2012 Archived News

[Archived News] Monday, November 19, 2012

Church Slava Celebrated in Columbus

Columbus, OH - The St. Stevan of Dechani Serbian Orthodox Church in Columbus celebrated their Church Slava on Sunday, November 18th 2012. His Grace Bishop Mitrofan, assisted by parish priest Fr. Isak Kisin, served the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, which was followed with the blessing of the Slava Kolac and Koljivo.

At the beginning of the Divine Liturgy His Grace Bishop Mitrofan tonsured and ordained 9 Readers. Following the Service a Slava luncheon was prepared in the social hall by the Circle of Serbian Sisters and St. George Brotherhood for everyone in attendance. During the luncheon the parish priest, Fr. Isak, for his faithful pastoral work, was elevated to the dignified rank of Protonamesnik by His Grace Bishop Mitrofan.

Congratulations to Protonamesknik Fr. Isak! God grant him many years!

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[Archived News] Thursday, November 22, 2012

St George Lorain shares their blessings this Thanksgiving

“O give thanks unto the LORD,for He is good;
for His mercy endures forever.” ~ Psalm 118:1

Lorain, OH - This Thanksgiving Saint George Serbian Orthodox Church gave thanks to God by sharing their blessings with their local Lorain community. 8 members of the parish, including Fr Aleksa Pavichevich and his mother Barbara Pavichevich, Kim and Kata Malobabic, Kathy and Farrah Fritsch, and Dee Dee and Anna Tumbas donated their time this Holiday season serving dinner at the Haven Shelter.

The Haven Shelter, part of the Neighborhood Alliance, is the only 24 hour emergency shelter in Lorain County. They usually house around 60 individuals, including families with young children.  As a temporary emergency shelter they work hard to transition clients into housing and to work.

After food was served, members of St George Church sat down and enjoyed dinner with 30 of the 51 current clients at the Haven Shelter. Fr Aleksa was blessed to have a conversation with Gary, a US Air Force veteran currently in-between homes. Gary spent one semester at seminary before being drafted in 1964.  He spent the next few years in France before being shipped to Libya during the Arab-Israeli War of 1967.

Another member of the community, known as “Pope”, recently moved into the facility and was hoping only to be there for a short time. The two youngest at the dinner, Jesus (8) and Clarissa (6), were very excited for the diverse selection of deserts and pies.

Thanks be to God for  to those who served the food at Haven, and thanks also to the many families at St George Parish who cooked trays of food and extra turkeys as they prepared for their family Thanksgiving celebrations.

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[Archived News] Monday, November 19, 2012

Cincinnati Parishioner Celebrates 90th Birthday
Cincinnati, OH - On November 18th, 2012, we were blessed with another beautiful day to enjoy God’s Creation. A moderately warm day for the middle of November, the fresh air and clear blue skies above Cincinnati, OH added to the celebration of one long-standing parishioner of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church. Mrs. Jennie Pjanic enjoyed her 90th birthday on November 15! During Divine Liturgy Jennie took Confession and received Holy Communion!

Born Eugina George, Jennie is the eldest of two daughters of Romanian immigrants John and Eva, who wanted a better life for their children. She was baptized at St. George Romanian Orthodox Church in Cincinnati, OH and is the mother of two daughters, Georgia and Eva. Jennie worked for over 50 years in the dry cleaning business. In 1975, Jennie met her husband, Mirko Pjanic, who was a Tutor at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church. Jennie and Mirko were married for 29 years before he fell asleep in the Lord. In addition to Georgia and Eva, Jennie has two step-children, Mike Pjanic of Minnesota and Marilyn Davenport of Montgomery, OH. She has also been blessed with seven grandchildren: Bruce, Brian, Travis, Matthew, Christina, James, and Sava.

Jennie has been a parishioner at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church for 37 years and still counting! She is the oldest living parishioner of the parish. In these past 37 years, one could always find her working in the kitchen, cleaning in the church, as well as fellowshipping and establishing friendships with her brothers and sisters in Christ. Jennie also worked as Vice President of KSS (Kolo Srpske Sestara – Circle of Serbian Sisters) within St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, which was the first Kolo organized in the United States. Following Divine Liturgy, Very Reverend Petar Petrovic awarded Jennie with a Certificate of Gratitude for her contributions to the Church.

After Diving Liturgy, Jennie and her family celebrated with many parishioners in the fellowship hall, where her daughter Eva prepared delicious dishes, including the Balkan favorite, “sarmale (Romanian) or sarma (Serbian)”. As the Certificate of Gratitude states:

Jennie Pjanic

is awarded this Certificate of Gratitude for her 37 years of membership, financial  support, personal devotion, appreciation, exceptional and unselfish service for the betterment and prosperity of our Holy Church and Circle of Serbian Sisters; for her realization of God’s words, “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” [Gal: 6-9]. Happy 90th Birthday and may God continue to bless you for many more years!

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[Archived News] Friday, November 16, 2012

Eastern Diocese Seminar on The Crisis of Marriage in Today’s Society  

Shadeland, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN is committed to continued education seminars for clergy of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Seminars have been held for clergy on a regular basis since at least October 1993 when +Very Re v. Stavrofor  Dr. Nedeljko Grgurevich was the featured speaker.

The topics and speakers at the seminars have focused on the priesthood, issues concerning parish life and advancing the Gospel of Christ. Ecumenism, Holy Confession, cremation, abortion, prisons ministries, marriage and family life, medical ethics, organ donation, church music, church history, missions and Svetosavjle in North America have been among the various topics. Clergy from with the Serbian Orthodox Church as well as from the Greek Orthodox and Antiochian Orthodox Churches have been featured speakers.

Since 2008, the seminars have been held at the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery, in Shadeland. The completion of the monastery church and upgrading of dormitory facilities at St. Sava Camp provide an excellent atmosphere conducive for the holding of seminars.

The seminar this year was held on November 12-13, 2012. The schedule began with Vespers on Monday evening, a dinner and then a period discussion.

The theme for the seminar was “The Crisis of Marriage in Today’s Society.” The featured speaker was Very Rev. Dr. Alexandar Atty, Dean of  St.Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary.

During the discussion period of Monday evening, Father Atty  described his experiences as a parish priest in Kentucky. He was in the same parish for a period of thirty years. The parish grew from an initial two hundred to a thousand parishioners. Church services were held on a daily basis. A wide range of ministry programs including residential were located on the church property that eventually grew to have a campus with twelve buildings.

On Tuesday morning, Matins began early and was followed by the Hours and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. During the liturgy, His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN ordained Protodeacon Milan Medakovich as a presbyter. The newly ordained Father Milan was overjoyed. Father Milan has served in many different parishes, at Monastery Marcha, the Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of  God and St. Nikodim Chapel during the long period of  his service as a deacon.    This was the second ordination since the completion of the monastery church. Clergy in attendance sharing in the joy of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and ordination represented parishes from six different states. Seven priests served with His Grace in addition to Father Medakovich. Priests in attendance along with Milovan Jovanovic and Milan Damjanovic sang the responses.

Father Atty’s  featured presentation took place after the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. The Diocesan clergy assembled with His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN and listened with great attentiveness as the speaker addressed the crisis of marriage in contemporary life. Father Atty spoke about the priest being married to his wife and to his parish. He described the Bishop as being married to the Diocese. Love was emphasized as the basic factor in the life of the priest in the home and in the parish. Father Atty cited the great importance necessary in reaching out to non-Orthodox spouses in mixed marriages. The high divorce rate in this country and the necessity of reaching out to young people especially those in college received due attention in the presentation.

Father Atty identified stresses in marriage including finances, illness and job loss. Internet use was described as a source of problems for some marriages. Father Atty emphasized preparation for marriage with couples. Couples planning to marry need to focus on the Church’s understanding of marriage and life in the Church not simply on externals of the wedding ceremony.  Couples living together prior to marriage and the unacceptability of same –sex marriage were also issues discussed.  The speaker said the priest is to set an example. Numerous times during the talk Father Atty gave great credit to his wife for her helpfulness to him. Father Atty said the priest’s job is to make people holy and love is the main ingredient of the priesthood. Father Atty was applauded at the conclusion of his presentation.

Diocesan Clergy attending the seminar  in addition to the newly ordained Father Milan Medakovich included: Father Dragoljub Malich, Father Stevan Stepanov, Father Dragan Filipovic, Archimandrite Leontije(Alvana), Father Rastko Trbuhovich, Father Rade Merick ,Father Vladimir Demshuck, Father Stevo Rocknage,  Father Djordje  Melieusnic, Father Rodney Torbic, Father Milan Krstic, Father Aleksandar Vlajkovic, Father Rajko Kosic, Father Djokan Mastorovic, Father Zivojin Jakovljevic,  Father Milovan Katanic, Father Dejan Obradovic,Father Milorad Orlic, Father Mijoljub Matic, Father Isak Kisin, Father Milan Pajic, Father Dragan Zaric, Father Dragoslav Kosic, Father Dragan Goronjic and Father Christopher Rocknage. Father Daniel Rohan attended the seminar as did seminarians: Reader Gabriel Monfork, Jesse  Dominick, Paul McDonald and Michael Lillie.  Protinica Victoria Trbuhovich accompanied Father Rastko Trbuhovich from Lackawanna, New York. Father Dragan Zaric’s family accompanied him from Johnstown, Pennsylvania including Popadija  Zaric and their two young  sons.

A selection of books and items from the Diocesan bookstore were available for the clergy.

His Grace was very grateful and warmly thanked Archpriest Dr. Atty for his presentation. His Grace also was very appreciative for the Diocesan clergy for coming to the seminar, the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and for being together at the dinner. His Grace expressed gratitude to the highly dedicated Kolo members Martha Springborn and Sonia Janson for preparing the plentiful food for the seminar. The clergy joined in applause for Martha and Sonia.  Protinica Trbuhovich assisted the Kolo members with the meals and she, too, was thanked for her assistance. The Eastern and Region Kolo Federation with President Millie Radovick and Vice-President Dee Dee Baskot has provided the meals for the seminars since they have been held at Shadeland.  Shadeland  Caretaker Scott and Lorrie Felix were on hand to make sure the facilities were ready for the seminar attendees and were available for assistance when needed.

Clergy representing parishes in seven states were in attendance and found the seminar to be beneficial.

In concluding remarks, His Grace identified the family as the nucleus. His Grace said the clergy need to continue to proclaim the Gospel teachings about marriage along with the understanding of marriage according to Holy Apostle Paul and the Holy Fathers of the Church.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bishop Mitrophan at Greek Monastery

Saxonburg, PA - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan visited the Greek Orthodox Monastery of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in Saxonburg on Monday, October 22, 2012 during the visit of the "Hawaiian" Myrrhstreaming Iveron Icon. 

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[Archived News] Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Eastern Diocese Celebrates Chapel Slava

Mars, PA - On Saturday, September 8, 2012 His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in honor of St. Nikodim, archbishop of Serbia the Slava of the Diocesan chapel at the episcopal residence in Mars, a suburb of Pittsburgh.

Concelebrating with the bishop were V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragoljub Malich, the Episcopal Deputy, V. Rev. Stavrophor Srboljub Jockovich, the dean of the Washington Deanery, V. Rev. Stevan Stepanov, the dean of the Pittsburgh Deanery, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dr. Rodney Torbic, Director of Christian Education, V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Rocknage, parish priest in McKeesport and V. Rev. Stavrophor Milan Krstic parish priest in Midland.

At the chanter's stand were V. Rev. Rajko Kosic, parish priest in Pittsburgh and Milovan Jovanovic, theology graduate and diocesan secretary.

The Epistle was read by theology graduate Branislav Gojic, who is currently serving as diocesan clerk.

Following the prayer before the ambon the Slava Kolach was blessed, prepared by the Diocesan Kolo Sestara led by president Millie Radovic.

The children in attendance turned the Slava Kolach who served, per the request of the bishop, as Slava kumovi.

At the end of the service His Grace Bishop Mitrophan awarded V. Rev. Adam Yontich the right to wear the pectoral cross. His Grace mentioned the work of Fr. Adam which included twenty-five years as chaplain and a member of the Serbian delegation during the Dayton Peace Conference not to mention as active parish priest of a number of our parishes.

Even though he is retired he continues, despite his health conditions, to make himself available in the diocese in whatever parish he is needed.

In his archpastoral homily His Grace Bishop Mitrophan stressed the need to come to church and to live an evangelic life, following the example of St. Nikodim and all the Saints of the church.

An agape meal was served afterward. Due to the rainy weather conditions the meal was served indoors and not under the tent which had been set up especially for this day.

After the agape meal His Grace Bishop Mitrophan led the meeting of the Shadeland Committee.

V. Rev. Srboljub Jockovich

Слава Епархијске Капеле у Источноамеричкој Епархији

Марс, Пенсилванија - У суботу септембра 8. Његово Преосвештенство Епископ источноамерички господин Др. Митрофан служио је свету архијерејску литургију  у част Св.Никодима Архиепископа српског слави параклиса епархиске резиденције у Марсу у околини Питзбурга.

Саслуживали су архијерсјки заменик протојереј ставрофор Драгољуб Малић, архијересјки намесник вашингтонски протојереј ставрофор Србољуб Јоцковић, архјерејски намесник питсбуршки пртојереј ставрофор Стеван Степанов,директор  одбора за верско образовање протојереј ставрофор  др. Раде Торбић, парох мекиспротски протојереј ставрофор Стеван Рокнић, парох мидландски протојереј ставрофор Милан Крстић и протођакон Милан Медаковић.

За певницом су одговарали протојереј Рајко Косић парох питсбуршки и дипломирани теолог и службеник епархије Милован Јовановић са присутним народом .

Апостол је читао  дипломирани теолог Бранислав Гојић службеник епархиске канцеларије.

После замвоне молитве пререзан је славски колач и освећено је славско жито које су припремиле чланице Епархиског Кола Сестара са председницом Мили Радовић.

Присутна дечица су окретала славски колач, који су по жељи Његовог преосвештенства еипскопа др.Митрофана, били најмилији гости и кумови епархиске славе.

Његово преосвештенство епископ др.Митрофан на крају свете архијерејске литургије одликовао је протојереја Адама Јонтића правом ношења напрасног крста.

Нагласивши заслуге проте Адама који је провео двадест пет година као војни свештеник америчке авијације и који је био духовник српске делегације за време Дејтонске  Мировне Конференције и био активни парох на неколико наших парохија .  

Прота Адам иако у пензији и даље је активан и поред свог нарушеног здравља увек је спреман да помогне иде и служи где год  су потребе наше епархије, нагласио је Његово преосвештенство еипскоп др.Митрофан.

У својој архипастирској беседи  Његово преосвештенство епископ др.Митрофан подвукао  је потребу да долазимо у цркву и  живимо јеванђелским животом угледају ћи се на Светог Никодима архиепископа српског као и на све светитеље цркве православне.

После свете архијерејске литургјије приређена је трпеза љубави на којој су били присутни сви свештеници као и потпредесник епархиског управног одбора Раде Мрвош и епархиски благајник Милан Вишњић.

Због кише прослава је уприличена у унутрашњим просторијама епархије место  под шатором испред резиденције која је специјано за ову прилику
направљена .

После трпезе љубави Његово преосвештенство еипскоп др.Митрофан је учествовао у раду Одбора за Шејдланд епрахиског имања од 1300 ха.

На коме се налази Дечије летовалиште и манстир Успења Пресвете Богородице са прекрасном ново освећеном црквом .  

О.Србољуб Јоцковић

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[Archived News] Saturday, August 18, 2012

Parastos in Memory of Metropolitan +Christopher of Blessed Repose

Hermitage, PA - A two year parastos was given by Mrs. Valerie Backo and family on Saturday, August 18, 2012 in memory of Metropolitan +Christopher of blessed memory.

Metropolitan Christopher, who served as bishop of the Diocese of Eastern America for over a decade, passed away on the eve of Transfiguration at his episcopal residence in Libertyville in 2010.

May the Lord grant him eternal memory.

Born in Galveston, Texas, and baptized Velimir Kovacevich, the future Metropolitan Christopher was the ninth of twelve children of Serbian immigrant parents. After graduation from high school, he attended Nashotah House and graduated from St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Seminary in Libertyville, Illinois. After marriage, he was ordained to the Diaconate and Priesthood. Continuing his education, he earned a B.A. (Philosophy), Master of Letters (History) at the University of Pittsburgh; the Master of Divinity from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology in Brookline, Massachusetts, and completed courses and examinations for the doctorate at the Chicago Theological Seminary.

Father Velimir ministered to parishes in Pennsylvania and in Chicago, also serving as chaplain to four universities. He assisted his parishes to become bilingual in their worship and education programs. As a priest, he served as spiritual father, counselor, youth worker, administrator, educator, and, above all, in priestly ministry at the Holy Altar. Widowed in 1970, he is the father of four, as well as the grandfather of nine.

Elevated to the episcopate in 1978 by the Assembly of Bishops in Belgrade and tonsured with the monastic name of Christopher, he became the first American-born bishop to serve a diocese of his church in North America. As Bishop of Eastern America and Canada, he soon developed a diocesan-wide program in religious education. Active also in ecumenism, he has served on the joint commission of Orthodox and Roman Catholic bishops and on the Orthodox-Lutheran dialogue, and has represented his church at high levels in both the National and World Councils of Churches. In 1991, he was elevated to the rank of Metropolitan, thereby becoming Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S. and Canada.

May the Lord our God grant blessed repose and eternal rest to His Eminence Metropolitan Christopher.

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[Archived News] Friday, August 17, 2012

Parish Seminar Focuses on Individuals with Disabilities

Carmichaels, PA - With the Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Sixth Annual Healthcare Day Seminar was held on August 9, 2012 at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. The Parish Nurse’s Office celebrates St. Panteleimon as the Nurse’s Office Patronal Feast.   

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN officiated at the Hierachical Divine Liturgy and blessed the Slava Kolac and Koljivo. Living and departed parishioners working in the healthcare field were remembered as part of the service.

Protopresbyter Stavrofor Rodney Torbic, Reverend Father Robert Popichak, Very Reverend Protodeacon Milan Medakovic and Reverend Deacon Sinisa Duvnjak served with His Grace. St. George Choir Director Sonia Janson was present to provide the responses with Protinica Victoria Trbuhovich participating.

The seminar program was coordinated by Parish Nurse Practitioner Millicent Mitzie Hunchuck. The theme for this year’s seminar was “Focusing on Individuals with Disabilities.’ Greene County First Assistant District Attorney Linda Chambers spoke on “Legal Issues-Americans with Disabilities Act.”   Parent, Special Education Teacher and Seminary graduate Protinica Victoria Trbuhovich  spoke on “Parenting and Teaching Individuals with Disabilities.” Speech Therapist Jennifer Kornick spoke on “Overcoming Disabilities: A Rehab Perspective.”  Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Mitzie Hunchuck spoke on “Emotional Mental and Physical Disabilities.” Social worker Subdeacon Anthony Miralles spoke on “Services for Individuals with Disabilities.”Father Rodney Torbic spoke on “Looking at Disabilities from a Religious Perspective.”

An Akathtist to St.Panteleimon was served at the conclusion of the seminar. The continental breakfast and lunch for the program was provided by the St. George Kolo.

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN honored and blessed the parish by serving the Divine Liturgy and participating in the seminar. His Grace also officiated at the blessing of the Fayette Emergency Medical Services ambulance. His Grace encouraged that further seminars to be held because of the multitude of contemporary issues existing. He thanked speakers, the participants and all working for the seminar.

The blessing of ambulances began in 1999 and has continued each year since. The practice was initiated to express appreciation to emergency medical workers and to recognize the importance of their work. Eventually, Healthcare Day became the Nurse’s Office Slava(Patronal Feast) and a dinner and program were added.  All areas of healthcare are recognized and parishioners working in the field or having worked in the field are prayed for. Six years ago the first Healthcare Day Seminar was held.

Mr. Rick Adobato, Fayette EMS Director has consistently provided an ambulance for blessing during the past fourteen years on Healthcare Day. Neal Packett and Rich Watson staffed the Fayette EMS ambulance this year. Appreciation was expressed to Mr. Adobato, Mr. Packett and Mr. Watson and their coworkers for the vital services they provide throughout the year. On more than one occasion, parishioners have been in need of ambulance services. Parishioners have been transported in ambulances that were blessed or by a driver who had been at the ambulance blessing.

Very Reverend Lt.Col. Adam Yonitich, Reverend Father Fred and Matushka Kathy Phiel and Reverend Father Larry Daniels were in attendance as were Abbess Mother Ana and Sister Anastasia from Monastery Marcha. Additional attendees during the day included: Brother Tom Sommerfield, Dr. Natalie Pavolovich, Patricia Cekoric, Anna Miscovich, Amelia Damiano, Natalie Vuick, Cheryl Calvert, Sandy Rantovich, Tom Kornick, Melva Hunchuck, Norma, Anya and Ksenije Hickman, Ana Mae Knezovich, Dorothy Smargie, Anita Andrade, Carlos and Edith Godbey, Diana Brozik  and Bernard John.  Protinica Victoria’s sister Stephanie McNichols accompanied her from Lackawanna, New York. Dr. Ezekiel Olagoke and Richard Porter were present at the Divine Liturgy.

The seminar participants in addition to the clergy, monastics and interested individuals had professional backgrounds in law, nursing, education, social work, drug and alcohol treatment, medical technology, medical emergency services and medical rehab services.

The annual seminars provide a careful and extensive look at healthcare issues from various perspectives. The Healthcare Day is a way to recognize the important contributions made by individuals working in healthcare. Thanks to God, His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN and all participants in this seminar.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Friday, August 17, 2012

Diocesan Day 2012

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[Archived News] Friday, August 10, 2012

Eastern Diocesan Day 2012

Shadeland, PA - With the blessings of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan the Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Eastern America will celebrate its annual Diocesan Day on Sunday, August 12.

Each year the Eastern Ameican Diocese holds a diocesan reunion which brings together clergy and faithful from all over the Diocese for a day of prayer and fellowship around their bishop and archpastor. Taking place at the Most Holy Mother of God Monastery and St. Sava Camp at Shadeland, Pennsylvannia, the even is a great opportunity to see old friend and make new ones, to enjoy the beauty of God's creation, and to thank Him for it.

The day will begin at 10am with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy served by His Grace and most of the Diocese's clergy. Responses will be sung by the campers of St. Sava Camp Shadeland and the congregation. The liturgy will take place in the monastery church, which was completed and consecrated at Diocese Day two years ago. The church is a testament to the faith of the Serbian Orthodox people and beautiful addition to the monastery facilities.

A traditional Serbian picnic will follow the liturgy, featuring barbequed lamb and lots of great food from the kitchen thanks to teh efforts of the Diocesan Kolo Sisters. Picnickers may use the spacious shelter or tents provided for the day, or just camp out on the lawn. Please note that this event is for the benefit of our St. Sava Camp Shadeland. Guests are respectfully asked to refrain from bringing coolers, food or drink from outside. We have plenty for everyone!

A program will include a short talk on a spiritual topic of interest and a performance by the St. Sava Camp Folklore Group. Diocese Day is the culmination of Folklore Week at the Camp, and the campers always put on an outstanding performance of Serbian song and dance. It is something not to be missed.

Serbian music for listening and dancing will go on into the evening by the group Dijamante from Cleveland featuring Ranko Stankovich.

Shadeland itself is a wonderful place to spend a summer afternoon. Its 1300 acres of rolling hills include woodlands and fields, hiking trails, a lake for fishing and boating and much more. Of special interest to many will be the new camp facilities and other improvements begin made to the property over the past several years. The most recent improvements have been the completion of a new soccer field and renovation of the storage barn. This investment in Shadeland has made it a year-round destination for church activities, including retreats and conferences. Parishes are welcome to make arrangements to use the facilities for their own groups as well.

To allow as many of the clergy and faithful as possible to participate in Diocesan Day, most parish churches in the diocese will be closed that day. Parishes are encouraged to charter buses or make other transportation arrangements to help as many faithful as possible to attend.

Shadeland is located in northwestern Pennsylvania on PA Route 18, south of Erie and between Conneautville and Albion. It is an eay drive from Northeast Ohio and from the Pittsburgh and Buffalo areas.

Please join His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan and our diocesan family from Eastern Diocesan Day at St. Sava Camp Shadeland August 12th. 

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[Archived News] Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Warren Parish Celebrates Church Slava

Warren, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan made an archpastoral visit to the St. Elijah the Prophet Serbian Orthodox Church in Warren, Ohio on Sunday, July 29, 2012. His Grace officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on the occasion of the parish patronal feast day celebration of St. Elijah the Prophet.

Assisting His Grace, the bishop, at the holy altar were V. Rev. Dragan Zaric from Charlotte, North Carolina and Rev. Dragan Goronjic, the administrator of this small parish. Also serving were Protodeacon Milan Medakovich and Hierodeacon Constantine from St. Tikhon's Monastery.

The Slava Kolach was blessed following the Divine Liturgy and a Slava luncheon was served in the church hall. 

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[Archived News] Monday, July 30, 2012

Monastery Slava in Richfield

Richfield, OH -
With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America Monastery Marcha, located between the Cleveland and Akron parishes in Northeast Ohio, celebrated their Monastery Slava, St. Archagel Gabriel, on Saturday, July 28, 2012.

Bishop Mitrophan officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy with the concelebration of local diocesan clergy: V. Rev. Archimandrite Leontije from the nearby St. Mark's Monastery, V. Rev. Djordje Mileusnic, V. Rev. Rodney Torbic and V. Rev. Zivojin Jakovljevic, the newly appointed Dean of the Cleveland Deanery. Also serving were Protodeacon Milan Medakovic and Hierodeacon Constantine from St. Tikhon's Monastery. Other clergy in attendance were V. Rev. Milovan Katanic.

In his homily the bishop spoke beautifully and lovingly of the church being our house. He evoked a story of a incident when a bishop consecrated a church in Serbia. And there was an older man there who came to the bishop and exclaimed, "Thank you, Your Grace, for building my house." The bishop replied that he didn't build it for him but for everyone. The man answered and said if you built it for everyone it means you built it for me as well. It's a place, our bishop continued, where we can come anytime and we don't have to worry whether there will be anyone there who will kick us out. But especially it's a place we can come to when we go through the most difficult moments in our life. His Grace called upon all those present and everyone in this diocese to treat this monastery as their home and to visit it.

An agape meal followed.

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[Archived News] Friday, July 27, 2012

In Memoriam:
V. Rev. Stavrophor Sinisa Jocic

The Diocesan office of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church has just received news that V. Rev. Stavrophor Sinisa Jocic passed away in the Lord in the early hours of Friday, July 27, 2012.

Having retired a few years ago Fr. Sinisa left the last parish he served, St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and returned to his hometown of Paracin in Serbia.  He was also parish priest at St. Sava Cathedral in New York City.

The Requiem Divine Liturgy and Burial service is scheduled for Saturday, July 28, 2012 in Paracin, Serbia.

May God grant Fr. Sinisa memory  eternal in His Kingdom. Вечнаја памјат!

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[Archived News] Monday, July 23, 2012

Храмовна слава у Атланти

Атланта, Џорџија - Овог јула парохијани Српске Православне Цркве у Атланти, са својим свештеником о. Миладином Благојевићем свечано су прославили храмовну славу уз још једну додатну дозу радости више, јер  је ова парохија од 28. јуна ове година, постала власник новог црквеног имања намењеног за изградњу новог храма. Посебну радост, и благодарност дугујемо нашем Преосвећеном Владици, Г. Митрофану, који нас је посетио,  чинодејствовао на вечерњем богослужењу, у суботу 14.ог и у недељу 15.ог јула  на Светој Архијерејској Литургији, причестио многобројни народ и присуствовао нашем лепом дружењу. Светим богослужењима саслуживали су и следећи свештеници: Протојереј Стеван Зеремба из Сент Питерсбурга, протојереј Драган Зарић из Шарлота, јереј Драгослав Косић из Гринсбора и јереј Станислав Крављача из Џексонвила. Они су својим дивним гласовима , пратећи вечерњу службу у суботу остварили дивну атмосферу духовности и лепоту православног богослужења.  После вечерњег богослужења, послужена је вечера и почело је лепо дружење, а напоменимо да је тог дана у суботу 14.ог одржан и II Петровдански турнир у фудбалу у организацији фудбалског клуба “Обилић” из Атланте.

У недељу 15. јула Свету Архијерејску Литургију служио је Његово Преосвештенство Владика Митрофан уз саслужење свих присутних свештеника, а затим је на веома свечан начин у присуству многобројних верника, а посебно деце извршен обред сечења славског колача и освећења кољива. Кумови су били наши угледни млади парохијани Јелена и Родољуб Собо, са једногодишњим сином Новаком. Нека их Господ благослови и подари здравље и срећу! После ручка коју су припремиле чланице Кола српских сестра и чланови црквеног одбора, за све присутне (преко 250) одржан је програм који су извели гости и домаћини. Гости су били чланови културно уметничког друштва “Српски бисер” из Сент Питерсбурга који су изводили најлепше народне игре из свих српских крајева.

Домаћини су госте поздравили са Етно групом која је извела старе изворне српске песме, а фолклорна група је веома лепо и успешно одиграла сплет српских народних игара. Читав програм пропраћен је овацијама, одушевљењем и честиткама извођачима и трудбеницима који су их припремили. Искрена захвалност од свих присутних који су имали то задовољство да их гледају и чују.

Присутним се обратио Преосвећени Владика који се домаћинима захвалио на гостопримству и честитао им куповину прелепог новог земљишта, уз жеље да на њему у скорашњој будућности подигну цркву. Гостима се обратила  млада Тања Билаковић која је била водитељица програма и која је  овом приликом својој цркви на дар поклонила икону Пресвете Богородица коју је само иконописала. У име грађевинског фонда госте је поздравила наша парохијанка госпођа Вера Воткинс која је указала на значај прикупљања прилога за изградњу цркве. Многи присутни су одмах дали свој прилог. Хвала Свима. Зрно по зрно погача, долар по долар, уз помоћ Божију и добру вољу  саградићемо цркву у славу Господњу и за нараштаје који долазе.

Јованка Лончарић

Church Slava in Atlanta

Atlanta, GA - The Serbian Orthodox Church in Atlanta celebrated their Church Slava together with all parishioners and their parish priest Fr. Miladin Blagojevic with an added joy as this parish, as of June 28th, became the owner of new church property, which will be used for the construction of a new church. We owe special gratitude  to His Grace Bishop Mitrophan, who visited us and who took part in the Vespers service on Saturday July 14th and officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Sunday July 15th. Other clergy in attendance were: V. Rev. Stevan Zeremba from St. Petersburg, V. Rev. Dragan Zaric from Charlotte, Rev. Dragoslav Kosic from Greensboro  and Rev. Stanislav Kravljača from Jacksonville. They enriched the evening service on Saturday with their beautiful voices and made a wonderful atmosphere of spirituality and beauty of Orthodox worship. After the evening service, the dinner was served which followed with fellowship.  Of particular note is that on Saturday the second annual St. Peter and Paul soccer tournament took place, organized by the soccer club, "Obilic" from Atlanta.

After the Divine Liturgy on Sunday Bishop Mitrophan, with the concelebration of all visiting priests and in the presence of all the little children, cut the Slava Kolach and blessed the Koljivo. Kumovi were the prominent young parishioners Jelena and Rodoljub Sobo, with their son Novak. May God bless them and grant them health and happiness! After lunch, which was prepared by the Circle of Serbian sisters and members of the church board for all attendees (over 250,) a special cultural program was prepared and performed by our guests and hosts. Guests included members of the Cultural and Artistic Association "Serbian Pearls" from St. Petersburg who performed the most beautiful folk dances from all Serbian lands.

The hosts welcomed their guests, among which was an Ethno-group who performed the original old Serbian songs, and a folklore group who danced a combination of Serbian folk dances very nicely and successfully. The entire program was accompanied by standing ovations, and enthusiastic congratulations for the performers and the hard-working people who were in charge of preparing them. Sincere gratitude to all those present who had the pleasure to watch and listen to the performers.

The attendees were addressed by the Bishop who thanked the hosts for their hospitality and congratulated them on the purchase of the wonderful new property and expressed his desire for us to build the church on this land in the near future. The guests were addressed by a young Tanja Bilaković who was head of the program and on this occasion  gave the icon of the Holy Mother of God as a gift to our church, which she herself painted. On behalf of the building fund, parishioner Mrs. Vera Watkins welcomed our guests and stressed the importance of collecting donations for the construction of our future church. Many of the attendees gave their contribution immediately. We thank all of them. Grain by grain, dollar for dollar, with God's help and good will we shall build the Church to the glory of God and for generations to come.

Jovanka Loncaric
Translated by Tanja Bilakovic

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[Archived News] Monday, July 23, 2012

Second Week of St. Sava Camp in Session

Shadeland, PA -
The 2012 camp season at St. Sava Camp in Shadeland, Pa officially began on Sunday, July 15, 2012 with over 70 children in attendance. As every week, the children come from all over to attend St. Sava Camp. There were children from New York, Georgia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio and Windsor, Canada. V. Rev. Stavrophor Rodney Torbic and V. Rev. Milovan Katanic were the clergy assigned the first week.

Currently, the second week is in session with Rev. Miladin Blagojevic, Rev. Dragoslav Kosic and Protodeacon Milan Medakovic assigned as clergy. 

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[Archived News] Friday, June 22, 2012

Memory Eternal

Richfield, OH – A Divine Liturgy was celebrated along with a parastos in memory of His Grace Bishop Dr. Sava (Vukovic) of Sumadija of blessed repose on Saturday 16 June 2012 at Monastery Marcha.  His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church was present at the Divine Liturgy and served the Parastos.  The Divine Liturgy and Paratos were served by Archimandrite Leontije (Alavanja), Rev. Frs. Mijoljub Matic and Aleksa Pavichevich, Protodeacon Milan Medakovic and Deacon Ljubisa Mitrovic.

His Grace Bishop Dr. Sava of Sumadija was the second bishop to occupy the Episcopal Throne of the Eastern American Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church. He succeed His Grace Bishop Stefan (Lastavica) of blessed repose.  He served the Diocese of Eastern America from 1 June 1967 to 13 September 1977. Among his many accomplishments His Grace Bishop Dr. Sava founded Monastery Marcha. Monastery Marcha served as the diocesan administrative headquarters in the early years of Bishop Sava’s service to the Eastern American Diocese.

After the Divine Liturgy and Parastos a lenten meal was served by Igumanija Ana and the sisterhood of Monastery Marcha.

May the memory of Bishop Dr. Sava be eternal.

Submitted: Protodeacon Fr. Milan Medakovic

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[Archived News] Monday, June 11, 2012

Youngwood Parish Celebrates 100 Years
By Melony Musgrave

Youngwood, PA - With great pride in our forefathers who struggled and sacrificed in order to found and perpetuate our Holy Church, and much joy in the celebration of an important milestone, parishioners and friends of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord Church in Youngwood, Pennsylvania, celebrated 100 years of service to God on May 20, 2012.
Divine Liturgy was concelebrated by Proto Dragoljub Malich and former parish priest Proto Stephen Zaremba and  Proto Vladimir Demshuk. The choir was directed by Shan Stanoszek and the Epistle was read by Lauren Musgrave. Honored Kumovi were Phil Monte and Angeline Babich.
Our entire parish was also honored and delighted to have as guests our former Popadija Slavonka Micich, who with her son, Blagoje Micich, traveled from New York City and former Protinica Svetlana Zaremba and her daughter Jovana, who traveled from St. Petersburg, Florida.  Our former parish priests Proto Adam Yonitch with Protinica Roberta and Proto George Yatsko also attended along with area priests Proto Stevo Rocknage with Protinica Joanne, Proto Dr. Rodney Torbic, and Proto Rade Merick with Protinica Donna.
After the Divine Liturgy, Slava Litia, and the cutting of the Slavski Kolac, all parishioners and guests enjoyed a continental breakfast in the social hall and then proceeded the short distance to the banquet hall of the Youngwood Fire Department to enjoy a gala celebration complete with sit-down dinner, open bar hosted by the Youngwood firemen, a sweet table prepared by the ladies of the church which included homemade apple and cheese strudels and other Serbian delicacies, and music by Radost.
The newly renovated banquet hall, decorated in the traditional red, blue, and white colors of the Serbian Trobojka, and configured in round tables of eight, looked beautiful with fresh floral table centerpieces created and donated by Bernadette Barron.
Each person in attendance received a copy of our 122 page 100th Anniversary commemorative book; a special book of spiritual readings, Pileca Supa for the Soul, created and donated by Shan Stanoszek; a lovely program prepared by Mary Collins; and a beautiful wooden commemorative icon of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord donated by Mitzi Maystorovich in memory of her sister, Bojana Maystorovich. A door prize consisting of an evening’s lodging and brunch for two at Seven Springs Resort was won by Catherine Anthony.
Proto Malich delivered the keynote address; Stephen Cropper, Chief Meteorologist at WPXI, Channel 11, served as master of ceremonies; and Jovana Zaremba delighted all in attendance with her beautiful renditions of the American and Serbian National Anthems.
The committee members who worked countless hours to hold this beautiful and memorable 100th Slava were Alex Morvosh, chairman; Shan Stanoszek, vice chair; Marianne Klassen; Sherry Stokes; Kim Kabaci; Melony Musgrave; Gary Musgrave; Angie Babich; Bernadette Barron; Amelia Damiano; Diane Naglich; and Darrell Hill.
On the day of our 100th Krsna Slava, the sun shone brightly from a cloudless sky on our Church, our parishioners, and all of our guests. We thank God for the abundant blessings He has given us, and we  sincerely thank all of you, who represented most of the Serbian Orthodox Churches of Western Pennsylvania, for coming to share this beautiful day with us.
May God grant our Church and our many friends many more years! Mnogaja Ljeta! 

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[Archived News] Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Youngstown Parish Celebrates Church Slava

Youngstown, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan served the Holy Hierarchical Liturgy on Pentecost Sunday, June 3, 2012 at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio.  He was assisted by Protodeacon Milan Medakovich.  Vespers were served after Liturgy followed by a procession around the church.  A Slava banquet was held in the Holy Trinity Serbian Memorial Hall afterwards, which was prepared and served by the Kolo Srpskih Sestara.  His Grace gave a very inspiring Sermon and spoke of the significance of the descent of the Holy Spirit, and that it was not until Pentecost that the Holy Apostles understood Christ completely.
Kumovi for the Slava were Mrs. Joamie Hanlon and daughters Macy and Mia.  During the banquet high school and college graduates were honored for their accomplishment and presented with a gift from the church school congregation - Holy Bible for high school and an Icon of their Patron Saint for college.  Graduating from college is Brittany Danilov and High School graduates are Stephanie Budaker, Dragan Juzbasich, Marina Neskovich, and Ivana Zarkovic.  May God grant them many years - Ziveli, Na Mnogaja Ljeta!

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[Archived News] Monday, May 21, 2012

Youngwood Parish Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary

By Melony Musgrave

Youngwood, PA - With great pride in our forefathers who struggled and sacrificed in order to found and perpetuate our Holy Church, and much joy in the celebration of an important milestone, parishioners and friends of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord Church in Youngwood, Pennsylvania, celebrated 100 years of service to God on May 20, 2012.
Divine Liturgy was concelebrated by Proto Dragoljub Malich and former parish priest Proto Stephen Zaremba and  Proto Vladimir Demshuk. The choir was directed by Shan Stanoszek and the Epistle was read by Lauren Musgrave. Honored Kumovi were Phil Monte and Angeline Babich.
Our entire parish was also honored and delighted to have as guests our former Popadija Slavonka Micich, who with her son, Blagoje Micich, traveled from New York City and former Protinica Svetlana Zaremba and her daughter Jovana, who traveled from St. Petersburg, Florida.  Our former parish priests Proto Adam Yonitch with Protinica Roberta and Proto George Yatsko also attended along with area priests Proto Stevo Rocknage with Protinica Joanne, Proto Dr. Rodney Torbic, and Proto Rade Merick with Protinica Donna.
After the Divine Liturgy, Slava Litia, and the cutting of the Slavski Kolac, all parishioners and guests enjoyed a continental breakfast in the social hall and then proceeded the short distance to the banquet hall of the Youngwood Fire Department to enjoy a gala celebration complete with sit-down dinner, open bar hosted by the Youngwood firemen, a sweet table prepared by the ladies of the church which included homemade apple and cheese strudels and other Serbian delicacies, and music by Radost.
The newly renovated banquet hall, decorated in the traditional red, blue, and white colors of the Serbian Trobojka, and configured in round tables of eight, looked beautiful with fresh floral table centerpieces created and donated by Bernadette Barron.
Each person in attendance received a copy of our 122 page 100th Anniversary commemorative book; a special book of spiritual readings, Pileca Supa for the Soul, created and donated by Shan Stanoszek; a lovely program prepared by Mary Collins; and a beautiful wooden commemorative icon of the Holy Ascension of Our Lord donated by Mitzi Maystorovich in memory of her sister, Bojana Maystorovich. A door prize consisting of an evening’s lodging and brunch for two at Seven Springs Resort was won by Catherine Anthony.
Proto Malich delivered the keynote address; Stephen Cropper, Chief Meteorologist at WPXI, Channel 11, served as master of ceremonies; and Jovana Zaremba delighted all in attendance with her beautiful renditions of the American and Serbian National Anthems.
The committee members who worked countless hours to hold this beautiful and memorable 100th Slava were Alex Morvosh, chairman; Shan Stanoszek, vice chair; Marianne Klassen; Sherry Stokes; Kim Kabaci; Melony Musgrave; Gary Musgrave; Angie Babich; Bernadette Barron; Amelia Damiano; Diane Naglich; and Darrell Hill.
On the day of our 100th Krsna Slava, the sun shone brightly from a cloudless sky on our Church, our parishioners, and all of our guests. We thank God for the abundant blessings He has given us, and we  sincerely thank all of you, who represented most of the Serbian Orthodox Churches of Western Pennsylvania, for coming to share this beautiful day with us.
May God grant our Church and our many friends many more years! Mnogaja Ljeta! 

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[Archived News] Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Giving Helping Hands To Places of Worship

Courtesy: Wall Street Journal

The Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sava, a storied church nestled among offices and bustling shops on West 25th Street was in need of divine intervention in 1990. The roof of the 19th-century Gothic Revival landmark was near collapse. Restoration costs alarmed the congregation. Finding specialists able to tackle the intricate project was daunting.
The water damage was threatening an edifice with a solid place in the city's architectural history. Built as an "uptown" Episcopal chapel for Trinity Church on lower Broadway, the building on 25th Street was designed in 1850 by acclaimed Trinity architect Richard Upjohn. The chapel thrived for decades but many of its members eventually began moving still farther north and the church building was sold to the Serbian Orthodox community during World War II.
By 1990, the physical condition of the church had severely deteriorated. "We needed to make the building safe," said the Rev. Djokan Majstorovic, who has been pastor of St. Sava's for 13 years.
The answer to St. Sava's prayers was Sacred Sites, an arm of the New York Landmarks Conservancy dedicated to restoring religious institutions throughout the state. The nonprofit gave St. Sava a seed grant of $6,500 to hire a building conservator who drafted a master restoration plan.
Since then, the program has provided four grants and helped the church to raise $3.5 million—mostly from members of its congregation—to restore shingles on the slate roof, replace gutters and refurbish the aging facade of the building bordering the Flatiron and NoMad districts.

The Landmarks Conservancy started Sacred Sites in 1986 to help provide money and technical assistance in restoring religious buildings, armed with a $100,000 grant from the J.M. Kaplan Fund.

"It became apparent to us by all the requests for help that these churches were crumbling away," said Joan K. Davidson, who was president of the Kaplan Fund at the time. "It's a constant battle to save these places and sometimes you have to save them from being demolished or death by decay."

Sacred Sites has provided $7.5 million to 680 religious organizations across New York, including 200 city landmarks. Projects included the renovation of stained-glass windows at the Free Synagogue of Flushing in Queens, replacement of the roof and Tiffany windows at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, and refurbishing the bell tower of St. Ann's Episcopal Church in the South Bronx.

The grants cover between 10% and 30% of total restoration costs. That funding also provides leverage for institutions to get loans and other grants and aids in capital fundraising, according to Sacred Sites director Ann-Isabel Friedman. Money from the program routinely goes for roof and other structural repairs, the most pressing problem for most institutions and one they must tackle before cosmetic changes begin.

Religious leaders say the moral support is often more critical than the cash.
"It's like a big sister or brother putting their hands on your shoulder and saying, 'Relax. We've seen this before. This can get done,'" said the Rev. Christopher Miller, pastor of Brown Memorial.
To showcase the work of Sacred Sites, an estimated 140 congregations that have benefited from funding, including 40 in the city, will host open houses May 19-20 so neighbors can see the restorations. "It's like a big sister or brother putting their hands on your shoulder and saying, 'Relax. We've seen this before. This can get done,'" said the Rev. Christopher Miller, pastor of Brown Memorial.
To showcase the work of Sacred Sites, an estimated 140 congregations that have benefited from funding, including 40 in the city, will host open houses May 19-20 so neighbors can see the restorations.
The outreach comes at a crucial time. The recession has made getting funding more competitive for religious groups, and in 2011, New York state didn't award any restoration grants to religious institutions for the first time in 24 years, Ms. Friedman said.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo's office said the grant application process changed last year and the recipients were selected based on the economic priorities of the community.

"The regional economic development councils were created to streamline state funds, thereby empowering communities to prioritize how they use state support and

Demonstrating that repairs to a house of worship will spur economic growth in such categories as creating long-term jobs is a challenge, preservation experts concede. But they argue that religious buildings provide needed services such as day care and food pantries at a time at a time when funding for such programs are scarce.

"Religious institutions are the centers of communities. They provide important social services and become a bastion of justice and help," said Ms. Davidson.
Some religious buildings didn't get enough help in time because of poor maintenance.
In 2006, the First Roumanian-American Congregation, a 150-year-old sanctuary on the Lower East Side's Rivington Street that was famous for its musical acoustics, was reduced to rubble after the roof collapsed. 
But even so, she said, "If our program wasn't here, we might have had more Rivington Streets."

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[Archived News] Saturday, April 28, 2012

In Memoriam: V. Rev. Stavrophor +Janko Rajlich

It is with great sadness that we report that V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Rajlich passed away in the Lord today, Saturday, April 28, 2012.

The Pomen will be served on Monday, April 30th at 7pm and the Holy Hierarchical Requiem Liturgy will begin at 10am on Tuesday, May 1, 2012. The funeral service will begin afterward.

May Fr. Janko's memory be eternal. Вечнаја памјат!

VERY REVEREND STAVROFOR JANKO RAJLICH YOUNGSTOWN – The Very Reverend Stavrofor Janko Rajlich, 74, fell asleep in the Lord on April 28, 2012, in Youngstown. He was born in Stari Majdan, Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), a son of the late Milan and Jelena (Vuckovic) Rajlich. He was the husband of the late Protinica Srbobranka Rajlich, whom he married on Nov. 1, 1959. He was the father of Alexandra Debelnogich (Goran) of Macedonia; grandfather of Jelena and Stefan; and brother of Dragan Bilbija, Milica Miljus, Dusanka Kosojevic and the late Borislav Bilbija. He was the parish priest of the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown and Dean of the Cleveland Deanery. He was a member of the Ecclesiastical Court, and the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Eastern America of the Serbian Orthodox Church. Calling hours for Fr. “John” Rajlich will be held on Monday, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, with a Pomen (prayer service) at 7 p.m. at 39 Laird St. in Youngstown. The funeral will be on Tuesday, May 1, at 10 a.m. at the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church, 39 Laird St. in Youngstown. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the care of the Vaschak-Kirila Funeral Home. Please visit www.vaschak-kirilafh.com to view this obituary or to send condolences to the family. Memory Eternal – Vjecnaja Pamjat.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Twenty Fourth Annual Cleveland Christian Education Deanery Meeting

Akron, OH - The Twenty-Fourth Annual Christian Education Meeting of the Cleveland Deanery was scheduled by His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN to be held at the St. Demetrious Serbian Orthodox Church of Akron, Ohio. The meeting was held on March 24, 2012. Very Reverend Stavrofor Janko Ralich is the Dean of the Cleveland Deanery. Prota Ralich has been a part of the Christian Deanery meetings since their very beginning. He greeted the participants and expressed his appreciation to His Grace and to all who came. Father Janko Raljich said the Deanery meeting was very important and was held for the love of God. He said the children are our future. He thanked the parish for being the host.

The host parish priest at St. Demetrious Church was the Very Reverend Djordje Mileusnic. Prota Djordje was very pleased to have his parish host the meeting and was enthusiastic in accepting the responsibility. He warmly welcomed the participants. His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN appointed Reverend Father Aleksa Pavichevich to be the designated speaker for the meeting.

Father Pavichevich gave an extensive interactive presentation that addressed the challenges facing Christian Education, Father Pavichevich’s talk included the importance of setting good goals for Christian Education. He said goals should be specific, measurable, timed, realistic and public. Father Aleksa had the seminar attendees do exercises to become familiar with the themes of his talk. The presentation stimulated discussion and generated enthusiasm among the participants.

The presentation of parish reports followed Father Aleksa’s talk. The submission of written and oral reports from the parishes are a standard feature of the Deanery meetings as they provide a written record of the state of education and provide for sharing throughout the Diocese. The Cleveland Deanery has expanded in size in recent years and includes Ohio parishes in Akron(2), Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland(2), Columbus, Lorain(2), Norton, Warren and Youngstown(2). The parish in Hermitage, Pennsylvania and the Lackawanna, New York parish are also part of the Deanery.

Participants in the meeting in addition to those mentioned included His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, Archimandrite Leontije(Alavanja), Very Reverend Stavrofor Dragan Filipovic, Very Reverend Dragomir Tuba, Very Reverend Dr. Zivojin Jakovjlevic, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic, Protonamesnik Mioljub Matic, Reverend Father Isak Kisin, Reverend Father Dragan Goronjic and Reverend Deacon Ljubisa Mitrovic.

Additional participants included Mile Andjelkovich, Sister Anastasia of Monastery Marcha, Popdijia Emily Pavichevich, Donna Jovich, Paula Rager, Lynn Volovsky, and Sonja Hages. The St. Demetrious parishioners provided a healthy Lenten luncheon for the meeting attendees. The St. Demetrious Youth Choir gladdened the hearts of all present with their wonderful singing. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN demonstrated the continuing importance of Christian Education in the Eastern American Diocese by being present and actively participating at this meeting.

His Grace thanked Father Djordje and the parishioners for their gracious hospitality. From the beginning of His Episcopacy in the Eastern American Diocese, His Grace has committed to the holding of Christian Education Deanery meetings and has consistently been present to participate. The Deanery meetings have continued to evolve as informative and important venues for strengthening Christian Education in the Diocese. Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bishop Mitrophan Celebrates Paschal Liturgy in Monroeville

Monroeville, PA - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America officiated at the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Monroeville, PA on the church's Feast of all feasts - the Resurrection of Christ, Pascha.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 10, 2012

First Confession in Steelton Parish

Steelton, PA - During the 2012 season of Great Lent, students in the second grade class of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church, Steelton, PA prepared for their First Holy Confession.

Under the guidance of their Church School teacher, Andrea Gunther, the students focused on the Sacrament of  Holy Confession  and learned the effects of wrong-doing while constantly being reminded of God’s ever forgiving love.

A special vesper service was scheduled on the Eve of St. Lazarus and the children listened as our spiritual leader Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich discussed the importance of repentance through the parables of Zacchaeus the Tax Collector, the Publican and the Pharisee and the Prodigal Son.  Afterward, each child received their individual First Holy Confession and a blessed icon of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to commemorate this meaningful event.

Church school students who received their First Holy Confession:
Dejan Krstic and Matthew Hoover
Andrea Gunther

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[Archived News] Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hermitage Parish Hosts Lenten Vespers

Hermitage, PA - The St. George parish hosted the last of the Deanery Vespers on Sunday, April 8, 2012, Palm Sunday. His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America joined the clergy for the evening Vesper service. V. Rev. Janko Rajlich, the dean of the Cleveland Deanery, led the evening service with the concelebration of eight priests both from the Cleveland deanery and the local pan Orthodox community and one deacon.

Protodeacon Milan Medakovic delivered the homily evening homily.

A lenten meal was served in the hall following the service. His Grace the bishop greeted everyone during the meal and reminded them of the great importance of the ensuing days of Holy Week.

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[Archived News] Monday, April 9, 2012

New Icons on Iconostas Blessed in Niagara Fall Parish

Niagara Fall, ON -  On Vrbica-Palm Sunday April 8, 2012 at the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Niagara Falls, Ontario a great celebration took place with His Grace Dr. Bishop Mitrofan: the consecration of the Icons on Iconostas.
The icons were painted in Serbia by iconografer Miloje Milinkovic, who is a well known iconographer in the USA and Serbia. In the United States and Serbia Miloje has painted in several Orthodox Churches.

The Icons were gifted to the Church by the Kolo Srpskih Sestara (KSS) of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Niagara Falls who celebrated their 75th anniversary last year.
Prior to the Divine Liturgy, His Grace Dr. Bishop Mitrofan together with Father Radisha Ninkovic and our parish priest Father Dejan Obradovic consecrated the new icons on the Iconostas. Following the Divine Liturgy His Grace Dr. Bishop Mitrofan gave a wonderful and inspiring sermon regarding Palm Sunday and the meaning of Icons.
A lenten meal followed which was prepared by the women of the local Kolo Sestara. During the meal president Dusan Kolundzic welcomed everyone for this unique celebration.  Father Dejan Obradovic thanked God and others who assisted with the project of the new Icons. His Grace Dr Bishop Mitrofan offered kind words during the meal, stressing the need to keep unity.

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[Archived News] Saturday, March 31, 2012

Великопосно вече – Атланта
Атланта, Џорџија - Четврте недеље Великог поста, у недељу 25. марта 2012. године, великопосно вечерње служено је  у Атланти, у  цркви светих апостола Петра и Павла.

Вечерњу службу служио је протонамесник о. Драган Зарић из Шарлота. Отац Драган је у Атланту стигао заједно са групом својих парохијана.

Надлежни свештеник о. Миладин захвалио се свим присутним а нарочито драгим гостима из Шарлота на њиховом доласку, нагласивши  важност Литургијског окупљања верних у Цркви. О. Миладин изразио је велико задовољство што ове две парохије имају изузету сестринско-братску везу и да је на нама свима, да овакве за сваку похвалу  односе  само учвршћујемо и проширујемо.

Прота Драган у пригодној беседи захвалио се  о. Миладину и свим његовим парохијаним на изузетном гостопримству, притом рекавши да су његови парохијани и он лично још увек  под дивним утиском када је преко педесет верника из Атланте дошло у Шарлот поводом освећења темеља за нову цркву. У наставку о. Драган се осврнуо на богослужбени карактер Великопосног богослужења његовог смисла и значаја за верни народ.

Речи захвалности за гостопримство дао је  гост  књижевник  Данило Марић, а искрену добродошлицу нашим увек радо виђеним гостима исказала је и преседница КСС г. Јованка Лончарић.

Посну, а веома укусну вечеру припремиле су наше вредне сестре из Кола.


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[Archived News] Monday, March 26, 2012

Bishop Mitrophan Attends Lenten Vespers in Youngstown Parish

Youngstown, OH - His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America attended the Lenten Vespers for the Cleveland Deanery, the second group, hosted by Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio.

V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Rajlich, the dean led the evening's service with the con-celebration of V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragan Filipovic, V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic and host Rev. Dragan Goronjic.

In his homily Fr. Dragomir said that it's already been a month that we've been fasting and people will have various reactions - some might say how fast the time has gone while others might groan knowing there are still three weeks to go. He then took a more in depth look into what it means to fast and is it to God's benefit or the benefit of our souls. In the end, having made an argument of the great need for fasting and prayer in our lives, he posed the question, does anyone have the right to complain that there are more weeks of the fast.

A lenten meal followed prepared by the hardworking women of the local Kolo Sestara. His Grace the bishop offered kind words during the meal, stressing the need to keep unity and peace in our parishes.

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[Archived News] Friday, March 23, 2012

St. Petersburg Deanery Clergy Confession and Christian Education Meeting
Jacksonville, FL - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN scheduled the Fifth St. Petersburg Deanery Meeting on Christian Education to be held at St. King Milutin Serbian Orthodox Church of Jacksonville, Florida. The meeting was held on Saturday, March 17, 2012 in conjunction with the St. Petersburg Deanery Clergy Confession.

The St. Petersburg Deanery previously was a part of the Washington Deanery and has shown much growth in recent years. In addition to significant activity in the individual parishes, the Deanery has held youth camps that are very well attended.

The St. Petersburg Deanery consists of parishes located in Atlanta, Georgia; Greensboro and Charlotte, North Carolina; and Florida parishes in Clearwater, Jacksonville, North Miami, North Port, Orlando and St. Petersburg. Reverend Father Stanislav Kravljaca is the parish priest of St. King Milutin Serbian Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, Florida. Father Stephen Zaremba is the Dean of the St. Petersburg Deanery.

Clergy confession was held early on Saturday morning prior to the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Father Rodney Torbic served as the priest confessor. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN officiated at the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Clergy serving with His Grace included Very Reverend Stavrofor Jovan Todorovich, Very Reverend Stavrofor Dr. Rodney Torbic, Very Reverend Stephen Zaremba, Very Reverend Svetozar Veselinovich, Very Reverend Dragan Zaric and and Very Reverend Dr. Ioann Voloshchuic. Father Kravljaca warmly welcomed the attendees to the parish.

Father Zaremba emphasized the need for our youths to believe in Christ and to attend the Divine services of the Church. He said education classes are not to be held during the time when Divine services are held. Father Dragan Zaric of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, North Port, Florida gave a well-developed presentation on Christian Education that included referencing the Bible, Holy Apostle Paul, St. Gregory the Theologian and Sts. Cyril and Methodius. Father Zaric focused on the importance of love as essential in Christian education.

Reports were given of Christian education efforts in the various parishes of the Deanery. The Winter Camp for the Deanery was discussed. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN spoke of the willingness of the Diocese to be of help and of the value of cooperation within the Deanery.

Additional clergy also participating in the meeting included Reverend Father Ljubisa Brnjos, Reverend Father Miladin Blagojevic and Reverend Father Dragoslav Kosic. Protinica Mirjana Todorovich also was present for the meeting. His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN travels many miles and invests significant time and effort to strengthening Christian Education and camp programs in the Diocese. This was the third in a current series of Deanery meetings on Christian Education being held recently.
Father Rodney Torbic 

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[Archived News] Wednesday, March 22, 2012

Clergy Confession in Eastern Diocese

Pittsburgh, PA - With the blessings of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern America clergy confession for Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Washington Deaneries was held on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Pittsburgh. V. Rev. Stavrophor Rastko Trbuhovich was served as father confessor.

The holy Hierarchical Presanctified Liturgy was officiated by Bishop Mitrophan with the con-celebration of the deanery deans. In his homily the bishop reminded the clergy that were present for the holy rite of confession that it is by the cross that we bear that Christ will recognize us. "The Lord bore His own Cross," the bishop reminded the clergy, "He did not seek another cross but bore His own. Similarly, we are called to bear our own cross."  

A luncheon was prepared by the cathedral Kolo Sisters after the liturgy. Following the luncheon the bishop asked the clergy if there was anything questions or issues that they wished to bring up at that time. The clergy engaged in a discussion with their diocesan bishop and brother clergy for the betterment of both their respective parishes and their own spiritual lives.

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[Archived News] Thursday, March 22, 2012

Twenty Fourth Annual Washington Deanery Meeting

Lebanon, PA - His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN scheduled the Twenty-Fourth Annual Washington Deanery Meeting on Christian Education to be held at the Holy Resurrection of Christ Serbian Orthodox Church in Lebanon, Pennsylvania on March 10, 2012. The host priest was Reverend Father Christopher Rocknage.

The day began with the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and the Deanery Meeting was held afterwards. Father Rocknage and Washington Deanery Dean Very Reverend Stavrofor Srboljub Jockovich warmly welcomed the participants and emphasized the importance of the meeting. Clergy and teachers from the Deanery were invited to attend and participate.

His Grace Bishop Dr.MITROPHAN designated Very Reverend Djokan Majstorovic as the speaker. Protopresbyter Majstorovic is the Dean of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in New York City and serves as President of the Serbian Orthodox Clergy Brotherhood of North America. Father Majstorovic is an experienced parish priest and is the father of a college age son and teenage daughter. Father Majstorovic spoke on the theme: “How Can the Church Best Meet the Needs of Her Teenagers.” He said the Church’s mission is more difficult because of the nature of our secular and pluralistic society. Not many Serbian Orthodox families are linked to the Church and their ethnic heritage. Father Majstorovic said the Church must take responsibility to help teenagers address moral and spiritual values. He said clergy, lay leaders and teachers must maintain high spiritual credibility and moral values in the eyes of teenagers. The Church must show Christian love, forgiveness, understanding and openness toward teenagers. In his very well-developed talk, Father Majstorovic examined the role of the home and the parish in the spiritual development of teenagers. Increased engagement of youth in the Church was advocated. An extended and very substantive discussion followed the presentation.

The Washington Deanery includes parishes in Portland, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts; New York City , New York; Paterson and Elizabeth, New Jersey; and Philadelphia, Lebanon and Steelton, Pennsylvania. There is also a parish in the Deanery for the Washington D.C. area. Oral and written reports of Christian Education highlights were prepared and submitted by the parishes of the Deanery. Participants in the meeting in addition to those mentioned were

Protopresbyter Aleksandar Vlajkovic, Reverend Father Vladislav Radujkovic, Reverend Father Zoran and Popidija Vesna Radovic, Reverend Father Milorad and Popadija Milena Orlic, Reverend Father Nathan Preston, Protodeacon Milan Medakovic, Joseph Rakalevich, Miroslav Frederick Pantelich, Nesh Pantelich, Anastasia Ilijin, and Predrag Perich. Church school students Sarah and David Radovic were also in attendance.

His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN consistently schedules and participates in the Deanery meetings. He stressed the need for teachers to be present and stated that holding a seminar for teachers at Shadeland would be beneficial. His Grace spoke of the potential value of having on-line classes for Christian education. His Grace expressed appreciation to Father Christopher Rocknage and the parishioners of the Holy Resurrection of Christ Serbian Orthodox Church for the wonderful hospitality demonstrated in hosting the meeting.

Father Rodney Torbic


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[Archived News] Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lenten Vespers in Youngstown Parish

Youngstown, OH - Lenten Vespers was hosted by the Holy Trinity Serbian Orthodox Church in Youngstown, Ohio on the Third Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of the Holy Cross. Host priest and dean V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Rajlich served with the concelebration of V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragan Filipovic, V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic and Rev. Dragan Goronjic.

Fr. Milovan gave the homily in which he pointed out that the depth of our Orthodox faith is found precisely in the Cross and our veneration of it for it is through the Cross that we know God.

A lenten meal was prepared by the Kolo Sestara from the Youngstown parish

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[Archived News] Monday, March 12, 2012

Aliquippa Parish Hosts Lenten Vesper Services

Aliquippa, PA - "I felt like I was at one of the best concerts in the world," said Mickey Martich of Steubenville's Holy Resurrection parish.  "Your choir sang so beautifully!"  

Her husband, George, readily agreed.  "It was a beautiful service, and I'm glad we came," the former SNF President said as he sat at one of the tables in the church hall after the evening vesper services held in St. Elijah's church in Aliquippa for the 2nd Sunday of Lent on Sunday, March 11, 2011.

Everyone in attendance will attest to the fact that there was a spiritual uplifting during the service under the auspices of V. Rev. Fr. Stevan Stepanov, V. Rev. Fr. Rade Merrick, Rev.V. Rev. Fr. Rodney Torbic,  V. Rev. Fr. Rajko Kosic, and Fr. Milan Pajic.  Besides a full-house choir participating, Fr. Pajic delivered the homily, and afterwards, all in attendance walked over to the St. Elijah Center for fellowship and a meal prepared by the K.S.S. and the St. Elijah's Men Club.  Father Stepanov and St. Elijah President Mickey Mrkal thanked all who came to make the evening so special, especially our guests from Carmichaels, Steubenville, Midland, and Pittsburgh who along with us, all felt joy in witnessing such a beautiful service and evening of goodwill.

Earlier in the day, someone remarked to me, "I can't believe that you are going to church TWO times in ONE day!" My answer was, "Try it.  You'll like it!" To me, it was "Double the pleasure, double the fun," and it wasn't Bubblemint gum, but something you can REALLY sink your teeth into:  Learning more about our own Orthodox Christian faith!

Milana (Mim) Karlo Bizic

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[Archived News] Monday, March 5, 2012

Twenty-Fourth Annual Pittsburgh Deanery Meeting

Weirton, WV - With the Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Twenty Fourth Annual Pittsburgh Deanery Christian Education Meeting was held on February 18, 2012. The Holy Resurrection Serbian Orthodox Church of Steubenville, Ohio was the host parish. The Serbian Cultural Center in Weirton, West Virginia was the site of the meeting.

Episcopal Deputy Very Reverend Stavrofor Dragoljub Malich, Dean Very Reverend Stavrofor Stevan Stepanov and host priest Very Reverend Stavrofor Rade Merick addressed the importance of the meeting.

Very Reverend Stavrofor Michael Simerick, priest of the St.Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church in Johnstown, Pennsylvania was the designated speaker.

Father Simerick has extensive experience as a parish priest. He served twenty years as a chaplain for the United States Navy and is seriously interested in Christian education.

Father Michael gave a strong, balanced and very well received presentation. He drew from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Fathers of the Church to illustrate Christian education from an Orthodox perspective.

The speaker emphasized the importance of participation in the liturgical life of the Church. He stressed the importance of sacramental participation.

Father Simerick addressed the dangers and responsibilities of being a Christian educator. He stated directly: We cannot be true Orthodox Christians unless we are worshipping God in His Holy Church.”

Father Michael’s presentation resulted in an extended and healthy discussion.  Additional clergy participating in the seminar included Very Reverend Stavrofor Stevo Rocknage and Reverend Father Milan Pajic.

Written and oral reports of parish highlights were presented by each of the parishes. The written reports become part of a descriptive booklet shared among all parishes and with other Deaneries.

Father Pajic referenced the forthcoming summer camp season at Shadeland.  Father Rocknage spoke of the value of the forthcoming national gathering of Serbian Orthodox youths to take place in Boston.

Parish educators taking part in the meeting included Protinica Donna Merick, Juliann Taylor, Brian Hayden, David Silianoff, Carlos Garcia, Rosemarie Marinkovich, Cynthia Marangos, Melinda Rodgers, Lynn Busic, Margaret Zapor,  Paula Esapovich, and Millicent Hunchuck.

The Pittsburgh Deanery includes the Pennsylvania parishes located in Aliquippa, Carmichaels, Johnstown, McKeesport, Midland, Monroeville, Pittsburgh and Youngwood. The Steubenville, Ohio parish and the mission parish in Fairmont, West Virginia complete the Deanery.

Father Rodney Torbic

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[Archived News] Monday, February 27, 2012

Warren Parish Hosts Forgiveness Vespers

Warren, OH - The St. Elijah Church in Warren, Ohio hosted the first Lenten Vespers on the eve of Great Lent, Sunday, February 26, 2012, Forgiveness, or Cheesefare Sunday. Serving were V. Rev. Stavrophor Janko Rajlich, dean of the Cleveland Deanery, V. Rev. Stavrophor Dragan Filipovic, V. Rev. Dragomir Tuba, Protonamesnik Milovan Katanic and host priest Rev. Dragan Goronjic.

Fr. Dragan Filipovic delivered the homily at the end of the service. 

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[Archived News] Monday, February 27, 2012

Diocesan Annual Assembly

Aliquippa, PA - With the blessing of His Grace Bishop Mitrophan of Eastern American the annual Diocesan Assembly was hosted this year by the St. Elijah Serbian Orthodox Church in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania on February 24-25, 2012. 

The meeting began Friday with registration and the Invocation of the Holy Spirit. During the dinner which followed special recognition was given to Seya Mabee, long time secretary at the diocese, who retired at the close of 2011. She was awarded a Gramata in honor of her many years of faithful service. A heart-felt "Many Years" was intoned.

During the first session of the assembly the treasurer's report was heard as well reports from the auditing board, Diocesan relief fund, Christian Education, Shadeland and the 2012 budget was approved. As always, the reports began with the diocesan bishop  who delivered his annual report on the state of the diocese. His Grace reported on the various activities in the diocese, the construction and plans for construction of new churches in the diocese in cities such as Charlotte, Orlando, North Miami and Washington.  The bishop reported that there are currently 42 parishes, 43 active priests in the diocese in the addition to the monastics.

The second session of the assembly began early the next morning with the Holy Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. After coffee and refreshments the meeting continued with a presentation delivered by V. Rev. Dragan Zaric of St. Simeon the Myrrhflowing Serbian Orthodox Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fr. Dragan's presentation dealt with the topic of mission. He used is personal experience in the field of mission work as he had served a number of newly established mission parishes, from Portland, Oregon to Orlando, Florida to Charlotte and Greensboro, North Carolina. He was just recently appointed administrator of the newly established parish in Charlottesville, Virginia. A lively discussion followed his talk.

During the last item on the agenda, miscellaneous, clergy and delegates were given an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments.

A luncheon was served at the close of the meeting. Special thanks goes to V. Rev. Stavrophor Stevan Stepanov, the church board and committee members from St. Elijah Church in Aliquippa for their warm hospitality.

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[Archived News] Saturday, February 4, 2012

Светосавска Прослава у Синсинатију

Синсинати, Охајо - Српски народ је веома наклоњен деци. Имати више деце Срби сматрају великим породичним благословом, и са вером у Бога одгајају своју децу и труде се да их изведу на прави пут. Један од примера на који родитељи упућују своју децу је и пример светога Саве. Свети Сава је био дете из богате породице и имао је све али је изабрао другачији пут. Родитељи светога Саве Немања и Ана имали су два сина и неколико кћери, али су у дубини срца желели још једног сина који би био њихов наследник и бистро дете. Господ Бог по величини своје доброте остварио је њихову жељу. Растко(свети Сава)је био дете за пример и дете којег су сви волели.Чак и у својој раној младости је волео да размишља о вери, што је веома необично за младе особе.Ово не значи да није волео да ради и да се бави другим стварима, напротив, био је вредан и обављао је све своје свакодневне дужности. Али после рада у слободним часовима, најрадије је волео да размишља о великим тајнама човекова битисања и судбине.Свети Сава је знао радити и мислити.Ове особине створиле су најмудрију личност у нашој историји.

И дан данас свети Сава се поштује и слави, тако да смо и ми у Цркви светога Ђорђа у Синсинатију испоштовали тај највећи Српски празник на најбољи могући начин са вером у Бога и Њега. Јануара 29.ог, 2012.године Црквена Општина Светога Ђорђа у Синсинатију прославила је светога Саву на веома свечан начин. Света Литургија коју је служио протојереј Петар Петровић почела је по распореду у 10:30.часова пре подне. На лицима хора који предводи Ненси Хелбић и на лицу проте Петра примећивао се је благи осмех и радост, јер је црква била препуна народа и деце која су жељно очекивала почетак Светосавског Програма.Кумови славе Милан,Никола,Стака и Дамјан Глигоревић су се домаћински припремили за овај свети и свечани дан. После свете Литургије и благосиљања и резања славског колача, без оклевања Предраг и Данијела Перић са породицом су се прихватили да буду кумови за следећу светосавску Прославу. Сви присутни парохијани су са задовољством прешли у црквену салу, где је после молитве у част светога Саве приређен ручак и светосавски Програм у коме су учествовала деца наше парохије. Учитељи Веронауке Др.Слободан и Ајлин Станишић су се потрудили да деца одрецитују по нешто о светоме Сави. Тако смо на један свечан и традиционални начин прославили тај празник као што се то чини у свим Српским црквама и Школама.

Иако смо једна од најмањих парохија у Америци, ипак смо показали добру вољу, да овај дан обележимо на достојанствен начин. Са моје тачке гледишта приметило се је да су парохијани отишли својим кућама задовољни.Потрудимо се да увек тако буде у свим Српским црквама, да овај велики дан прослављамо у миру и слози и да поштујемо све празнике српскога народа.

Невенка Шајковић

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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Савиндан у Њујорку

Њујорк, Њујорк - У недељу 29. јануара 2012. године прослављена је слава српског храма Светог Саве у Њујорку. Том прииком свечано литургијско славље предводио је Његово Преосвешетнство Епископ западно-амерички Г. Максим, уз саслужење старешине храма о. Ђокана Мајсторовића, o. Владислава Радујковића, гостију из Богословије Св. Тихона и двојице ђакона.

После Свете Литургије освештан је и преломљен славски колач, којег су заједно са Владиком Максимом окретале десетине руку дјеце-ученика Недељне школе, који су потом извели предиван светосавски програм. Ђацима су се придружили и ученици Школе српског језика која дјелује при Српском Клубу у Квинсу.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 31, 2012

St. Sava Celebrated in Charlottesville

Charlottlesville, VA - On Saturday, January 28, 2012 a holy Divine Liturgy was served by Father Dragan Zaric from Charlotte, North Carolina at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Orthodox church in Charlottesville, Virginia.  In attendance were approximately 70 worshipers from both Charlottesville and Richmond.  After the liturgy, Father Dragan, along with Kum Zeljko Matic performed the ritual of breaking the Slava bread, with the participation of all the children in the church.  After breaking the Slava bread, Father Dragan invited parishioners to take up the role of Kumovi for the coming year.  The Kumovi for this coming year will be Ilija and Sanja Mitrovic.  Kum Zeljko thanked all the parishioners who helped with the preparations for the day, and especially the Circle of Serbian Sisters for the hearty feast.  A short program of recitations was ushered in by the singing of the hymn to Saint Sava, and the Kumovi handed out presents to all who participated in the recitations. After the program and the blessing of the food by Father Dragan, the Slava meal was served.

As the new Kum, I want to thank all those who participated in the preparations and the celebration of our Krsna Slavas (our Holy Feasts), and I invite all parishioners to come next year and to celebrate our Slava in even greater numbers – for together we are stronger and with our faith and strength we will ring our church bells throughout central Virginia!  Thanks to all in Christ our God,

Ilija Mitrovic

Дана 28 јануара 2012 године у суботу одржана је света архијерејска литургија коју је служио свештеник протојереј Драган Зарић из Шарлоте из Северне Каролине,у Украјинској цркви у Шарлотсвилу гдје је било присутно око 70 верника из Шарлотсвила и Ричмонда.После литургије отац Драган је са кумом Жељком приступио обреду ломљења славског колача, где су учествовала сва деца која су била у цркви.После обреда ломљења колача отац Драган је позвао парохијане да преузму кумство за следећу годину.Кумови за следећу годину су Илија и Сања Митровић.Кум Жељко се захвалио парохијанима на помоћи и припреми ,а посебно се захвалио колу српских сестара на богатој трпези.Уз Светосавску химну почео је културно забавни програм.За учеснике програма кумови су спремили поклон пакетиће.По завршетку програма отац Драган је благословио трпезу и почео је славски ручак.

Као нови кум захваљујем се свима који су учествовали у припреми и прослави наше крсне славе и позивам све парохијане да се и следеће године састанемо у што већем броју и да прославимо нашу крсну славу јер заједно смо јачи и уз нашу слогу и снагу закуцаће црквено звоно и на просторима централне Вирџиније.

Хвала вам свима ваш у Христа Бога благоверни,

Илија Брко Митровић.

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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shenango River Blessing

Hermitage, PA - A new tradition began in the Pan Orthodox community of the Shenango Valley in Northwest Pennsylvania on Sunday, January 22, 2012 as parishioners from the local Orthodox parishes gathered Sunday afternoon at the Shenango River for a Theophany celebration and the blessing of the Shenango River. The Shenango River is a principal tributary of the Beaver River in western Pennsylvania. It also briefly flows through small portions of northeastern Ohio.

Among the clergy was also the Serbian Orthodox priest, Fr. Milovan Katanic of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in Hermitage who also serves as President of the local Clergy Association of the Shenango Valley. This new tradition in the life of this pan Orthodox community sparked much interest and all the clergy were very pleasantly surprised at the many faithful who came and took part in this celebration.

As Fr. Calinic Berger aptly stated to the news media that were present, "... through Christ's baptism all creation is blessed....He came not just to save man, to save fallen man, to save sinners, but to re sanctify the whole creation. To give it a new genesis--a new descent of the Holy Spirit."

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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monongahela River Blessing

Carmichaels, PA - With the archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. Mitrophan, every year during the celebration of the Feast of Theophany, parishioners and friends of the St. George Serbian Orthodox Church in  Carmichaels, Pennsylvania gather on the banks of the banks of the nearby Monongahela River under the Masontown Bridge for the annual river blessing. This year the blessing took place following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, January 22, 2012.

The annual blessing of the Monongahela River is recognition of renewal by Christ identified with His Baptism by John in the River Jordan many centuries ago. The blessings of homes and individuals with holy water at this time of the year are further celebrations of the Feast of Theophany and recognition of the renewal in Christ that spreads throughout the world.
Father Rodney Torbic 

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[Archived News] Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lackawanna Parish Celebrates Church School Slava and Church School Slava of St. Sava

Lackawanna, NY - On Sunday, January 22, His Grace Bishop Mitrophan visited Lackawanna and presided at the annual celebration of the combined temple slava of St. Stephen, and the church school slava of St. Sava. Following the Liturgy the kolach for the St. Stephen slava was blessed in the church. Before the dinner the kolach for the St. Sava slava was blessed in the hall. The annual St. Sava Program followed the dinner. 

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[Archived News] Friday, January 13, 2012

Midland Family Honors Its Promise

Courtesy: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

After their widowed mother died in 1956, the five siblings in the Borato family of Midland promised each other that they always would spend Orthodox Christmas together.

They have kept their promise for 56 years, even after a brother, Milan, died four years ago at age 84. Each has taken turns hosting a traditional holiday dinner, the most celebratory meal of the year for Serbian Orthodox Christians.

Pauline "Pava" Borato died on May 5, 1956.

Daniel "Jake" Borato, 83, of Industry, played host this year to the dinner, held on Saturday in the St. Anthony Club in Midland. About 40 people, including 10 children and their families, attended. Some guests traveled from as far away as Florida, Georgia, Nebraska and Oklahoma.

"We're honoring her memory," Pauline Borato's daughter, Evelyn Dawson, 80, said of the family's decades-long tradition. "Our mother always told us, even as kids, how important it was to be together on Christmas."

Christmas is one of the holiest days of the year for Serbian Orthodox Christians who follow the Julian calendar. It is preceded by 40 days of fasting during Advent. Adherents do not eat meat, dairy or eggs until Christmas Day, which this year was Jan. 7. A meatless meal is served on Christmas Eve.

Christmas dinner is lavish, featuring roast pig, baked ham and abundant side dishes and desserts.

Dawson, the youngest sibling, lives in East Liverpool, Ohio, near Midland. Her brothers George, 89, and Nick, 85, reside in Westlake, Ohio, near Cleveland.

The location of the family's Christmas dinner rotates each year between the Midland area and Westlake.

The siblings held the dinners at their homes before moving them several years ago to restaurants and social halls to handle a growing family that now includes great-grandchildren.

"One year, when travel was cheaper, we had 83 people," said Mark Borato, 54, Daniel's son, who helped organize this year's dinner. "The siblings sit at the head table, with my Uncle George, as the oldest, leading the toasts.

"My cousins and I used to make toasts, too. By time we were through, though, the soup (at the dinner) was cold. Now, only my father and his brothers and sister make toasts."

Mark, who lives in Omaha, spent two weeks helping his parents prepare food for the dinner and a Christmas Eve dinner at their house.

"My cousins and my brother Ron and I are doing more of the work our parents used to do themselves," he said. "I roasted the pig and did a lot of baking this year. We made a ton of cookies.

"My cousins and I have discussed taking over the dinner entirely, but my father and his brothers and sister won't hear of it. They get tired, but still enjoy doing it."

"I want to do it as long as my health permits," Daniel Borato said.

Dawson looks forward to hosting the dinner in two years.

"God willing, I'll still be around," she said. "I think of my mother and how proud she would be that we're still getting together."

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[Archived News] Friday, January 13, 2012

Bishop Mitrophan Officiates as Badnje Vece Service in Monroeville

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[Archived News] Friday, January 13, 2012

Badnje Vece Celebrated at the Elizabeth, NJ Parish

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[Archived News] Monday, January 2, 2011

Sixth Annual Winter Retreat-Eastern American Diocese

Shadeland, PA - At the initiation and with the Archpastoral Blessing of His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN, the Sixth Annual Winter Retreat was held at St. Sava Camp-Shadeland in Springboro, Pennsylvania beginning the evening of December 27 and concluding on December 30, 2011.

The format of the retreat included evening and morning prayers, Vespers each day and the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy on Friday as the fitting conclusion. The theme of this year’s retreat was: John 3:15-“That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Diocesan clergy held classes on Wednesday and Thursday mornings discussing topics relating to the general theme as it relates to daily life. The Creed, repentance and the path to eternal life were highlighted.

A bonfire was held on Wednesday evening at which time Serbian Christmas customs and practices were reviewed. Earlier in the day on Wednesday the youths learned to sing songs associated with the Feast of the Nativity. Writing letters and team competition in Bible learning activities were enjoyable parts of the retreat this year as they were in previous years. Each afternoon the youths had the opportunity to play soccer in the snow or to sled ride. The Divine services were held in the beautiful Monastery of the Mother of God Church.

On Thursday evening, confessions were heard in the monastery church. His Grace Bishop Dr. MITROPHAN participated in the retreat on Thursday evening and Friday. His Grace talked with the youths after the evening meal on Thursday and joined with the youths in watching a movie on the History of Orthodoxy. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the youths watched the Sixty Minute documentary on Mt. Athos and a movie devoted to The Jesus Prayer as practiced in Orthodox monasteries.

Clergy participating in the retreat included: Father Dragomir Tuba, Father Rajko Kosic, Father Djokan Majstorovic, Father Mioljub Matic, Father Dejan Obradovich, Father Milan Pajic, and Protodeacon Milan Medakovich. Father Milovan Katanic and Father Dragoslav Kosic came during the retreat. Counselors included Nikola Vranesevic, Nikola Jovanovich, Gregory Yovetich, James T. Kordesich, Krista Jovanovich, Daniella Vucelich and Sonia Capuzzi. Robert Marshall also came to contribute.

Youths from the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, North Carolina and Niagara Falls, Canada participated in the retreat. Eastern Region Federation of Circle of Serbian Sisters President Millie Radovick pledged support and has been part of the retreats from very beginning. President Radovick ensures along with Kolo members helping that the participants have very well prepared meals in a very warm and hospitable atmosphere. In addition to helping with advance food preparations, Eastern Region KSS Vice President DeeDee Baskot carefully oversaw and detailed the application and registration process.

Additional adults helping with the retreat included Protinica Mirjana Majstorovic, former KSS Federation President Olga Dimitrejevic, Angeline Stojanovich, Daniel and Elaine Vucelich, Zicha and Slavica Markov, Savo Majstorovich and Ian Brenlov. Caretaker Scott and Lorrie Felix make sure the facilities at St. Sava Camp are well-prepared and ready for the retreat to be conducted. They make themselves available for assistance during the retreat.

Everyone participating in and helping with the retreat is deserving of expressed appreciation for having contributed significantly. God blessed this retreat in many different ways. Thanks be to God for this retreat as a means of preparing for the celebration of the Feast of the Nativity of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Father Rodney Torbic

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Diocese of Eastern America

65 Overlook Circle
New Rochelle, NY 10804


E-mail: diocese@easterndiocese.org 


Office & Residence: 

(914) 633-9000 - (914) 633-9009



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