurie Felix, caretakers of St. Sava Camp also deserve mention as they work in advance and throughout the retreat to ensure the physical facilities are well-prepared and tended.
The atmosphere is healthy for the youths and is safe. St. Sava Camp-Shadeland is a wonderful place for youths to experience Orthodox Christianity.
Father Rodney Torbic
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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cleveland, OH - The Serbian community of Cleveland had the opportunity to welcome a Serbian delegation during the month of December. USAID sponsored 10 visitors on an exchange program from Serbia. Upon receiving over 60 applications 10 visitors were chosen which best represented the Waste Management and Recycling industry of Serbia. This group represented many areas of Serbia including Belgrade, Krusevac, Valjevo and Pirot. Our visitors hold various titles including; Planning and Analysis Manager, Head of Public Utility Affairs, Recycling Center Manager and Head of Economic Development Department.
The delegation had a full three weeks of training and exposure to area facilities. The delegation was welcomed by Mr. George Brown, community liaison for Senator Voinovich’s Cleveland Office. Mr. Brown spoke on the Senator’s work in the U.S. Congress in relation to promoting Public Works Committee (EPW), Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee. They also visited the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District, the Cleveland State University computer lab, the Ohio EPA Office of Twinsburg, the company New Wave Plastics LLC, Republic Services and many more. They had a full schedule of a week of class work and presentations followed by two weeks of on hands experience at various waste management facilities.
This delegation was welcomed to the Serbian community by many host families including the Sokolovic, Batkovic, and Damljanovic families. Fr. Zivojin Jakovljevic and his family invited the entire delegation to their Slava, Sv. Nikola, which made our guests feel very welcome. The delegation was fortunate to visit many tourist sites as well including, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum, they attended a Cavs game, drove through the Serbian cultural garden, and visited our local Serbian churches. The visitors were presented with gifts from the community including an icon of St. Budimir of Dobrun (Sokolovic) and a SSS Njegos Christmas CD.
The delegation had a gracious send off by the Serbian community of Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Damljanovic planned an event to send off the guests. On December 18th the reception was held at St. Sava Cathedral reception hall which was filled with many local Serbs who came to meet and greet these special guests. Mira Damljanovic was asked to emcee of the evening as she and her husband are committee members of the International Community Council (ICC). This couple were appointed to this position in 2002 and have remained active in the international community of Cleveland, proudly representing the greater Serbian community. They are active in working with several groups to strengthen our connection to Serbia and support many exchange programs through the government and other supporting organizations. The Damljanovic couple is also the official writers for the Mosaic blog of the Cleveland Plain Dealer, representing the mosaic of ethnicity in Cleveland.
Cleveland is a great multi ethnic community representing over 120 countries. There is a vast pool of immigrants in the greater Cleveland area and they work together through the ICC. The host families were thanked for sharing their home and opening their doors to strangers whom have now become part of their extended families.
Prominent community figures were represented at the event at St. Sava hall including Mr. Alex Machaskee. He welcomed the visitors and spoke briefly on their work and educational experience during the past three weeks. Prof. Branimir Simic-Glavaski also spoke about the wonderful education in Serbia and the experiences he has had as a professor at CWRU with many talented Serbian engineers.
Mrs. Damljanovic introduced the 10 visitors and they spoke about themselves and gave a presentation on their work and the land of Serbia. The audience was taken by the gifted group and a question and answer period followed. The dinner prepared was delicious and Mr. Svele Nikolic was thanked for not only his work in the kitchen but, for sponsoring the event!
We are thankful that we live in a multi cultural city and that we have many international visitors especially from Serbia. The Serbian community was thanked by the Cleveland Council on World Affairs for bringing together such a memorable event!
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